The Order


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Blackdoom59 submitted a new role play. @Blackdoom59, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

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Character sheet example:




Weapon of Choice:

Appearance(real life or anime or whatever pic is fine, if not try to explain):

Personality(at least 5 flaws)

Bio(short and sweet, you can explain more in the RP)

Reason for Joining the Order


Name: Aedan Heathyard



Weapon of Choice: Longsword



Just like in the pic, he's quite tall and wears the same outfit, except the cloak is white and has a black hourglass symbol on it, the mark of The Order.

Personality: Aedan is quite authoritative, considers himself high and mighty, mainly because he was born from nobility. He expects people to bow to him when he meets them and talks to impress. He only speaks freely when he's with other members of the order. He's a good leader, a good strategist and a good liar, but his greatest flaw of all is him being too cynical and sarcastic.

Bio: Born to wealth and power, second only to royalty, Aedan had developed skills in both diplomacy and war. His older brother was the heir to Heathyard castle, and he always lived in his shadow. After many incidents of Aedan trying to show his father what a good and deserving son he is, Aedan left his old life behind and, through many connections and bribes, joined the Order. When all the members left for the far east, he and another member were left to represent the Order's authority. That other member eventually was assassinated, and his old comrades never returned, thus making him the leader of the Order.
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~Zell Throu





Weapon of Choice:





~Zell is a very arrogant and egotistical guy, thinking on the outside about how amazing he is almost 24/7... This however is only to conceal the fact that without making himself feel better, he is truly alone. Everyone who has ever come into his life has either died or left him, so he blames himself for being inadequate and corrupted. He often won't actually do anything for himself, secretly helping out many others using excuses as: "There was something I wanted" or "Only if you pay me" When in reality he's just happy to help. Zell is a good problem solver though and he will risk his life just to figure out a puzzle; he doesn't exactly have any self worth, often making him come off as being depressed... Which in a way he is. In a lot of ways Zell denies things, being in denial especially about how depressed he is.

He is known to go a bit crazy at times... He could black out and then wake up somewhere completely foreign to him, with no recollection of what happened, and after these black outs he consistently hears dark whispering voices in his head. Only he tries to shake them off, to only result in a migraine.

When fighting, Zell has a very sleek and quick style, mostly coming from the fact that the Rapier he uses is so light to him. (Only if someone who wasn't used to it picked it up it would weight a ton in comparison) He has trained nearly all his life in the art of using it, and he won't accept it if someone comes along claiming to wield it better, thus his huge pride comes in.


~As said in the personality section, most everyone that Zell's cared for has either died or disappeared from his life. He of course blames himself for this and is constantly going on about how "impure" he is, only to have other people realize he is indeed pure of heart. Zell has witnessed a fair share of death, perhaps being why he hears voices sometimes... He conceals almost all of his dark past from people, only to sometimes let something of importance slip.

One of those being the experiments...~

Zell joined the order mainly because of his wish to protect others under any and every circumstance, however he tells people that he joined for the "fame".
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Name: Nyem Syworther

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Weapon of Choice: Knives (All of them. Everywhere.)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Xuna.jpg.7e24d23e6dcfaba5ea1dfcd23c01f0f2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19451" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Xuna.jpg.7e24d23e6dcfaba5ea1dfcd23c01f0f2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: In a few words, Nyem could be described as mischievous, cocky, immature, competitive, and insubordinate. She likely has some positive traits, but they're difficult to find without looking hard. She is, for instance, usually well-justified in her self-confidence. Her age puts her at a level where she has had ample years to train, to grow into her body and learn its ups and downs, but is still very much within her peak. She also likes to say that she is never caught unaware, and that the knives you can see on her generally only make up about 40% of the blades that she is carrying at any one time. On the off chance that she does run out of knives, she's still reasonably confident that she could manage fairly well without.

For all that, though, the most likely thing to catch her up is her
likelihood to completely disregard the situation at hand, ignore danger, and walk into stupid places of her own accord. These things are partially driven by her cockiness, but partially be her immaturity and the fact that, generally speaking, if she's told not to do something, she will most certainly do it. Why would such a person ever desire to belong to the Order? To prove she can. To fuel her own sense of self-importance.

Bio: Nyem wasn't exactly born and bred to be an assassin. But she was certain raised as one. She has only vague recollections of her parents--the occasional memory of her mother's face. Either they died or abandoned her, but either way she grew up on the streets. If "survival" isn't the name of the game out there, Nyem couldn't say what was. She learned rapidly to blend in with crowds, to disappear in plain sight, to steal, cheat, lie and kill. At some point along the way, she met a woman, like herself, who took Nyem under her wing. The rest, as they say, is history--though not a history Nyem usually discloses to anyone.



  • Xuna.jpg
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Name: Solís "The Vigil"

Age: 30-50

Gender: Male

Weapon of Choice: Sword, Crossbow




+ Surprising civil and modest

+ Shows loyalty to those he believes are deserving

- Avoids expressing his personal emotions

- Fairly Introverted

- Keeps his past hidden

- Lost any qualms against killing his enemies (both real and perceived)

- Averse to most forms of debauchery

- Refuses to reveal what he looks like uncloaked

Most of this former bounty-hunter life is shrouded in mystery; he has revealed very little of about himself or his past to anyone, while any recording of his early life or family is non-existent. Even his true age and ethnicity is speculation at best. What is truly known about Solís, however, is of his career of hunting down and sending the remains of many of the most dangerous fugitives in Tiriam's harshest deserts to the authorities for many years before unexpectedly going off grid.

His name is spoken of very differently among the denizens of the realm. Some praise him as a valiant hero and a champion of justice, other refer to him as a sociopath whose only care in the world is the gold in his pocket, while others decry him as a sadistic demon in disguise of a man whose seeks bloodshed for his own sick pleasure. Even with the controversy surrounding his namesake, no one can deny the dedication and skill that he must possess to achieve what he has.

Only time can tell if the darkness surrounding this illusive vigilante will ever come to light.
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Name: Valentina "Valerie/Val" Cress

Age: 20 y/o

Gender: F

Weapon of Choice: Bow and arrows; crossbow; can work well with most long range weapons



Val has dark brown/black curly hair which she likes putting into a practical ponytail/letting it loose. It goes down past her shoulders. She had light choppy side bangs. She has light olive skin and a heart shaped face. She has sparkling tawny-green eyes that stand out against her face and hair. She is slender and is a bit on the shorter side.

Personality: Valerie is observant and notices tiny details (moreso than the big picture). She likes knowing where she is and information about it; she dislikes secrets and hidden knowledge. Hypocritically, she keeps her own information private and simple. She is very prideful, and prides herself on her intelligence. She is clever, witty, and very knowledgeable. She likes reading and pulling out random bits of information. She is also competitive, and dislikes it when someone is better at one of her skills. At first, she is quiet and keeps to herself. However, once she gets to know you, she'll become more carefree and trusting. She had major trust issues and is doubtful of most good things. "Everything that is good must come to an end." Once she trusts you, she'll completely remain loyal to you unless you betray her. She is cool tempered, but when angry isn't afraid to let loose her sharp tongue. She can be sarcastic and defensive when angry. Usually, she is rational and dependable, always relying on her logic/instinct. She trusts her own judgement the most and deems herself very just. She considers herself relatively mature and takes on a maternal nature when faced with children. However, her temper flares up with immaturity. She may seem cold or distant, as she worries about many things and often zones out. It's hard for her to let go and have fun. Also, she is emotionally vulnerable which ties in with her trust issues. She realizes her vulnerability and wants to protect herself. She is stubborn, especially when faced with a thought that goes against her own reason. She relies on planning and strategies rather than just going on a whim. She can be very stealthy and silent. (flaws: trust issues, prideful, hypocritical in some aspects, worrisome, stubborn, emotionally vulnerable)

Bio: Her birth parents were poor and loving. They attempted to provide for her anything they could. When she was a young girl, she would practice with a crude bow and arrow set they had given her. When she was about ten, her parents passed away from disease. She was put into an orphanage where she was later adopted into a relatively wealthier couple's home. She learned to read better and even improved her skills with the bow/arrow. She continued to study and practice with different weapons until she was eighteen. Her adoptive father passed away, and her adoptive mother kicked her out (their memories together with the father were too much). Valerie wandered by herself for a year, but found little comfort. She took odd jobs to survive before deciding to join the Order.

Reason for Joining the Order: She found little meaning in her life without anyone she loved left in it. She wanted the Order to help her establish a goal for herself.
Name: Laila

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Weapon of Choice: Knives and daggers.

Appearance: Hair as dark as midnight and stormy grey eyes, Laila's features are often hidden under a blood red hooded cloak. Under the cloak, she simply wears "peasant" clothes. Brown and grey, drab cotton and wool dresses. The cloak she dons is the source of her nickname as the Scarlet Serpent.


Personality: Formerly known as the feared assassin, The Scarlet Serpent, Laila left her job as a hired hand behind to join the Order. Despite the fact that she no longer offers her services, she has retained the skills she has learned. Her ability to wield a knife is particularly terrifying. She finds it difficult to open up and trust others due to several moments of being abandoned or losing people she cares about in the past. Not exactly a "flirt" as most people will call it, Laila has no problem with showing a bit more skin than is proper and knows how to speak in a rather sensual tone. However, she does not do this for attention, rather to gather certain bits of information which could prove useful to The Order.


+ Quick and silent, skill with knives/daggers.

+ Intelligent and patient, willing to wait for what she needs.

+ Knows how to use her feminine charms to her advantage.

- Distrustful towards everyone.

- Has her judgement clouded by past heartaches and suffering.

- Finds it difficult to hold one on one conversations.

- Very very prideful and stubborn, will not do anything which shows she is beneath someone.

- Does not work very well with people she just met.

Bio: Born as the bastard daughter to a humble seamstress, Laila was sold to traders at the young age of seven as her mother could no longer provide for her. She was purchased at an auction by the man whom she would call "father" for nearly four years. He would turn out to be an assassin, training Laila when he had time between missions. Soon she learned how to kill, quickly and silently. After a particular assassination gone wrong, the man who had sheltered her was arrested and hanged, and Laila was alone once more. For five years, she followed in his footsteps, allowing people to hire her for her services.

Reason for Joining: She soon realized she wanted to do something more with her life than just kill for a few gold coins, so she decided to join The Order, and to hopefully find a more honest way of living.

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