[The Official RPN Character Challenge 2015]Lenore Dahlman

Agent Nine

Level 51 Monkey Butler
Name: Lenore Dahlman

19 Years Old



RP From:
Those Who Were Lost



Picture: (Closest thing I could find, haha.)



At first glance, the woman seems to be incredibly fragile, much like a thin sheet of glass or the brittle bones of a sparrow's wing. She sports a petite build and stands at a mere 4'10, but her thin limbs and light-weight make her pretty flexible, a quality that gets shown off from time to time. What stands out the most about Lenore, however, is her skin; it's pale enough to mimic ivory, along with her eyebrows, eyelashes, and platinum-blonde hair that stays neatly cut below her ears. Albinism has always been a rare genetic hiccup, but she was born with it, and the only speck of color on her face comes from her eyes, which are a reddish-brown.

For one reason or another, Lenore has always enjoyed wearing white clothes. The hospital-like sterility it creates can be a little irritating to one's eyes, but she doesn't mind, and can always be found wearing a white, woolen scarf and white pea-coat, the bottom of which is fringed, like a dress. Underneath that she wears a loose-fitting white jumper, and a white pair of ankle boots. It should also be noted that Lenore is missing two fingers on her right hand and one on her left—the ring finger, pinky, and middle finger respectively. They've been replaced with metal ones, and though they're amateur-ish in build they work well enough.


“Unassuming” is probably the best word to use to describe Lenore, in general. Most people assume that she's some pampered, defenseless whelp who needs to be protected, while, in reality, she's quite capable of taking care of herself. She's a quiet, kind, and outspoken young woman, but also curious, and loves to discover things about people. More often than not this curiosity pushes her to do stupid things, and she can be reckless when she's pursuing something or someone, acting without a care in the world for what could happen to her. Really, Lenore seems to love to put herself into insanely-dangerous situations. Her disregard for her own safety, however, is what lets her wriggle her way out of such situations. At the same time, it's what ends up leading her to get herself hurt.

While it's fairly easy to judge Lenore for her risky behavior, air-headedness and...well, poor decision-making skills, she's actually an intelligent person. The young woman often likes being faced with the “impossible”, even if she doesn't take it seriously. Lenore will always greet challenges as though she were playing a game, and no matter how difficult the game is, she constantly aims to win.

Lenore's also a bit awkward when it comes to interacting with people. Having never made any real friends, she greets individuals much like a curious scientist would greet a strange microbe, poking and prodding at them with questions that can range from simple to personal in a matter of seconds. She's very blunt with her thoughts, and doesn't mind sharing them; she's also not too familiar with the concept of personal space.


Lenore's parents met in the usual way, though the only reason any real love blossomed between the two was because of her father. He was smitten with her future-mother the moment he laid eyes upon her, and made it his personal mission to be near her whenever he could, mainly by hanging around her favorite places. Suffice it to say, the man was clingy, but after a couple of years of effort she ended up falling for him, too, and they married. Happily together, the two decided right away that they wanted a child, but it was easier said than done. As her mother would bitterly put it, the good Lord had left her barren. But her father, hellbent on pleasing his wife, talked with some doctors to see if they couldn't figure something out.

After scores of randomly prescribed medication, the woman became pregnant with twins. The couple was beyond ecstatic, but when the special day came, Lenore ended up being the only one to open her eyes; her poor sister had died before she'd even been brought into the world. Her mother fell into a depression that lasted for months, and her father, though pleased that they finally had a child, ultimately blamed himself for the other's death. Afraid for the lonesome Lenore, the man vowed to keep her out of harm's way, inwardly paranoid about losing her and his wife to more insufferable grief. And though he meant well, he more or less smothered the girl; she wasn't allowed to go out and talk to others because he didn't want her getting sick, so she spent most of her days holed up in her home, solving puzzles and reading books. She had to constantly be bundled up because he didn't want her getting bruises, which her thin, pale skin was prone to. The only real friend Lenore ever had was her mother, who became mentally unwell around the time that the girl turned fifteen, her mind starting to deteriorate after months of heavy despair, anxiety, and stress.

Despite her father's constant, forced protection, Lenore found ways to entertain herself and get hurt. It was during her seclusion that she gained a love for making little gadgets, starting by taking apart clocks, radios, and other things she could find in her home. She lost her few fingers when she had managed to get a hold of some power tools, and what little freedom she had was unsurprisingly lessened after that incident. It hasn't been until recently that Lenore started to explore the “outside world” of the ship, since her father's become occupied with caring for her mother, and she's fascinated with pretty much everything she sees.


Lenore has a love for puzzles and, after years of having them as her sole means of entertainment, is skilled at them. Crosswords, mazes, riddles, lock-picking...it doesn't really matter what it is, as long as it challenges her mind. She can breeze through one fairly quickly, and is always on the lookout for more difficult ones. Lenore also has a knack for making useful gadgets, as well as disassembling some and figuring out how they work.

A major hobby of the young woman's is wandering around and crawling into places she shouldn't be.

Nothing that I can think of.

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