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Realistic or Modern The Observers [Mystery RP]


The (Not So) Evil Mastermind
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Re: Important

To who ever receive and find this message, i am terribly sorry for i may have sent you into your death. If only you didn't find me, then you might still be able to live a normal happy life.

By finding this message, you are marked and will be investigated.

The Observers, the people i'm working for, are going to look into you. Don't worry, we don't know each other and had never meet so you should be safe. And yet, for this selfish request of mine, would you risk your life to finish what i have started?

You need to stop the Observers, before they start a war to fulfill their lust for money and power. You need to stop them, before blood are shed and people are dying.

I am leaving my findings, my evidence, to you.

Please find it, and release it for everyone to see.


A group of people, after receiving a mysterious blank e-mail, is suddenly investigated as 'terrorist threat' by the Government. They then realize that the e-mail is more than just empty, and decided to hunt and reveal the truth to clear their names.
[QUOTE="Cece Meep]I'm interested in trying this out!


Also, do you find the hidden message?
[QUOTE="Cece Meep]On the blank email? Yeah, I got it!

Sssh keep it a secret

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