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Fantasy The Order of Seven - OOC

SilverFlight SilverFlight
Oh, perhaps I'm overstepping myself a bit as Fenris could ask this himself, but what would the status on his attack on Amberdale be? Since Prenkus was covering him from Amberdale's gang and all.
Asking because Prenkus just seemingly got enough free time to join Menz in that fight, but I'm not sure what would be happening between the two now.
unfortunately, I wont be able to reply today. Imagine Mina kicking out remnant of cloaked men and go ahead, please.
Caught in another onset of work. I'll try to post asap but might have to wait until tomorrow! If you need to move things along, Alex will try to separate Amberdale from the chancellor before giving the man a fair fight.
Caught in another onset of work. I'll try to post asap but might have to wait until tomorrow! If you need to move things along, Alex will try to separate Amberdale from the chancellor before giving the man a fair fight.
I think waiting one more day wouldn't hurt. Unless The Gunrunner The Gunrunner you'd like to get a post out, in which case I'll put up a small action post.
You guys are awesomely cruel! Mina's bag of herb must be in Oliver's hand now; a soft and girlish method left unused...

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