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Fantasy The Not So Normal Character Sheet

Peach Tea

Ok sorry, this isn't gonna be long sooooo in all honesty, it'll be rocky seeing as some of you have actual characters from shows, movies, video games, etc..

So here is the by far, shortest character sheet I have EVER made... enjoy!

Please include the following~:
Appearance: (Anime and realistic photos are allowed!!! Just describing your character is allowed too!)
Theme Song:
Name: Destiny Jones
Age: 15
Gender: Female

Theme Song:
Other: idk she's depressed maybe ._.
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The Son of Falcon

Kent Falcon






25th of July


Kent, who prefers to be referred to as 'Falcon', has taken the stubbornness and the hot-headedness of his mother. Not saying that his father isn't that, of course, but his mother is more righteous than most, and Kent has taken up a similar mindset. He prefers to let his brawn talk for him, and would prefer intimidating enemies (or just straight up beat them up) rather than talking them down with persuasion. In combat, he is very straight-forward and doesn't usually come up with strategic attacks...of course, he can surprise.

Outside of combat, he retains his stubbornness. He tends to casually flirt with girls his age, or that appear to be his age, yet seems somewhat...shy, in a way. As if he doesn't actually expect a response from his attempts. He enjoys a good laugh with his friends, and doesn't do well on his own.

Physical Description
He has definitely gained his father's rough and chiselled figure, rather than his mother's more delicate and feminine figure. He seems to even emanate masculinity from his perfect jawline, well toned cheekbones, rippling muscles and thick muscled legs. He wears a style of clothing similar to what his father used to wear, before he retired, and as a result he (typically) wears a similar blue synthetic body armour, designed to reduce the impact of attacks like punches, and a long yellow scarf. His boots and gloves are fairly similar to the design too, yet his gloves aren't gauntleted as his dad used to have them. Kent's helmet, however, is his own. The golden falcon on the front has a noticeably different design, and the gold lining the red helmet is much more prominent. The helmet is somewhat ridged at the top, and the angle of the black visor seems a bit less steep than his father's, making his initial appearance not seem as intimidating and more friendly.

Racing, combat and being around good friends. He's also a big fan of dim sum.

Losing, being trapped inside and general insults. And energy drinks.

Strong willed, and definitely not cowardly. His brash nature can often inspire people around him to be the same, and never backs down from a challenge.

While he is of average intellect, he doesn't seem to have a strategic mind. He usually just runs in and Punches everything he sees which often makes him predictable in combat. He also can be hard to persuade to run from a fight, and as a result could, theoretically, often be injured by biting off more than he can chew.

Kent comes from the universe known simply as F-Zero, named after the galactic wide events held there. These races almost unify the galaxies, with many species of aliens and sometimes robots taking place all across the universe. Crime is at a minimum thanks to the efforts of the IPF and to heroes like Super Arrow or Captain Falcon. Ever since the F-Zero races started, too, there hasn't been any interplanetary wars or problems like that - there's no reason to go to war.

Kent's father, Captain Falcon, is mostly recognized as the best F-Zero racer out there - although, he is also known for beating a literal god who tried to use him for nefarious deeds. After this, Captain Falcon soon retired with his wealth and private archipelago to spend more time to relax, officially retiring. After meeting his wife, Lucina, through undetermined events (although, some say they met in another dimension or something, as he was the one who used the prototype of the machine that brought Kent to the school) they had a child which they named Kent.

As Kent grew up, he had heard tales of his father and wished to be like him, so decided to come to the school to train with others like him.

His father is known across his universe as the great Captain Falcon, a brilliant fighter for good and an even better racer in the F-Zero races. The F-Zero races, in summary, are races where the machines float off of the ground, and can accelerate beyond the speed of sound. The races are incredibly dangerous, often resulting in injuries and occasionally deaths to the racers, yet the payout is astronomical. Captain Falcon once raced in the name of the IPF (Internova Police Force) where he worked to thwart the plans of the villains who used the races as a source of income, but soon grew to love the thrill of the races. He soon left the ranks of the IPF instead becoming a bounty hunter instead, doing races and claiming bounties, and soon enough became well known and rich. However, there was something about Captain Falcon that truly made him special - his chi abilities. Dubbing them the 'Way of the Falcon', Captain Falcon, and Kent to a level, can punch harder, faster and even call upon the mighty Falcon Punch for tougher enemies.

One day, however, he announced out of the blue in one of the F-Zero races that this was to be his last race. He took his wealth and his private archipelago and settled down, formally retiring.

Kent never learned how his parents met - he suspects they met in a race, or maybe in a combat tournament of some sort judging from her talents with a sword, but however they met, they doted on each other ever since.​
He does own a motorcycle of sorts, designed similarly to the Blue Falcon, yet it can reach speeds no where near that the Blue Falcon can do - still incredibly fast compared to modern technology, however.



Kent, trained by both his mother and father, is not only an expert in martial arts (compared to everyone else - compared to Captain Falcon...well...) but also somewhat in swordplay (even though he never uses a sword). Thanks to both his father's training and his advanced swordplay knowledge, he can easily catch blades, bat them to the side, and even disarm/take them for himself. Of course, he doesn't really need to. Thanks to his training (and the Way of the Falcon) he can punch and kick way faster than even the most experienced martial artist, and perform deadly martial art moves of his own.

Of course, that isn't even scraping the barrel of his powers. Like his father, he is able to Falcon Punch and Falcon Kick (although his use of it isn't as versatile as his father's). Unlike his father, on the other hand, his fist is invulnerable to damage whenever he charges and uses it, and the release of chi energy upon impact makes his entire body immune to any and all damage for the split second that it contacts. However, and this has not been discovered, his Falcon Punch also is amplified by the speed he is travelling - let's just say you don't want to be hit by a Mach speed Falcon Punch.

He has not currently learned the ultimate Way of the Falcon technique, the Knee of Justice, but his father states that he himself only learnt it not because he wanted to, but because he needed to. When Kent needs the Knee, he will know what to do.


His motorbike, dubbed the Bluebird, can reach speeds nearing 750 km/h due to the well designed bodywork, the powerful plasma engines based on the Blue Falcon's own engines and works using magnetism over wheels, allowing it to disregard floor terrain and friction. Due to the lack of friction, he is able to 'drift' easily, making Kent able to go around hairpin bends with ease and without losing too much speed. It can also be overcharged, since the engine allows it, but there isn't any way for Kent to do it himself - he suspects electrically charging it with lightning or something similar would do it, but he has never had the chance to test it. When overcharged, the bike can reach speeds similar to the Blue Falcon. His wrist has a button that allows him to call the Bluebird to his position at will, but unlike his father's vehicle the Bluebird doesn't have an intelligent enough AI to allow Kent to use it in battle like his father is often seen doing.

Other than that, he has nothing worth mentioning.



Significant Other(s)

Other Significant People
Douglas Jay Falcon (better known as Captain Falcon) - his father.
Lucina Falcon - his mother.​
BBCode courtesy of Lettuce
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The Two-Tailed Genius

Miles 'Tails' Prower



Human/Fox hybrid


21st November


Tails isn't as much of the stereotypical geek as most people think him to be - as in, shy, solitary and that sort of thing. While he does sometimes display traits like that, he is much more friendly and social than that. He is very social, often making quick friends with most types of people, and can sometimes be a bit sassy. Admittedly, he has came out of his shell more due to his best friend and idol, Sonic, but he has always been a bit like this.

He does sometimes become morose and sad, however, and seeing 'evil' people, especially scientists, seems to get him into an uncontrollable rage.

Physical Description
Tails is one of those guys that everyone somewhat hates because he can get into, and suits, the skinniest of skinny jeans. He wears tight yellow denim jeans, complete with a complementary yellow denim jacket, with a plain white shirt underneath. On his feet, he wears strange looking red trainers - but hey, they seem to work, so why change it? Around his neck is a warm and snuggly looking scarf made in the visage of the white parts of his tails, and across his chest and waist is a belt with a shoulder strap attached to it, that is usually filled with assorted tools and parts for easy access when he is working. On his head, a pair of welding goggles.

Tails is pretty tall, though not massive, and definitely lanky. However, despite his lack of arm thickness, he is surprisingly well toned and muscly under the jacket - and he is surprisingly strong. His face is less handsome, and more...cute, and his ever-curious blue eyes usually can brighten anyone's day. On the top of his head, a little above his normal human ears covered by yellow hair, are two beautiful fox ears that always seem to be twitching out of curiosity. The feature that stand out the most, however, are his two huge, bushy fox tails, yellow in colour, with white tips to them. Oddly, there are two of them, that both seem capable of independent movement.

Mint sweets (humbugs, imperials etc), machine maintenance and tinkering. He also likes using his inventions, whether it be his weapons or his plane. He would never admit it, but he loves having his tails brushed and groomed by other people.

Thunderstorms, rain and sudden loud noises. He also doesn't like being alone for too long, and dislikes being around other people's parents - although, it would be difficult to get him to show, let alone admit, it. He doesn't like being called cute (unless by a girl, of course) as he doesn't like being associated to a child or immature.

Incredibly intelligent and strategic in battle (he has an IQ of 300, way more than Einstein or Hawking), easily able to discern an opponent's weak points and exploit them. He also does incredibly well with flying and high speed, so going around a rollercoaster (for example) wouldn't even faze him - he also seems to be pretty much immune to the effects of excessive g-force.

While not necessarily a coward, he always tries to avoid fighting where he can - unless, of course, the enemy is an evil scientist or something - then he attacks recklessly and without signs of stopping. He also can be a bit too analytical, meaning he can often read too deeply into something or someone's actions. He gets infuriated by problems he cannot solve, yet he will never ask for help with them.

Tails has had an...unfortunate childhood. Not even minutes after he was born he witnessed his parents' deaths to the hands of the evil scientist, Dr Robotnik. This traumatized him, as he still has the memories of the murder, and he had no-one to help relieve his agony. Until, that is, 8 years later he met Sonic through events involving Tails fixing his bi-plane (why the fastest thing alive needs a bi-plane is beyond even Tails, but he doesn't care enough to ask) who soon became his best friend.

Sonic and Tails soon became famous across the world for thwarting evil schemes together as best friends. They soon made new friends like Knuckles, Amy and even interdimensional characters like Blaze and Silver. As Tails grew older, however, they grew apart and Tails looked elsewhere for his adventure.

As such, with the help of the Chaos Emeralds and the Master Emerald, Tails created a machine capable of interdimensional travel.

Unfortunately, Tails has no family. The exact same day he was born, an evil scientist known as Dr. Robotnik started his evil purge across the world. He was soon thwarted, but not before his entire village was destroyed and his parents burned to ash in front of him. Despite it happening as a baby, he still remembers it clear as day.

The only 'family' to him is Sonic and his other friends, but he still greatly misses his parents. He often wonders what life would've been if the massacre didn't happen that fateful day, but all he can manage to do is hold back the tears.​
Tails owns and flies, with incredible skill, a modified bi-plane that he lovingly nicknames the 'Tornado'.

At night, when he is trying to sleep, he is sometimes haunted by the memories of his parent's murder, often leading to exhaustion due to lack of sleep.



Tails' main feats involve his clever use of his tails. Unbeknownst to most people, his tails aren't simply tails that grow out of his body - they are a fairly complex biological anomaly that can be spun like a propeller, that allows Tails to use them like the blades of a turbine engine which greatly increases his speed. At full speed, he isn't far off mach speeds. He can also use his tails to fly, although can tire - especially if he is carrying something.

His other main skill is his intelligence. With an IQ of over 300, he is able to quickly calculate and effectively analyse a situation.

Technically, he can also transform with the help of the Chaos Emeralds, but we don't talk about Super Tails. No-one ever talks about Super Tails.


Tails, using bits and pieces he's found lying around the school and nearby area, has managed to repair an old bi-plane and upgrade it massively, which he nicknames the Tornado. The plane is equipped with back-up thrusters that he uses for extra speed or high altitude. If he does need it in high altitude, he can also transform it slightly to accommodate for the higher altitude. The most impressive thing, however, is that he can perform a manoeuvre while over-charging his thrusters and propeller blade, that causes the plane to turn upwards for a time and create a spiral of wind so powerful it causes a 'tornado' to fly forward ahead of him. He then can skilfully use the powerful winds created by the tornado to increase his own flying speed.

The plane in the video isn't what his plane looks like, but it is somewhat similar.

He also has various buttons on the end of his left glove that each activate/'warp' to his hand one of his various technologies. One of them is an arm-cannon that fires potent energy balls at the target. Another is a string of pure energy that acts like a lasso yet is much easier to control, and much stronger. Others include walking grenades, healing devices, shield generators...all sorts.



Significant Other(s)

Other Significant People
Sonic - his best friend.​
BBCode courtesy of Lettuce
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The Son of Falcon

Kent Falcon






25th of July


Kent, who prefers to be referred to as 'Falcon', has taken the stubbornness and the hot-headedness of his mother. Not saying that his father isn't that, of course, but his mother is more righteous than most, and Kent has taken up a similar mindset. He prefers to let his brawn talk for him, and would prefer intimidating enemies (or just straight up beat them up) rather than talking them down with persuasion. In combat, he is very straight-forward and doesn't usually come up with strategic attacks...of course, he can surprise.

Outside of combat, he retains his stubbornness. He tends to casually flirt with girls his age, or that appear to be his age, yet seems somewhat...shy, in a way. As if he doesn't actually expect a response from his attempts. He enjoys a good laugh with his friends, and doesn't do well on his own.

Physical Description
He has definitely gained his father's rough and chiselled figure, rather than his mother's more delicate and feminine figure. He seems to even emanate masculinity from his perfect jawline, well toned cheekbones, rippling muscles and thick muscled legs. He wears a style of clothing similar to what his father used to wear, before he retired, and as a result he (typically) wears a similar blue synthetic body armour, designed to reduce the impact of attacks like punches, and a long yellow scarf. His boots and gloves are fairly similar to the design too, yet his gloves aren't gauntleted as his dad used to have them. Kent's helmet, however, is his own. The golden falcon on the front has a noticeably different design, and the gold lining the red helmet is much more prominent. The helmet is somewhat ridged at the top, and the angle of the black visor seems a bit less steep than his father's, making not seem as intimidating and more friendly.

Racing, combat and being around good friends. He's also a big fan of dim sum.

Losing, being trapped inside and general insults. And energy drinks.

Strong willed, and definitely not cowardly. His brash nature can often inspire people around him to be the same, and never backs down from a challenge.

While he is of average intellect, he doesn't seem to have a strategic mind. He usually just runs in and Punches everything he sees which often makes him predictable in combat. He also can be hard to persuade to run from a fight, and as a result could, theoretically, often be injured by biting off more than he can chew.


His father is known across his universe as the great Captain Falcon, a brilliant fighter for good and an even better racer in the F-Zero races. The F-Zero races, in summary, are races where the machines float off of the ground, and can accelerate beyond the speed of sound. The races are incredibly dangerous, often resulting in injuries and occasionally deaths to the racers, yet the payout is astronomical. Captain Falcon once raced in the name of the IPF (Internova Police Force) where he worked to thwart the plans of the villains who used the races as a source of income, but soon grew to love the thrill of the races. He soon left the ranks of the IPF instead becoming a bounty hunter instead, doing races and claiming bounties, and soon enough became well known and rich. However, there was something about Captain Falcon that truly made him special - his chi abilities. Dubbing them the 'Way of the Falcon', Captain Falcon, and Kent to a level, can punch harder, faster and even call upon the mighty Falcon Punch for tougher enemies.

One day, however, he announced out of the blue in one of the F-Zero races that this was to be his last race. He took his wealth and his private archipelago and settled down, formally retiring.

Kent never learned how his parents met - he suspects they met in a race, or maybe in a combat tournament of some sort judging from her talents with a sword, but however they met, they doted on each other ever since.​
He does own a motorcycle of sorts, designed similarly to the Blue Falcon, yet it can reach speeds no where near that the Blue Falcon can do - still incredibly fast compared to modern technology, however.



Kent, trained by both his mother and father, is not only an expert in martial arts (compared to everyone else - compared to Captain Falcon...well...) and somewhat in swordplay (even though he never uses a sword). Thanks to both his father's training and his advanced swordplay knowledge, he can easily catch blades, bat them to the side, and even disarm/take them for himself. Of course, he doesn't really need to. Thanks to his training (and the Way of the Falcon) he can punch and kick way faster than even the most experienced martial artist, and perform deadly martial art moves of his own.

Of course, that isn't even scraping the barrel of his powers. Like his father, he is able to Falcon Punch and Falcon Kick (although his use of it isn't as versatile as his father's). Unlike his father, on the other hand, his fist is invulnerable to damage whenever he charges and uses it, and the release of chi energy upon impact makes his entire body immune to any and all damage for the split second that it contacts. However, and this has not been discovered, his Falcon Punch also is amplified by the speed he is travelling - let's just say you don't want to be hit by a Mach speed Falcon Punch.

He has not currently learned the ultimate Way of the Falcon technique, the Knee of Justice, but his father states that he himself only learnt it not because he wanted to, but because he needed to. When Kent needs the Knee, he will know what to do.


His motorbike, dubbed the Bluebird, can reach speeds nearing 750 km/h due to the well designed bodywork, the powerful plasma engines based on the Blue Falcon's own engines and works using magnetism over wheels, allowing it to disregard floor terrain and friction. Due to the lack of friction, he is able to 'drift' easily, making Kent able to go around hairpin bends with ease and without losing too much speed. It can also be overcharged, since the engine allows it, but there isn't any way for Kent to do it himself - he suspects electrically charging it with lightning or something similar would do it, but he has never had the chance to test it. When overcharged, the bike can reach speeds similar to the Blue Falcon. His wrist has a button that allows him to call the Bluebird to his position at will, but unlike his father's vehicle the Bluebird doesn't have an intelligent enough AI to allow Kent to use it in battle like his father is often seen doing.

Other than that, he has nothing worth mentioning.



Significant Other(s)

Other Significant People
Douglas Jay Falcon (better known as Captain Falcon) - his father.
Lucina Falcon - his mother.​
BBCode courtesy of Lettuce


The Two-Tailed Genius

Miles 'Tails' Prower



Human/Fox hybrid


21st November


Tails isn't as much of the stereotypical geek as most people think him to be - as in, shy, solitary and that sort of thing. While he does sometimes display traits like that, he is much more friendly and social than that. He is very social, often making quick friends with most types of people, and can sometimes be a bit sassy. Admittedly, he has came out of his shell more due to his best friend and idol, Sonic, but he has always been a bit like this.

He does sometimes become morose and sad, however, and seeing 'evil' people, especially scientists, seems to get him into an uncontrollable rage.

Physical Description
Tails is one of those guys that everyone somewhat hates because he can get into, and suits, the skinniest of skinny jeans. He wears tight yellow denim jeans, complete with a complementary yellow denim jacket, with a plain white shirt underneath. On his feet, he wears strange looking red trainers - but hey, they seem to work, so why change it? Around his neck is a warm and snuggly looking scarf made in the visage of the white parts of his tails, and across his chest and waist is a belt with a shoulder strap attached to it, that is usually filled with assorted tools and parts for easy access when he is working. On his head, a pair of welding goggles.

Tails is pretty tall, though not massive, and definitely lanky. However, despite his lack of arm thickness, he is surprisingly well toned and muscly under the jacket - and he is surprisingly strong. His face is less handsome, and more...cute, and his ever-curious blue eyes usually can brighten anyone's day. On the top of his head, a little above his normal human ears covered by yellow hair, are two beautiful fox ears that always seem to be twitching out of curiosity. The feature that stand out the most, however, are his two huge, bushy fox tails, yellow in colour, with white tips to them. Oddly, there are two of them, that both seem capable of independent movement.

Mint sweets (humbugs, imperials etc), machine maintenance and tinkering. He also likes using his inventions, whether it be his weapons or his plane. He would never admit it, but he loves having his tails brushed and groomed by other people.

Thunderstorms, rain and sudden loud noises. He also doesn't like being alone for too long, and dislikes being around other people's parents - although, it would be difficult to get him to show, let alone admit, it. He doesn't like being called cute (unless by a girl, of course) as he doesn't like being associated to a child or immature.

Incredibly intelligent and strategic in battle (he has an IQ of over 300, way more than Einstein or Hawking), easily able to discern an opponent's weak points and exploit them. He also does incredibly well with flying and high speed, so going around a rollercoaster (for example) wouldn't even faze him.

While not necessarily a coward, he always tries to avoid fighting where he can - unless, of course, the enemy is an evil scientist or something - then he attacks recklessly and without signs of stopping. He also can be a bit too analytical, meaning he can often read too deeply into something or someone's actions. He gets infuriated by problems he cannot solve, yet he will never ask for help with them.


Unfortunately, Tails has no family. The exact same day he was born, an evil scientist known as Dr. Robotnik started his evil purge across the world. He was soon thwarted, but not before his entire village was destroyed and his parents burned to ash in front of him. Despite it happening as a baby, he still remembers it clear as day.

The only 'family' to him is Sonic and his other friends, but he still greatly misses his parents. He often wonders what life would've been if the massacre didn't happen that fateful day, but all he can manage to do is hold back the tears.​
Tails owns and flies, with incredible skill, a modified bi-plane that he lovingly nicknames the 'Tornado'.

At night, when he is trying to sleep, he is sometimes haunted by the memories of his parent's murder, often leading to tiredness due to lack of sleep.



Tails' main feats involve his clever use of his tails. Unbeknownst to most people, his tails aren't simply tails that grow out of his body - they are a fairly complex biological anomaly that can be spun like a propeller, that allows Tails to use them like the blades of a turbine engine which greatly increases his speed. At full speed, he isn't far off mach speeds. He can also use his tails to fly, although can tire - especially if he is carrying something.

His other main skill is his intelligence. With an IQ of over 300, he is able to quickly calculate and effectively analyse a situation.

Technically, he can also transform with the help of the Chaos Emeralds, but we don't talk about Super Tails. No-one ever talks about Super Tails.


Tails, using bits and pieces he's found lying around the school and nearby area, has managed to repair an old bi-plane and upgrade it massively, which he nicknames the Tornado. The plane is equipped with back-up thrusters that he uses for extra speed or high altitude. If he does need it in high altitude, he can also transform it slightly to accommodate for the higher altitude. The most impressive thing, however, is that he can perform a manoeuvre while over-charging his thrusters and propeller blade, that causes the plane to turn upwards for a time and create a spiral of wind so powerful it causes a 'tornado' to fly forward ahead of him. He then can skilfully use the powerful winds created by the tornado to increase his own flying speed.

The plane in the video isn't what his plane looks like, but it is somewhat similar.

He also has various buttons on the end of his left glove that each activate/'warp' to his hand one of his various technologies. One of them is an arm-cannon that fires potent energy balls at the target. Another is a string of pure energy that acts like a lasso yet is much easier to control, and much stronger. Others include walking grenades, healing devices, shield generators...all sorts.



Significant Other(s)

Other Significant People
Sonic - his best friend.​
BBCode courtesy of Lettuce

Fandom: The mirror lied

Name: Leah

Age: 9

Gender: Female

Height: 4'7

Species: Human (Sort of)


Theme Song:

*Armed with a M9 gun model pistol loaded with 2 9mm bullets
*bottle of liquid pesticide
*A small metal key as big as her hand (No use or purpose)

Powers/Abilities: None

Other: She possesses a faceless human physiology. She knows where she's going but she doesn't seem to eat, drink, smell, or talk. It could either be that she is dreaming or something else.
Name: Sadao Maou
Fandom: The Devil is a Part Timer
Age: (really old... appears around 16 of 17 in human form)
Gender: Male
Species: Demon (the king to be exact)
  • Inquisitive
  • Seemingly clueless but actually highly intelligent
  • Persistant
  • Kind and quite helpful
  • Charming
  • Natural born leader
  • Hard work
  • Capitalism
  • Economics
  • Rising to the top to prove his skill and worth
  • Lucifer
  • Losing a challenge
  • Death and destruction
Maou was once known as a fearsome leader. He ruled the demon world and brought peace to the traditionally devious realm. However, he quickly learned peace wasn't for the best and that the demon world was running out of energy. In order to obtain energy (produced by negative emotions) he set out to conquer Ente Isla. He ruled over the humans of the realm, nearly wiping them into extinction. A hero came to face Maou, forcing him to retreat to Earth where he lost all of his powers. Feeling guilt for his past, Maou began dedicating his time to aiding and protecting the humans of Earth. His new desire? to take over a position of power by starting from the bottom and proving his worth. First stop? High school...
Theme Song:

Human Form:

Demon Form:

Other: He has a bike named Dullahan.
Name: Senor Black Hat
Age: 25
Gender: Male

Brief Background(In accordance to this AU):
A Starting Villain of the Black Market who parts time as a Teacher to fund his schemes. He is also the Homeroom Teacher of this year's batch. Black Hat is known for ruthlessly scaring his students. His real name is unknown, but he appears to be a demon of some form.

Black Hat teaches Spanish and World History. He's also the Club Advisor of the Self-Proclaimed 'World Domination' Club led by a Student who goes by Doc Flugg.
Theme Song: N/A(Since series doesn't even have a theme song yet : P )
His abilities include; Shape Shifting and the ability to rip portals to HELL using his hands...It's a wonder why he needs this job when he can just command demons to do his Schemes.
Jotaro KujoThe Third JoJo

BasicsName: Jotaro Kujo AKA JoJo
Aliases: JoJo, Stardust Crusader
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Occupation: High-School Delinquent, Future Marine Biologist

Good grief...
Jotaro's "Catchphrase"

  • Appearance
    Height: 195cm (6'4ft)
    Weight: 82kg (181lbs)
    Hair: Black
    Eyes: Pretty Blue :)
    Body: Muscular
    Attire: Jotaro dons a black hat that fades into fake hair at its end, that perfectly merges with his normal haircut, making it seem like the hat itself is a part of his hair. He often wears a black trenchcoat with golden flair and a signature golden chain on his left shoulder. Jotaro is said to greatly care about maintaining this appearance and gets very mad when DIO rips his pants. During the events of Diamond is Unbreakable, Jotaro briefly exchanges this look in favor of a white coat with more color, but returns to his classic look during the events of Part 6.

Theme Song

Here's some of Jotaro's best moments throughout the series for your leisure:

Naomi || Yin


Full Name: Naomi Rose Yin
Gender: Female
Official Title: Goddess of the Abyss, Princess of the Void
Nickname: Rose, Mia
Age: 18

Naomi's past is unknown by everyone, as in, everyone. But what is known, is that she's a mystery. She's dark, mysterious, and she isn't a normal person, not in the slightest. But her past known by advisers and others, her "fake" past, is that she is the simple child of a man known as Carlos Yin and a woman known as Lavender Yin. They each were simple fishermen, and she wanted something greater, something better.

Her true story starts here. Namoi Yin is a Hybrid, a girl born of two origins. Her mother was a woman named Levion Yin, and was the soon to be Queen of a world having been long forgotten. She was beautiful, so absolutely and indescribably beautiful that men would fight to the death just to be able to ask for her hand in marriage. She was the prized possession of her family and her kingdom, the men wanted her, and the women wanted to be her. She had the life many would only be able to have in their dreams, life was, well, perfect. Except, she didn't feel love. She wanted to have someone who would love her, not for her title, or for her body, but for her. So, she did a little . . . experiment.

She went deep into the Kingdom, and set out a message. She was posing as a strange woman, looking for a simple man to love. Using a form of magic, she temporarily turned herself into a less than average woman, and searched for the perfect man. She'd go on date after date, searching, but, alas, she never found the one. None of them loved her, they always called her ugly, or fat, and no one was able to see her for, well, her. Right when she was about to give up, she found him, a beautiful man that liked her for her. He liked her laugh, her smile, and well, just her in general. He didn't rush it, and didn't push for her to sleep with him. He just wanted someone to love, as did she. So one day, she showed herself to her lover, her true self, and they made love that day. She wanted to run away with him, run away from this wretched world, and live with the one man who truly understood her.

And they did, on the night of the Summer Solstice, they rode out of the Kingdom, and she didn't question where they were going, what Kingdom, what Realm, because she loved and trusted him with her life. But, one night, as she woke up, she saw him talking with a group of men, giving them what looked like Money. When she asked what he was doing, she felt something prick her, and she fell unconscious. When she woke up, she found herself in a cage, her clothes burned and cut, and there was a stamp on her right arm. She was told that, the man she had called her "lover", had sold her off. The second he found out who she was, he had set a plan to meet with some . . . associates of his. Had he loved her before finding out who she was? She didn't know, all she knew, was that she felt completely and utterly empty.

She was blindfolded, and traveled from place to place, before suddenly being fixed up, and dressed in a formal outfit. She questioned where she was, and what she was being dressed for, but was never told. She was forced into a room, where she saw a man who was more handsome than what she could ever imagine. A feeling of overwhelming lust fell over her body, and she lost control, her entire world going black. When she woke up, she found out that she was pregnant. And that's when she got her answers.

She was taken into hell, as hard as it was to believe, yes, hell. The man had sold her off to a group of men in the Black Market, of which brought her to a secret trading Market for the Devil King Lucifer. He was looking for a woman, the most beautiful woman in all of the land to make love to. After finding her, he had her way with her, messing with her mind so she wouldn't deny him. And then he tossed he out like she was nothing. She was flung back into the Mortal Realm, the Devil King no longer having any need for her. She tried everything she could to get rid of the child, but it never went away, and she was forced to have the child she didn't want, in a land she didn't know.

The baby, Naomi, was given up, being dropped in the nearest village as her mother couldn't stand the image of her daughter, who at the time was barely an apparent human. Naomi was picked up and raised by an old woman who lived alone on a farm. She told Naomi that she was blind, and raised her like a normal person. As time went on, Naomi quickly learned, however that she wasn't normal. She wasn't like the other boys and girls, she wasn't pretty, she wasn't cute, she was a monster. She quickly found out her ability to change her shape, and made herself look like the other girls, beautiful, perfect, a powerful person. She went to school, made friends, and lived through life as a human. But, there was only one problem. She couldn't make herself completely human. On her head, there were two very sharp horns, and a pointed tail on her back that just wouldn't got away. So to compromise, she changed their shape, making her horns cat ears and her tail a cat tail because it looked "cute". She hid them with a hat, and had the tail kept in her clothes.

But, one day her charade began to end. It was around when she was ten, and she was out in the woods at night with her friends. But, a voice came into her head, the voice of a man with power. He sent images, thoughts through her head, horrific deaths, life, and war. Losing control, she strayed away from her friends, before losing control of her form and going on a rampage. She killed 8 children before gaining control again, and running back to her Grandmother panicking. She told her everything, everything that'd happened, how she wasn't actually human, how she didn't know what she was, and how she was confused and lost. Her Grandmother, strangely, acted extremely quickly. She told her to go to bed, and she would take care of everything, make everything better. Listening to her, she walked up to her bedroom, letting everything wash away as she fell asleep.

Naomi was awoken by a shake, finding herself being surrounded in . . . hay? She woke up, immediately realizing that she was not in her room. As she looked up, she saw she was just leaving her Village, but it wasn't the only thing she saw. What she saw next was much, much worse. Her Grandmother, hung on a cross, with her throat slit and her body full of scars and burns. Before she could scream, she felt a hand clasp over her mouth, as she was immediately quieted. After biting the mans hand, she tried to get up, but was knocked out. When she woke up, she was informed of what had happened.

Her Grandmother wasn't blind, and she wasn't old. She was a witch, and someone who was part of a secret organization that was involved in the uptune death of Lucifer, the Devil King. A Demon hunting association, of which had been keeping track of her for her whole life. Ever since her mothers capture, to her being dumped in the village. The Old Woman was a Witch of the organization, a beautiful young girl who was placed there for the soul purpose of killing the spawn of the Devil. As you see, the reason the Devil had no other children, is because the organization killed them all. In fear that the spawn of the Devil would become a problem. But the Witch, Grandenee was her name, didn't have the heart to kill the child. She couldn't kill her, no matter how much the organization tried to influence her. After much time, and problems in court, the main branch decided to let the girl live, as Grandenee convinced them that in the future she could be a very valuable asset to the Organization.

So, she went undercover as an Old Woman, putting out an illusion to the entire village that she had always been there. She took care of her, raised her as best as she could, but the day that she came home panicking, she knew time was up. So, doing the only thing she could think of, she called the organization to pick the girl up, while she told everyone that she was the Demon who had attacked them, giving Naomi her life to live.

From then on, she was trained by the organization, as the soft approach Grandenee took with her was removed. She stopped being a person, and started being a
weapon, something that existed for the soul purpose of killing the Devil King. It was brutal, harsh, and heart-wrenching. No mater how hard she begged, how much she refused, how much she fought, they wouldn't let her go. To them, she wasn't a person, no, she was a monster. And after a while, she began to grow into the title. But in her, just a bit of her, she is still a person.

Height: 5'8"

Hair Color: Jet Black

Eye Color: Golden

Description: Naomi is a fair skinned young woman, with eyes that reflect an Amber honey colored Gold, and long jet black hair. That is the form she takes normally, with an extremely beautiful and adult like body that makes men and woman both go in awe by her just simply walking by them. On her head are dark purple horns, and on her back above her waist is thing black pointed tail. However, of course, this tail is normally perceived as a cat tail, and the hons turning into cat ears, both jet black. Due to the world not being very . . . accepting, to demons or beings with unnatural physiology, she covers these strange body parts by keeping her tail in her clothes, and for her ears is a bow, or a hat.

She is normally seen wearing a black buttoned vest with coattails and a single silver button on the front. Underneath this is a white, sleeveless, high necked, crop undershirt and white shorts with a zipper on the front of each leg. She also wears black low-heeled boots and full stockings with a color gradation of black to purple at her ankles. The sign for her Organization is visible on the outside of both thighs just below her shorts in white. On her left arm is a detached sleeve with a silver cuff around her bicep, and black ribbons are wrapped around both forearms. A small, loose scarf is wrapped around her neck and a gray magnetic backpack is strapped to her back, hidden by her hair.

Naomi is a very closed off person, being trained harshly and brutally by the oh so kind people at the Organization for almost ten years, she's learned to not be the nicest While some may see the cup as half empty, while other half full, she'd say it's half of a half since she doesn't have time to think of things that are so trivial. She is ice cold, a pessimistic girl who sees the worst in everyone, and trusts no one other than herself. She doesn't need friends, she doesn't need family, she doesn't need anyone. She's completely and utterly fine with being alone, there is nothing wrong with it. She likes the silence, her ice cold demeanor and harsh atmosphere driving others off and giving he the title of, "Introvert".

But, regardless of how cold, harsh, and distant she may be on the outside, it is all an act. She keeps on this shell around her body, so none will be able to get to her insides, then no one can hurt her. Because, on the inside, she is a kind, loving, warm-hearted girl with a passion so strong it drives her day after day to do better, be better, and act better overall. This is a girl who wants friends, who wants a family. She wants a boy friend, or a girl friend, someone to kiss and to love. Anything to just make her feel . . . normal again. Something she hasn't felt in over a decade.

Enhanced Physical Capabilities: Naomi's physical feats are unreal, to a point that after just an arm wrestle you seriously have to ask if she is human or not. Her strength and overall power and status is so great it puts her on the levels of superhuman. Being part Demon, she was already born stronger than those around her. She was abnormally strong, able to lift up her home-room teacher with just her hand when she was just starting Elementary school. She is extremely fast as well, being at the top of her class in physical education because of how physically fit she was. Her Stamina was no joke, able to run or fight for hours on end without stop or rest, and still have the energy to keep going. And this only grew as she became older and trained in the Organization, making her a force to not be taken lightly.

Master Hand-to-Hand Combat/Weaponry: For almost ten whole years, she's been trained by the most renown and powerful assassins, hit-men, and hunters that the organization had to offer. She's been through more in a week than most people would experience their entire life. She's mastered many different forms of hand-to-hand combat, he favorites being Taekwondo, Contact Karate, and a form of combat that utilizes ones Chi and anothers pressure points, called the Chi Blocking Style. Her mastery over different kinds of weapons is also quite insane in general. She's mastered almost every single weapon that the Organization put in front of her. Guns, swords, daggers, scythes, etc. etc. She's considered a prodigy by everyone there.

Demon Hybrid Physiology: Due to being half human and half demon, she has been given a set of abilities that almost nobody else has. She, being the only known Cambion child of Lucifer, does not have full control over most of her abilities, and hasn't even awoken some of them. Her father would whisper things to her, try to mess with her mind, just to get her to join him, kill the humans, become immortal. But she won't, she knows there are some good humans, and refuses to end their lives just because her dick of a father can't get a grip. Due to this is why she doesn't have full control. Her abilities include;

    • Physical Form Manipulation: She is able to, in a sense, "edit" the way she looks with this ability. She uses this to change from her demonic form to the beauty of a woman you see today. She can change every aspect of her body, height, weight, eye color, hair color, breast size, everything. Her original form is very . . . dark, and drives away, well, everyone.
    • Astral Projection: An ability she still has trouble controlling, is Astral Projection. This lets her, in a way, separate her spirit from her body to travel to different places. In this form, only those with experience in Spirits can see her, or other Astral Projections. She can travel to any Realm she wants to, any place, even into dreams. She normally goes here at night, when she is supposed to be asleep, since she has trouble sleeping. [
    • Decelerated Aging: Upon turning 16, she pretty much stopped aging. No, she is not immortal, she can still die of age, it's just her aging process has slowed so much so that she will most likely keep that same body for the next few decades before giving even the slightest shiver of a wrinkle. Making her, well, the perfect wife to most.
    • ]Magic: She has the ability to manipulate Magical energy in the form of , well, Magic. It's practically limitless to it's possibilities. But she focuses around Memory, emotion, darkness, and illusions.
    • Regenerative Healing Factor: She can heal extremely quickly.


Nothing here XP


Raina Mathers





Raina is your stereotypical rebel. She has little regard for rules or authority. She's very easygoing and funny by nature. She can find a way to make a joke in any situation.But if you cross her you'll find she has a bit of a temper. Even though she's short she compensates with her sarcasm and less than friendly words

Raina was born to the wealthy Sheryl an Peter Mathers. When she was only to they were killed in a car accident where the other driver was drunk.From then on she was sent to live with her aunt.At age seven she was sent to live with another relative after she "accidentally" shaved her aunt bald and spay painted her car the colors of the rainbow.He other relatives jumped at the chance to take care of her, since she was the sole heir of her parents fortune. They hoped that when she was older she would be gracious and repay their kindness.But that was the furthest of her concerns.Instead she used it as an excuse to get away with anything she wanted.
Theme Song
(Sorry in advance for the size of the pictures)

Name: Nathaniel O'Ferrell

Age: 21

Gender: Male


Theme Song: Lol yes the whole album is his theme song


Backstory - Nathaniel or Nate for short was born in Ireland and was raised there by his mother. His father left when he was about five and he hasn't seen him since. Nate was a pretty shy lad to start especially between the ages of 13 and 15. After that though his confidence shot right through the roof. With that though Nate began to get himself into sticky situations. These molded him into the man he is today which was forced to move to America when his mother died. He had no other relatives in Ireland so he figured he would give America a try and considering he dropped out of high school just after his 10th year he found out very quickly that in America you need a diploma to do just about anything. Luckily for him he found this one that would take him...

Likes -

  • Working out
  • Alcohol
  • Kilts
  • The Real Mckenzies
  • Dropkick Murphies
  • Being a sneaky bastard
  • The sea
  • Cats
  • Irish accents
  • Irish girls
  • Irish girls with Irish accents
  • Whiskey
  • The Cold
  • The Bagpipes
Dislikes -

  • People who think highly of themselves
  • Weak people
  • Hard drugs
  • Cops
  • Dogs
  • Catholics
  • The Heat
Height - 6'3

Weight - 170 Pounds

Eye Color - Brown

Tattoos -
(On each shoulder)

(On each forearm)

(On the back of the neck)

(On his lower stomach trailing down to his waist ;)

(On his chest )

Misc. Appearance things - Freckles, Scruffy facial hair though is usually clean shaven.

Skills -

  • Can and will beat you in a drinking contest
  • Pretty strong
  • Pretty fast
  • Can sing fairly well
  • Social boy
  • Knows how to fight
  • Has learned to slug through pain (He has a large pain tolerance)
  • Can play the bagpipes

I think that covers it :D
Name: Deo A. "Mercury" Robbinson (On the roll call list it will be Mercury... His half brothers are mean people. Nobody calls him Deo except his dad. It's usually Dee, the family nickname, or Mercury or some version of "Mercury")
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Powers: If he has any, he's completely oblivious to it.
Energy manipulation. Basically he can make things move by extending his own energy to things. He can also release his energy in a giant golden wave that blasts people back.
Abilities: He's incredibly dexterous with his hands and has an incredible poker face. He can usually read people's body language and facial expressions. He's also an excellent climber and surprisingly strong for his wiry, small frame. He's endurant (strong for climbing and high endurance due to climbing as well) but mostly fast. He's built for speed, not strength. For getting away not for standing and fighting.
Appearance: Mercury is a short individual, around 5'5 and has warm hazel eyes that can change color from a cool mint green to a warm brown. He has unruly dark brown hair that sticks up and slightly tanned skin from being out in the sun. He has a calming tenor voice with a Southern lilt. He's remarkably thin and doesn't look dangerous besides a mischievous glint in his eye accompanied by a Devil's grin whenever he gets an.. interesting. Besides that, he looks like a weak and frail person that couldn't harm anyone if he tried... Looks can be deceiving
Personality: Mercury is rather soft spoken. He has a penchance for pickpocketing people but usually returns what he steals. He also likes to observe people. Mercury can not stay still for long and is a pretty crappy student. He prefers wearing jackets. Funnily enough, he likes nature and animals. He has a bulldog like approach to learning new things and won't give up once his mind is put to a task. Mercury's also a bit of a flirt though most of his flirtations are a joke and made to rib on himself as he's a thief (Example: "Oh a ring? I'm sorry but I'm not ready for the commitment").
Backstory: Mercury is a private person, few people have his cell phone number, fewer know where he lives. It's just a known fact that he comes from a rich family. He's known as the delinquent that was put into a private school for troubled people when he was in middle school. The crime(s) that he allegedly commited range from skipping school to shoplifting to straight up murdering a fellow. Funny how the truth can get away from people, eh? Mercury drives a Mercury Comet, the irony is not lost on a good chunk of people. All people know for sure that he comes from a rich family (evidenced by his ride) and that he went to a private school for something that he did that was wrong and that he's from the South (judging by his accent).
Alright, wanna know the truth? Mercury went to the school for shoplifting food and cigarettes and running away to a place behind the grocery store and into the woods where all the transients and homeless people hung out. He would stay there for a week, two tops before returning home. One day he was caught. He lives in the slums to a poor family that does odd jobs here and there for money. He had two part time jobs to help his family before he moved. One being at a magic shop. His half brothers once jacked a Mercury Comet. The same one he drives now. His brothers made fun of him for originally scorning them for having stolen this car.

Name: Handy
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Half beaver
Sexuality: Going with bisexual here
Appearance: Handy is about 5'6" in height, making him below the average height for a man, though not so much that people would make note of it. With pale skin, blond hair, and yellow hair, his entire doesn't seem like anything of note, either. The most interesting part of his physique is definitely that he's missing his arms above the elbows. Just how he lost his arms is completely unknown; given that everyone from his universe respawns after they die in the same state they were in before death, it's exceptionally odd that he doesn't have them. Though not in the picture, he has a beaver tail.
Powers: Apart from being unable to die permanently, he's pretty much normal.
Theme Song:
Name: Dimentio
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
(What he looks like in the RP)
(What he looks like in Super Paper Mario)
Theme song:

Other: none
Personal information: "Oh ho ho. Nosey are we? You'll find this out in due time."
"My mother always said if you didn't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all. And still people wonder why I'm so quiet around them."
Gianni Grant
Based off of the game Fran Bow
Gianni Grant




Sexual Preference:

Sophomore (10th)

Relationship Status:
Nothing yet

Theme Song:
Black Cat by Mayday Parade


Theme Song link:

Peach Tea Peach Tea
Last edited:
Fandom: The mirror lied

Name: Leah

Age: 9

Gender: Female

Height: 4'7

Species: Human (Sort of)

View attachment 328426

Theme Song:

*Armed with a M9 gun model pistol loaded with 2 9mm bullets
*bottle of liquid pesticide
*A small metal key as big as her hand (No use or purpose)

Powers/Abilities: None

Other: She possesses a faceless human physiology. She knows where she's going but she doesn't seem to eat, drink, smell, or talk. It could either be that she is dreaming or something else.

It's a high school Roleplay...
Name: Sadao Maou
Fandom: The Devil is a Part Timer
Age: (really old... appears around 16 of 17 in human form)
Gender: Male
Species: Demon (the king to be exact)
  • Inquisitive
  • Seemingly clueless but actually highly intelligent
  • Persistant
  • Kind and quite helpful
  • Charming
  • Natural born leader
  • Hard work
  • Capitalism
  • Economics
  • Rising to the top to prove his skill and worth
  • Lucifer
  • Losing a challenge
  • Death and destruction
Maou was once known as a fearsome leader. He ruled the demon world and brought peace to the traditionally devious realm. However, he quickly learned peace wasn't for the best and that the demon world was running out of energy. In order to obtain energy (produced by negative emotions) he set out to conquer Ente Isla. He ruled over the humans of the realm, nearly wiping them into extinction. A hero came to face Maou, forcing him to retreat to Earth where he lost all of his powers. Feeling guilt for his past, Maou began dedicating his time to aiding and protecting the humans of Earth. His new desire? to take over a position of power by starting from the bottom and proving his worth. First stop? High school...
Theme Song:

Human Form:

Demon Form:

Other: He has a bike named Dullahan.

.0. Accepted!
Name: Senor Black Hat
Age: 25
Gender: Male

Brief Background(In accordance to this AU):
A Starting Villain of the Black Market who parts time as a Teacher to fund his schemes. He is also the Homeroom Teacher of this year's batch. Black Hat is known for ruthlessly scaring his students. His real name is unknown, but he appears to be a demon of some form.

Black Hat teaches Spanish and World History. He's also the Club Advisor of the Self-Proclaimed 'World Domination' Club led by a Student who goes by Doc Flugg.
Theme Song: N/A(Since series doesn't even have a theme song yet : P )
His abilities include; Shape Shifting and the ability to rip portals to HELL using his hands...It's a wonder why he needs this job when he can just command demons to do his Schemes.
So, this is a high school RP, is he going to be a teacher?
Jotaro KujoThe Third JoJo

BasicsName: Jotaro Kujo AKA JoJo
Aliases: JoJo, Stardust Crusader
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Occupation: High-School Delinquent, Future Marine Biologist

Good grief...
Jotaro's "Catchphrase"

  • Appearance
    Height: 195cm (6'4ft)
    Weight: 82kg (181lbs)
    Hair: Black
    Eyes: Pretty Blue :)
    Body: Muscular
    Attire: Jotaro dons a black hat that fades into fake hair at its end, that perfectly merges with his normal haircut, making it seem like the hat itself is a part of his hair. He often wears a black trenchcoat with golden flair and a signature golden chain on his left shoulder. Jotaro is said to greatly care about maintaining this appearance and gets very mad when DIO rips his pants. During the events of Diamond is Unbreakable, Jotaro briefly exchanges this look in favor of a white coat with more color, but returns to his classic look during the events of Part 6.

Theme Song

Here's some of Jotaro's best moments throughout the series for your leisure:

Naomi || Yin


Full Name: Naomi Rose Yin
Gender: Female
Official Title: Goddess of the Abyss, Princess of the Void
Nickname: Rose, Mia
Age: 18

Naomi's past is unknown by everyone, as in, everyone. But what is known, is that she's a mystery. She's dark, mysterious, and she isn't a normal person, not in the slightest. But her past known by advisers and others, her "fake" past, is that she is the simple child of a man known as Carlos Yin and a woman known as Lavender Yin. They each were simple fishermen, and she wanted something greater, something better.

Her true story starts here. Namoi Yin is a Hybrid, a girl born of two origins. Her mother was a woman named Levion Yin, and was the soon to be Queen of a world having been long forgotten. She was beautiful, so absolutely and indescribably beautiful that men would fight to the death just to be able to ask for her hand in marriage. She was the prized possession of her family and her kingdom, the men wanted her, and the women wanted to be her. She had the life many would only be able to have in their dreams, life was, well, perfect. Except, she didn't feel love. She wanted to have someone who would love her, not for her title, or for her body, but for her. So, she did a little . . . experiment.

She went deep into the Kingdom, and set out a message. She was posing as a strange woman, looking for a simple man to love. Using a form of magic, she temporarily turned herself into a less than average woman, and searched for the perfect man. She'd go on date after date, searching, but, alas, she never found the one. None of them loved her, they always called her ugly, or fat, and no one was able to see her for, well, her. Right when she was about to give up, she found him, a beautiful man that liked her for her. He liked her laugh, her smile, and well, just her in general. He didn't rush it, and didn't push for her to sleep with him. He just wanted someone to love, as did she. So one day, she showed herself to her lover, her true self, and they made love that day. She wanted to run away with him, run away from this wretched world, and live with the one man who truly understood her.

And they did, on the night of the Summer Solstice, they rode out of the Kingdom, and she didn't question where they were going, what Kingdom, what Realm, because she loved and trusted him with her life. But, one night, as she woke up, she saw him talking with a group of men, giving them what looked like Money. When she asked what he was doing, she felt something prick her, and she fell unconscious. When she woke up, she found herself in a cage, her clothes burned and cut, and there was a stamp on her right arm. She was told that, the man she had called her "lover", had sold her off. The second he found out who she was, he had set a plan to meet with some . . . associates of his. Had he loved her before finding out who she was? She didn't know, all she knew, was that she felt completely and utterly empty.

She was blindfolded, and traveled from place to place, before suddenly being fixed up, and dressed in a formal outfit. She questioned where she was, and what she was being dressed for, but was never told. She was forced into a room, where she saw a man who was more handsome than what she could ever imagine. A feeling of overwhelming lust fell over her body, and she lost control, her entire world going black. When she woke up, she found out that she was pregnant. And that's when she got her answers.

She was taken into hell, as hard as it was to believe, yes, hell. The man had sold her off to a group of men in the Black Market, of which brought her to a secret trading Market for the Devil King Lucifer. He was looking for a woman, the most beautiful woman in all of the land to make love to. After finding her, he had her way with her, messing with her mind so she wouldn't deny him. And then he tossed he out like she was nothing. She was flung back into the Mortal Realm, the Devil King no longer having any need for her. She tried everything she could to get rid of the child, but it never went away, and she was forced to have the child she didn't want, in a land she didn't know.

The baby, Naomi, was given up, being dropped in the nearest village as her mother couldn't stand the image of her daughter, who at the time was barely an apparent human. Naomi was picked up and raised by an old woman who lived alone on a farm. She told Naomi that she was blind, and raised her like a normal person. As time went on, Naomi quickly learned, however that she wasn't normal. She wasn't like the other boys and girls, she wasn't pretty, she wasn't cute, she was a monster. She quickly found out her ability to change her shape, and made herself look like the other girls, beautiful, perfect, a powerful person. She went to school, made friends, and lived through life as a human. But, there was only one problem. She couldn't make herself completely human. On her head, there were two very sharp horns, and a pointed tail on her back that just wouldn't got away. So to compromise, she changed their shape, making her horns cat ears and her tail a cat tail because it looked "cute". She hid them with a hat, and had the tail kept in her clothes.

But, one day her charade began to end. It was around when she was ten, and she was out in the woods at night with her friends. But, a voice came into her head, the voice of a man with power. He sent images, thoughts through her head, horrific deaths, life, and war. Losing control, she strayed away from her friends, before losing control of her form and going on a rampage. She killed 8 children before gaining control again, and running back to her Grandmother panicking. She told her everything, everything that'd happened, how she wasn't actually human, how she didn't know what she was, and how she was confused and lost. Her Grandmother, strangely, acted extremely quickly. She told her to go to bed, and she would take care of everything, make everything better. Listening to her, she walked up to her bedroom, letting everything wash away as she fell asleep.

Naomi was awoken by a shake, finding herself being surrounded in . . . hay? She woke up, immediately realizing that she was not in her room. As she looked up, she saw she was just leaving her Village, but it wasn't the only thing she saw. What she saw next was much, much worse. Her Grandmother, hung on a cross, with her throat slit and her body full of scars and burns. Before she could scream, she felt a hand clasp over her mouth, as she was immediately quieted. After biting the mans hand, she tried to get up, but was knocked out. When she woke up, she was informed of what had happened.

Her Grandmother wasn't blind, and she wasn't old. She was a witch, and someone who was part of a secret organization that was involved in the uptune death of Lucifer, the Devil King. A Demon hunting association, of which had been keeping track of her for her whole life. Ever since her mothers capture, to her being dumped in the village. The Old Woman was a Witch of the organization, a beautiful young girl who was placed there for the soul purpose of killing the spawn of the Devil. As you see, the reason the Devil had no other children, is because the organization killed them all. In fear that the spawn of the Devil would become a problem. But the Witch, Grandenee was her name, didn't have the heart to kill the child. She couldn't kill her, no matter how much the organization tried to influence her. After much time, and problems in court, the main branch decided to let the girl live, as Grandenee convinced them that in the future she could be a very valuable asset to the Organization.

So, she went undercover as an Old Woman, putting out an illusion to the entire village that she had always been there. She took care of her, raised her as best as she could, but the day that she came home panicking, she knew time was up. So, doing the only thing she could think of, she called the organization to pick the girl up, while she told everyone that she was the Demon who had attacked them, giving Naomi her life to live.

From then on, she was trained by the organization, as the soft approach Grandenee took with her was removed. She stopped being a person, and started being a
weapon, something that existed for the soul purpose of killing the Devil King. It was brutal, harsh, and heart-wrenching. No mater how hard she begged, how much she refused, how much she fought, they wouldn't let her go. To them, she wasn't a person, no, she was a monster. And after a while, she began to grow into the title. But in her, just a bit of her, she is still a person.

Height: 5'8"

Hair Color: Jet Black

Eye Color: Golden

Description: Naomi is a fair skinned young woman, with eyes that reflect an Amber honey colored Gold, and long jet black hair. That is the form she takes normally, with an extremely beautiful and adult like body that makes men and woman both go in awe by her just simply walking by them. On her head are dark purple horns, and on her back above her waist is thing black pointed tail. However, of course, this tail is normally perceived as a cat tail, and the hons turning into cat ears, both jet black. Due to the world not being very . . . accepting, to demons or beings with unnatural physiology, she covers these strange body parts by keeping her tail in her clothes, and for her ears is a bow, or a hat.

She is normally seen wearing a black buttoned vest with coattails and a single silver button on the front. Underneath this is a white, sleeveless, high necked, crop undershirt and white shorts with a zipper on the front of each leg. She also wears black low-heeled boots and full stockings with a color gradation of black to purple at her ankles. The sign for her Organization is visible on the outside of both thighs just below her shorts in white. On her left arm is a detached sleeve with a silver cuff around her bicep, and black ribbons are wrapped around both forearms. A small, loose scarf is wrapped around her neck and a gray magnetic backpack is strapped to her back, hidden by her hair.

Naomi is a very closed off person, being trained harshly and brutally by the oh so kind people at the Organization for almost ten years, she's learned to not be the nicest While some may see the cup as half empty, while other half full, she'd say it's half of a half since she doesn't have time to think of things that are so trivial. She is ice cold, a pessimistic girl who sees the worst in everyone, and trusts no one other than herself. She doesn't need friends, she doesn't need family, she doesn't need anyone. She's completely and utterly fine with being alone, there is nothing wrong with it. She likes the silence, her ice cold demeanor and harsh atmosphere driving others off and giving he the title of, "Introvert".

But, regardless of how cold, harsh, and distant she may be on the outside, it is all an act. She keeps on this shell around her body, so none will be able to get to her insides, then no one can hurt her. Because, on the inside, she is a kind, loving, warm-hearted girl with a passion so strong it drives her day after day to do better, be better, and act better overall. This is a girl who wants friends, who wants a family. She wants a boy friend, or a girl friend, someone to kiss and to love. Anything to just make her feel . . . normal again. Something she hasn't felt in over a decade.

Enhanced Physical Capabilities: Naomi's physical feats are unreal, to a point that after just an arm wrestle you seriously have to ask if she is human or not. Her strength and overall power and status is so great it puts her on the levels of superhuman. Being part Demon, she was already born stronger than those around her. She was abnormally strong, able to lift up her home-room teacher with just her hand when she was just starting Elementary school. She is extremely fast as well, being at the top of her class in physical education because of how physically fit she was. Her Stamina was no joke, able to run or fight for hours on end without stop or rest, and still have the energy to keep going. And this only grew as she became older and trained in the Organization, making her a force to not be taken lightly.

Master Hand-to-Hand Combat/Weaponry: For almost ten whole years, she's been trained by the most renown and powerful assassins, hit-men, and hunters that the organization had to offer. She's been through more in a week than most people would experience their entire life. She's mastered many different forms of hand-to-hand combat, he favorites being Taekwondo, Contact Karate, and a form of combat that utilizes ones Chi and anothers pressure points, called the Chi Blocking Style. Her mastery over different kinds of weapons is also quite insane in general. She's mastered almost every single weapon that the Organization put in front of her. Guns, swords, daggers, scythes, etc. etc. She's considered a prodigy by everyone there.

Demon Hybrid Physiology: Due to being half human and half demon, she has been given a set of abilities that almost nobody else has. She, being the only known Cambion child of Lucifer, does not have full control over most of her abilities, and hasn't even awoken some of them. Her father would whisper things to her, try to mess with her mind, just to get her to join him, kill the humans, become immortal. But she won't, she knows there are some good humans, and refuses to end their lives just because her dick of a father can't get a grip. Due to this is why she doesn't have full control. Her abilities include;

    • Physical Form Manipulation: She is able to, in a sense, "edit" the way she looks with this ability. She uses this to change from her demonic form to the beauty of a woman you see today. She can change every aspect of her body, height, weight, eye color, hair color, breast size, everything. Her original form is very . . . dark, and drives away, well, everyone.
    • Astral Projection: An ability she still has trouble controlling, is Astral Projection. This lets her, in a way, separate her spirit from her body to travel to different places. In this form, only those with experience in Spirits can see her, or other Astral Projections. She can travel to any Realm she wants to, any place, even into dreams. She normally goes here at night, when she is supposed to be asleep, since she has trouble sleeping. [
    • Decelerated Aging: Upon turning 16, she pretty much stopped aging. No, she is not immortal, she can still die of age, it's just her aging process has slowed so much so that she will most likely keep that same body for the next few decades before giving even the slightest shiver of a wrinkle. Making her, well, the perfect wife to most.
    • ]Magic: She has the ability to manipulate Magical energy in the form of , well, Magic. It's practically limitless to it's possibilities. But she focuses around Memory, emotion, darkness, and illusions.
    • Regenerative Healing Factor: She can heal extremely quickly.


Nothing here XP


accepted!! She looks really cool!!!

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