The New World (Fantasy/Sci-fi, 1x1)

Battlecry Samurai

New Member
The new world...

Many changes were prophesized for the year of 2012, including the end of the world. While many people were surprised that the world did not end or undergo catastrophic climate changes as foretold, the big shock came more slowly and subtly.

Bit by bit, new races were being born into the world. Varying species of elves, orcs, dwarves, and trolls were popping up in 'normal' households. At first, society had no idea what to do with these 'mutations' and budding families were beginning to fear having children at all. It was not only physical mutations that were integrating into human society, but also perfectly normal looking and healthy people discovering varying magical ability.

Human society was already in an uproar when the first dragon was sighted. After a brief earthquake in Japan, a large dark creature was spotted flying alongside the Shinkansen bullet train in Tokyo. It appeared for only a few moments before disappearing into Mt. Fuji. Months passed without a sighting of the creature or any others like it, but later that year, a minor earthquake was recorded near Cherry Creek Lake in Colorado.

What emerged from the Rocky Mountains stopped traffic and had witnesses suspended in awe for the better part of that autumn day. A slew of news crews arrived to see what appeared to be a blue dragon carefully examining a vintage convertible Ford Mustang. The giant creature had literally picked up the vehicle to turn it end over end in his study of it. Meanwhile, the owner of the car was having a bit of a breakdown due to the trauma of seeing the dragon, claiming to hear a voice in his head and repeating 'Dunkelzahn'.

Over the next 60 years, much was discovered about the dragons through various means. They possess enormous magic ability and are able to take human form so as not to appear terribly frightening, as well as for convenience sake since they are rather large in their natural form. It was also found that the great dragons cannot speak, but communicate telepathically. However, only metahumans (those with magic ability and of the new races) can 'hear' them. But underneath all the scales, claws, and wings, the dragons have unique personalities, just as humans.

It has been some time since the world changed and the dragons came out of hibernation. There have been advancements in some areas of technology and the shape of countries has changed. Megacorporations are said to rule the world now, but there are still a few home grown businesses and neighborhoods. Many have integrated into humanoid society and some have even gone on to become quite famous as being movers and shakers in world politics, megacorporations, and cultural affairs. But metahumans are still not fully accepted by many normal folks. They are often faced with prejudice that varies in scale. Many things have changed in the new world, yet some have remained the same.

Please contact me through private message if you have any interest in this roleplay, as I won't be checking replies to this thread. Also, I ask that you have a character or at least a character idea that will be played with my character Ryumyo (in my showcase) and an idea about how your character would fit with Ryumyo. I have no problem helping with ideas and discussing the details of the setting, but I'm not going to do everything for you.

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