The Nine Knights of Creation (Full) [Inactive]

Izuru Kira

A Shinigami
CrowHunter submitted a new role play:

The Nine Knights of Creation - 9 God Like Beings, made to protect creation

In the beginning there was nothing, not even Physics, until The-Lord-of-Chaos came to be and with him The-Sea-of-Chaos. Thousands of years after the creation of Chaos, The-Lord-of-Creation created himself and with him Order and Physics. When the first bit of land rose out of The-Sea-of-Chaos, The-Lord-of-Creation made the five Prime Knights, the Knight of Darkness, the Knight of Light, the Knight of Galaxies, the Knight of Fire and the Knight of Frost.

With the...
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A meeting of the Knights is being held in the Omniverse, the Knight of Darkness is planning to reveal some important information on Chaos, this information will decide the fate of the races created by the Knights.

The Knight of Darkness stood there, wearing his full armor about to announce something, "Welcome back to the Omniverse brethren. I have some rather grave news, it appears that Chaos is mobilizing, they plan to attack our realms however, from the information I've gathered, they plan to take out our Lesser brethren" He took a quick pause to let it all soak in. "I don't have any plans, this information has kind of voided my mind" He admitted.

The Knight of Metal; Valeriya Yekaterina

Jumping up and slamming her fists down on the table, the Knight of Metal shook the room with her fury. "How dare Chaos call me a Lesser!" A hideous scowl covered the knight's face as her iron fists tightened, digging into her palms. As her anger increased, the Knight of Metal's lips curled up into a sadistic smile. One that seemed to be too wide to be natural. "I show it who's the lesser being..." Chuckling darkly, the woman's eyes took on an evil look, similar to that of the Devil's. Tapping her fingers together, she stood up as tall as she possibly could and folded her arms.

"I say that we reinforce the realms that are being targeted. Knights of the realms that are not in danger should make sure that their realm is secured." A sickeningly sweet smile appeared on the Knight of Metal's face. "Just in case it's a trap." Valeriya knew that her realm would be kept safe. She would not allow Chaos to even go near her children. In addition, her children knew how to kill. Even if they did end up hurting themselves. They weren't the smartest of the bunch.
Valfore spoke from his seat. "Valeriya please calm down. I know being called lesser annoys you but that's why Chaos is saying it to get you to give into your anger." He spoke with a calm voice. "However I agree with you. I know for a fact my Mammot aren't fighters. But since Chaos isn't going to be attacking my realm I know they'll be fine. Besides he's focusing on our younger brethren." He looked around. "I say we counter attack!" He said making a fist. He turned to his brother the Knight of Darkness. "What do you say brother?" He asked.

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Valeriya huffed in annoyance. "Who the fuck came up with the title Lesser Knights anyway..." Refusing to sit back down in her throne of jewels, the Knight of Metal clenched her fists once more when she heard Valfore speak about his realm not being at risk. "Everything is at risk." Turning her gaze to the rest of the Knights, Valeriya held the edge of the table, digging her nails into the wood. "How can be counterattack Chaos? We can only counterattack if there are any openings." Taking a deep breath to calm herself down, Valeriya frowned. "Is there any new information? We can't just rely on a simple fact that Chaos is focusing on the...Lesser Knights' realms, can we?" The knight gritted her teeth together.
Valfore glared at his sister. "The best defense in a good offense!" He slammed his hand down onto the table. "Damn it! I know my realm is in just as much danger as the rest of our realms but Chaos is attacking the younger realms." He looked at Valeriya. He couldn't help but share in her anger. He leaned back on his throne of flames. "We must attack Chaos head on! Defend our realms!"

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Rising from her seat, Meliara the knight of earth spoke with a strong, serious tone. "Valeriya's right. A counterattack is foolish. Not only is it risky, but it leaves us defenseless. The best thing we can do is bunker down and defend. Defending a point is always easier than assaulting one." She looked around the table at the rest of the knights, placing both hands firm on the desk. "We can't rely on the fact that only the Lesser Knights will be attacked, but it is best we put the most defense on the realms that are threatened by chaos. The entire Unolith race is made for fighting. I can send backup to those who need it. I suggest you take some help as well, Valfore." Her voice never wavered as she spoke, as she tried to keep the meeting from turning into an all out brawl, though she wouldn't be too dissapointed if it did.
I rub my forehead with my thumbs fingernail and begin to speak. "Brother of Darkness if you wouldn't mind me speaking before you I would like to say a few things. One of them being that I agree with Valfore we should try to remain calm. If too much animosity builds it'll only give Chaos an advantage." My fingers could not stop tapping the armrest of my seat. Chaos is interrupting my time for more entertaining things to do. I could be playing Call of Duty or skydiving off the top of my palace. If it wasn't for dads code I'd be going to fight him myself. I stand and begin to walk circles around my throne in the Omniverse. A transparent gothic like chair with water continuously flowing through it. It appears to have sunlight going through the water so a bright shine flashes out the seat every now and then.

I stop behind my seat and lean on it looking at the table in the center. " Something else I would like to say is I also agree with Valeriya it's time to prepare. Two things matter right now, who is going to be attacked and how prepared for the attack they'll be." Therefore we should mobilize troops and have them ready in their respected areas." Realizing I've cut into Brother Arthas time I lock eyes with him. " Okay Arthas your turn." I vault over my seat using my right hand and land back in myy original seating position.
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Valfore looked at his sister. "I am more than capable of training my Mammot to fight there's no worry about that so keep your troops for the others. Though Mammot aren't the most intelligent creatures they are fast learners." He said like a proud father. He smiles some thinking of the damage his creatures could do when trained to fight. "Alright so what's the verdict?" He asked looking around at the other knights. "I need to know now so I can train my Mammot. Then I can send troops to those who need it.

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"Muhhahahahahhahaahaaah, so Chaos is getting cocky what a filthy mongrel it is. Also, Metal should stay angry she's strongest like that." Yuto exclaimed loudly that it echoed around the meeting. "My angels are more well rounded possessesing adequate comabt skills and brains. They were the ones who forged my second armor. My realm could handle an attack."
Arthas stood up from his throne, "You are not ready, brother. None of us are, I've reached a decision" He sat back down, "Valfore, train your race. We will defend the Lesser realms, after they wasted their first attacks we will strike at them with a decoy, large enough for them to send reinforcements, after that the main force will attack the gap caused by the reinforcements"

Arthas stood up once more "Valeriya do not question our creator..." He checked to see if his blade was on him still, a nervous habit of his. "We will assign armies of each realm to the Lesser realms, they should be safe, if need be we will step in" Arthas turned to Reginald, "From what I saw with my own Immortal sight, they are more then prepared however to only strike one at a time, if we stop them at the Lesser realms we can bring the fight to them" He returned to his throne "Who has the best scouts available?"

@xXLostGirlXx (Time to step in)
A swirling rip in the middle of the room cut through the space like a black hole. A purple mass opened in the center of the bickering of the knights. There were fragments of stars and bits of light shining through the mass of space and time. Galas frail hand reached through the vortex, pale as moonlight, it stretched out pulling the vortex apart enough to hurl her body through the gap before it snapped back together and disappeared from existence. It left behind no trace of it ever being there, except for the small girl with eyes that swirled in dark purples, midnight blues and purest the black if you stared at them for too long.

Gala gapped at the group in confusion. She muttered something under her breath, mumbled voices all slewed together into gibberish. It was the only thing she could manage to get out. She gripped at the side of her dress to stop her hands from shaking and her knees buckling underneath her. She swallowed her fears; she had grieving hope that it was her imagination. That she had only moved forward in time by a few years, but everyone was different, even she had changed in her time in the broken fragment of time she had trapped herself in. The happiness that she once had when she was a new creation was gone. Her expression turned from frightened to stonic and blank as her back straightened in defiance. Her eyes moved to each person studying there appearances. There was almost nothing she remembered, everyone seemed like a new person.

Galas dressed swirled out around her, black and midnight blue fabric painted with stars and plants dotting its fabric. Purple lace and feathers ran along her waist and bust line and on the cuffs of her shelves. The lower portion opened up revealing of her legs and the ruffled fabric underneath the dress. Buckles tied together the waist line of the dress and fashioned the bottom of the dress and the cuffs together. Black heels wrapped around her feet, one tracing up the side of the leg with lace and buckles and the other only black swirls wrapping around the insole of her bare foot. Her blonde hair curved around her face in a strange beauty, falling down her back and covering her shoulders. A still butterfly was sitting in her hair, made out of stars attached together in a strange light. For a moment if you looked closely you could see the tiniest bit of movements echo from its wings.

Gala coughed and puckered her lips, closing her eyes for a moment with a deep exhale of warm air. “How long was I?” She questioned putting power into each of her words and taking another long breath. Traces of underlining emotion filled her eyes as she opened them again to wait for an answer. Her body was breathlessly still, but her mind was moving with a thousand unanswered questions that she didn’t want to know. She was clearly distressed, but obviously trying hard to be as strong as she could.
Valfore nodded. "Fine ill begin training as soon as this is resolved." He spoke with a respectful tone to his older brother. He looked around. At least his plan for attack was being used although he wasn't the one to speak it. He looked around at his brethren. He was pleased that finally something was being done.

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Arthas looked at Gala in shock, "Um... Around two to three million years, sister..." He mind fractured into thousands of puzzles by her sudden appearance
Well now Sister Gala has sped through time. But around two or three million years? I always figured she could jump far distances across timelines but that's very impressive. She seems emotional right now no doubt that may have given her a boost, she's obviously stronger when her emotions kick in. Well she's here now.

But wait she could help us out. But she did just basically travel into the future hopefully this doesn't affect us Knights or our realms in a negative way. Talk about the universe biting you in the arse. " Hello Gala. " Right now what I really want to know is why she's shaking worse than a pair of fake mechanical teeth shaking across the floor. Why would humans even make those? Sometimes I wonder why I even indulge in the things humans create.

Reginald you need to focus. Time to more pressing matters. I'm actually kind of nervous to go touch her. She's seems like she's having a emotional moment. If you have a combo of common sense and love of life you don't bother her when she's emotional.
Foehn had been uncharacteristically quiet during this time, mainly due to the shock of Chaos deploying its forces. He knew that his race would be completely annihilated should this occur due to their gentle and semi-peaceful nature. But when Gala had burst forth from nothing he immediately stood up mouth open in shock.

Which quickly turned into a smile of joy from seeing the lost sister he had never seen. "Sister!" He quickly jumped to his sister and embraced her in a heartfelt hug. "I'm so glad to finally see you! And you've come at just the right time! This must be a sign from the Creator!"
I quickly covered my mouth with a fist, I almost burst out in laughter. I completely forgot Foehn was in here. His spike in joy has made him noticeable now. You got to love that guy he's like that kid you want to have sit in your lap while you tell a story. Sometimes I just want to call him little brother.

Well he's certainly made me feel better. He'll probably even calm Gala down. She'll only feel worse if she harms Foehn possibly. I'll be his backup in case it happens. " I agree Foehn it must mean something. Gala jumping to this moment out of all the other possible moments. She could be the very advantage we need." I instantly regreted those words. I'm letting my hopes up too high.

Just because Gala is here it doesn't mean we have a guaranteed win. I am happy that she's here though. She's my sister after all....... she's also another fighter that'll help us out.
Gala was taken by surprise by Foehn’s hug. She was still shaking, but she clung to Foehn for a tiny bit of support and warmth. She felt a weight pressing down on her shoulders. Her emotions made things harder to understand when things were already blurred. It couldn’t have been a million years, it was impossible it was three, but the thought that it could be reality crept deeper and deeper into her mind. Her mouth curved up into a hint of a smile, even if she looked shell shocked. It was a rare sight for her to smile, especially in a time like this. It helped turn the emotions into something, at least some what, controlled, unlike when she was in deep anger or sadness.

“I’m sorry I have been gone for so long.” She exhaled addressing everyone in the room, trying to be as clam as was possible in her current state. Gala’s hand moved clasped her head as she leaned against Foehn. She had a splitting headache and her body felt weak, but some of her original sadness and fear was erased. She was trying not to break down and cry at first, but now she just seemed frozen, like she could comprehend anything that was moving around her, like nothing around her was even moving.

It took her effort to breath as her eyes traced from person to person once more. They all seemed like strangers to her; even if they were the few memories she had desperately held onto when she was in the time rift. It had only felt like a thousand years, but it seemed it had been much worse than she had expected. “Is there another battle already?” She echoed with sudden focus as she heard Reginald’s words. It seemed that no matter how many years she had disappeared she returned to the same fighting every time.
"Yes... This time it's Chaos itself" He paused "This meeting is over for now, I've got to think things through" He stood up and began making his way to the portal leading to his realm. His mind was filled with questions,but mainly shock, he could never really face shock, he always seemed to want to run away when something unexpected appeared. "Brother, Foehn, please bring her to the Black Citadel once she has recovered enough... I... I need to speak with her, the others may be present too if they so wish" He looked grim as he walked through the portal.
Eleanor, silent as she listened to the proceedings, finally stood from her throne of ice. "Gala, sister, let me look upon your face." She reached out a hand that betrayed her feelings of relief despite her expressionless and cold face. After taking a few moments to fulfill her need to see the Galaxy Knight's well being after all these years, her slowly softening face hardened again as the moment was over. "I will accompany you to the Black Citadel."

Turning, she followed their brother knight through the portal.
"Gladly! And I always love company." Stepping away from Gala, Foehn ran towards the grand portal to the hall, leaving both his sisters to follow. "Come on slow pokes! Ya gotta be faster to catch the Knight of Wind!" Gaily laughing, Foehn jumped through the portal, excited for the what was to come.
I got out of my seat and it crashed to the ground like a wave and disappeared. I walked over to Gala ready to comfort her. I put my right arm around her shoulders as a friendly gesture. "Gala you okay god I missed you! Your return is highly worth missing trolling Call of Duty noobs for a few more human hours. All they do is scream into their mics anyways." I let out a laugh and give her a hug. " Welcome back sister I'll meet you and anyone else who comes at the Black Citadel. See you there." I turn towards the portal and playful call out to Foehn. " Alright wind here comes water chasing after you!" I get a running start and jump at the portal with my arms spread out and my legs pointed out behind me and just before I disappear into the portal I yell, "AND THE WATER'S COMING PARKOUR STYLE!!"
Yuto was not too surprised to Gala appear out of nowhwere. After the others left and the meeting adjourned he walked over and said "Nice to have yo back sister. Also to Brother Darkness i'll go collect scouts. Someone will just have to fill me in on what happens at the meeting." Yuto walked back to his own realm closing his portal behind him.
Gala watched as each person came and went, there words all sticking to the corners of her mind and echoing in her ears. She could barely think and now with the lack of support she was using all of her remaining power to stay standing. She had stopped shaking, but the strength in her legs hadn’t returned. She was ghostly pale, but her mind seemed to settle after a few moments of concentration. She had clamed herself; her emotions were less raw, she felt in control for the first time since she arrived here. She took a deep breath and stared at the portal that had been opened. She was frightened to use it for fear of what might happen if she came near her elements again, but she couldn’t be scared of herself. She wouldn’t be able to help anyone if her thoughts became those of a childish little girl. She had to trust space wouldn’t hurt her and stay away from time until her could control it.

Biting down on her lip, she walked towards the portal, she was tired, but she knew there were more pressing issues to deal with. She could charge her energy in her realm when she had a moment of peace. Perhaps she could tell her star children that she had managed to make it out of the rip in time and that she could protect them from all harms that came. Her thoughts kept racing, one after the other, she could hardly think. The butterfly made out of stars that was sitting in its hair flapped its wings and flew down in front of her eyes as she walked. Gala heard a voice echo through her mind, the way that the creatures spoke. It echoed in everyone’s mind that hadn’t left, becoming a clear thought among the rest.

‘I’m draining your energy, send me back Fallencia.’

Gala shook her head and suddenly she seemed to be desperately stained with her emotions again. She was unable to hide anything behind her blank expression. “Stay with me Hope.” She muttered and held up her finger as the butterfly landed on it flapping its wings open and closed in a rhythmic fashion, similar to a heart beat. It held on tightly to Gala’s finger as she stumbled through the portal in the Black Citadel.
As Foehn floated along the wind he had started, pleasantly passing through the portal to the Black Citadel. As he flew he couldn't help but wonder in fear of what might happen.

What do I tell my precious creations? Is this how the Creator feels sometimes? Maybe that's why he, this portal is taking a while.

It was at this moment that Foehn heard a sound like the a waterfall. Flipping right-side-up he lifted his head to see Reginald following close behind.

Haha, just what I need, a pleasant distraction from his own thoughts. "Haha, you wanna race, Reggie? Let's see what runs faster, wind or water?!"

And with a push of his legs he propelled himself faster down the portal determined to prove that he was the fastest Knight ever!

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