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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy The Nightingale Roll Call (CS)



This is my loudest bork
  • Keep it reasonable. OP characters will be eliminated with prejudice
  • No Divinity (Gods, Demigods, Angels, Demons, or Full-Blooded [grown] Dragons). No halflings of these species either
  • In general, weaknesses must be exploitable. If it can't be exploited, it's not a weakness
  • No your 2,000 year old character does not have mastery of all magic and combat styles just because they're old. Keep it fair
  • Any species except the aforementioned divinity is allowed. Orcs, furries, elves, dwarves, draconians, nekos, etc. are all allowed
  • OP magic is a pain in the ass to moderate. Keep that shit reasonable
  • We ENCOURAGE romance, drama, etc.
  • The Dreaded Anti-Social Angsty teen who can't get along with anyone will likely be booted from the training. Keep that in mind. Teamwork is important in this RP

Early Steampunk

What does this mean? Steampunk hasn't developed to the point where the general public can really use it. If you're skilled, you can build it. You can make things like blasters or automatons, but not both (like turrets) without some high level magic that only expert engineers can use. Blasters mean magic guns. You have different types of rounds, but no traditional bullets (That would be OP to use modern day traditional bullets). You can see blasters as sort of an emulator of magic, like guns that have rounds to shoot fireballs and things like that.

Important: The General Public doesn't have access to Flintlock. This means you don't either. No standardized bullets early on. You're gonna have to craft that yourself, both the gun and the bullets. A flintlock gun being crafted is only done by advanced engineers.

These classes are ultra broad. That is purposeful because as we go deeper and you get stronger, you can go down more specific paths. For now, these are the classes. These are to start and the classes mentioned after are end classes they can advance up to. Those classes are just examples and some can overlap into others for more versatility at the cost of effectiveness in both.

  • Fighter- The frontlines classes like Knights and Paladins; More offensive classes go the way of Duelists, Swashbucklers, and even things like Dragon and Monster Knight
  • Brawler- Mostly Hand to Hand like Monks or the Beast
  • Medic- Healing classes like Cleric, Priest, or Doctor; Offensive paths go the way of
  • Mage- Wants to master the essence of magic; Many many paths to go down with dedicated magic
  • Ranger- Uses the environment and survival skills to outwit or outmaneuver an opponent; Classes like Sniper and Trapper
  • Rogue- Deals in deception and trickery; Classes like Assassins, Ninjas, and Pirates
  • Engineer- The inventive and innovative class that employs man-made work ethic to take down their opponents;
  • Musician- Who says the fine arts can't be used in combat? Ends in classes like the Bard, Cantor, and Skald
  • Animal Trainer- Is at one with the denizens of the earth and calls on animals to fight with and for them; Ends in classes like the Beastmaster or Summoner
  • Scout- Deals in intellect above all and supports their team while they carry out the mission; Ends in things like the Loremaster or Scholar

If you're a student, make this CS bare-bones and basic. You're encouraged to upgrade this as the RP progresses. Make this CS as if you're walking in on Day 1 of training

Teacher or Student: Place in a bigger font
Appearance: Pic only (anime, real, drawn, whatever); Otherwise, delete and see below

: (Their true name)
Aliases: (Other names, titles, nicknames, and aliases.)
Age: (Biological age. How long have you been there?)
Gender: (Male, Female, Genderless, or Hermaphrodite depending on Race)
Race: (You may create your own race, provided that you will write down a fairly detailed description of its physiology, specialization etc.)
Class: (Feel free to make your own, however, the basic, recommended list can be found here: Fantasy Character Classes - TV Tropes)

: (Ships gotta sail, then sink each other.)
High Concept: (Sum up your character in a sentence.)
Character Alignment: (Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, Lawful Evil, Neutral Good, True Neutral, Neutral Evil, Chaos Good, Chaos Neutral, or Chaos Evil)
Bio: (At least a solid paragraph, no more than 4 paragraphs. Keep it relevant.)

: (Written only; Otherwise delete and see above)
Weapons & Armor: (Anything that the character uses for protection, or attack during combat)
Items & Personal Belongings: (Any other items that the character has, or belong to them)
Skills & Abilities: (Not magical. Include things like bartering, or the ability to pickpocket)
Spells & Magic: (Magical. Spells and magical abilities that the character has)
Weaknesses: (Weak sides of a character. Fears, inabilities, inexperience, emotional issues, mental issues, etc. Only ones that could be said to negatively affect the character)

FLUFF (Optional)
Hobbies: (What does the dark lord do in his free time, when not vying for supremacy over the world?)
Quote\s: (Notable things that the character has said, that may show off their personality or speech type)
Theme: (Musical theme)


Magic is defined as:
  1. The use of means (such as charms or spells) believed to have supernatural power over natural forces
  2. Magic rites or incantations
  3. An extraordinary power or influence seemingly from a supernatural source

Magic is the essence of nature and will. It can cause the user to do extraordinary things in and to the world around them. Every spell falls into one or more of these types, never breaking the category of magic it is in. Magic is supplied by mana and learning to utilize it effectively is not for the faint of heart. At absolute minimum, the most basic spell (which is to generate a small ball of light), from someone with an average affinity for magic (who has never even attempted to cast a spell before), requires a week of study. Fortunately, unless you're looking to go into another element, type, or level or magic, it tends to build off each other. Only 2 magic elements can be studied at a time, else the conflicting philosophies will prevent the learning of ANY magic

Categories of Magic
There are 5 categories of magic
  • Natural
  • Moral
  • Spiritual- Also known as Arcane
  • Divine
  • Neutral

Natural Magic

Natural is just that. Elements that naturally occur on earth, whose resources are naturally explained phenomena and who's generation is part of the Earth's normal operation and vital to life on the Earth. The mana for these magics are governed by sleeping Ancient Gods. Fire, Earth, Water, and Air are the most basic elements of magic, the primary colors so to speak. Every other element of Natural Magic, such as Ice, Thunder, Nature (Grass), etc., are a mixture of 2 of these elements

Thunder, Plasma, Explosion, Smoke- Fire and Air
Dust, Sand- Earth and Air
Mist, Vapor, Ice- Water and Air
Steam, Oil, Lava- Fire and Water
Ice, Mud, Swamp, Nature (Grass)- Water and Earth
Metal- Earth and Fire

Fire is all about Passion. The bright flame symbolizes the raw, unfiltered emotions that consumes the person's thoughts and drive at that moment. This is why anger is always associated with Fire. Anger is the greatest element of Passion that fuels fire. However, passion is a hell of a thing, and it can get into a person's mind, leading them down the path of self-destruction and is constantly seen as the berserker of magic. Lots of power, bad judgement. Those extreme fanboys who get angry at anyone who criticizes their idol? They would make GREAT fire mages.

Air is all about calmness and being free. Stress is not their strong suit, nor is being restricted. This means that Air is the most versatile of the natural elements and has the most ways to go advanced, as well as some overlap in how to go advanced, but is the weakest alone. Also, the emphasis on calmness and free-spirited unrestricted thought makes it the gateway to things like Spiritual or Divine magics. However, this means that who make fantastic Wind Mages can be very indecisive and the free-spirited more often than not affects their ability to use the Moral Magics to the point where Wind Mages only ever use Holy/Light magic when it's gained from a God.

To really make effective use of Air, one MUST take on another element or study it into the Advanced Wind Spells, as it'll allow you to manipulate the temperature of the wind (fire/ice) what goes in the wind (Earth) and the physical properties of the wind (such as slashing enhancements gained by Physical or Thauma magic).

Earth is about tradition, strength, and perseverance. Earth is mostly unmoving and unchanging, just like ancient traditions. They embrace the past and embrace the Earth's essence in its most natural and primal form. This makes those who embrace Earth Magic embrace the traditional values that have long held people together, as well as weather the storms through any situation and value both physical and mental strength to not let anyone or anything tell them they're wrong. However, this leads to extreme stubbornness and an irrational fear of change. Even though Earth is the strongest in raw strength and has excellent defensive capabilities, it's also the least versatile. It can't really be captured in Tech like other elements or adapted for use in many ways outside of magic.

Water is all about flexibility and going with the flow. This means, like Air, it's a gateway magic that also needs another magic to really make the most effective use of it. Water is what every being on earth needs to live. A week max without water can kill you as opposed to upwards of a month without food. Water is in food, blood, and just about every other liquid on the planet. Users of Water magic are among the most all-around in terms of skill. It's not all cool sailing, however, as this means they suffer from a higher level of indecisiveness than Wind, but on a more manipulative scale. They seem to be TOO willing to change and try new things, leading to fluctuating morality. They must always remember that being that mentally flexible is not always a good thing

Moral Magics

Moral Magics are just that. Magic that's defined by someone's morality and how well they stick to it. Despite what people seem to think, this is NOT a case of good morals vs bad morals. The tired misconception of Light is good and Dark is bad hurts both sides of implementing these magics. There is no such thing as it's all subjective. It's more of the reasoning behind the morals they have and how they view life, as well as their values and goals in life. Unlike with Natural magics, where your morals and values only help or hinder your ability to learn it, the Moral Magics are DEFINED by it. If you can't seem to stick to the moral path you walk, the very magic itself will be much weaker if not all around disabled. There are only 2 Moral Magics and they are both strong and weak against each other


Light Magic, also called White or Holy Magic, is all about compassion, empathy, and upholding life no matter the cost. Every living being has good in them.........That's the motto of the Light Magic. This is typically where doctors, teachers, and clergy all shine. It takes a lot of optimism to look at the brighter side of things even when it seems like there is non. This is also why Light Magic is always associated with Religion, though they really have no actual relation. Religion is all about giving up control to a higher power and that power loves all, so respect all and you will have a good life. However..........this is also where things can go awry with no solution to solve it besides a mass change in mentality. If it can be interpreted by that higher power that they don't like something, it can justify ANY heinous action against it. Yes, every living being has good in them, but if the masses are better off without them, it's all justified, right?

Light Magic is more about Protecting Life (Defense), and Preserving Life (healing) than actually fighting. They don't hold a lot of offensive capabilities, but the few attacks they do have are DEVASTATING especially to its antithesis, Dark Magic

Dark Magic, also known as Black or Shadow Magic, is all about the individual person, and gaining strength to the struggle. While Light tends to deny and prevent a struggle, Dark believes in philosophies like "no pain, no gain" or "survival of the fittest." This doesn't mean they're apathetic. It just means they see the value in a struggle instead of trying to prevent any and every hardship. This is where Counselors, Drill Sergeants, and Therapists shine. You can't have a testimony without a test. Growth isn't a team effort. It's a personal effort. They're more realistic in how they view things BECAUSE of that struggle. Of course, it's not all so good. Despite the fact that Dark is typically VERY misconstrued, some of it reigns true. Dark Magic can be bred without actually overcoming the adversity. Even though this means that the magic will be much weaker, it's still immensely strong. Lone Wolves, those whose struggles deepened hatred or knocked out their regard or life isn't terribly uncommon. These people though will NEVER be as strong as the person who looks around in their lowest and darkest moment and realizes that there is nowhere to go but up and that grudges are for the weak, and drags the shadows of their past with them just to realize where they came from and how thankful they are to no long be controlled by the bad things in their past

Spiritual Magics
Spiritual Magics are about how they view the sources of power and how they get their inspiration to keep going on or gaining control of these sources of power. It's the Ph.D of magics. To master it can take a lifetime, and mortal users may achieve immortality in the process (not always though). There are 2 forms of Spiritual Magics and they have no inter-interaction or any elemental weaknesses.

Aether- Requires Advanced Fire and Earth
Fig- Requires Advanced Air and Water

Aether, also known as Creation believes that the sources of power are all contained in external sources beyond your control. It states that everything a person makes contains a bit of that person's power and essence and seeks to control it. Everything that has been created out of something has energy within it. The most common type of Aether Magic is Dimensional Pockets and Summoning Inanimate Objects and Magic creatures. Getting and storing things from another dimension for use or future use. Aether requires advanced knowledge in the forces of Fire and Earth, the more tangible of the 4 elements. This is so advanced that it goes into Celestial, and Pure Energy Manipulations. At its most extreme, it can go into Spacial manipulations and creating new body parts to replace lost ones

Aether is unstable in that it not only takes a LOT of mana and time to cast most of these spells with Forbidden Words of Power being a requirement, but that, if disturbed during casting, it can kill both the user and everything around it or suck it into a black hole

Fig Magic, who's name was changed in recent times to Mystic, believes that any source of power is contained within the person and that through achieving personal and interpersonal synchronization, they can do things far beyond the normal forces of the world. Arcane is a mastery knowledge of the more abstract concepts of magic. As such, a mastery of both Water and Air are required. Arcane Magic is a true symbiosis of Body, Soul, and its interaction with Magic. If ANY of these are off, then good luck trying to learn these magic. Arcane Magics deal in things like Psionics, Psychics, Mind Control through mental, emotional, and memory manipulation, and Teleportation. At its most extreme, it can go into Soul Capturing and the subsequent Revival, Time Healing, and Time Manipulation.

Like with Aether Magic, this magic is HIGHLY unstable, where a mis-cast or ANY sort of deficiency that makes the spell operate under 100% effectiveness, even 99.99999999%, can kill people or break someone's mind for good. All of these require lots of Forbidden Words of Power and in the case of Mental, Emotional or Memory Manipulation, requires a higher understanding of a person, usually gained by the use of other powerful spells.

Neutral Magic

Neutral Magic is for those who have no or little affinity for magic, or for those who feel like the basics are all you need. They hone these spells to perfection and use these to augment their own skills instead of depend on them like dedicated magic study tends to do. There is a dedicated study of them, but it's all about practicality in battle, not about any sort of specific path. These magics don't use any other element mentioned to a high effectiveness. It's just enough of another element to get by. The most common example is Spellblade, which is applying an element in one's weapon to take advantage of a weakness in an enemy. This is the most all-around in magic, with no weaknesses, but no real strengths either. There are 2 elements of Neutral Magic spells

  • Physical
  • Thauma

Physical Magic is just that. Magic that deals in altering, augmenting, or weakening the physical properties of something or someone. Weight, Speed, Strength, Reflexes, Material, and Durability are the most common examples of the uses of Physical Magic. Advanced enough Physical Magic can go into the realm of Alchemical changing of areas, personal gravity and vectors of movement to close gaps or keep someone away. It's not uncommon to see Runic Magic either, which is runes drawn on items that makes it somewhat easier for those with little magic to use spells in battle, though these spells are bare bones of a spell and as such are about 50%-75% the strength of a casted spell and never exceed the Apprentice Level Spells

Thauma is Miracles. This magic is amplifying natural phenomena. Sound Magic, Summoning Non-Magic animals, Communicating with animals, Sensory spells (sight, hearing, touch, etc.), and higher understanding of other cultures through language spells and knowledge of items via appraisal spells, breathing underwater, etc. are the most common practical uses of Thauma Magic. As mentioned before, Spellblade is the most common battle use for Thaumaturgy. Advanced enough Thaumaturgy can go into the realm of applying Light and Dark enchantments, re-equipping mid-battle, and gaining an intermediate understanding of all 4 natural elements
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: Sylvia Hartford
Aliases: Lia, Hayalet
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: Half-Elf
Class: Rouge; Thief (Sorta)

: Demi-Romantic, Bi-Sexual
High Concept: Stressed 24/7, doesn't know what she's doing most of the time.
Character Alignment: Chaotic Good, probably
Bio: Sylvia was born in the large river town of Pyval, in eastern Ishrion, Sylvia was destined for a life on the road. Her mother, a kind woman, raised her alone as her father was always on the road. Their life was hard, Sylvia growing up loved, but in the slums. They didn't have much money, or belongings, and her mother worked hard to provide for them. Just how she did this, Sylvia didn't learn until she was older. Her mother was a prostitute, and so during the day Sylvia was out running around with other childern or hanging around by the river to watch the fishermen. Disaster struck early for her, as one day she woke up in a room filled with smoke and an ungodly heat. An unstaifted customer had set their house ablaze. She managed to make it down stairs, before collapsing because she could hardly breathe. Thankfully, the blacksmiths who shop was nearby broke down the door shortly after she did do, and saved her life. Her mother was not so lucky.

She spent two months recovering with a local women who took her in out of pity, before she left her home town and all those memories behind her at the very young age of 8. It was excruciating for her, as her mother had taught her a few things, nothing was good enough to survive on her own just yet. There was a lot of trial and error, but she actually managed to teach herself how to hunt and fish, remembering a bit of how to clean the animals. It wasn't pleasant, but her want to survive pushed her through. She never actually settled in any of the towns or villages she came across in her travels, only staying for a day or two stealing what she could before moving on. Shs would play that homeless kis card too in order to get extra things or even money, which she saved up to buy a dagger. Not the sams one she has to day, but thats the one she taught herself the basics of fighting with. That was also filled with a lot of trial and error.

At one point, when she was 12, Sylvia briefly joined a little hunting party after they found her sleeping at her camp. They were both impressed and slightly terrified that a 12 year old was out there in the forest by herself, even more so when she told them she had been doing that for four years. Or at least she thought so. They showed her a few tricks, improved her traps a bit, even gave her a proper knife. She didn't go back with them, but Sylvia was very thankful for their help. After that encounter, her life improved because she wasn't stuck eating berries and small fish. She was thankful her mother had taught her how to cook, because she probably would have died a long time ago if not. Though after meeting the hunting party, she decided to move on again. It was safer that way.

As the years went on, she was met with her fair share of troubles. She was arrested, kept prisoner by some bandits, had a good number of near death experiences, was assaulted, the list hpse on. She got tired of it quick, but knew she couldn't do anything about because she didn't know how to fight. While passing through a town, she heard something about the Nightingale's. She figured it would be the perfect opportunity, and after she stole what she could get away with (armor, new dagger) she set off to find them. And she did.

: Standing at about five feet three inches in height, and weighing about 138 pounds, Sylvia is you know, pretty average in that regards. She has an hourglass figure, femmine features, and half pointed ears due to Elven heritage. She has a few small scars on her hands and forearms, nothing you wouldn't expect a little street ruffian to have. Among these scars however, are old burn scars that, while not severe, you can still see them. A large one on his left hip, and a small one on her right shoulder.
Weapons & Armor:
  • Armor: A pair of simple leather braces and a chest piece. She would have gotten more, but it was all the could manage to steal before the shop owner came back. The chest piece is a little more snug than she would have liked, and the braces had to be modified, which she did her self. It works, but she should probably have someone actually fix it. She wears a cotton shirt underneath it, with normal brown, but tight, pants and worn out leather boots.
  • Daggers: She has two daggers. Well, actually, one is a large knife for skinning, and the other one is an actual dagger. She just claims to have to daggers because honestly, most common folk can't tell the difference by the hafts alone. She...she can't really either.
  • Secret boot stick!: Surprise! She has a little sharpened stick that she attached to her boot because...well..hmm, why did she do that? Probably for some reason that seemed good at the time, and she now refuses to take it off to avoid looking like an ass. Who knows, maybe it'll come in handy at some point. You never know what you may have to poke.
Items & Personal Belongings:
  • Journal and Pen: A simple, beaten up old journal that she's had for about three years, but never really used much. Some of the pages what almost unreadable chicken scratch that are her few attempted at trying to learn how go write, a few others have small doodles. The rest of the pages are blank, with nothing more than some minor water damage and weird stains. Doesn't let anyone touch her journal.
  • Locket: A silver locket with two pictures in it. One, on the left side, is her mother. A beautiful human woman who looks an awful lot like Sylvia. It's a hand done drawing by her father. The other picture is of her father, this drawing don't by her mother. He's the typical elf man you would see walking aroind, gorgeous and somewhat full of himself. This is the only thing she has left of them.
  • A Coin Pouch: It's empty.
Skills & Abilities:
  • Basic Survival Skills: She can hunt small game, make two traps, make a fire, and basic shelter when needed. She's also steal when she needs to, small things, and stuff people don't miss. Though, you know, this isn't perfect.
  • Dagger Skills: Skills is used lightly here. Sylvia can stab, cut, and do one fancy flourish with a dagger.
  • Cooking: She may not have many skills, but cooking is one of them. The only one she'll actually consider a skill. Give her anything, and she can make it taste good. Well, almost anything at least.
Spells & Magic:
None for now, but has magical potential. Doesn't know for what yet.
  • Illiterate: Sylvia never learned how to read or write. She is trying to teach herself, but gets frustrated easily and gives up. Shes also too embarsed to tell anyone, so she blames her not being able to read anything on her eyesight. Which is fine, by the way.
  • Extreme Claustrophobia: Sylvia absolutely hates small, enclosed spaces where she feels like she can't move. She dreads having to go in caves, small holes, he'll even small stores are sometimes a problem. She fears being restrained to the point she can't move. Uncomfortable for a few minutes she can deal with, but if she's trapped for long enough, she will be sent tino a full blown panic attack, and it's not pretty.
  • Limited Combat Experience: Of course, this is why she's gonna be training, but still. She doesn't have much experience with combat other than s sneaky stab and quick get away. And those stabs aren't even all that great.
  • Hardcore Self-Doubt: Say just the right thing to her about something she's self conscious about, you could just shut her down for the entire day, or at least mess up the way she performs. She acts like she brushes those comments off like they're no big, but they are. To her at least. I mean, she is still a teenager.
FLUFF (Optional)
Hobbies: Naps, Cooking, Playing with Animals, Bugging stuck up people, trying to improve her traps, Skin Care
"I'm only going to say this once. What the fuck was that?"
"Look, I'm not saying that your wrong...but I'm also not saying you're right."
"Oh, crap."
"I...I don't condone this."
Theme: When It Rains It Pours
- She's fairly secretive when it comes to personal questions, often responding with really vauge answers, or changing the subject completely. She doesn't like talking about herself, so don't expect to be learning about her secert tragic past of mystery right off the bat with some moody monologue. That doesn't come until later.
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Elaine Trevelyon
Aliases: Sun
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Medic

High Concept: Just a Lonely girl trying to help anyone she can
Character Alignment: Lawful Good
Bio: Elaine's mother died in childbirth causing her father to spiral down a dark path, he turned into a drunk and would often neglect Elaine when she got older he turned to beat her despite all of this she still felt the need to try and help him. Often times she would get bruised trying to help her father with a smile and trying to be cheery but his rage it reached the worst part when he took a knife and cut her neck in a fit of rage as she was lying there trying to stop the bleeding he healed her with magic allowing her to live although the magic wasn't that strong which left a scar, This was the first she learned of healing magic and she instantly wanted to be one but her father never would teach her or tell her how. Elaine's father came home drunk one day and started beating her again, Elaine grabbed the top of a barrel to use as a shield which made her father more mad as he tried to take it away when he did he threw himself on the ground which Elaine took as an opportunity to flee from the house.
Elaine ran to the next town over and didn't have a clue of what to do she had no survival skills or any money she sat down on the street and cried for a while when she heard a rumor of the nightingales, Elaine remembered a few stories from when her father wasn't drunk and decided to join them they would need a shield bearer and maybe someone could teach her about healing magic.

Elaine stands at five feet nine inches tall and weighs 147 pounds, she has a scar around her neck from when she was younger and hides it with a collar. Elaine has a muscular body frame with the light tone being able to be seen in her arms and legs as well as her abs. Her bright orange hair is the polar opposite of her skin complexion with is a little bit paler than other girls and her eyes are brown and are rich like chocolate and as soft as fur comforting to anyone that makes eye contact with her.
Weapons & Armor:

  • ChainMail: Elaine has a chainmail shirt and shorts that she wairs under her regular clothes, her regular clothes is a short sleeve black wool shirt and a pair of wool pants of the same color and finally a pair of regular leather shoes.
  • Leather Hyde Shield: Carries a Leather shield to use for offensive and defensive, the shield is a wooden base with animal hyde patched on the outer side in order to make it more durable and a leather handle is on the inside, along the width of the shield is a simple iron ring allowing her to attack with it.
  • Pocket Sand: Someone once told her it was the best way to stop an attacker, they meant it as a joke she took it seriously.
Items & Personal Belongings:
  • Leather Collar: A Leather choker collar Elaine wears to cover a scar on her neck.
  • Brush: A wooden brush that looks older than dirt, despite that Elaine keeps it clean and uses it often to keep her semi curly hair neet.
  • Water Skin: A small Leather pouch used for storing liquids, mainly water.
Skills & Abilities:
  • Defense: Elaine strong suit is using defense to help her team.
  • Shield: She prefers to use a shield only instead of a weapon which will affect her training.
  • Charisma: Elaine is good at smiling and being nice, she is best suited as the center of attention in social settings.
Spells & Magic: As of now none, but she has a lot of potential for Healing based magic, which she doesn't know.

  • Pacifist: Elaine can't bring herself to use actual weapons, a shield is okay as its main goal is defense but if she is given a knife she goes into a panic attack.
  • SeaSick: Self Explanatory Elaine can't stand being on a boat and it renders her defenseless.
  • Her Neck: Due to the trauma of her childhood Elaine weakest point in her neck if someone where to grab her by it she would freeze up much like a kitten when picked up by the scruff of its neck.
Elaine Likes to be the center of attention and likes to be around people in her spare time talking and making friends.

  • "Win Some Loose Some"
  • "A Necromancer is a late Healer"
  • "How can I help?"
  • "It's Always Sunny when I'm here!"
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Character Completion

Animal Trainer
"The art of Summoning and Conjuration. Basically you can never truly be alone again."
"Oh did that sound a bit weird? Didn't mean it to."

Name: Hector Knox
Aliases: Pigeon / [To be added]
Age: 31
Sexuality: Bisexual (Preference: Male)
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Conjurer / Summoner
High Concept: That one decent relative you'd still want around during those lonely holidays, despite being estranged with a majority of your family. Well, you would invite him over if only his damn familiar wasn't as vexatious as he is as an awkward and sappy socialiser.
Character Alignment: Chaotic True Neutral


A lanky individual which, when not hunched over, stands at 5'9". His skin appears to be paler than it should be, but indoors it has a soft blushy tint. When overexposed to outdoors he's prone on receiving sunburn; the evidence of his pain remains at the nape of his neck and arms, hence why he often adorns long-sleeved coats and tunics where he (untidily) positions the collars to stay up to cover his neck. He's used to it though.

Curiously, his right shoulder always seems to have a stain of some sort -- ask him what it is and he'll probably be too embarrassed to answer.

Weapons & Armor:
  • Light Armour - The only pieces of armour he has are reinforced greaves that are of a darker shade than his charcoal coloured coat, and in much better condition. Along with the greaves are matching vambraces, and a single hard boiled leather pauldron on his right shoulder. He lacks a chest plate because he believes it to be too heavy for him, but he keeps the plates in storage when they were/are given as a gift.

  • Black Walnut Cane - Another item kept in decent condition; it's handle is a sleek and deep black, like a raven's wings. The bottom ferrule of the cane is slightly battered from use, as it is where the concentrated Aether magic protrudes from.

  • [To be added through course of RP]
  • Bird seed pouch

  • 2 Potions of Minor Healing (hanging on the belt around his waist)

  • 2 Potions of Minor Mana (hanging on the belt around his waist)

  • 5 Potions of Greater Healing (in a dimensional pocket)

  • 3 Potions of Greater Mana (in a dimensional pocket)

  • 5 Tonics of Focused Zen (in a dimensional pocket)

  • A flask of Merlot wine (in a pocket within his coat)

  • [To be added through course of RP]



  • Identifying and disarming magical traps

  • Understanding a majority of advanced fire & earth & aether spells and their effects (therefore possibly knowing how to dispel them)

  • Recalling lore of particular magical items in his field of magic expertise (Aether, Advanced Fire & Earth)

  • [To be added through course of RP]
  • Recalling lore about beasts, monsters and etc.

  • [To be added through course of RP]

MAGIC [To be added through course of RP]
  • Find Familiar - (1 Hour Casting Time, non-concentration) The familiars that Hector often conjures are bird-like. The ones students would see almost always is in a shape of a raven, perched on his shoulder or at times, his head. The familiar stays as long until it is destroyed. He can only summon a single familiar, but can change the form (it takes the same amount of casting time).

  • Find Steed - (10 Minute Casting Time, non-concentration) With Hector's current expertise, he can summon two spirits that'll act as mounts. Though they can still join in combat. The forms he often chooses for them to take are hippogriffs, elks, and chestnut to vanilla-coloured horses. They remain until they're destroyed.

  • Conjure Elemental - (1 Minute Casting Time, requires concentration) With Hector's current expertise, he can summon two elementals; specifically of fire and earth.
  • Dimensional Pocket - (10 minute casting time, requires concentration) Using the butt of his cane and focus of aether magic, Hector opens up a pocket dimension that's the size of a small hole but with seemingly immeasurable space, this is mainly used for extra storage. If a living creature is placed within the pocket, they will suffocate after 10 minutes.

  • Create Bonfire - (Cantrip, lasts for 1 minute, non-concentration) Hector conjures a medium-sized bonfire in an area within his eye-sight. Those near it must attempt to dodge it, and if they fail, will take fire damage.
  • Firebolt - (Cantrip, non-concentration) With a click of his finger and a flick of a wrist, a speck of fire is hurled at the target.

  • Wall of Fire - (Word Chant, lasts for 1 minute, non-concentration) Just as the name suggests, Hector creates a wall (or ring) of fire.
  • Earthquake - (Word Chant, Instantaneous, non-concentration) With a flurry of words, a particular space of the ground within Hector's eyesight will shake and eventually open up. Those who fail to dodge it successfully will have a chance on falling into the abyss, or just be knocked prone.

  • Move Earth - (Instantaneous, requires concentration) Lasts for 2 hours and Hector is able to reshape dirt, sand, or clay in the area. E.g raise or lower the area's elevation, create or fill in a trench, erect or flatten a wall, or form a pillar.


  • Hector's lineage was of a simple one; from artisans to hedge knights, scholars to alchemists. One he deemed most interesting was the assumption that he may have a bit of orcish blood in him, as one branch of the Knox's may have gotten a bit too curious. However that is yet to be proven as he lacked in strength and motivation to do much regarding hand-to-hand combat.

  • An interesting detail that's been passed around the public (and seemingly still hasn't been confirmed) was how Hector, a somewhat unimpressive representative of the highly esteemed Nightingale guild, had managed to even land a position. The most prominent whispers were of an affair with a reputable Nightingale member and the death of said member, which had somehow enabled him to take the other man's place.

  • The rumours, though only really used for idle gossip, are reinforced by the fact that Hector's familiar coincidentally went by the name of the deceased paladin -- "Ronin".

  • [The truth is to be revealed throughout the RP]

  • Folding paper cranes
  • Feeding birds (and his summoned creatures, though they really...don't need to eat.)
  • Re-reading lore about beasts, monsters, and planes of other existences -- specifically near-by religious temples.
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Student WIP


Name: Matthew Jones

Aliases: Matt

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Class: Brawler


Sexuality: Straight

High Concept: Experiencing the endless thrill of fighting.

Character Alignment: Chaotic neutral

When Matthew was younger, he used to work in his father's blacksmithing shop. One day, a theif robbed the shop and he gave chase to the theif, following him into a dark alleyway. He was then ambushed by the theif's comrades, and was severely injured in the process. Luckily, a monk passing by noticed the commotion and saved him, and seeing the monk fight inspired Matthew to be a great fighter like him.


Standing at 5 feet 4 inches with a weight of 110 pounds, he has average height and a slim figure. His brown hair is short and messy and his skin is a healthy beige. Matthew also has big black eyes, allowing him to gaze at his opponents intensely.

Weapons & Armor:
Leather gauntlets:
Managed to buy the gauntlets with the savings he had earned working in his father's shop. He only uses them if he were to enter a fist fight, otherwise these gauntlets would restrict his hand movements.

Light armour:
Was given to him by his father so that he could better protect himself in future, after the incident that occured when he was young. Consists of old leather and fabric material.

Items & Personal Belongings:
Money he earned from working.

Skills & Abilities:
Reaction speed: Through past street fights, he has attained slightly above average reaction time.
Fearlessness: He is mostly fearless due to his confidence that he can resolve anything with his fists.
Tactical fighter: Because of his small stature, he tends to think strategically in a fight.

Spells & Magic:
None as of now.

Fear of lightning: As the title suggests, he is afraid of lightning because it can strike at any time, killing people faster than the eye can blink. Even if the chances are low, he will still be afraid because the chance of it still exists. Since he treasures his life, he is extremely afraid of lightning.
Overconfidence: His overconfidence may lead to him biting off more than he can chew and going into extremely difficult fights.
Tactical fighter: More effective in fights that allows him to think for a long time, which is not very good for short brawls.
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"This class is of patience, perception and persistence. Not for the faint of heart, or you'll suffer mentally."

: Aron Veyra
Aliases: Blood, The Blood Phantom
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Race: Vampire
Class: Assassin

: Pansexual
High Concept: The polite, daydreamy but merciless murderer.
Character Alignment: Lawful Evil
Bio: Born in the slums of Vyron, a grand town in the north of Ishrion, Aron was born with the knowledge that luxury was far out of his familys reach. He grew up with the mindset that the wealthy were 'spoilt and heartless', as said by his mother. With such negativity embedded within him, he easily turned to a life of crime, without much moral standings. He stole whatever he could, lied whenever he wanted, and was picked up by a band of travelling bandits who used his cute child appearance for their own benefit. The bandits even let him drink the blood of the near-dead corpses they had slain, which he was somewhat grateful for. His family had been long forgotten, he never had a connection with his family anyway.

However, his life changed once he met a certain old woman, who was captured by the bandits for her wealth. "Why have your young eyes lost their light?" It was the first thing she said to him. Initially he brushed it off, but he grew more curious as time went on, and decided to speak with her whilst she was in captivity. She taught him what life was, and how to appreciate it.

Of course his transformation was slow, moreso when the old woman eventually passed of old age whilst still in captivity, but he began to understand what she said. No longer a weapon of destruction, he escaped from the bandit camp and decided to put his training to better use. He became an apprentice to the Nightingale Guild at a young age, and continues to serve the guild today. However he still has regrets, one day he wishes to visit his family, as well as the old womans family, if either are still alive.
Weapons & Armor
All of these are enchanted with his own void magic.
  • Thin black leather vest, gauntlets and arm braces - Offers a decent level of protection whilst not reducing his mobility. These are also hidden underneath his clothes, so it appears as if he isn't wearing any armour at all.
  • Curved twin silver daggers - His main weapons of choice, one has a sheath lined with poison.
  • Thin knives - These are occasionally used for throwing, but are mainly backup weapons. They are hidden on his body, mainly up his sleeves and in his shoes/boots.
  • Tiny poison vials - If he throws these in someones open wounds/mouth they're almost certainly dead. Either from a paralytic poison which leaves them vulnerable, or a deadly toxin.
Items & Personal Belongings:
All of these are enchanted with his own void magic.
  • Gold pouch
  • Water skin
  • Fancy watch he stole from a snobby rich douche
  • Satchel - doesn't carry this with him on missions
    • Map
    • Snacks
    • Cloak
Skills & Abilities:
  • Thievery
  • Convincing liar
  • Speedy
  • Silent movement - this has become second nature to him, usually he forces himself to make noise as he walks to seem more natural
  • Rapid perception - with a glance, he can interpret a scene and all the details he deems neccessary
  • Anatomy - he knows where the vital points of most humanoid creatures are, how to make blood spurt the least and how to make a death seem most natural
Spells & Magic:
  • Advanced void magic:
    • Cancellation - can cancel a spell as it's being drawn/chanted(depending on the complexity of the spell depends on how quickly he can cancel it)
    • Enchantment - has void magic enchanted onto all of his belongings, for it to prevent magic thievery, prevent magic piercing his armour and pierce magic barriers
    • Dispell - can dispell a present spell, such as a barrier, summoned creature, etc
  • Morally torn - still discovering what it means to live, protect and love
  • Irresponsible - still hasn't confronted his past regrets
  • Needs blood to survive

Likes: Silence, red, moon, night, ravens
Dislikes: Nobles, heat, sleeping
Hobbies: Exploring, thinking, jumping through trees
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Seraphina O'Vera
"Patience. Thoughtfulness. Selflessness. Those are what it means to be a doctor. Care to learn?"



: Seraphina O'Vera
Aliases: Sera; Seraph
Age: ???
Gender: Female
Race: Kobold
Class: Expert Medic; Advanced Scout

: Pansexual
High Concept: The go-to for team support, logistics, and mission readiness
Character Alignment: Lawful Good
Bio: TBR

Weapons & Armor
  • Carried
    • Dagger
    • Mage Robes
  • Natural
    • Scales
    • Claws
    • Body Spikes- She can raise the scales on her body to form into spikes to use in close combat
    • Tail Spikes- This naturally applied to her tail as well and she uses it as a go-to weapon in combat
Items & Personal Belongings:
  • Medical Equipment
  • Money
  • Survival Gear

Skills & Abilities:
  • Advanced Martial Arts- Since she's pretty much unarmed and has to rely on her body, she was trained in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu by soldiers in the Royal Army. While she won't be taking on dedicated brawlers anytime soon, she knows well enough to hold her own
  • Ballistics and Distance Gauging- She's a logistics expert. She can gauge distances at sight and know if someone is in attack range.
  • Climbing- She's a master climber, able to traverse pretty much any obstacle with ease. This makes her able to gain any vantage point with ease
  • Agile- Being reptilian, she is very quick and agile on her feet. This makes her hard to hit
  • Expert Herbalism- She's effective in using herbs as medical equipment to heal up injuries if her man-made supplies are low

Spells & Magic:
  • Poison Combustion Sac- She has natural magic abilities. This comes in the form of a Magic Sac in her body.
    • Fire Breath- She can breathe fire and shoot fireballs from her mouth
    • Acid Breath- She can breathe a corrosive cloud of gas and shoot balls of highly corrosive acid
    • Combustion Smoke- She can release a cloud of smoke that serves as both a smokescreen and a corrosive area denial. When set aflame, it can explode over an entire area
  • Sensory Magic (Thauma)- Due to her Scout training, she has everything she needs to see what she needs to see. She pretty much has all-seeing eyes with the appropriate spell. She can activate things like infrared, magic sight, Thermal, etc.
  • Healing Magic- As a medic, she can heal up injuries
    • Medical Enchantment- It's much more effective to use medical equipment and enchant it than to just heal with magic alone. She can enchant herbs and her equipment to be more effective

  • Water- She can't swim
  • Extreme Cold- While she has an ice sac in her body, she's still a reptile. Cold will make her tired and extreme cold will put her into hibernation
  • Unarmed- Other than a dagger she doesn't know how to use and her natural endowments, she has no weaponry whatsoever
  • Flame Retardant- Anything that's fireproof will force her into using her acid breath
  • Anti Corrosive- Anything that's corrode-proof will force her into using her flame breath
  • Anti Magic Armor- If armor is enchanted with Void Magic (making it immune to magic) she'll have pretty much no offensive options again the enemy
  • Ranged Attacks- She's effective up to Mid Range. Any further and her breath attacks won't reach anything, making her useless against long range enemies
View attachment 500808

: Sylvia Hartford
Aliases: Lia, Hayalet
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: Half-Elf
Class: Rouge; Thief (Sorta)

: Demi-Romantic, Bi-Sexual
High Concept: Stressed 24/7, doesn't know what she's doing most of the time.
Character Alignment: Chaotic Good, probably
Bio: WIP

: Standing at about five feet three inches in height, and weighing about 138 pounds, Sylvia is you know, pretty average in that regards. She has an hourglass figure, femmine features, and half pointed ears due to Elven heritage. She has a few small scars on her hands and forearms, nothing you wouldn't expect a little street ruffian to have.
Weapons & Armor:
  • Armor: A pair of simple leather braces and a chest piece. She would have gotten more, but it was all the could manage to steal before the shop owner came back. The chest piece is a little more snug than she would have liked, and the braces had to be modified, which she did her self. It works, but she should probably have someone actually fix it. She wears a cotton shirt underneath it, with normal brown, but tight, pants and worn out leather boots.
  • Daggers: She has two daggers. Well, actually, one is a large knife for skinning, and the other one is an actual dagger. She just claims to have to daggers because honestly, most common folk can't tell the difference by the hafts alone. She...she can't really either.
  • Secret boot stick!: Surprise! She has a little sharpened stick that she attached to her boot because...well..hmm, why did she do that? Probably for some reason that seemed good at the time, and she now refuses to take it off to avoid looking like an ass. Who knows, maybe it'll come in handy at some point. You never know what you may have to poke.
Items & Personal Belongings:
  • Journal and Pen: A simple, beaten up old journal that she's had for about three years, but never really used much. Some of the pages what almost unreadable chicken scratch that are her few attempted at trying to learn how go write, a few others have small doodles. The rest of the pages are blank, with nothing more than some minor water damage and weird stains. Doesn't let anyone touch her journal.
  • Locket: A silver locket with two pictures in it. One, on the left side, is her mother. A beautiful human woman who looks an awful lot like Sylvia. It's a hand done drawing by her father. The other picture is of her father, this drawing don't by her mother. He's the typical elf man you would see walking aroind, gorgeous and somewhat full of himself. This is the only thing she has left of them.
  • A Coin Pouch: It's empty.
Skills & Abilities:
  • Basic Survival Skills: She can hunt small game, make two traps, make a fire, and basic shelter when needed. She's also steal when she needs to, small things, and stuff people don't miss. Though, you know, this isn't perfect.
  • Dagger Skills: Skills is used lightly here. Sylvia can stab, cut, and do one fancy flourish with a dagger.
  • Cooking: She may not have many skills, but cooking is one of them. The only one she'll actually consider a skill. Give her anything, and she can make it taste good. Well, almost anything at least.
Spells & Magic:
None for now, but has magical potential. Doesn't know for what yet.
  • Illiterate: Sylvia never learned how to read or write. She is trying to teach herself, but gets frustrated easily and gives up. Shes also too embarsed to tell anyone, so she blames her not being able to read anything on her eyesight. Which is fine, by the way.
  • Extreme Claustrophobia: Sylvia absolutely hates small, enclosed spaces where she feels like she can't move. She dreads having to go in caves, small holes, he'll even small stores are sometimes a problem. She fears being restrained to the point she can't move. Uncomfortable for a few minutes she can deal with, but if she's trapped for long enough, she will be sent tino a full blown panic attack, and it's not pretty.
  • Limited Combat Experience: Of course, this is why she's gonna be training, but still. She doesn't have much experience with combat other than s sneaky stab and quick get away. And those stabs aren't even all that great.
  • Hardcore Self-Doubt: Say just the right thing to her about something she's self conscious about, you could just shut her down for the entire day, or at least mess up the way she performs. She acts like she brushes those comments off like they're no big, but they are. To her at least. I mean, she is still a teenager.
FLUFF (Optional)
Hobbies: Naps, Cooking, Playing with Animals, Bugging stuck up people, trying to improve her traps, Skin Care
"I'm only going to say this once. What the fuck was that?"
"Look, I'm not saying that your wrong...but I'm also not saying you're right."
"Oh, crap."
"I...I don't condone this."
Theme: When It Rains It Pours
- She's fairly secretive when it comes to personal questions, often responding with really vauge answers, or changing the subject completely. She doesn't like talking about herself, so don't expect to be learning about her secert tragic past of mystery right off the bat with some moody monologue. That doesn't come until later.
Student W.I.P.
View attachment 500906
Elaine Trevelyon
Aliases: Sun
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Medic

High Concept: Just a Lonely girl trying to help anyone she can
Character Alignment: Lawful Good
Bio: (At least a solid paragraph, no more than 4 paragraphs. Keep it relevant.)

Elaine stands at five feet nine inches tall and weighs 147 pounds, she has a scar around her neck from when she was younger and hides it with a collar. Elaine has a muscular body frame with the light tone being able to be seen in her arms and legs as well as her abs. Her bright orange hair is the polar opposite of her skin complexion with is a little bit paler than other girls and her eyes are brown and are rich like chocolate and as soft as fur comforting to anyone that makes eye contact with her.
Weapons & Armor:

  • ChainMail: Elaine has a chainmail shirt and shorts that she wairs under her regular clothes, her regular clothes is a short sleeve black wool shirt and a pair of wool pants of the same color and finally a pair of regular leather shoes.
  • Leather Hyde Shield: Carries a Leather shield to use for offensive and defensive, the shield is a wooden base with animal hyde patched on the outer side in order to make it more durable and a leather handle is on the inside, along the width of the shield is a simple iron ring allowing her to attack with it.
  • Pocket Sand: Someone once told her it was the best way to stop an attacker, they meant it as a joke she took it seriously.
Items & Personal Belongings:
  • Leather Collar: A Leather choker collar Elaine wears to cover a scar on her neck.
  • Brush: A wooden brush that looks older than dirt, despite that Elaine keeps it clean and uses it often to keep her semi curly hair neet.
  • Water Skin: A small Leather pouch used for storing liquids, mainly water.
Skills & Abilities:
  • Defense: Elaine strong suit is using defense to help her team.
  • Shield: She prefers to use a shield only instead of a weapon which will affect her training.
  • Charisma: Elaine is good at smiling and being nice, she is best suited as the center of attention in social settings.
Spells & Magic: As of now none, but she has a lot of potential for Healing based magic, which she doesn't know.

  • Pacifist: Elaine can't bring herself to use actual weapons, a shield is okay as its main goal is defense but if she is given a knife she goes into a panic attack.
  • SeaSick: Self Explanatory Elaine can't stand being on a boat and it renders her defenseless.
  • Her Neck: Due to the trauma of her childhood Elaine weakest point in her neck if someone where to grab her by it she would freeze up much like a kitten when picked up by the scruff of its neck.
Elaine Likes to be the center of attention and likes to be around people in her spare time talking and making friends.

  • "Win Some Loose Some"
  • "A Necromancer is a late Healer"
  • "How can I help?"
  • "It's Always Sunny when I'm here!"

Character Completion

Animal Trainer
"The art of Summoning and Conjuration. Basically you can never truly be alone again."
"Oh did that sound a bit weird? Didn't mean it to."

Name: Hector Knox
Aliases: Pigeon / [To be added]
Age: 31
Sexuality: Bisexual (Preference: Male)
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Conjurer / Summoner
High Concept: That one decent relative you'd still want around during those lonely holidays, despite being estranged with a majority of your family. Well, you would invite him over if only his damn familiar wasn't as vexatious as he is as an awkward and sappy socialiser.
Character Alignment: Chaotic True Neutral


A lanky individual which, when not hunched over, stands at 5'9". His skin appears to be paler than it should be, but indoors it has a soft blushy tint. When overexposed to outdoors he's prone on receiving sunburn; the evidence of his pain remains at the nape of his neck and arms, hence why he often adorns long-sleeved coats and tunics where he (untidily) positions the collars to stay up to cover his neck. He's used to it though.

Curiously, his right shoulder always seems to have a stain of some sort -- ask him what it is and he'll probably be too embarrassed to answer.

Weapons & Armor:
  • Light Armour - The only pieces of armour he has are reinforced greaves that are of a darker shade than his charcoal coloured coat, and in much better condition. Along with the greaves are matching vambraces, and a single hard boiled leather pauldron on his right shoulder. He lacks a chest plate because he believes it to be too heavy for him, but he keeps the plates in storage when they were/are given as a gift.

  • Black Walnut Cane - Another item kept in decent condition; it's handle is a sleek and deep black, like a raven's wings. The bottom ferrule of the cane is slightly battered from use, as it is where the concentrated Aether magic protrudes from.

  • [To be added through course of RP]
  • Bird seed pouch

  • 2 Potions of Minor Healing (hanging on the belt around his waist)

  • 2 Potions of Minor Mana (hanging on the belt around his waist)

  • 5 Potions of Greater Healing (in a dimensional pocket)

  • 3 Potions of Greater Mana (in a dimensional pocket)

  • 5 Tonics of Focused Zen (in a dimensional pocket)

  • A flask of Merlot wine (in a pocket within his coat)

  • [To be added through course of RP]



  • Identifying and disarming magical traps

  • Understanding a majority of advanced fire & earth & aether spells and their effects (therefore possibly knowing how to dispel them)

  • Recalling lore of particular magical items in his field of magic expertise (Aether, Advanced Fire & Earth)

  • [To be added through course of RP]
  • Recalling lore about beasts, monsters and etc.

  • [To be added through course of RP]

MAGIC [To be added through course of RP]
  • Find Familiar - (1 Hour Casting Time, non-concentration) The familiars that Hector often conjures are bird-like. The ones students would see almost always is in a shape of a raven, perched on his shoulder or at times, his head. The familiar stays as long until it is destroyed. He can only summon a single familiar, but can change the form (it takes the same amount of casting time).

  • Find Steed - (10 Minute Casting Time, non-concentration) With Hector's current expertise, he can summon two spirits that'll act as mounts. Though they can still join in combat. The forms he often chooses for them to take are hippogriffs, elks, and chestnut to vanilla-coloured horses. They remain until they're destroyed.

  • Conjure Elemental - (1 Minute Casting Time, requires concentration) With Hector's current expertise, he can summon two elementals; specifically of fire and earth.
  • Dimensional Pocket - (10 minute casting time, requires concentration) Using the butt of his cane and focus of aether magic, Hector opens up a pocket dimension that's the size of a small hole but with seemingly immeasurable space, this is mainly used for extra storage. If a living creature is placed within the pocket, they will suffocate after 10 minutes.

  • Create Bonfire - (Cantrip, lasts for 1 minute, non-concentration) Hector conjures a medium-sized bonfire in an area within his eye-sight. Those near it must attempt to dodge it, and if they fail, will take fire damage.
  • Firebolt - (Cantrip, non-concentration) With a click of his finger and a flick of a wrist, a speck of fire is hurled at the target.

  • Wall of Fire - (Word Chant, lasts for 1 minute, non-concentration) Just as the name suggests, Hector creates a wall (or ring) of fire.
  • Earthquake - (Word Chant, Instantaneous, non-concentration) With a flurry of words, a particular space of the ground within Hector's eyesight will shake and eventually open up. Those who fail to dodge it successfully will have a chance on falling into the abyss, or just be knocked prone.

  • Move Earth - (Instantaneous, requires concentration) Lasts for 2 hours and Hector is able to reshape dirt, sand, or clay in the area. E.g raise or lower the area's elevation, create or fill in a trench, erect or flatten a wall, or form a pillar.


  • Hector's lineage was of a simple one; from artisans to hedge knights, scholars to alchemists. One he deemed most interesting was the assumption that he may have a bit of orcish blood in him, as one branch of the Knox's may have gotten a bit too curious. However that is yet to be proven as he lacked in strength and motivation to do much regarding hand-to-hand combat.

  • An interesting detail that's been passed around the public (and seemingly still hasn't been confirmed) was how Hector, a somewhat unimpressive representative of the highly esteemed Nightingale guild, had managed to even land a position. The most prominent whispers were of an affair with a reputable Nightingale member and the death of said member, which had somehow enabled him to take the other man's place.

  • The rumours, though only really used for idle gossip, are reinforced by the fact that Hector's familiar coincidentally went by the name of the deceased paladin -- "Ronin".

  • [The truth is to be revealed throughout the RP]

  • Folding paper cranes
  • Feeding birds (and his summoned creatures, though they really...don't need to eat.)
  • Re-reading lore about beasts, monsters, and planes of other existences -- specifically near-by religious temples.

Student WIP


Name: Matthew Jones

Aliases: Matt

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Class: Brawler


Sexuality: Straight

High Concept: Experiencing the endless thrill of fighting.

Character Alignment: Chaotic neutral

When Matthew was younger, he used to work in his father's blacksmithing shop. One day, a theif robbed the shop and he gave chase to the theif, following him into a dark alleyway. He was then ambushed by the theif's comrades, and was severely injured in the process. Luckily, a monk passing by noticed the commotion and saved him, and seeing the monk fight inspired Matthew to be a great fighter like him.


Standing at 5 feet 4 inches with a weight of 110 pounds, he has average height and a slim figure. His brown hair is short and messy and his skin is a healthy beige. Matthew also has big black eyes, allowing him to gaze at his opponents intensely.

Weapons & Armor:
Leather gauntlets:
Managed to buy the gauntlets with the savings he had earned working in his father's shop. He only uses them if he were to enter a fist fight, otherwise these gauntlets would restrict his hand movements.

Light armour:
Was given to him by his father so that he could better protect himself in future, after the incident that occured when he was young. Consists of old leather and fabric material.

Items & Personal Belongings:
Money he earned from working.

Skills & Abilities:
Reaction speed: Through past street fights, he has attained slightly above average reaction time.
Fearlessness: He is mostly fearless due to his confidence that he can resolve anything with his fists.
Tactical fighter: Because of his small stature, he tends to think strategically in a fight.

Spells & Magic:
None as of now.

Berserk: Looses his cool if someone close to him is severely injured, also losing the ability to think calmly.
Overconfidence: His overconfidence may lead to him biting off more than he can chew and going into extremely difficult fights.
Tactical fighter: More effective in fights that allows him to think for a long time, which is not very good for short brawls.
Nicely Done, all of you

Student (WIP)

Name: Bennet Élan
Aliases: Ben, "Bat-eye Ben" "That little bastard from Jetson Creek", and most commonly just "hey, you".
Age: Almost 17, with a marked propensity to lie about that.
Gender: Male
Race: Human, we have to assume.
Class: Rogue/Engineer

: Straight-ish.
High Concept: Sort of like a twitchy pirate repairman... with a penchant for inventing useless gadgets.
Character Alignment: Chaotic good.
Bio: The story is a little different every time it gets told. All anyone knows for sure is that Bennet was raised in the impoverished village of Jetson Creek, several miles out from the kingdom's capital. His father, a locksmith, took on his young son as an apprentice. It was here he found his knack for tinkering, taking objects apart and putting them bacj together in new and improved fashions. How the same simple mechanics can create endless variations. His father had inherited the shop from a neighbor. It had given his family a means of honest income, and year after year had run it faithfully until the day he died of disease in his sleep. Jetson Creek was riddled with poxes and plagues of all kinds. Some say it came from the well water, others the vermin or even evil spirits. There were no reputable doctors near enough to the village, so all one could do in times of malaise was wait and hope. All too often, as in this case, it was not enough.

Ben's father's death left him an orphan, shaken and begrieved and slowly realizing that if he didn't get out of his village soon, he'd share the same fate.
So he left. Taking only a few days to pack what he needed, he secured a map to the nearest port town. He had to get away, far away, find a new life for himself out on the wild and terrible seas.
...okay, maybe Ben had read a few too many pirate stories.

But, luckily, his skills in gadgeteering found him a career on board the royal ship The Belvidera. Still only 14 years old, this voyage allowed him a chance to exercise his skills repairing cannons and machinery aboard the grand vessel.
And, better yet, it was captured by pirates less than six months out to sea. Ben avoided being tossed overboard by pledging his service to these seafaring crimelords. Honestly, this was the start of the best two years of Ben's life. Not only was he able to continue his ambitions, but he was no longer under the codes of conduct that kept him from getting creative with his repairmanship. Pretty soon, with the help of some cremated and illegally-acquired supplies, The Belvidera had been embellished with working clocks, trap doors, secret locked safes embedded in the oddest places, and flaming cannons.
Maybe it could have done with a few more of those, because eventually it was recaptured by the Crown Naval Forces, and the whole crew caught and sent to await the gallows. But hey, they made a mistake throwing a locksmith in such a flimsy little cell.
Thanks to yours truly, they say the entire crew is still on the loose. Best the guards dont find out about who to credit that with, though.


Weapons & Armor:

  • Cutlass - A short, wide swashbuckling sword. For cutting through rope, wood, and the occasional artery.​
  • Wrench - Exactly what you think it is. Great for tightening or removing things, or just wresting metal. Can easily be used as a blunt-force weapon.​
  • Leather Gauntlets - Armor impedes movement too much for Bennet's liking, but he has a pair of these to keep the skin on his hands.​

Items & Personal Belongings:​

  • Lockpicking kit - various tools for opening locks of all shapes and sizes.​
  • Clothes - allow for decency and protection from the elements. Ben's clothes usually consist of a simple shirt, vest and trousers, light boots, and a belt with a few small pouches and satchels. Nothing fancy, but that seems best in these conditions.​
  • Inventor's Accoutrements - a small gaslight, some workman's tools, fishing hooks, vials of odd chemicals, and other mostly useless items.​
Skills & Abilities:​

  • Nautical Knowledge - What can I say? Ben knows his way around a ship.​
  • Stealthy - He has a real knack for going unnoticed. His dislike for armor makes him light on his feet, and he sticks to the shadows with ease.​
  • Improvisational - Incredibly resourceful and full of outside-the-box ideas, Ben is an asset when quick thinking is needed.​
  • Spatial Memory - Not only is Ben a reliable navigator, he can remember his way around a space for longer than most. He'll never get lost in the same woods twice.​
Spells & Magic: Seafarers have their superstitions, but very few are actually well-versed in the ways of magic. Ben is no different.

  • Low Eyesight - they call the kid "Bat-eye Ben" for a reason. His narrow peripheral vision can get in the way of things like reaction time... and reading.​
  • Overzealous Nerd - He tends to go... a bit overboard with the creative solutions, is often a bit too eager to share his knowledge, and is generally socially awkward to the point of being a little annoying.​
  • Poor Constitution - He may be fast, but it comes at a cost. An unarmored featherweight is useless in situations that require physical endurance.​


"Nothin' a few extra knots can't fix"
"Yeah, but did you see it? Did... did you see what I did there? Pretty clever, aye?"
"It's like the old cow always said... it's always a good day when you ain't got the plague"

Theme: "Up Is Down": from the PIrates of the Caribbean: At World's End soundtrack

Last edited:


Name: It’s rather tricky to pronounce, and some think it might even require a new alphabet... so nobody really bothers using it anyway. Starts with an “mmm” sound, so some people just call her M.

Aliases: “M, Foreigner, Girl with a strange name. Some have made up their own names for her, such as Maria or Maya.”

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Race: Visionary: Visionaries are a subspecies of humans that originated from one mage’s experiments with biology and magic. One of these experiments was dealing with the potential to pass on magical traits. To say the least, it was a success. The result were humans with magic abilities stemming from their eyes. While this was not the only magic they could use, the category of magic their eyes use is the only category they can use in life. However, they have a natural talent with this category. For example, a Visionary with appraisal skills from birth like M would be great with neutral magic (Physical and Thauma), but unable to use other branches.

Class: Though she’d be starting out as more of a mage, the end goal is something between magic knight and battle mage.

Sexuality: Powersexual (Asexual, not interested in that type of stuff, wants to get stronger. Though they might bond easier with a person if they can advance them further in power.)

High Concept:
Workaholic, almost entirely focused on getting stronger. She’s brutally honest, and expects people to behave the same way. As such, she hates sugarcoating words. A bit on the dull side when it comes to expression, it does help keep her calm though.

Character Alignment: True Neutral, can tip over into Neutral Evil fairly easily.

Bio: (Working on it. Long story short she’s traveled to the setting’s location to train and get stronger, potentially have some sort of influence over her original nation, or even more than that.)
Height & Weight: 5’5, 123 lbs. (165.1 cm, 55.7 kg)

Weapons & Armor:

  • Nonstandard longsword. (The material appears to accept magic quite well.)
  • Light chestplate.
  • Gauntlets.
  • Armored-toe boots.

Items & Personal Belongings: An average amount of money, a few changes of clothing, the usual stuff an average person might have.

Skills & Abilities: She’s fairly well rounded, which is better than nothing. But there’s not much else to say about her.

Spells & Magic:

Appraisal: M has an innate ability to use appraisal magic. It’s quite effective, providing information on the level of scanning. It can also works a bit on living things, however it only describes physical traits for those. It is bound to her eyesight, requiring no incantations to function.


Despite owning a sword, she is by no means a swordswoman. She does have basic knowledge, but anyone with more than a few fights under their belt will know how to counter her effectively.

She’s not very good with “people things”. This is due to her bluntness more often than not.

She can have some impatient outbursts, contrasting with her typically calm behavior. This tends to occur when people are too indecisive, or slow.

It may not be a weakness, but she’s not exactly honorable. That might burn a few bridges in the long run.
Hobbies: She studies or trains. When she cannot train, she studies. When she cannot study, she trains. It’s rare to see her do much else outside of what’s necessary to remain presentable, and sometimes not even that.



“If you’re just going to sit there, I’d rather you leave.”

Theme: N/A.

Other: She likes strawberries. A lot. They’re the quickest way to get her interest, as a friend of course.
Student (WIP)
View attachment 500983

Name: Bennet Élan
Aliases: Ben, "Bat-eye Ben" "That little bastard from Jetson Creek", and most commonly just "hey, you".
Age: Almost 17, with a marked propensity to lie about that.
Gender: Male
Race: Human, we have to assume.
Class: Rogue/Engineer

: Straight-ish.
High Concept: Sort of like a twitchy pirate repairman... with a penchant for inventing useless gadgets.
Character Alignment: Chaotic good.
Bio: The story is a little different every time it gets told. All anyone knows for sure is that Bennet was raised in the impoverished village of Jetson Creek, several miles out from the kingdom's capital. His father, a locksmith, took on his young son as an apprentice. It was here he found his knack for tinkering, taking objects apart and putting them bacj together in new and improved fashions. How the same simple mechanics can create endless variations. His father had inherited the shop from a neighbor. It had given his family a means of honest income, and year after year had run it faithfully until the day he died of disease in his sleep. Jetson Creek was riddled with poxes and plagues of all kinds. Some say it came from the well water, others the vermin or even evil spirits. There were no reputable doctors near enough to the village, so all one could do in times of malaise was wait and hope. All too often, as in this case, it was not enough.

Ben's father's death left him an orphan, shaken and begrieved and slowly realizing that if he didn't get out of his village soon, he'd share the same fate.
So he left. Taking only a few days to pack what he needed, he secured a map to the nearest port town. He had to get away, far away, find a new life for himself out on the wild and terrible seas.
...okay, maybe Ben had read a few too many pirate stories.

But, luckily, his skills in gadgeteering found him a career on board the royal ship The Belvidera. Still only 14 years old, this voyage allowed him a chance to exercise his skills repairing cannons and machinery aboard the grand vessel.
And, better yet, it was captured by pirates less than six months out to sea. Ben avoided being tossed overboard by pledging his service to these seafaring crimelords. Honestly, this was the start of the best two years of Ben's life. Not only was he able to continue his ambitions, but he was no longer under the codes of conduct that kept him from getting creative with his repairmanship. Pretty soon, with the help of some cremated and illegally-acquired supplies, The Belvidera had been embellished with working clocks, trap doors, secret locked safes embedded in the oddest places, and flaming cannons.
Maybe it could have done with a few more of those, because eventually it was recaptured by the Crown Naval Forces, and the whole crew caught and sent to await the gallows. But hey, they made a mistake throwing a locksmith in such a flimsy little cell.
Thanks to yours truly, they say the entire crew is still on the loose. Best the guards dont find out about who to credit that with, though.


Weapons & Armor:

  • Cutlass - A short, wide swashbuckling sword. For cutting through rope, wood, and the occasional artery.​
  • Wrench - Exactly what you think it is. Great for tightening or removing things, or just wresting metal. Can easily be used as a blunt-force weapon.​
  • Leather Gauntlets - Armor impedes movement too much for Bennet's liking, but he has a pair of these to keep the skin on his hands.​

Items & Personal Belongings:​

  • Lockpicking kit - various tools for opening locks of all shapes and sizes.​
  • Clothes - allow for decency and protection from the elements. Ben's clothes usually consist of a simple shirt, vest and trousers, light boots, and a belt with a few small pouches and satchels. Nothing fancy, but that seems best in these conditions.​
  • Inventor's Accoutrements - a small gaslight, some workman's tools, fishing hooks, vials of odd chemicals, and other mostly useless items.​
Skills & Abilities:​

  • Nautical Knowledge - What can I say? Ben knows his way around a ship.​
  • Stealthy - He has a real knack for going unnoticed. His dislike for armor makes him light on his feet, and he sticks to the shadows with ease.​
  • Improvisational - Incredibly resourceful and full of outside-the-box ideas, Ben is an asset when quick thinking is needed.​
  • Spatial Memory - Not only is Ben a reliable navigator, he can remember his way around a space for longer than most. He'll never get lost in the same woods twice.​
Spells & Magic: Seafarers have their superstitions, but very few are actually well-versed in the ways of magic. Ben is no different.

  • Low Eyesight - they call the kid "Bat-eye Ben" for a reason. His narrow peripheral vision can get in the way of things like reaction time... and reading.​
  • Overzealous Nerd - He tends to go... a bit overboard with the creative solutions, is often a bit too eager to share his knowledge, and is generally socially awkward to the point of being a little annoying.​
  • Poor Constitution - He may be fast, but it comes at a cost. An unarmored featherweight is useless in situations that require physical endurance.​


"Nothin' a few extra knots can't fix"
"Yeah, but did you see it? Did... did you see what I did there? Pretty clever, aye?"
"It's like the old cow always said... it's always a good day when you ain't got the plague"

Theme: "Up Is Down": from the PIrates of the Caribbean: At World's End soundtrack


Name: It’s rather tricky to pronounce, and some think it might even require a new alphabet... so nobody really bothers using it anyway. Starts with an “mmm” sound, so some people just call her M.

Aliases: “M, Foreigner, Girl with a strange name. Some have made up their own names for her, such as Maria or Maya.”

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Race: Visionary: Visionaries are a subspecies of humans that originated from one mage’s experiments with biology and magic. One of these experiments was dealing with the potential to pass on magical traits. To say the least, it was a success. The result were humans with magic abilities stemming from their eyes. While this was not the only magic they could use, the category of magic their eyes use is the only category they can use in life. However, they have a natural talent with this category. For example, a Visionary with appraisal skills from birth like M would be great with neutral magic (Physical and Thauma), but unable to use other branches.

Class: Though she’d be starting out as more of a mage, the end goal is something between magic knight and battle mage.
Sexuality: Powersexual (Asexual, not interested in that type of stuff, wants to get stronger. Though they might bond easier with a person if they can advance them further in power.)

High Concept: Workaholic, almost entirely focused on getting stronger. She’s brutally honest, and expects people to behave the same way. As such, she hates sugarcoating words. A bit on the dull side when it comes to expression, it does help keep her calm though.

Character Alignment: True Neutral, can tip over into Neutral Evil fairly easily.

Bio: (Working on it. Long story short she’s traveled to the setting’s location to train and get stronger, potentially have some sort of influence over her original nation, or even more than that.)
View attachment 501142
Height & Weight: 5’5, 123 lbs. (165.1 cm, 55.7 kg)

Weapons & Armor:

  • Nonstandard longsword. (The material appears to accept magic quite well.)
  • Light chestplate.
  • Gauntlets.
  • Armored-toe boots.

Items & Personal Belongings: An average amount of money, a few changes of clothing, the usual stuff an average person might have.

Skills & Abilities: She’s fairly well rounded, which is better than nothing. But there’s not much else to say about her.

Spells & Magic:

Appraisal: M has an innate ability to use appraisal magic. It’s quite effective, providing information on the level of scanning. It can also works a bit on living things, however it only describes physical traits for those. It is bound to her eyesight, requiring no incantations to function.


Despite owning a sword, she is by no means a swordswoman. She does have basic knowledge, but anyone with more than a few fights under their belt will know how to counter her effectively.

She’s not very good with “people things”. This is due to her bluntness more often than not.

She can have some impatient outbursts, contrasting with her typically calm behavior. This tends to occur when people are too indecisive, or slow.

It may not be a weakness, but she’s not exactly honorable. That might burn a few bridges in the long run.
Hobbies: She studies or trains. When she cannot train, she studies. When she cannot study, she trains. It’s rare to see her do much else outside of what’s necessary to remain presentable, and sometimes not even that.



“If you’re just going to sit there, I’d rather you leave.”

Theme: N/A.

Other: She likes strawberries. A lot. They’re the quickest way to get her interest, as a friend of course.
Accepted, both of yous

: Trevor Hall
Aliases: Old Man, Gramps, The Unbreakable Wall of Ishrion
Age: 56
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Warrior; Warden

: Bi-Sexual
High Concept: Grumpy old man who probably shouldn't be a teacher. But, here he is.
Character Alignment: Neutral Good
Bio: Most of his personal life is unknown. He hailed from Ravinna, immigrated when he was young, and made a name for himself with three different mercenary bands all before he was 24. After that, he joined the royal army, where he served for almost 25 years. He fought in Kaines, and upon his return was discharged at his request, and wandered for about a month. He then joined the Nightingale's, and has been a member ever since. (This is mostly TBR)

: Trevor is a hard man to miss, or ignore. Standing at 6'5, and built like a brick shit house, and weighting roughly 310 pounds of sheer muscle, he's the man most men think they are. It's debated on if he actually needs armor. I mean, he does since he's just a man, but still. His body is littered with scars from battles and other encounters, the largest of which cut diagonally from his left shoulder, all the way down to his right hip.
Weapons & Armor:
  • Steel Plate Armor: A combination steel plate armor and scale, it was custom made in Ravinnia a few years back.
  • Steel Greatsword: A large, two handed sword. Pretty standard, though it was a gift from the royal family. Their seal is embedded in its hilt.
  • Curved Iron Dagger: Rarely used for actual combat, but every one needs a backup. And this is it, especially if his first aren't enough.
  • Combustible Fluid: Inside of what appears to be a typical wineskin, is a combustible fluid that Trevor refuses to share the origin of. Though he probably made it himself. When in battle, he can flog small amounts at an enemy to combo with a mage who can set them ablaze, or for a form of crowd control. Outside of it, it's a great way to accelerate making a fire, and setting traps. I guess the later is still combat though.
Items & Personal Belongings:
  • Sharpening Stones
  • A small pack a chalk
  • Water Skin
  • Wedding rings: His and his wife's
  • Three family "photos". Really, they're hand done drawings. Made by Trevor himself.
  • Lucky Stone: A piece of Opal on a leather chain. He wears it as a bracelet
Skills & Abilities:
  • Master Swordplay: He's a seasoned veteran, and has trained for years. Her had both informal, and formal training, with both one handed and two handed swords. Though he favors two handed.
  • Expert Hand To Hand: More of an informal style of hand to hand that doesn't exactly have a name, he never really used it until his time in Kaines, and developed further while there.
  • Expert Survival Skills: Something that her used almost all his life, he can survive, and has, on his own for years if needed, and he would be fine. Maybe even better off than if was living in a city somewhere. Even taught himself how to garden. Or farm, whatever you want to call it.
  • Fishing: It's fishing, simple as that.
  • Cooking: Good enough to make things taste good and not kill you.
  • Intimidation: He's learned how to use his naturally interesting appearance to his advantage. Also, he was taught how to use intimidation tactics during his mercenary days.
Spells & Magic:
  • Runic - Traps and Buffs: Fairly simple ruins that can be drawn with anything Trevor can get his hands on. Simple traps like minor mana drain and explosive bursts of fire or ice, and buffs that boost speed and strength etc. There's a lot he an do with these, but as he focuses more on physical attacks above magic, his available runes are rather limited.
  • Slow: Trevor is a tank. So he's slow, people who can close distances between him and themselves can prove to be trouble for him. The way he fights and his old age are both factors in his speed. But what he lacks in speed, he makes up for in sheer strength, so it balances out.
  • Ranged Combat: Ranged Combat, much like people who are faster than him, can be a problem just because of the fact he's not fast. Close range combat is where's he's comfortable, and dealing with archers and mages pisses him off. Ranged Combat can put him in a position where he can't do anything.
  • Risk Taking: While Trevor is a man of logic, and at times, actual planning, he's also the type of man who will take unwarranted risk without a real plan in mind. His does this often, and most of the time gets stupid, avoidable injuries.
FLUFF (Optional)
Hobbies: Drawing, Training, Reading, Gardening, Making his own Pickles
"Mistakes will cost us. Don't do it again."
"Slow down kid, I'm too old for this shit."
"Damn it."
Theme: Two Steps From Hell
- Cute animals are the one thing in life other than his kids, he will forever love. And he thinks almost every animal is cute. Unnecessary harm to animals will get you punched in the throat.
Name: Enna
Aliases: Enna Lightfoot, Enna Travels-By-Night
Age: 40
Gender: Good question!
Race: Half-Orc
Class: Mage/Ranger who uses dark magic

Sexuality: For a good time, call.
High Concept: Just a big happy master of death and darkness who probably gives their students gold stars whenever they successfully open a void to another dimension.
Character Alignment: Neutral Good


Enna came to the Nightingales as a teenager, travel-worn, mute, and carrying a sword that they could barely lift. Through sign and writing, they communicated that they had some magical talent and were both willing and eager to train. They were promptly taken under the wing of the esteemed dark mage Adelyn of Whitehall.

Initially, Enna was a distracted and fearful student, quick to lash out at their classmates or cringe away from their teachers. In time, however, they learned what all dark mages learn—that weakness is something to be embraced and worked through, not hidden away. They blossomed into a capable mage and ranger, spending months at a time pursuing their training with Adelyn in the wilderness.

Once they graduated, Enna served as a guide and guardian to those in the kingdom undergoing dangerous journeys—be they kings, pilgrims, or their fellow Nightingales. Their talents grew, and they earned a reputation as one of the gentler Nightingales, whose fearsome appearance belied a dedication to the preservation of life and the protection of others.

They eventually returned to the Guild to teach, something that they have greatly enjoyed. Two of their apprentices have graduated already, and they look forward to taking on more.

Appearance: Pretty much your classic half-orc—big, muscly, and green, with sharp teeth, leathery skin, and long, wild hair. Admittedly, Enna’s a bit smaller than average, but they’re still a comfortable 6’8”. They dress in soft greys and browns that allow them to blend into the forest easily, with a hooded cloak and soft-soled boots.

Weapons & Armor:
  • A longbow and accompanying quiver of arrows
  • A very old and well maintained great sword in the style of the old Orcish Kings. According to Enna, it’s a clever replica.
  • Spell book. Not technically a weapon, but the knowledge inside could level mountains.
  • Leather bracers and glove, for shooting purposes.
Items & Personal Belongings:
  • A leather-bound journal and pen for communicating with people who don’t sign. The pen never runs out of ink; a favor from a friend.
  • A well-stocked first aid kit
  • Hunting knife
Skills & Abilities: A patient and capable teacher who knows everything there is to know about archery, sword-fighting, and wilderness survival. A good listener, and a pretty good cook. Lovely penmanship.

Spells & Magic: (please tell me if these are overpowered I have no idea what I'm doing)
  • Hush: All sound within the radius of the spell is silenced.
  • See-Me-Not: Enna and their allies are difficult to see or hear.
  • I-Am-Not: A more powerful (and thus more difficult) version of the See-Me-Not spell, this renders Enna and their allies invisible to magical means of detection.
  • Sleep: Sends the target into a deep, natural sleep. You actually feel great when you wake up. If you wake up.
  • Curse of the Eyeless: the target of the spell is temporarily blinded.
  • Find Friends: Enna can see the easiest path to a specified lost person or animal.
  • Truth in Darkness: Everyone within the radius of the spell is compelled to tell the truth. Any spells preventing them from doing so are dispelled.
  • Travel By Night: Creates a doorway in reality that Enna and their allies can travel through. It is an extremely difficult and costly spell; they have only used it twice.
  • Mute: Enna knows three sign languages and can write very quickly, but they can’t talk. Or won’t. Either way, communication can be slow and frustrating.
  • Protective: Enna is very protective of their students, and anyone else who they perceive as a (relative) innocent. Threatening these people is a painfully easy way to get them off-balance or manipulate them.
  • Phobia: Despite their training, they have never quite been able to shake their horror of fire or burning to death. A cooking fire is fine, but anything bigger? Very scary.


“Truth finds comfort in the dark.”

“There are no stupid questions, but some questions come with push-ups.”

“Mute people still have ears, you know.”

“Fear is your body telling you something. Listen. Speak back."

Dawn Amanodel

  • IMG_7310.jpgAliases: Ana, (derogatory) Banshee

    Age: 16

    Gender: Female


    Height: 5’ 5”

    Weight: 134 lbs

    Class: Reluctant sharpshooter/sniper, Medic-wannabe

Kylesar1 Kylesar1 alright, character finished! If there aren't any unrealistic points or edits you want me to make, just mention it!
Last edited:
Name: Enna
Aliases: Enna Lightfoot, Enna Travels-By-Night
Age: 40
Gender: Good question!
Race: Half-Orc
Class: Mage/Ranger who uses dark magic

Sexuality: For a good time, call.
High Concept: Just a big happy master of death and darkness who probably gives their students gold stars whenever they successfully open a void to another dimension.
Character Alignment: Neutral Good


Enna came to the Nightingales as a teenager, travel-worn, mute, and carrying a sword that they could barely lift. Through sign and writing, they communicated that they had some magical talent and were both willing and eager to train. They were promptly taken under the wing of the esteemed dark mage Adelyn of Whitehall.

Initially, Enna was a distracted and fearful student, quick to lash out at their classmates or cringe away from their teachers. In time, however, they learned what all dark mages learn—that weakness is something to be embraced and worked through, not hidden away. They blossomed into a capable mage and ranger, spending months at a time pursuing their training with Adelyn in the wilderness.

Once they graduated, Enna served as a guide and guardian to those in the kingdom undergoing dangerous journeys—be they kings, pilgrims, or their fellow Nightingales. Their talents grew, and they earned a reputation as one of the gentler Nightingales, whose fearsome appearance belied a dedication to the preservation of life and the protection of others.

They eventually returned to the Guild to teach, something that they have greatly enjoyed. Two of their apprentices have graduated already, and they look forward to taking on more.

Appearance: Pretty much your classic half-orc—big, muscly, and green, with sharp teeth, leathery skin, and long, wild hair. Admittedly, Enna’s a bit smaller than average, but they’re still a comfortable 6’8”. They dress in soft greys and browns that allow them to blend into the forest easily, with a hooded cloak and soft-soled boots.

Weapons & Armor:
  • A longbow and accompanying quiver of arrows
  • A very old and well maintained great sword in the style of the old Orcish Kings. According to Enna, it’s a clever replica.
  • Spell book. Not technically a weapon, but the knowledge inside could level mountains.
  • Leather bracers and glove, for shooting purposes.
Items & Personal Belongings:
  • A leather-bound journal and pen for communicating with people who don’t sign. The pen never runs out of ink; a favor from a friend.
  • A well-stocked first aid kit
  • Hunting knife
Skills & Abilities: A patient and capable teacher who knows everything there is to know about archery, sword-fighting, and wilderness survival. A good listener, and a pretty good cook. Lovely penmanship.

Spells & Magic: (please tell me if these are overpowered I have no idea what I'm doing)
  • Hush: All sound within the radius of the spell is silenced.
  • See-Me-Not: Enna and their allies are difficult to see or hear.
  • I-Am-Not: A more powerful (and thus more difficult) version of the See-Me-Not spell, this renders Enna and their allies invisible to magical means of detection.
  • Sleep: Sends the target into a deep, natural sleep. You actually feel great when you wake up. If you wake up.
  • Curse of the Eyeless: the target of the spell is temporarily blinded.
  • Find Friends: Enna can see the easiest path to a specified lost person or animal.
  • Truth in Darkness: Everyone within the radius of the spell is compelled to tell the truth. Any spells preventing them from doing so are dispelled.
  • Travel By Night: Creates a doorway in reality that Enna and their allies can travel through. It is an extremely difficult and costly spell; they have only used it twice.
  • Mute: Enna knows three sign languages and can write very quickly, but they can’t talk. Or won’t. Either way, communication can be slow and frustrating.
  • Protective: Enna is very protective of their students, and anyone else who they perceive as a (relative) innocent. Threatening these people is a painfully easy way to get them off-balance or manipulate them.
  • Phobia: Despite their training, they have never quite been able to shake their horror of fire or burning to death. A cooking fire is fine, but anything bigger? Very scary.


“Truth finds comfort in the dark.”

“There are no stupid questions, but some questions come with push-ups.”

“Mute people still have ears, you know.”

“Fear is your body telling you something. Listen. Speak back."

Dawn Amanodel

  • View attachment 503599Aliases: Ana, (derogatory) Banshee

    Age: 16

    Gender: Female


    Height: 5’ 5”

    Weight: 134 lbs

    Class: Reluctant sharpshooter/sniper, Medic-wannabe

Kylesar1 Kylesar1 alright, character finished! If there aren't any unrealistic points or edits you want me to make, just mention it!
Accepted. Post whenever

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