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Fantasy The Omniversal War (1x1 Edition)

Sir Fungus

*Alot of Poses* "Kamen Rider: Black!"
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
The Story (So Far):
Long Ago, Back before the existence of time, there were several goddesses and devils each classified by rank
The Supreme Gods were of amazing power and high caliber, they could create and destroy life as they see fit, using only their powers for balance within the omniverse.
The Gods were the underlings of the Supreme gods, and had only the powers of destruction at their finger tips. Although generally peaceful, there have been many instances where the gods have needed to come into battle amongst their supreme masters.

But when gods and supreme gods came into play, so too did the Daemons, Supreme Devils and Devils.
These three races were fragile under one banner, mistaking each to be betraying them at some instance or another. Although misleading as the name sounds, the Daemons had exponential power of the Supreme Devils and their lower Counterparts.
No one knows how these evil beings came to be, but it is rumored that they are the burning hatred born from the supreme gods and gods alike.
When each of these beings discovered one another, they began to quickly dislike one another and Immediatley, a war broke out between all of their universes and worlds, causing a mass pandemic across everything that exists. Currently their war is on a pause with more potential battles breaking out, but this should not be mistaken for peace..for this is only the beginning of the Omniversal War.

Like with most RP’s, there are rules in place. I’ll try to be as lenient as I can, buuut with RPN’s rules, I’d appreciate if we didnt break them as to avoid any unwanted attention.

1. When it comes to 1x1’s I only RP in DM’s
2. I’d like for you to post at least once a day if you can
3. Writing to at least 1 paragraph is all I ask, but you can write more if you’d like
4. Be respectful
5. Pre-Planning is a must
6. Have fun, this is our story and we can make of it what we wish to a certain extent​

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