The Once and Future King

Elle Joyner

Fracturer of Fairytales
Starting up a forum RP, soon as I get the resolution via admins, for an Arthurian Legend storyline, which will take place over two different time periods (as you've likely guessed... the past (typical medieval setting) and the future)

I have a lot of the concepts/world building figured out, but I'm not capable of sifting through every single website/book/movie/tv show on the subject, so what I would like from my fellow RPNers is some examples of what YOU would like to see in an Arthurian setting (in either/both the past storyline or the future one). All I ask is that you refrain from the "shipping" ideas, as I like to allow those things to develop as play goes on (and some more "Slash" ideas are rather tiresome -_- )
When I think of Arthurian stories, I think of the knights of the round, primarily, and to a lesser extent the quest for the grail. I think of kingship and rule, the nature of divine right and righteousness, I think of Excalibur. What I'd like to see in an Arthurian story is the politics and interpersonal relationships at play -- what truly makes the king's rule just and correct? Why do the knights follow him? What is it about the king that moves them and wins their loyalty? How does his kingdom work?

So, the relationships involved, the politics, the nature of rule. And, I suppose, adventure, if you focus more on the knights. I focus more on the social end, the kingship, as kingship is my hobby.
Yeah - particularly because I'll be utilizing a rather young version of Arthur - as I want to focus on his rise to the throne, rather than just plop him right on it - I'm going to be paying a lot of attention to relationships (and relationships that go beyond the typical played out Guinevere's a ho angle) xD I've included a lot of the siblings who get kind of ignored in a much of the literature, as well as many of the knights -- who will also be starting out younger (pre-knighthood, I imagine).
That sounds really fun, actually. Exploring their origins, what it was about Arthur that drew such heroes to him, heroes who were, in many ways, better than he was.
I will! And I share your exasperation regarding shipping. Everyone knows Arthur's true love is that squirrel girl from the movie.
xD I just don't find much entertainment in the idea of adultery. I realize it was more prevalent in that time period, but it's just such a depressing story arc. And if you ARE gonna go in that direction, you can't also try to make her a "likeable" character. She'd be much more interesting as a Machiavellian type... Just trying to gain as many kingdoms as she can xD
I'm not fond of adultery; I'm quite principled against infidelity, and it irritates my possessive streak vicariously. But I can see some merits to it in the story, and as a way of characterizing Arthur -- so loving his best friend and greatest knight and wife that he'd turn the other cheek until he no longer could.

But I don't think, if I was ever playing Arthur or an Arthur analogue, I'd do it that way. I don't have it in me to root for a cuckold.
The same locales from the past, being kept in the future. Flashbacks showing a character's insight when they pass through a familiar spot. I would like to see the king prove himself; not just run around with the title. Bridge two nations, command an Alexander-sized force. Show the people why you are top dog; and why it should stay that way. Sorry I don't make sense. It's late. But it's a nice period o time to set a story in

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