The Palace


I'm what is in the dark
Welcome to The Palace, here we have the best in medical staff to look after you’re mentally unstable. We show great amounts of care towards them.... Until you leave that is.

The Palace was once a very successful Mental Institute, but when the owner died in a tragic, and completely accidental fire, the hospital then fell into the hands of his grandson, Bert Blivinskey, We will just call him Mr. B. Well Mr. B was a very cruel man and thought that taking care of insane and disturbed people was a waste of time, but the hospital brought in a lot of money. So Mr. B kept the Palace, but being the bad man that he was did nothing to help the patients overcome their illnesses.

There are two wings, Wing one is for the none violent patients, and wing two is for the violent patients. If you are in wing one you are free to Rome around the hospital as long as you don’t try to leave the "safety" of the electric fence that encloses the entire establishment. And if you are in wing two, you are allowed two hours of exercise whether it is walking around the outside of the hospital or walking up and down the hallways.

Each wing is given one hour of free time in which you can go to the library and read through the small assortment of kiddie books, go to the music room and play around on the out of tune piano, guitar, or tambourines (mind you they are all falling apart), or you can go to the dance room, a big ballroom covered in mirrors where the patients can go to relieve emotion through dance... Or just stair into the mirrors aimlessly.

There have been rumors going around that in the basement there is a secret passage way to the woods outside, people have talked about trying to escape but no one has ever gotten up the nerve to actually try.

Will you?

Please ether Message me your character sheets or post them here.

Before we can take you into our care you must fill out a patient sheet:




Violent/None Violent-


Eye color-

Hair color-




[Feel free to add a photo of your patient bellow]

Now enjoy your stay at the wonderful and Luxurious, Palace.

Here it is-->
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Hmm... This intrigues me. Usually I wouldn't bother trying to play a character with a mental disorder because I know very little about them, it's difficult to convey a character in such a condition, and I think it's a bit silly in itself. I have a character in mind that I've wanted to try for awhile. I've thought about this character in my mind for quite a few years. With just a few tweaks I think he can fit in this RP.

I'm also interested in the setting. I'm really hesitant about these kinds of settings because I frequently find people thinking that people at mental institutes must always be Joker Crazy and hardily anybody knows how to progress because they think their character is too insane to do anything else. That causes the entire plot to pause and it never continues because of said reason. My hope is that we do not run into this.

I have lots of questions though.

First thing: Do I have to use a real mental disorder? Can I just... make something up? Nothing extreme I understand, but I'm afraid of somebody reading through our stuff and saying something like, "This isn't really what X mental disorder is!" I know that the chance of it happening is pretty slim, but it happens. It's happened to me a few times and it's something that lingers at the back of my mind, now.

Based on the current information, it seems to be quite difficult for characters in different wings of the Palace to be able to

interact with each other. We know that each wing is given one hour of free time, but are both wings given this free time at the same time? What are patients doing all of the other hours? Being forced to do nothing? Or I suppose it depends on what condition they have and how severe it is?

I want to know more about how this story may progress. Do you have a specific plot in mind? Is the end goal simply to find a way out with a little clue thrown out every now and then? I know to know how much room I have to explore my character's mindset.

I may ask more questions later, as I think of them.
I love all the questions!

Alright first, I think it would be ok to make up some kind of disorder, as long as it is reasonable.

I'm thinking of drawing up a map of the Palace and posting it so people can see, but for now; There is one main hallway that goes through both wings, they are separated only by the fear of being punished.

Free time for wing one is at 11:00 and then at 12:00 for wing two.

both wings go to lunch together at 1:00, that's one way to meet.

When they are not on free time if they are supposed to be in school they are in the library doing the work that is sent to them, they are watched by a few nurses.

Some are put into solitary confinement, but that is mostly done only when they are being disobedient.

They can really do whatever, the nurses and doctors that still work there don't really care as long as they don't really have to do anything.

The goal is really for whoever that is trying to escape to get "normal" so they can return to society, or not, up to you.

But escaping is the main goal!

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