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Multiple Settings The Poro Box (1 On 1 Romance Plots)

The Boxed Poro

Just a Poro in a Box
Hello and welcome to the box! I have been craving a few certain plots lately and I'm hoping to find someone interested in them as well!

About me:

You can call me Poro or Bunny. I'm 20 years old and I'm a big fan of fluffy romance drama cliche stuff and I'm hoping to find someone who is as crazy about them as I am right now. I normally only play Females and I have never done any FxF or MxM and don't really plan on it for any of these particular plots. If you are like me and really only play Female characters, I'd be willing to double up on some of the plots so we could each play the Female in the plot, but of course there would need to be a different twist to it and such. I've been roleplaying for about 10 years now, off and on. I've been out of the circle for a bit now but I'm looking to get back into it and improve upon my story writing. I can match any length of post and I absolutely love getting 5 paragraphs+ from my roleplay partners. I'm always interested in hearing other peoples ideas as well so if you go through my prompts and plots and don't see something you like, or you would like to make a little tweak to one, just let me know! I'm open to anything. I also don't mind darker tones but there are some limits to that. I'd prefer to roleplay over Discord as well and you can add me here: Bunny The Witless Wonder#8390

What I am looking for in a partner:

So, I'm going to be blunt. I'm looking for someone who won't ghost me, who can post lengthy, detailed posts at least twice a week (which is flexible because I know everyone is busy and has their days.) I'm also looking for someone who doesn't mind talking out of character with me as well! I love to go over our characters and comment about how the roleplay is going and I enjoy feedback! Someone who doesn't mind things getting a little dark now and again is also going to be a must for certain plots, if you have certain triggers or aren't comfortable with something just let me know! I get it and we'll work with it! Your ideas matter to me so I want to hear them! If you are comfortable with playing a male character then I'd greatly appreciate that you do. If you are like me and only play female characters, I'd be willing to double up on a plot so we can both get a chance. I am free to answer any and all question you have!


Personal favorites:

"The Supernatural world is not what it seems"

Character A is a pure blood werewolf and not just any werewolf, they are the alpha of a long line of alphas. Character B is a member of the Organization, a group of people trained in hunting down creatures of the supernatural (Witches, Werewolves and vampires specifically). Character B is from a long line of specifically werewolf hunters and has been raised their entire life to do nothing but kill werewolves and follow orders. Character B has been sent to take out Character A and their pack however things don't quite go as planned. Character B ends up in a brutal battle with Character A and barely manages to make it out alive but not unscathed. Character A has no recollection of the night because of the full moon and stumbles upon Character B, a large bite taken out of them. Because it's clear that Character B is now going to be a werewolf Character A takes them in and nurses them back to health. Since Character B is now a werewolf they have been disgraced by the organization and in turn are being hunted after by their own people. Character A has no clue who character B truly is and Character B has been raised to believe that werewolves are nothing but blood thirsty beasts... what will happen when Character B realizes they were wrong?

So this one is one of my personal favorites and have more or less built up a sort of world around "The Organization" and their traditions. I'd love to introduce someone else to my version of this world and I have many variations of it which is why this plot will always be 100% open. I'm willing to play either character A or B and I am also willing to double up on the plot as many times as you'd like. I always have been known to throw other characters into the mix to create drama and such. I'm also willing to hear your ideas and tweaks to the plot as well! Just PM me!

"I never thought I'd see you again...."

Character A is a member of wealthy family. Character B is an orphan, raised by the town itself for a few years and then taken in by the wealthy family to be trained up and to keep Character A company. The two start of a little hazy, constantly playing jokes on each other and causing a mess in the family but over time they grow increasingly closer and closer. One day however everything changes when the town is raided by pirates and in an attempt to kidnap Character A, they are stopped by Character B in a heroic act. Because of this the Pirates take their anger out of Character B and take them instead. Character A and the family believe Character B to be dead and after a few years the family gets over it, while honoring Character B for saving character A. Skip ahead another year and Character A is arranged to be married by their family, against their will and the wedding day is only a few days away when suddenly the town is raided again by another group of pirates and this time, Character B isn't there to save Character A and they get taken aboard the ship only something seems oddly familiar about the new captain...

So this is another one of my personal favorites. If you've ever seen The Princess Bride then you'll maybe realize that this was loosely based on that with my own twists. I have no problem playing either part and have no problem doubling up. This one can also take place in modern-ish day or Victorian era. PM me on here or on Discord for more info!

"I don't deserve you."

Character A and Character B are in Highschool, about to graduate. Character A is the goody-goody and has been dating their highschool sweet heart for a while now and they are the "perfect" couple. Character B is new in town and to the school and if your typical bad boy/girl trouble maker. Well, Character A and Character B are complete opposites with minor things in common at first and character A is willing to give Character B a chance when no one else in town will even try. Because of this Character A gains character B's trust and they grow to be friends until one day Character B ends up confessing their feelings for Character A and ruining everything. Character A is flustered and doesn't know what to do because they still care about their highschool sweetheart.

This one is your typical teenage drama story however there is an alternate version I have where the character are in their early 20s and it is a bit darker and has darker themes to it so if you are interested in the alternate version then let me know! Either way if you are interested just PM me on here or on Discord!

New Ideas!

"I never knew there were more like me..."

Character A has been bullied and discarded all their life, moving from foster home to foster home and never really fit in anywhere and they never knew why until one day it happened... they figured out they had super powers. Now they are on the run and probably have been for years at this point until they run into Character B. Someone else who is much like them but with different powers. Someone who finally understands them but... they have lived to completely different lives. Character B in a billionaire and owner of some large corporation where as Character A has nothing.

This one is a newer idea I've never done but am fully willing to play either part! Just Pm me on here or on Discord!

More Ideas to be added very very soon!!!!

If you have any plot ideas you'd like to try out Message me on discord and we can talk it out! However I do claim the right to say no to anyone.

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