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One x One Not So Free - KamixSulfurlix



Suk Len Gyeong


Age: 17

Height: 5'10"

Build: Lithe but muscled

Occupation: Runner for city-known gang Mixed Blood Dragons (MBD)

Wealth: Poor​


Father: Hyun Gyeong - alive - gang lookout - 45 years old - link -

Mother: Min-ji Gyeong - deceased five years ago


Suk is a rather sneaky guy. He's resourceful, quick to think, and usually a rather calm guy. He's quick to defend himself in bad situations, as he knows people can easily get shot, but he tries to get out of confrontation. Suk is rather reserved, and only speaks when necessary.

Brief Background:

He's grown up in the poverty ridden area of the city, and joined the gang his father is in at the age of ten. He's been a runner ever since, and assumes he'll live the same life his father has. His mother and father were both raised in this city when his grandparents moved from South Korea. His father joined the gang when he was 17, and met his wife, Min-ji. They got married at 20, had a son together, and partook in the gang life.

Five years ago, Min-ji was shot and killed. Suk was devastated with the loss of his mother, and that caused him to become more reserved and less likely to talk. The rival gang that killed her is now in constant feuding with MBD.
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Andrea Van Der Woodsen


Age: 16

Height: 5"6

Build: Petite

Occupation: Full time student, co-president of mpco (charity organisation), and journalist for newpaper section.

Wealth: Very rich (upper class).




(Alive) co-owner of the New York Times.


(Alive) running for mayor in the upcoming elections.

Andrea is a clever, outgoing, and unique individual. She's a diplomat, and will argue on every side before she reaches a conclusion that she deems worthy enough. She's extremely book smart, but has little knowledge when it comes to street knowledge- since she spent most of her life tucked away at a private boarding school. She generally very polite and optimistic, but will always have a sarky remark to say about everything which tends to get her into trouble.


Andrea has spent her whole life being bossed around by those who think themselves more authoritative than her. When she reached the age of 4, she was sent away to a posh private school in England near her mothers family. She would scarcely return home to America, and only ever had the privelege when her parents were not busy.

Her parents always had time for anything business related, yet couldn't spare a moment for family bonding. Not that Andrea was complaining, since they can not stay in the same room together for much longer than 20 minutes without arguing. For this reason, the girl was mostly raised by her mothers older sister. She love her aunt fondly, and the two shared many happy years together until her death. The event traumatised the girl and, since she had no other near guardians, she was forced to return to America. She didn't seem to fit in anywhere. Being in a new school with a different culture was extremely difficult and soon the pressure for grades began to build. Andrea could no longer cope. She had no friends, no loving relatives, and her parents only ever seemed to bestow more pressure upon her.

It was when they began to talk of arranged marriages that changed everything. The young girl could no longer cope. Therefore, taking the key to her safe and enough clothes to last a while, she ran away from home.

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