The Nine Knights of Creation

Izuru Kira

A Shinigami
CrowHunter submitted a new role play. @CrowHunter, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

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Element: (See overview)

Armour Appearance:

Casual Appearance: (Preferably Anime)

Race Created Info and/or Image: (Optional)

Realm Image:


Fighting Style: (Example: Fists, Swords, Spear...)

Magic: (Optional)



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Well this looks interesting... I'm going through pictures of stuff right now something, thinking of doing knight of galaxies... my picture search has yielded no results in that field...but I found a good pic for armor if someone wanted to do that knight of frost

And what it looks like


And what it looks like


It doesn't have to look like that element if you don't want it too. I'm about to change the app tho and add two things 
Name: Arthas Kimberland

Nickname: The Reaper

Gender: Male

Element: Darkness

Armour Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf7aac15e_OverlordofShadows(Image).png.ebb9a2170ccc36fb0dd722eba2d5395d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20895" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf7aac15e_OverlordofShadows(Image).png.ebb9a2170ccc36fb0dd722eba2d5395d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Casual Appearance: Wears Black jeans with a black T-shirt

Race Created Info and/or Image: Shadow Khan

The Knight of Darkness made a race known as The Shadow Khan. They are his people, a race of humanoid people made of pure darkness and shadow. At birth, they have a tail, but to single out the true warriors from the weak, the changes can be noticed when a Shadow Khan hits puberty. If he has not learned to use it like a warrior, then the tail drops off and disintegrates into the darkness. They live in a realm made by The Knight of Darkness called the Dark Realm, a realm of pure shadow where the only light is that of Shadow Fire. The Shadow Khan were made for many purposes; one was to make guardians for the realms of Darkness, and another was for The Knight of Darkness to have a people of his own that would never betray him. He succeeded in his goal and made them one of the most intelligent race in existence and one of the strongest. When a Shadow Khan gets their dagger, they have full control of their powers and potential, they get their Dagger at the age of 16.
Realm Image:

Personality: Kind and tries to get along with everyone, is nice to everyone even those who mock him. He tends to keep to himself about the way he truly feels and tries hard not to let anyone see his most inner Demons, doubt. He would never want to discourage the others.

Fighting Style: Great Sword with Magic

Magic: Shadow Magic & Necromancy

Likes: Shadows, the color Black, Mead, creating and/or experimenting on animals

Dislikes: Chaos, stuck up brats, Humans because all they do is take

Other: "My Life for Creation" & His blade is Shadowmourn:



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Name: Foehn

Nickname: The Trickster

Gender: Male

Element: Wind

Armour Appearance:


Casual Appearance:

(this clothing with the body shown above)


Race Created Info and/or Image: Monchank

To keep himself entertained Foehn created the Monchank. A race of flying chimpanzees that he was inspired to make after visiting a friend who had been exiled and needed company. The race is as whimsical and mischievous as their creator. They love playing practical jokes on each other and other races. The Monchank are also very intelligent and have built their own civilization high on mountaintops where no other creatures wish to venture. They live in multiple realms, wherever mountains and chances for mischief exist.


Realm Image:


Personality: Social and loves to talk. He's a jabber mouth and will rarely be quiet unless someone tells him to. He becomes extremely sullen whenever someone makes fun of him, even though he loves to poke fun at others and play little pranks. Although he may be a little annoying, he means well.

Fighting Style: Spear combined with acrobatics and some magic.

Magic: Wind & Weather (more powerful when combined with other elemental Knights)

Likes: Practical jokes and flying

Dislikes: Silence & alcohol

Other: My Life for Creation, Spear is named Iruini



Valeriya Yekaterina


"Do you even know who I am?! I am the great and powerful Titanium Angel!"

Full Metal B****




"What do you mean I'm a fucking Lesser Knight? I'm the fucking Knight of Metal, bitch!"

The Knight of Metal

Armour Appearance:

I do not own the following image.


Casual Appearance:

I do not own the following image.


Race Created Info and/or Image:

Every woman has a motherly nature deep within them, the ability to care for their children and raise them. For many decades, the Knight of Metal was lonely, abandoned in the isolation deep within the ground. One day, the Lesser Knight came across a weak piece of iron. It was nothing special, terrible purity. But, looking at the small piece of iron, the Knight of Metal found that there were many more pieces of iron scattered around the weak piece of metal. This was when she took the iron piece and crafted her race from it.

Raising from the ground, the Knight of Metal was astonished when she saw the other knights' races and found that her figurines of iron were not alive, not moving with life. They were just dolls. So, the Knight of Metal crafted her race once more. Shaping them the way she wanted to. They stood a good measure over ten feet and were made in male and female. She named them Valyky.

The Valyky have an exoskeleton that acts like armor. Inside they are of molten rock, moving in a circle that keeps them living. They are elongated and have four limbs. Two in the back at as legs and the two in the front act as arms. They have three claws on the back two limbs and four claws on the front ones. They come in different colours, just like how metal comes in different colours.

They live in a realm made by the Knight of Fire, who the Knight of Metal bribed, named Daria. The Valyky are a female dominated race, where the women rule over the men. They were made from the loneliness of the Knight of Metal and her envy of the other knights' creations of life. The Knight of Metal taught them to protect their own and the world around them. They are a tight knit race that may not be the smartest of the bunch, but they are loyal, strong, and quite wise.

Realm Image:

I do not own the following image.


Stubborn and proud, Valeriya is like a bull, ramming straight into anything - or anyone - that she doesn't like with her horns. Easily agitated, Valeriya's hot temper is often shown through her colourful vocabulary and violent actions. However, despite her temperamental attitude, Valeriya has a genuine heart of gold, which is quite difficult to come around nowadays.

Fighting Style:

"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." - William Congreve

She's very violent and can turn almost anything into a weapon. Valeriya mainly uses a large sword made out of Xyrian steel.




• strong alcoholic drinks

• weaponry (ie. swords, crossbows, spears)

• good looking young men

• cheesy pick up lines and jokes

• reading fictional stories


• isolation and being abandoned

• being called short, or "Lesser Knight"

• cowards and over dependent people,

• animals (ie. mammals, birds, insects, reptiles, amphibians)

• a lot of things


"My Life for Creation."

• She's rather small despite her race being giants. Valeriya's only 5'0 but that does not mean she is weak.

• Normally, Valeriya wouldn't name her weapons but this one is a special one. Its name is "Strawberry".
Name: Valfore Lord of Cinder

Nickname: None

Gender: Male

Element: Fire

Armor Appearance:

Casual Appearance:

Race Created: Valfore during his time in Cinder created a race of beings know as the Mammot. These primitive creatures have long arms and large feet. They also have chard skin from living close to the flames and lava surrounding the land masses in the realm. Their mouths are large making it easier to consume the lava rocks floating around the realm. The Mammot spend most of their time building grand cities to honor Valfore. But they also during these time sing loud deep songs to entertain themselves.

Realm Image:

Personality: Valfore is stern but loving of his creation the Mammot. Even though they are very stupid Valfore protects them with his life from Chaos.

Fighting Style: Spear style fighting. Valfore wields a long spear that channels his magic.

Magic: Magma Jet: Valfore raises his hand and a large pillar of magma flies out of the ground. This attack can dodged.

Flame Slash: Vlafore swings the blade of his spear creating a wave of flame that fires at his opponent.

Likes: Heat, spicy food, and his beloved Mammot

Dislikes: Cold, Chaos, and any sort of frozen food

Other: Valfore has a fear of water for he turns to stone when exposed to it when in his armor.

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Name: Gala Fallencia

Nickname: Gala, The Fallen Star

Gender: Female

Element: Galaxies

Armour Appearance:

Casual Appearance:



Her Dress-

Race Created Info and/or Image: Constellations- Gental creatures made out of stars that generally take the shape of animals or people. Friendly and kind in nature, but can turn on the creature in a matter of secounds if it beleives they are hostile. They are peace loving creatures that come in many forms and survive on the power of moonlight, time and stars. Most inhabit Gala's realm, but a few wander across space searching for new homes.

Realm Image:

Personality: Gala is clam and senseible for the most part. She doesn't like to waste her breath on unintelligant comments when she could be helping others in other ways. She rarely likes to show any signs of emotion and gets lost in her words if she says too much all at once. She doesn't like being alone with out the company of the race her created and hasn't seen anything else in years. She is unfocused on time, but knows everything about balance. She beleives that balance is the only reason the universe survives. That if a good thing happens than a bad thing must happen for the universe to work. She speaks with confidence and it is rare that she is frightened. She may not be strong, but she doesn't need pure strength to pull the world to her side. She doesn't quite understand her powers either, she easily gets lost in her abilities, weather it be teleporting away from where she once was or merging through the rifts in time and space. She can be hostile at times, but if you earn her trust she can be very emotional. She hides her emotions as best as she can, but when it comes down to it, she is more emotional than anyone else. Her emotions make it hard to consentrate on one single task. Her mind is always in motion, even if she is silent. If she gets mad or distressed, she becomes an entirely different person. She goes from quite to loud and forcive, ready to kill anyone who gets in her way. It takes alot to get her mad, but once she is in that state it is hard to get her out of it.

Fighting Style: Starlight Whip and Magic

Magic: Time- Teleport through any given time to reach another, she is uncomfortable using this ability and only uses it in dire situations

Space- Teleport through space to any given place.

Stars and moons- Stars and plants swirl around her in a protective fashion, moonlight engalfs what she touchs.

Summon- Summons one creature of her race to her side

Likes: Time, space, moons, suns, stars, creatation, balance, emotions, caring, bueaty, delicate things, butterflies, roses, freedom, animals,

Dislikes: Rude people, loud noises, flirting, crying, talking without reason, perfect things,

Other: My life for creation

Her whip-

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Name:Yuto Brightblade

Nickname: The Bringer of Light


Element: (See overview)Knight of Light

Armour Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/images-1.jpeg.692bce105744c273f453cea0770d3e80.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20994" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/images-1.jpeg.692bce105744c273f453cea0770d3e80.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/images.jpeg.2c875576b5fef722713d0d868e9ffb4c.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20995" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/images.jpeg.2c875576b5fef722713d0d868e9ffb4c.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Casual Appearance: (Preferably Anime)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/images-1.jpeg.692bce105744c273f453cea0770d3e80.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20994" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/images-1.jpeg.692bce105744c273f453cea0770d3e80.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Race Created: He created a race of winged people he dubbed the Angels.The look like humans but can summon wings on their backs to fly.

Realm Image: Vega

Personality: (Revealed in Rp)

Fighting Style: His weapons created by his magic, mostly swords though.

Magic: Light Magic, he can generate, bend, transfer, disperse, scatter and/or generally manipulate light to various degrees.

Likes: Good, Brave, Heroic

Dislikes: Evil, Enemies, and meaningless slaughter

Other: My life for creation

He wear the bigger armor over the one he's normally in.



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Name: Reginald


Gender: Male

Element: Water

Armor Appearance: ( after battle his clothes mend themselves together due to a spell cast upon them by

Casual Appearance: ( His vest, eyes, gloves, pants, and shoes are always a light blue. His skin is more of a chocolate color. He has jet black hair with streak of blue that matches his clothes. His other clothing is white.)


Race Created Info and/or Image: Any kind of creatures that usually are thought of when you hear the world water ( mermaids, mermen, kraken, etc.)

Realm Image:


Personality: Reginald tries to live by his fathers code of, " A True Man"

  • Don't complain
  • Don't be pushed around
  • Be respected
  • Show respect
  • Don't back down unless necessary
  • Be smart
  • Do what you got to do

Reg has taken a liking into some of the humans entertainment and fairly enjoys their music, video games, and TV Shows. He's even taken up parkour and enjoys jumping and flipping throughout his kingdom.

Fighting Style: Being the Knight of Water, Reg only has two methods of fighting that he prefers, water manipulation and fist. Though after realizing he may face strong fighters he decide to become well rounded with as many weapons as possible. Basically if you give him a weapon he will learn it and kill with it.

Magic: Water Manipulation

Likes: Books, Music, Video Games, TV, and Parkour, and FOOD

Dislikes: Anybody who considers themselves perfect, Rude People

Other: My life for creation
Name: Eleanor Crystalline

Nickname: Elly or Ella to close friends, The Snow Queen

Gender: female

Element: Frost

Armour Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/female_knight_by_eliz7-d4cldcv.jpg.f55f128252bbbcbc56e49892bbc43ec5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21040" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/female_knight_by_eliz7-d4cldcv.jpg.f55f128252bbbcbc56e49892bbc43ec5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Casual Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/1283571596_1634_full.jpeg.9fa8ac1bcdc9606a2ca9f1045e3b8d0e.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21041" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/1283571596_1634_full.jpeg.9fa8ac1bcdc9606a2ca9f1045e3b8d0e.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Race Created Info and/or Image: Isolated within the ice and snow, she watched as human children played until their parents dragged them away to their much warmer homes. The sadness at their leaving caused her to create child-sized creatures of both genders to be the race of her realm. Made of the vary ice and snow that is Ella's element, these sprites, as they have been named, can withstand the coldest temperatures without batting an eye. Their appearance is that of a normal human child with the exception that their hair, skin, and eye colors all only range from the brightest white to darkest blue and they have crystallized wings of ice on their backs. Their playful child-like attitudes fill the Frost Realm with much laughter and joy.

Realm Image: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/SciFi_Fantasy_Snow_castle_splashcas.jpg.e0ea96e4262044d988427b8b99c23df3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21042" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/SciFi_Fantasy_Snow_castle_splashcas.jpg.e0ea96e4262044d988427b8b99c23df3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Despite her cool attitude and chilling demeanor, Ella has a true love and adoration for anything cute. She tends to just generally have trouble expressing her emotions making her seem like she is not a warm-hearted person beneath all the ice snow.

Fighting Style: Ella fights with her long sword and various forms of ice magic.

Magic: She can drop temperatures of her surroundings but not raise it. To work around this, she can control the frost and break or absorb it if need be.

Likes: Her sprites, children of all races, literature, animals, sweets, anything cute, graceful, or pretty.

Dislikes: Alcohol, senseless violence, loud non-playful ruckus, bullies and abusers, those who strong but are cowards

Other: My life for creation



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Name: Meliara Aendawin

Nickname: The heart of stone

Gender: Female

Element: Earth

Armour Appearance:

Casual Appearance:

Race Created Info and/or Image:

Spending many years with no fighting, Meliara stumbled across a strong stone that had fallen from the sky. Using this, she made the Unolith, a race created out of a lust for battle. These creatures stood eleven feet tall at the shortest and fifteen feet at the tallest, having four large, bulky arms and two sturdy legs. They most often have pointed skulls, though few have a round cranium.

The Unolith are a very organized and violent race. Everyone works for their families and own gain only, and any dispute normally settled by law is sent to the arena. Though it may seem this race is very independent, they cooperate when the time calls for it, and because of it their society has flourished for as long as they have lived.
Realm Image:


Meliara is a very serious person, focusing on business and fighting. She rarely shows interest in anything that doesn't involve the two, and can be seen as too serious. It is very hard to agitate her as she sees things from a purely logical perspective. However, she will sometimes tease others and overall joke around, showing she has a small sense of humor. Also, when she is fighting, she completely unwinds, becoming a brute on the battlefield. She has a great passion for fighting, and will spend a lot of her free time practicing techniques.

Fighting Style:

She uses a battle ax and shield, both made purely out of diamond.



Likes: Fighting, Progress, Strong and powerful men, Alcohol

Dislikes: Mischief, Squishy animals, Weaklings,


"My Life for Creation"

She stands at 5'8


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