[The Northern Quadrant] Voloria


New Member
Name of Planet: Voloria

Image of Planet:

Description of Planet: Voloria is completely inhabitable due to the excessive pressure caused by the atmosphere and lack of oxygen. The species that inhabit it instead live in orbiting space stations that pepper its outer gravitational field. Voloria is known to be rich in valuable metals and minerals but can only be reached by unmanned probes, all of which have yet to return back to the stations.

Solar System: Zynex

Home to Race: [Reserved]

Planet Type: Gas

Distinct Features: Voloria is an extremely valuable planet rich in metals and minerals but completely inhabitable due to its air pressure and lack of oxygen.

Excess Information About the Planet: The species that habit it have endured years of peace that could be undone by a probe that returns with valuables.

Size of Planet: Jovian

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