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The Plague (Greatmar2 & Square Zack)

The day is the 22nd July, 2147. Science and technology have advanced greatly, perhaps too much... All anyone has talked about for the last month has been the consequence of humans taking it a little too far. It is unknown how long the pathogen has been spreading, but the media began blaring the story on the 22nd of June. No country or group of countries have admitted to funding or knowing of the development of this abhorrent project.

According to the media, there has been an unethical scientific research facility based in Antarctica for almost a decade. It was established there so that any experiments that escape would be killed swiftly by the biting cold. They researched genetic engineering.

One of their two main projects was a supersoldier program. The scientists there modified genes of human clones, adding in genes of differing animals to enhance the human genes. After years of experimenting with decent amounts of success, the scientists decided that natural animals were not strong enough. They turned their attention to creatures of myth and legend; creatures created by human imagination across millenia to be more powerful than any real animal. To do this, they had to first create the creatures to see if the DNA sequences would work together.

Their second was focused on creating weapons of mass destruction, more specifically biological weapons strong enough to affect entire nations. What strains they were developing and what they have been doing with them is unknown, but it is rumoured that they had been bringing back extinct viruses and making viruses 'smarter', though this may just be paranoid speculation.

The only way the world learned of this disease was by the admission of the first to fall to the supervirus, one of the men developing it. He was hospitalized with never before seen symptoms, then quickly quarantined once he had made his first confession. One careless mistake after years of precaution. One scientist taking leave to see his family. That was all it took. Neither the arctic temperatures surrounding the facility, nor years of careful safety procedures helped contain the virus when it hitched a free ride out of its isolation.

The United Nations, consisting of almost every country in the world, convened an emergency meeting after news of what the infected scientist had said reached them. They contacted the research facility via a highly encrypted line to demand some answers.

The next day, at a press conference, the UN committee announced the threat to the world. At that time it was unknown how many have been infected, via what mediums the pathogen spreads nor how long it takes for the symptoms to show.

Every country in the world has declared closed borders in attempt to stem the spread of the virus. This appears to have been unsuccessful as, during the past month, there have been reported cases of people with mysterious illnesses across the world.

It has became apparent that the virus spreads through the air over unprecedented distances. All who show symptoms are quarantined immediately. Governments and hospitals have, at great expense, distributed facial masks to filter the air breathed in, but this has only slightly slowed the progress of what is now dubbed merely "The Plague".

About two weeks ago the first victim of the virus (the scientist) had to be, somewhat violently, killed. The virus had almost completed its work on the scientist, causing him to have been almost fully transformed into an unearthly animal identified as a griffin. He also lost his mind, reverting to primal animal instincts, and attacked the people managing his quarantine.

Under normal circumstances, the scientists that had been working the facility would have been sentenced for life, or even sentenced to death, a punishment banned for more than a century. What saved them is the same thing that condemned them in the first place: that they are the only ones who have been working on the virus, and therefore with at least some understanding of it. The scientists have got hold of a sample of the new virus, and discovered that it has merged itself with some of their other work, absorbing the DNA of the creatures that the scientists had been trying to create. They are working on an antidote as fast as they can. Although, work on the cure has been very slow, as the virus is constantly mutating, seeming to resist efforts to cure it...

The day is the 22nd July, 2147. Science and technology have advanced greatly, perhaps too much... All anyone has talked about for the last month has been the consequence of humans taking it a little too far. It is unknown how long the pathogen has been spreading, but the media began blaring the story on the 22nd of June. No country or group of countries have admitted to funding or knowing of the development of this abhorrent project.

According to the media, there has been an unethical scientific research facility based in Antarctica for almost a decade. It was established there so that any experiments that escape would be killed swiftly by the biting cold. They researched genetic engineering.

One of their two main projects was a supersoldier program. The scientists there modified genes of human clones, adding in genes of differing animals to enhance the human genes. After years of experimenting with decent amounts of success, the scientists decided that natural animals were not strong enough. They turned their attention to creatures of myth and legend; creatures created by human imagination across millenia to be more powerful than any real animal. To do this, they had to first create the creatures to see if the DNA sequences would work together.

Their second was focused on creating weapons of mass destruction, more specifically biological weapons strong enough to affect entire nations. What strains they were developing and what they have been doing with them is unknown, but it is rumoured that they had been bringing back extinct viruses and making viruses 'smarter', though this may just be paranoid speculation.

The only way the world learned of this disease was by the admission of the first to fall to the supervirus, one of the men developing it. He was hospitalized with never before seen symptoms, then quickly quarantined once he had made his first confession. One careless mistake after years of precaution. One scientist taking leave to see his family. That was all it took. Neither the arctic temperatures surrounding the facility, nor years of careful safety procedures helped contain the virus when it hitched a free ride out of its isolation.

The United Nations, consisting of almost every country in the world, convened an emergency meeting after news of what the infected scientist had said reached them. They contacted the research facility via a highly encrypted line to demand some answers.

The next day, at a press conference, the UN committee announced the threat to the world. At that time it was unknown how many have been infected, via what mediums the pathogen spreads nor how long it takes for the symptoms to show.

Every country in the world has declared closed borders in attempt to stem the spread of the virus. This appears to have been unsuccessful as, during the past month, there have been reported cases of people with mysterious illnesses across the world.

It has became apparent that the virus spreads through the air over unprecedented distances. All who show symptoms are quarantined immediately. Governments and hospitals have, at great expense, distributed facial masks to filter the air breathed in, but this has only slightly slowed the progress of what is now dubbed merely "The Plague".

About two weeks ago the first victim of the virus (the scientist) had to be, somewhat violently, killed. The virus had almost completed its work on the scientist, causing him to have been almost fully transformed into an unearthly animal identified as a griffin. He also lost his mind, reverting to primal animal instincts, and attacked the people managing his quarantine.

Under normal circumstances, the scientists that had been working the facility would have been sentenced for life, or even sentenced to death, a punishment banned for more than a century. What saved them is the same thing that condemned them in the first place: that they are the only ones who have been working on the virus, and therefore with at least some understanding of it. The scientists have got hold of a sample of the new virus, and discovered that it has merged itself with some of their other work, absorbing the DNA of the creatures that the scientists had been trying to create. They are working on an antidote as fast as they can. Although, work on the cure has been very slow, as the virus is constantly mutating, seeming to resist efforts to cure it...


Character Sheet:

Creature: (creature that they will end up turning into)
Creature appearance:

My character: http://www.rpnation.com/showcase/sean-williams.2917/<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/dragon_scarletdragon_side_old.jpg.9ab4a1e63eeed9a1566adaa91d4ed365.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19525" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/dragon_scarletdragon_side_old.jpg.9ab4a1e63eeed9a1566adaa91d4ed365.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/dragon_scarletdragon_top_old.jpg.c37efe3265291a9af39ac6745d8223d9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19526" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/dragon_scarletdragon_top_old.jpg.c37efe3265291a9af39ac6745d8223d9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/rsz_1dc_dragon_multiplayer_wall.jpg.c4dc4eebb194218db0bc6533ab66c4aa.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19730" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/rsz_1dc_dragon_multiplayer_wall.jpg.c4dc4eebb194218db0bc6533ab66c4aa.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • dragon_scarletdragon_side_old.jpg
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  • dragon_scarletdragon_top_old.jpg
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Last edited by a moderator:
Name: Alex Brown

Appearance: Alex stands 5 foot 8, has shaggy brown hair, deep blue eyes. He is lean and athletic, with longer legs than torso.

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Personality: Alex lives for running. He loves to stay active. Through rain or sleet, Alex finds some way to be active. He takes command of most situations, a natural born leader. Alex is easy to get along with, and is able to break up fights easily.

History: Alex was found on the doorstep of an orphanage, and ran away at an early age. From his early teens on, Alex was living on his own, finding work in random places to pay for food. When he had enough money, he bought himself a small shack to live in. When news of the Virus broke out, Alex kept himself apart from other people, becoming a recluse.

Other: Alex is a big thinker, a self proclaimed philosopher, but ironically is illiterate and has no school teaching whatsoever.

Creature: Gargoyle

Appearance: Elvish short face, tall ears, stony skin, and a large pair of wings as big as his crouched body. (which nobody believes can sustain flight)
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