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The Nine Billion Names of God


Dialectical Hermeticist
In the furthest reaches of Hell, where the greatest prayer-wheels spin and howl, where towering shrines belch sweet smoke or flow with sunlike nectar, where the the great spires of the Ur-City are shrouded from sight, there is a monastery of little repute.

Here, where the blasted plains meet the icy seas and the shadows speak in riddles, the Demon monks have painstakingly devised an alphabet of sigils to represent the names of the Creator.  They meditate inwardly through prayer and outwardly through practice of martial arts.  They tend frightful gardens and maintain terrifying shrines. For uncounted ages they have transcribed name after name upon a limitless scroll made from the flesh of a terrible beast, for their purpose is to record every name the Creator may have. 

Now, their task is ended.  The scroll is complete.  All that remains is for one of the monks make the perilous journey across Hell's vast interior to the Temple Prime in Pandemonium, the Ur-City.  They do not question the result of this act nor contemplate it, and once the pilgrim is chosen they will destroy themselves. 

But Hell stretches beyond mortal comprehension; time and distance are malleable, easily bent to the whims of whatever great Demon rules any given patch of sea, sky, or land.  It will be a long and arduous trek for a lone monk.  Who will accompany them on their journey, and to what end?



A game of strangeness, adventure, and high-flying wire-fu combat across the inward face of Hell using the Crucible system.

No more than four players. Start date will not be before November 5th.  Details of the monastery can be settled upon based on character concepts for the potential monk.

Despite the apparent protagonist nature of the monk, this will be an ensemble story so strong personal motivations for every character are vital and everyone will receive equal 'screentime'. 

Prior experience an asset but not mandatory.  Newbies welcome to apply.  Please post character concepts or ask questions in this thread and wait to be invited. 
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Since you're only accepting 4 people, I'll only express interest if there's room. Seen the name crucible on the rpn a few times but never read anything about it. 
Snicker-Snack is a priestess of Yrva. To transport such a holy relic, well, that is something she'd probably enjoy...
A ronin, who will accompany them in hopes to regain lost honor.
Well, I could always use Fulmin, but I'm pretty sure his very presence will cause any group to violently self destruct in an orgy of brutal carnage.
A demon of Wrath character in a previous Hell campaign. Fulmin fights for shits and giggles, always seeking a worthy opponent. He's also statted to the best of my ability to be a combat blender. Odds are, he'd wind up attacking the entire group.
That give me another idea...the ronin has entered hell to hunt down a particular demon that shamed her in order to deliver his head to her master and regain his trust.
Snicker-Snack might choose to join the pilgrimage, Silver, but I doubt she's the monk transporting the scroll.

So in theory we have Snicker-Snack, a mortal warrior in well over his head, and two empty slots. 
links to the...Crucible system, was it? I've never used that before.
Well, this would be a good place to bring in Gharkia again, maybe? Or I could try something else.
I would really like to join in, if you'll have me  :)  The description of the setting is so fascinating, and it sounds like an interesting journey.

I think it would be interesting to have an immoral character on a futile pursuit of morality as one of the characters on the journey (futile since the belief that one is deserving of redemption leads to self righteous defying of moral standards). I think it fits in with the theme of circles (if that makes sense, I'm not sure if it does since I'm super sleepy as I'm writing this  :/ ).
That give me another idea...the ronin has entered hell to hunt down a particular demon that shamed her in order to deliver his head to her master and regain his trust.

Protip:  Being a mortal in Hell only has bad endings and such a character will develop Demonic taint and mutations with hours of arrival. 
Protip:  Being a mortal in Hell only has bad endings and such a character will develop Demonic taint and mutations with hours of arrival. 

Fascinating! Tell me more.
I liked the Snack/Gharkia duo thing they had going.

Ah yes, the semi-paternal straight-ish man-demon to the pint-sized comedic hellion. Agreed. Perhaps in this case, Gharkia took a wrong left turn at Alvarque on his way to Pandemonium, and wound up at the shrine.
Ah yes, the semi-paternal straight-ish man-demon to the pint-sized comedic hellion. Agreed. Perhaps in this case, Gharkia took a wrong left turn at Alvarque on his way to Pandemonium, and wound up at the shrine.

I kinda wish I'd seen this...but maybe I will anyway!

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