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The Overlord

About Me/What to expect
  • Please be over 18, if there’s any romance at all I get uncomfortable with minors. I
  • I play both male and female characters but am most comfortable with males
  • Preference order goes platonic, MxF then MxM
  • Length wise, I can go from lit, advanced lit, to novella. I really try to match my partner as well as the situation. Some posts may call for more and some may call for less.
  • I’m a chatty person! I love OOC talk in rps. As the story progresses, and if you're okay with it, I'll send out memes, playlists, and the works.
  • Make sure we talk out limits! I really love darker themed roleplays and am open to exploring mature topics, but I don't want to push anything on anyone. Please please communicate with me! This is a partnership and I want it to run smoothly/us to both enjoy it.
  • I love plotting, but I believe it is a two way street. My plots below are left vague so you can jump in or we can build it around your character. I like leaving you room to bring your voice into the story.
  • For fandoms, I primarily play OCs and am more comfortable with those.

Original Plot Ideas (bold means craving)
Broad themes
  • Post Apocalyptic
  • Wild West​
  • Royalty(modern or historical)​
  • Political intrigue​
  • Vampires​
  • Star crossed lovers​
  • Enemies to lovers​
  • Horror/spooky rps​
Royal x commoner
That winter day when that bomb went off, no one knew what was coming next. All it took was young and inexperienced heir, a country that was already a lit powder keg, a court vying for a piece of the pie, and a world waiting for the fire to spread. In less than a month, the Emperor and Empress were dead, the world was at war, the struggling empire was in the clutches of a civil war, and the smiling snakes of advisors were just waiting to blame it all on Muse A. Day by day, they waited and undid all his efforts to stop it. All it would take was one assassin or one vote of no confidence and their plans would fall into place. Little did they know, they got more than they bargained for. In the blink of an eye, the capital erupted. With it, Muse A had to evacuate. No one expected them to become a ghost in the wind. Muse B wanted to be an innocent in the story. They didn't ask for their nation to go to war. They didn't ask for the mass death, the protests, the famines and destruction. When they stumble into an injured Muse A, well this was every further from how they pictured their war experience going. From the same nation or an enemy. The next steps might just change the shape of the war.

Life in The Fast Lane
I have ideas a plenty for this one. It stems from

Childhood racing friends
Mechanic x racer
Professional racer x street racer (could be childhood friends who drifted apart on different career paths)
Team manager/owner's daughter/son x racer
Former racer x stranger
racer x fan

and the list goes on. I do have plot ideas for some of these but I'd love to hear any ideas you may have too.

More of a character idea, semi a plot. Bring me ideas!
Muse A had been groomed his entire life to take over the family car business. The list of racing founded luxury comes up. Ferrari, Shelby, Aston Martin, Chevy, and it will eventually lead back to Muse A. He comes from a legacy of oil, grease, adrenaline, and innovation. But it seemed to have skipped a generation. His father was a business man through and through. He made the company not a household name, but one that those who know know well. If anything, Muse A was the opposite. He grew up watching the testing wanting nothing more than wanting to be out on the track. He'd go to events and races and get lost in the sounds. He grew up to know the cars inside and out, but he can't run a business to save his life. Too much of a loyalist to the company's founding values, To him, it's too much about the cars and too much about the motorsports aspects.
He's also always had a bit of a reputation as a rogue element. Sure his younger years were filled with rebellion, but he never did anything to counteract it either. He's probably one of the least exciting people on the planet, but everyone needs a villain. On top of that, never been able to make the tough business calls and is too willing to take a bullet for anyone who sits on his staff. While it makes him popular on the ground, it never looks good from the top. Which means one thing. An ultimatum. Get things under control or get out. Which is where Muse B comes in.

Can be extremely light or extremely dark. I'm up for some light hearted soul searching, some corporate drama far removed from the company setting, or anything in between. I was thinking sort of a corporate arranged marriage thing to sort of help not only company image but try to force the company out of the hole too. Maybe she comes with investor connections (like a modern dowry), media or other industry connections, etc or is intended to be part of some big corporate merger. We can plot it out.

First on Scene
  • Any mix of first responders make it cute make it dark and angsty
  • Police x fire
  • Police x dispatcher
  • Fire x dispatcher
  • Paramedic x fire
Pirate x Pirate
So I’m not sure why, but I got a random craving for a little bit of a darker pirate story. It’s very much an enemies to lovers type of deal or enemies to general tolerance. I’m thinking of setting it towards the end of the age of piracy. This one doesn’t necessarily have to have a happy ending either.

I want it to center around these two powerhouse rivals. Stealing scores, spreading rumors, undermining authority, etc. you get it. They should have got rid of each other a long time ago but they just haven’t. Well. The navy comes in trying to clean up. Everything is collapsing. Well the navy doesn’t stand a chance against the two of them separately, why not cause a little chaos on the way out.

Hero x Villain
Since the beginning, it has always been Muse A and Muse B. Working in the shadows, they protected humanity from the threats that would have otherwise wiped them out. They were unstoppable and they only had each other but more than that, they were extremely powerful. Maybe there was something more there, but maybe they never even thought about it. Over time though, things began to change. Call it the centuries or call it sprain, maybe it was a little bit of ego but an eventual rift started to emerge. Muse A stayed true to their path and play it safe while Muse B became disillusioned by it all and was willing to accomplish the mission at any cost. Things ended bloody and the two went their own ways. Centuries passed in relative peace. Then suddenly things get a kickstart again. The threat arises once more but worse than ever. The two are forced to see if they want to bury the hatchet or if they can put their differences behind and move on.

Athletes: currently craving hockey, figure skating, racing, football, etc

Spooky Season Plots

Ghost Hunter x Medium Ghost Hunter
So I have an idea for a more angsty plot. Something that takes place around Christmas maybe? Give us that enemies to lover vibe still but yet these people are still being sad and hunting ghost instead of normal holiday activities. You read me?

It starts as a normal ghost hunting thing, they stumble into each other, cue stereotypical holiday movie where maybe they get snowed in at a location, then cue spooky stuff.
  • Skeptic x believer
  • Cautious x fight me

• Ghost x Medium (Can be platonic)
MC was a detective during the 1940s. A little rogue and a little stubborn, he was known for doing his own thing. With a successful career and a beautiful fiance, it seemed like he had everything. One day while tracking down a serial killer that stretches back decades, he ends up getting shot. Dying on the streets, nothing went black. Instead, he woke up as the sirens came running in. Since then, he’s been caught in limbo and tied to the station he used to work in. YC is living in the modern world. Smart and quick witted, she almost immediately probed her worth and set her on the fast track to detective work. Along with her natural talent, she’s also been able to see what others can't. When a series of murders warrants her transfer, she quite literally stumbles into MC
MC had life figured out. A career they actually were proud of, a house they could call their own, and a fiancee that they adored more than anything, for the first time in their lives everything seemed like it was all falling into place. Sure it was far from perfect and to the outsode world, it was probably nothing to brag about. But to them, it meant everything. That was until until it was all left in a a pile of smoldering ash and the flickering of blue and red lights. Not that they knew what was happening, luckily for them they were long gone before they got a chance to see the full extent of the damage. Maybe for everyone involved it would have been better if things stayed that way.

YC has always been one of those people who craved power. They’ve commanded attention as easily as some people turn on a TV with a remote. They had the attention, but with it came the raw desire and ambition. They were a king/queen pin. The city bowed to them without even realizing it. Nothing moved and no one breathed without them clearing it. They took, and they destroyed and everyone listened. The city was their personal sandbox and they always shaped it to their will. So when MC—their silent obsession—got engaged, well that was their fiancée’s own death sentence. MC was just never supposed to get in the way.

The assassins were taken care of, and grief came and went in complete silence. No one expected what happened next. YC’s people started dropping like flies in often brutal and bloody ways. And before they could even respond, MC shows up to finish what they started.
Muse A is the lone heir to one of the most successful serial killers in US history. For decades, his father tore through the country ripping apart everything in his path all while assuring any trails always ended up cold. Muse A's mother died when he was young (of natural causes) and when he came of age, he was pushed to take his father's legacy. It was something he never wanted. Although that instinct ran deep through his veins, he could always hold back. That meant as soon as he was old enough to get out of town, he did. Breaking free from the chains of his bloodline, he never looked back.

Muse B is a member of the Order of the Moon: a guild and brotherhood for those with a taste for blood. Almost introduced since birth, they have lived by the Order's teachings, as well as by their protection. Almost confined to the organization's lodge, they devoted their lives to the books and records of those who walked before. And almost as long as they had been a member, they were fascinated with the nameless being known as the Crow. Unlike all the other membership records, the Crow doesn't come with a face. Just a stack of files and a trail of victims. Over the years, and with the advancement of forensics, the Order is slowly dwindling. The Crow had become something of Muse B's role model. They were the one person who managed to stay in the shadows and though they want to keep the illusion up, they devoted their life to figuring out who the rightful King of the Order is. Years later, their search leads them to a tombstone and a forgotten grave. That leads them to the the forensic pathologist that is just trying to move on with their life. After a blunt attempt at getting Muse A to join the fading order, Muse B realizes they're just going to have to push Muse A into giving into their own dark desires

Feel free to suggest any ideas you may have!


  • Outlander
    • Looking for something based off the concept
  • Star Wars
    • Jedi x Jedi, Post Order 66 fun, Something that sort of follows Jedi: Fallen Order trying to rebuild the Jedi and the rebellion.
    • Jedi x Sith in a Dark Disciple type story. Along the way they both become disillusioned or maybe both switch sides for a bit before realizing it isn't worth it

  • Bioshock *
  • Assassins Creed
    • Have somewhat of a plot for this one
  • Call of Cthulhu and Sinking City
  • Sinking City
  • Murdered Soul Suspect
  • Fallout*** (have played all the games + DLC but craving a New Vegas)
  • Starfield

  • Marvel (Movies + Comics)
  • DC (Comics, shows, Animated movies) ****
    • I have several OC and plot ideas for this
    • Can play several cc theoretically
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