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Fantasy The Night Star crew


One Thousand Club
Captain Ravin Teris

Vice Captain Joe Snow

Doctor pending

Navigator Dolen Rivers




Character sheet




Appearance (either a picture or description)

Kingdom ( Check Flovian Lore page)



Name Ravin Teris

Position Captain
Age 26

Sex Male

(AI generated, skin is a little darker.)

Kingdom Flovia.

Bio(wip) Born into the middle class family on the main land. Ravin was often ostracized by other children and adults. It was because of his unnatural silver hair and bright blue eyes. Most adults called him a bastard thinking his mother slept with some foreigner and his farther was covering it up claiming him as potty. Though Ravin couldn't harm the adults the kids were fair game. He would get into multiple fights at school whenever someone disrespected his family.

Wanting all of this to blow over his farther sent him to the island of Crios to live with his grandfather out of the public eye. His grandfather was understanding and taught Ravin how to truly fight and sword play. He told him stories of the infamous pirate turned Warden the Sea Lion and his adventures from the great pirate War to exploring the ruins of Arcadia in the far west. How pirates didn't care about class or what the person looked like. Ravin was mesmerized by these tales to the point he decided he was going to become a pirate.

His grandfather laughed at the idea but didn't argue against it even teaching him how to understand a ship and the proper way to sail. When he turned 25 he set sail ready to explore.
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Name: Navigator Dolen Rivers

Age: 28

Sex: Male

Appearance(written): You see a young man before you, olive skinned, with cat-like features: a long and thin face, angular copper eyes. His hair is wild, the color of burnt sugar syrup, long enough to tie into a short ponytail and slightly wavy. One of his teeth is chipped, maybe from a fight, maybe from a stupid injury. His hands are bigger than average, in spite of his short and thin build.

Kingdom: Flovia

Bio: Dolen originally served on a different ship, and was the navigator and oddjob-man there. Not that he had much say, as he was essentially a servant there. One day, Dolen decided to run away because he wanted to have a life for himself, and he didn't like many of the crew he served, especially the captain and they mistreated them whenever something went particularly wrong. He had a lot of patience, but he hated constant mistreatment.
(some details TBA)
When the time came, Dolen ran away, and he went on to travel some, surviving by using his wits. He became very good with city geography. He never gave his last name to anyone, because a bastard in Flovia had no standing. It was then that he realized that he couldn't live in Flovia, so he traveled to other islands. Sometimes he got one-time jobs helping to navigate the ship he was traveling on, as a favor, but never revealing his last name. It's how he Ravin, but decided to stay.
Personality: Dolen is probably one of the quietest members of the crew, as he doesn't say much beyond what needs to be said. He has a very long fuse, as evidenced by the fact that it took him a few years to run away from the mistreatment. However, after his fuse runs out, Dolen will snap and you might end up on the list of people who he will get revenge on one day. Dolen is usually a pretty straightfoward person when he does speak, and he is blunt when you ask for his judgement.
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For the most part yes. Without a proper sir name you're the lowest of the low in society. Unless you're farther claims you than you'll be a little bit better off
For the most part yes. Without a proper sir name you're the lowest of the low in society. Unless you're farther claims you than you'll be a little bit better off
can my character then have served on a ship originally, and that's why he can navigate?
Name: Vice Captain Joseph(Joe) Snow

Age: 30

Sex: Male

Appearance: Joe has paler skin than the images shows. His build is just as muscular as the images. He has long green hair and dark brown eyes. Joe stands around 7'2. He has a tattoo of the sun on his left shoulder. He wears a necklace with a polar bear tooth hanging on it.

Personality: Despite how loose he is, Joe is a very serious person. Joe always tries to have a fun time around the people closest to him, but is more brooding when alone or in a fight. Joe takes fighting seriously, he may make joke from time to time if it's just a friendly battle or simple sparring, but he will primarily take a fight seriously. Joe will put others safety over his own, and protect the people he calls friends and family with his life. Joe is chivalrous and treats women with the utmost care and respect. He would never choose to fight a woman.

Kingdom: Skaala.
Bio: Joe was an only child to a chivalrous father. Joe's mother died during child birth, which always made Joe doubt himself and his reason to live. The kids in the clan he was in always pushed Joe around and made fun of him. And the adults always talked about Joe and his father behind their back, and it was always about one thing. That Joe killed his mom. Joe always got into fights when someone talked bad about his mother, but never when they talked bad about Joe himself.

Joe's dad realized this and he left the clan they were apart of, Joe was only 6 then. Joe's dad was a strong fighter, an chivalrous man, amazing father, and a hero to the little Joe, so when the Joe said he wanted to be a just as chivalrous and strong like his dad his father was happy. Joe's dad decided to teach Joe about how a woman should be treated and how you should never fight them and the basics of hand to hand fighting.

When Joe was 12 his father died of a unknown illness. Joe had felt so sad and broken and when he lost his dad. He was alone. He had to learn how to survive on his own. He learned different styles of fighting by facing off against giant beasts like polar bears and small hunters like wolves. Joe went to the strongest people in Skaala and requested they train him, each of them had fought in different ways (pretty much different forms of martial arts). As Joe continued to get older he kept fighting and training until he got to as strong as he is today.

When Joe became 30 he thought that he should go out and explore the world, and explore he did.
Position: Doctor

Name: Eodriel Ceray

Age: 29

Sex: Female


Kingdom: Flovia

Bio: Eodriel was born as the second child to her parents. Her childhood was nothing out of the ordinary for an upper-middle-class person. The Ceray family always put a lot of emphasis on education, so when Eodriel was a teenager, she was sent to study medicine under her father's friend, who happened to be a doctor. While the girl showed no exceptional talent, she compensated for it with diligence.

Eodriel has been devoted to her job from the very beginning of her career, always seeking more knowledge and ways to improve her skills. This would often end in overwork. For her, saving lives was a healer's primary goal. Because of this conviction, she never cared much about how much pain she would inflict on someone, as long as it was effective. She would also never have agreed to let one of her patients die in peace if there was a chance of extending their lifespan for even a few days.

A few months before our current events, a nobleman who was suffering from an unidentified, seemingly terminal illness hired her after two other healers refused to treat his condition, saying that all they could do was try to ease his pain. She conducted a series of experimental treatments that directly caused the man to die. His relatives accused her of murder. Knowing that convincing anyone of her innocence was nearly impossible, she fled as fast as possible, without a chance to say goodbye to her family. Being a fugitive, Eodriel started a new chapter in her life on the board of The Night Star.

Personality: Eodriel could be considered an optimist. Her attitude towards life is heavily influenced by her high self-esteem. Although she enjoys the company of others, she has nothing against spending time alone.
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Just basic information at the moment each will be expanded on once said character becomes relevant to the plot. As well as a few others


Ronin the Oath Breaker, Boie , age 30, 2.5 million bounty prior to becoming a warden, it is said he infuses his katana with magic.

Lawrence Rivers the Sea Cub, Flovian, age 32, 4 million bounty. The son of a former Warden/pirate. Has his farthers sense of honor willing to give anyone a fair fight. (Acadian)

Godfrey of Northern the Priest, Forester, age 48, 500 bounty, Though not nearly as powerful as the other Wardens, he is considered the most trustworthy simply a man who was dealt a bad hand and is doing his best to deal with it.

Arzeth the beast, Merfolk, age unknown 2.5 Billion bounty, a monster on land and a demon in the sea. He brought more Naval officers/pirates to their death before becoming a warden. It is said that he eats his victims.

Sherlyn Tumwater the Sea Queen , Flovian, Age 40 though looks twenty 4 Million bounty, Captain of the all female crew. She is as beautiful as she is deadly.
1)Hand slice: I've got a basic sail plan, but the direct route is still unknown.(i.e sailing through islands) 2)tapping on a surface: my gut tells me there's danger coming up.
Since I doubt we'll get anyone else will join here is the rest of the crew. Anyone can use these characters

Age 60
Kingdom Flovian
72620687.png Backstory WIP

position Helmsman
Age 23
Kingdom Unknown
Backstory WIP doesn'tlike being in water

Position bruiser
age 27
Kingdom Pyke
37290065.pnghas runes over his body

backstory WIP
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Name: Patrick

Age: 7

Sex: male

Position: stow-away turned cabin boy


Kingdom: Flovia

Bio: born a bastard, Patrick never knew his father and was sold by his mother to a necromancer. Originally intending to use him as an expairement, Patrick's talent for magic changed that. Patrick trained under his master. However, Patrick's training was cut shot when his master was slain. Taking his master's magic bag containing his spell books, Patrick fled, stowing away on a ship, unaware he was among pirates.

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