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Fantasy The New Witching Hour


New Member
Hello! I am looking for an rp partner. As for the type of pairings I don’t mind if its MxM, MxF or whatever.

1. When it comes to writing style and lengths, I tend to write multiple paragraphs. I like things to be detailed but not so overly detailed that the story and plot drags. I also do expect that from my partner what I write with as well. I can only continue the story with you, with how much you give me. I don’t want either of us to feel like we’re “carrying” the other to get the story going.

3. Other info
- When it comes to spelling and grammar, I’m not too picky on it. Sometimes people make mistakes, and especially if you’re replying from your phone mistakes happen. I however hate text talk and would like some effort into it.
- I’ve noted previously how I feel about paragraphs in the writing.
- as for frequency, I normally try to write at least once a day if not more. However, I do understand that life happens so I would like several times a week. Hopefully at least 5 times. If you think you won’t be able to do so a certain week just send a message. You don’t have to send your life story, but just a respectful “hey things came up and can’t reply as much or at all this week”, and I will show you the same curtesy.
- I also like character sheets. In the character sheet I like to include a picture, the name, age, background, personality trait, and power if applicable. (If a power is included it needs to come with limitations as you can’t be all powerful like a god, cause that doesn’t make a fun story).

4. The idea that I have is set in a world where magic exist, but because of genocide reasons in the past, magical beings do their best to keep hidden. It is set in the modern world and a lot of beings are practically extinct. However their descendants still exist and their qualities show in different ways. For example, people who are descendants of werewolves tend to be great athletes or have great senses. Descendants of fae tend to have amazing charisma, descendants of merpeople can still breathe underwater but lack a transformation or only last a few hours before needing to go up for air. The strength and type of trait you get would depend on blood lines and how diluted the blood is.

My character (which I will give more info about in the character sheet should you be interested) is the head of a small coven of witches. He is investigating a series of abnormalities that are happening around his town. The few remaining pure blood families are disappearing. Within 24 hours of the disappearances, hellish, nightmarish versions of the familiars appear and go on a rampage. However, the rampage only last for a few hours before the creature dies and turns into ash, not leaving much behind. The carnage that those creatures can bring if not stopped, risk exposing the existence of the Down world (the hidden magical world) to the normal humans. My character is tasked with trying to figure out what are these power surges, who is kidnapping original bloodlines, who is experimenting on the diluteds, is all this connected and for what purpose.

7. I left as much opened as possible from what I originally had cause I want there to be room for discussions and where and how your character will be brought in but this was the general idea that I had for the rp.

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