✪The Path From Fayland✪ -Looking for more roleplayers!-


One Thousand Club
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/57a8bddebfaee_woodsblue_final_smcopy1.jpg.a83ec80a75270e067aca5d317e922e6e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3298" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/57a8bddebfaee_woodsblue_final_smcopy1.jpg.a83ec80a75270e067aca5d317e922e6e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



IMPORTANT NOTE: If you're gonna join, be able to type decently please and BE ACTIVE! Don't just totally bail on the RP--I find that super obnoxious. T^T Yeah, for those of you who did so, I'm talking about you e-e Post at LEAST ONCE A DAY! Is that so hard? No. o-o

In addition, this roleplay has already begun a while ago, however it is very easy for you to jump in. All you need to know is that the group of elves is currently in the forest, near Fayland still. Have your elf stumble upon our group of elves..maybe your elf escaped Fayland alone? You decide--use your imagination!

Here's the Character Information Example:



Age: (12-19 is the age range)

Talent: (Choose from the list)


Background History:

Appearance: (Try and describe their appearance, but it's extremely recommended that you include a photo! c:)

UPDATE: We are getting a number of new elves and I think it's better to have less elves with the same talent. Therefore, I'm crossing off the talents taken by 2 elves and anyone who wants to join now must choose an open talent. I might go back and open spots for talents if I feel the need, though. ^^ So crossed off talents are unavailable currently! :u


Close Combat: The Close Combat talent focuses on rushing boldly into the heat of battle with a stout heart and a solemn spirit. It emphasizes the use of swords, blunt weapons, axes, and shields.

Elves w/ Talent:

1) Valandil


Archery: The Archery talent focuses on using precise ranged attacks to subdue enemies from a distance. It emphasizes with ranged weapons, such as bows and crossbows.

Elves w/ Talent:

1) Faye

2) Varexes

Magic: The Magic talent focuses on the essence and use of Mana. It emphasizes casting powerful magic on enemies from afar and dealing damage over a wide area. (Includes: Meditation, Firebolt, Icebolt, Lightning Bolt, Ice Spear, Thunder, Hail Storm, Blaze..choose three--or less--to "major" in.)

Elves w/ Talent:

1) Jane

2) Nova

Martial Arts: The Martial Arts talent unites the mind and body, encouraging strength in both. It emphasizes fighting up close and personal using knuckles.

Elves w/ Talent:

1) Axel


Music: The Music talent focuses on making the world a more harmonious place through the playing of instruments and the composition of new songs. In combat, it emphasizes granting buffs to allies. (Includes: Musical Knowledge, Composing, Enthralling Performance (where a creature mindlessly follows you), Lullaby (make enemies sleepy), Harvest Song, etc..)

Elves w/ Talent:

1) Alice


Holy Arts: The Holy Arts talent focuses on holy power to aid a party, healing and shielding allies during moments of crisis. (Includes: Healing, Meditation, Mana Shield, Natural Shield, Fire Shield, Ice Shield, Lightning Shield, First Aid)

Elves w/ Talent:

1) Juniper

2) Pandora

Shape Shifting: The Shape Shifting talent focuses on the power to shift into the form of a certain animal (your choice).

Elves w/ Talent:

1) Vex

2) Jess

Smithing: The Smithing talent focuses on gathering ore to smelt and craft into tools, weapons, and armor. (Includes: Blacksmithing, Refining, Metallurgy, Mining)

Elves w/ Talent:



Cooking: The Cooking talent focuses on gathering ingredients and using them to cook a variety of tasty dishes that grant buffs. (Includes: wine making, hoeing, egg gathering, milking, mushroom gathering, harvesting, etc.)

Elves w/ Talent:

1) Birch


Tailoring: The Tailoring talent focuses on gathering materials to weave into fabric and craft into gorgeous garments. (Includes: Tailoring, Weaving, Sheep Shearing)

Elves w/ Talent:



Carpentry: The Carpentry talent focuses on gathering the finest wood to craft into furniture and bows.

Elves w/ Talent:



Note: All talents and skills other than shape shifting are taken from Mabinogi for a larger and more diverse variety.


Name: Faye Elassidil

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Talent: Archery

Personality: Kind, Caring, Curious, Determined

Background Story: All her life she's lived in Fayland, but she's always been so curious of the outside world. She loves both telling and hearing stories around the fire pit beneath the starry sky at night. She remembers the tales her grandfather would tell her about the outside world. She was told how beautiful it was..or used to be..before it was covered with darkness. She wanted to fix it..she wanted to bring the beauty of the world back. Ever since her grandfather passed away, she was determined to get out of Fayland, no matter how dangerous it would be.

Appearance: Shimmering blonde locks that fall down to her mid-back. She has a set of deep gray eyes, curiosity sparkling in them. She wears a plain, black camisole underneath a bit of an over-sized white hoodie that stops just short of her thighs, which are covered by army green leggings. Soft brown moccasins that go up to her ankles cover her feet. She carries a magnificent bow, crafted by her own grandfather, along with a black belt which holds a matching quiver. Heavy wooden arrows with thick black feathers at the ends and sharp tips at the other are settled inside the quiver.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/57a8bddebb26c_largecopy1.jpg.f950c08060813d4c50b3b060215ef056.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3297" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/57a8bddebb26c_largecopy1.jpg.f950c08060813d4c50b3b060215ef056.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Hunnyhelp said:
Name: Caricon
Gender: Male

Age: 15

Talent: Close combat

Personality: He is a criminal. He is underhanded and will do anything for next weeks paycheck. But before he became a criminal he was nice and kind that is still inside him. Which is why he has never killed anybody

Background History: He lived with his mother in a shack. To support her he robbed people without his mother knowing. One day he came home to see a smoking pile of ash and the dead body of his mother. He ran away from the kingdom and continued to rob people.

Appearance: Always wears black and has about three knife holsters around his belt.
Interesting~ Accepted ^^

As said above, the roleplay has begun quite a while ago, but it should be easy to jump in since we've barely gotten anywhere xD You might want to have your elf stumble upon our group in the woods somehow.

Don't forget to be rather active~

The roleplay is here: http://www.rpnation.com/index.php?threads/the-path-from-fayland-official-rp.10856/page-93
Sorry, I was shooting my bow!

Well, as of now it's about 8 o'clock in the morning, our group of 6 elves have been outside of Fayland in the forest for one day, and they've just packed up their camping supplies and continued to head off further into the woods. So, they're just walking through the woods right now. ^^
Name: Jess Willow

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Talent: Shape Shifting (Shifts into a wolf)

Personality Somewhat shy, Adventurous, Stubborn, Curious, Kind, Graceful, and extremely feisty or brutal when she needs to be.

Background History: Jess has always been curious, constantly wondering what it was like in the outside world away from Fayland. She would of gone into the forest but only stayed because of her mother and father. One day, while she was cooking something for her parents, three men came into the house and held them all at gunpoint. They grabbed Jess's parents roughly before tying them both down to a chair. She watched as they slowly tortured her parents with knives, burning them with fire from torches. When there was nothing but the mangled remains of her parents bodies they turned to her, using only the knives to attack her. When she was about to pass out from blood loss she went into her wolf form and killed them all in a fit of rage and pain that she thought she could never of experienced. She took whatever she could fit into a small satchel of her father's, along with an extra change of clothes that she now wears, before running off into the forest, out in the unknown.

Appearance:Jess has brow hair with soft waves that reach a little above her shoulder. Her eyes are a clear, deep brown with small gold flecks in them. She wears a black tank top that is covered by a gray (or grey) hoodie that goes down to her mid thighs, black leggings underneath. She wears combat boots on her feet and has a few knives that she keeps in a pouch attached to a belt on her waist. When Jess turns into a wolf her fur color becomes the same exact color as her normal hair, the appearance the same of any other wolf that roams the forest, only she is stronger, quicker, and more feisty than other wolfs in this form.

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Cute! :D Accepted! Jump in however/whenever you wish! ^^ We just killed a grizzly bear and encountered Caricon in the forest ^^
Name: Pandora Orelinde

Gender: Female


Talent: Holy Arts

Personality: Pandora is a spontaneous and fun loving young woman. She's somewhat of a flirt, and enjoys "analyzing" bodies (be it male/female). Pandora is quite smart, but her intellect is usually gone to waste because of how rash she is.

Background History: Pandora's father had traveled out of Fayland when her mother was pregnant with Pandora, and he was found dead just outside of Fayland.

A few years later, Pandora's older brother ventured out of Fayland with his friends when she was 4, and never returned. She and her brother were very close, and when the elves found his dead body, Pandora was struck with grief.

Locking herself in her home, Pandora devoted herself to learning the Holy Arts, thinking she would be able to bring him back. Everyone had told her it was impossible, but one day....she did it. It had taken 15 years, but Pandora had figured out how to resurrect the dead. Although, her brother's body had already decayed, and once the body was destroyed, the soul couldn't be able to come back to it.

Pandora kept her ability a secret in fear that someone would misuse it. Taking the book that had all her research in it, Pandora burnt it, making sure no one could piece if back together.

Going back to her brother's tomb, Pandora noticed that his bones were slightly charred. It wasn't elf custom to burn the bodies. Figuring out that he had been burnt from the inside out, Pandora set out to massacre whoever had done such a horrid thing to her brother.

Appearance: Pandora has red-orange hair that's a soft yellow at her roots and fuchsia at the tips. There are two yellow flowers on both sides of her head. With bright cerise eyes that pops out from her soft pale skin, Pandora wears a white dress (knee length) that has ribbons for straps and has a fuchsia strip down the middle vertically. There are white cuffs on her wrists that are held together with small red ribbons.
Paipai! xD Hahah, she's adorbs ^^


Our group of elves is currently stopped in the middle of the forest to take a water break. Since we've already left Fayland, your elf must've escaped as well if she stumbles upon our group ^^
Name: Nova

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Talent: Magic: Ice Bolt, Ice Spear

(May I use my spear as a CC weapon and replace my

Ice Bolt with a Frost Touch that chills things, dealing

About half the damage of the Bolt?)

Personality: Nova is shy and practical, he is driven by

a desire to find someone who cares about him, altough

he ignores those who already do; includings his family.

He gives the blunt truth of any situation with few

exceptions. His very reasourceful when it comes to

getting what he wants, but he adhears to a strict personal

code of morals when doing so.

Background History: Nova is unsure of his past, he remembers

being raised by the elves Corril and Doran, yet those names

are unknown to anyone in Fayland. About three years ago he

left home for usual bussiness in the market, and when he

returned his house had completely vanished, none of the

villagers could account for what had happened. It was then that

Nova found his affinity to magic. He was taken in by the academy

but soon dismissed after a series of rage-induced fits of destruction

that he could not remember. After his dismissal, rumors spread that

one of his fits had destroyed his parents house and killed them and

he had covered it up. He was tgen exiled from the village under penalty

of death should he ever return. He then lived on the outskirts of several

villages, using his Ice Magic to put himself into hibernation in

order to keep people from hunting him down due to frequent raids.

While in hibernation, he lost much of his knowledge of his own Magic

and his past.

Appearance: Nova has silvery whote hair that extends to the middle

of his back. His eyes are faded blue and he has only tattered mage

robes with torn nomal clothes underneath.

Introduction to party: Find him sleeping (in hibernation). He is

colder than a normal dead body would be, however it is still

easy to mistake him for dead.
Did you say anything abput me in those 15 pages you guys wrote yesterday?

(I'm kinda low on time today but I still want to be active)
Zeyro said:
Did you say anything abput me in those 15 pages you guys wrote yesterday?
(I'm kinda low on time today but I still want to be active)
No, I don't believe so :o

And yeah, I've been busy today as well as yesterday, so I haven't had much time to roleplay :c
Name: Varexes

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Talent: Archery

Personality: Very outgoing and willing to talk to people, but won't give up information unless asked. Some questions that are deemed personal will be avoided, but after talking to him for a bit Varexes will open up to whatever you want to know. Loyal to the last, he'll sacrifice himself before he lets someone else get injured and blames himself for every little mistake. Very much a pessimist, but keeps quiet about it. Always willing to lend a hand or volunteer for something if it needs to be done, and will do just about anything.

Background History: Varexes has a relatively lonely past. Always an outcast and ostracized for just being himself, he's always been a loner. With a few friends and always trying to make new people comfortable, he lives his life as best he can despite the teasing he endures on a daily basis. Being rather loud and obnoxious he's not surprised most people don't like him, but he moves on from it, accepting that he can't make everyone happy.

On a few occasions his mouth has gotten him into trouble because he speaks his mind openly and bluntly, but he somehow always manages to weasel out of trouble. His friends stick up for him and he sticks up for them, occasionally getting shut down and out of people he doesn't talk to or who don't know him. But he lives with no regrets for his life style. He is who he is and isn't going to let the fact that others don't like him stop him from being who he is.

Being ostracized and alone most of the time isn't a bad thing for him, because Varexes realizes that that's what's made him who he is. Generally private when you first meet him he opens up quite quickly, but doesn't volunteer information about himself. You just have to ask however and he'll tell you just about anything. Sometimes he's afraid of being shut out even more and lies, but almost always tells the truth about himself.

He likes to go into the woods to practice his archery skills and exercise to stay fit in order to defend himself and practices many acrobatic maneuvers in order to stay away from trouble while firing away with his arrows. Having taught himself, he knows he lacks the skills that many master archers have, but he considers his own "adequate" enough for his own self.

Appearance: (I will try to find a picture, but I generally describe myself except a little bit better looking, so without posting a picture of myself I'm unsure of how to show this... if you need more detail please let me know and I'll do my best)

Varexes stands about 5'8" with a very lithe and lean body. Not overly muscular, but not overly thin either. He's a happy medium that he maintains quite well. His skin is not overly tanned or overly pale but once again a happy medium. He has short black hair that sits on top of his head like an unkempt mess, but he likes it that way with it's slight curls. His hair has some silvery speckles in it, but they're only noticeable in the right light or if you look incredibly closely. Having a very average looking face with a normal nose and normal ears (however a normal elf's ears would look) Varexes is nothing special to look at.

His armor looks like this EXCEPT the cloak is a dark, mottled green.

The red's on the actual armor are a dark green that varies slightly from his cloak, the brown "chain-link" stuff is brown leather, and his boots are black leather. Basically it looks like this, only it's leather and green/brown with black boots. 
wait, i'm new here >.< idk how to put a pic in... sorry :/  

Appearance is this, except the clothes are green, the pauldrons are brown leather, the hood is green, and ignore the bow. sorry, i'm new >.< i hope that isn't a problem :/
//bows down to Alcatraz //

My goodness, I love you for having fabulous grammar and punctuation!! xD

He's perfect. Thank YOU for joining xDD It's my favorite thing ever when people with perfect grammar and punctuation join x'D

I love you. Okaiokaiokai.

Oh, and there's absolutely no problem with anything at all xD Hey, him and Faye are the only two archers! //knuckle touch!// xD Lmao, annnnnd fortunately the group of elves has just begun to head off deep into the forest again. They've been outside of Fayland for about 3 nights now, and it's morning again on the fourth day. So, Varexes has to have escaped Fayland as well but on his own or something, and I'd have him stumble upon the group however you want! :3 Thanks so much for joining (~^o^)~

The roleplay is here!: http://www.rpnation.com/index.php?threads/the-path-from-fayland-official-rp.10856/page-226#post-435480
I'm a strong believer of proper punctuation and grammar xD Of course I use faces too, and sometimes I'll just get lazy and not capitalize things, but it's still legible. (caps aren't required, are they? lol)

Just remember I'm new. Not to roleplaying but to this site so if I screw up just let me know :P

I had no idea I could make such a good character sheet xD I'll glance at the RP and see what I can do.

BTW, one quick note: I do have school (no joke, it sucks) so on weekdays I'll try to post what I can, but I'll only be on most of the time later on at night, depending on what time it is for you.
Yay! Good grammar/' xD ' face buddies! My grammar's not PERFECT, but it's decent..like, when I'm writing and stuffs. I don't count how I'm writing now as like 'proper grammar and punctuation' because this is like my ~me~ writing.

P.S. I ramble a lot o-o

Anywho, I'm sure you'll do fine xD We recently had a little bit of a dispute OOC in the roleplay due to our previous roleplayer's actions //facepalm// you're lucky you didn't have to witness all that. I had to be mean and kick someone out ;w;

Buuuuuuut, I'm not normally mean, I promise! xD

Just try to remember that it's not about the Dark Elves, it's about the journey. The Dark Elves come in way later!! xD Just like, erase Dark Elves from your memory because some people tend to obsess over them and it bugs me xD Also, try to be as realistic as possible..like don't pull objects out of the sky magically and shiz..and try not to take over others' talents..((I'm just listing everything the previous dude did xD ))

But you shouldn't be a problem xD Clearly, I'm already a fan of you xDD
Sorry, I type too much. ^^"

//is simply just in love with good grammar and punctuation//

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