The Palace


I'm what is in the dark
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Name- Verra Lee Sopheia

Age- 19

Patient/Staff- Patient

Violent/None Violent- They were told that she is violent but she really is not but the hospital still put her in wing two.

Disorder- Paranoid Personality Disorder, is a condition characterized by excessive distrust and suspicion of others.

Eye color- Gray

Hair color- Bleach blond, almost white

Race- white

Sex- Female

History- Verra was sexually abused as a child by her stepfather and now she doesn't trust anyone. When she tried to run away she was caught and sent to the Palace because her stepfather didn't want to deal with her.


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Name- Justin Archer

Age- 20

Patient/Staff- Patient

Violent/None Violent- Even thought Justin looks very calm and composed most of the time, he is very violent. If he gets anything he can use as a weapon he will use it. He does not make friends, and could care less he likes being alone. He will kill if he gets the chance.

Disorder- Process Schizophrenia. Also referred to as poor premorbid schizophrenia, this type is characterized by lengthy periods of its development with a gradual deterioration and exclusively negative symptoms. Usually this type of schizophrenia is associated with "loners" who are rejected by society, tend not to develop social skills and don't excel out of high school.

Eye color- Dark Brown

Hair color- Dark Brown almost Black

Race- White

Sex- Male

History- When Justin was 10 he viciously attacked the family dog, strangling it and repeatably stabbing it with a pen until it was dead. His parents put him in therapy but it never went any farther then that. Then 5 years later, when he was a sophomore in high school he set the school football field on fire. When the police questioned him, Justin said his friend Tarra told him to. But as luck would have it there was no record of a Tarra at the school and his parents had never heard of the girl before. So instead of going to juvie Justin was sent to The Palace. He is in the first wing and mostly confines himself to his room, but when he comes out he doesn't say a word to anyone. A few of the orderly's have heard him talking to someone they assume is a girl, but when they look in on him he is all alone. He believes that Tarra is real, and that she is just really good at hiding, and he is in love with her, or at least he thinks he is because he has never really know what it is like to be in love.

Other- likes to draw, paint, and sculpt Tarra.


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-View attachment 2876<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/kerli.jpg.1b634006e4681924c482bc37c0a80bec.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="24525" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/kerli.jpg.1b634006e4681924c482bc37c0a80bec.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/Chris.jpg.998e8cff8ccc0046701cb1e7ae4c4f77.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="24526" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/Chris.jpg.998e8cff8ccc0046701cb1e7ae4c4f77.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/Tara.jpg.4e1cddf48705a5e6c246fdd2b69f3398.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="24527" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/Tara.jpg.4e1cddf48705a5e6c246fdd2b69f3398.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Josephine Deveraux

Age: 26

Sex: Female

Race: Caucasian

Nationality: Canadian (Qubecers)


Height: 1.65m

Weight: 52 kg

Eyes: Green

Hair: Black


Josephine is a 26 year old female with obvious signs of CIPA. Working downwards, her hair is to be kept trimmed short to prevent scalp damage. Her left eye shall be patched and the socket to be cleaned daily of pus and other debris. Her face is pretty enough with a fair amount of damage to the eye. The remaining eye is green. Her tongue has suffered damage in the past and can be a source of her mumbling words and/or being hard to understand.

Her body shows signs of abuse, self inflicted, with both intentional and unintentional mutilation.

She is tall for be age. Nothing incredible but above average. Most likely due to her CIPA. Other than that, she is rather average.


Affliction: CIPA wiith acute damage to left eye, right upper thigh and right arm.

CIPA, Congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis, is a extremely rare heriditary disease notable for removing the ability to feel pain. For her own protection, Josephine has been admitted and for the last several years ago and has been a...trying patient.
[i'm just posting this to get things moving.]

It was almost time for the Non-violent patients to go back to their rooms, Verra watched the large clock above her door. She knew it was fast by five minutes but she had figured out how to deal with it. Just as every day before and every day to come there was a laud shrill buzz and then the dull voice of the orderly on duty came over the intercom and told everyone to go back to their room, that wing one's free time was over. There was a rustling of sheets as people jumped out of their beds and shuffled to their doors to be let out.

Today had been an extra quite day, it made the hairs on Verra's arms and back of her neck stand on end. She felt the heat from the crowded hallway as the door to her room was swung open by a mouse faced nurse in white shoes and her nurse uniform. Verra glanced at the woman then her eyes fell on the woman's socks, they were and off white sort of yellow color, they reminded Verra of the pills the doctors made her take.

Slowly Verra stood and in what looked like one step was out the door, she always looked almost as if she were floating. She walked down the hall to the doors that lead to the garden, and as soon as they were opened she was outside standing in the sun.

Justin stood back and watched everyone file out of their rooms, smirking at the looks on their faces. Every last one of them was obviously filled to the brim with drugs to keep them calm, or had given up all hope in getting out of this place.

"Justin..." There came a voice from behind him, it mad Justin jump a little

"What is it Tarra?" Justin asked smiling at the boyish looking girl hiding around the corner.

"Aren't we gonna go outside?" She asked glancing at the open doors.

Justin looked back at the door and then nodded, "Yeah, I guess. But why do you want to so bad...?" As he finished his question he looked back at where she had been standing and realized Tarra was gone, 'Must have already run outside.' Justin thought to himself as he turned and began to fallow the last of the people leaving their rooms for the open doors.

The sun beat down today. Not that Jo could feel it but all her books said that it felt really good to be in the sun. She also read that she shouldn't stare at it but what did they know? Leaning forward on her crutch, Jo stares straight up at the sun without blinking. It really was beautiful and she could almost make out the light through her patched socket.

She chuckles at the wishful thinking, wondering when the orderlies would come for her out here. Probably needed to be able to see them coming actually. The blinding spots in her eye darken as she looks away. Maybe she ought to be 'kinder' to her remaining eye like the doctors said. The empty socket still oddly light in her head.

Jo pats the outside of the patch, feeling the bandage press in against ruined flesh. It didn't hurt but then again nothing did. She just had to go by what people said should hurt and pressing in the flesh of where your eye used to be was supposed to hurt.

Remembering to blink, Jo looks up and sees the form of someone approaching her. The remaining light made her look like an Angel. The chick looked like she was floating along, probably just as strung out as she was. Wondering if this girl was a V or one of the nice NV's, Jo crutches up to her.

"Sun sure is bright today. How does it feel?"

Not much for an introduction or even a conversation starter but it just felt right to Jo.

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