Other The Necromancer

Pilot New


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The Necromancer

It didn't matter to Quote who liked her and who didn't. It was a rainy dark Monday, and everyone was washing away their worries with the step brother of pain and death: alcohol. Ann's Diner had about ninety people inside, and about ten in cars in the small parking lot sleeping it off. Quote sat in her stool at the bar drinking her rootbeer with icecream within, from a gold cup she sips from time to time. Quote watches the big screen with moving pictures, as everyone cheers to a sport they all appear to like. Quote has no clue what the sport is, but she took an acting class, and she fakes understanding very well. This goes on for hours, when suddenly two females of the sheriff's department arrives and arrested some older, in his seventies, white male biker dressed in black leather: for punching his wife. His wife is maybe ninety pounds, and Japanese. His wife looks nineteen, dressed like a shogun, and is sitting in a chair in the corner crying next to the jukebox. Quote spots her, walks over to the wife, and pats her twice on the head. Quote walks the woman out to her husbands motorcycle before returning back to her stool as the woman drives off down the road.

Planet: Earth
Location: Japan, Osaka, Ann's Diner
Characters: Quote, Two Sheriffs, biker and his shogun wife.
by: megatron2024
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Kodak New
The Necromancer

It was a beatiful Tuesday morning as Quote woke with a hang over in her waterbed to the sound of a lawnmower near by. Quote swears to herself she will stick to Rootbeer and not drink any more of that Long Island toxic waste that made her feel this way. Kodak stands at the door wanting outside to use the bathroom. Quote manages to get up out of the water bed. Quote opens her bedroom mini-frig and pulls out a bag of bread sticks. She eats one before pulling the sticks into parts and dumps them into a copper bowl on the floor next to another bowl with water in it. Kodak start to wine, so Quote changes her clothing, putting her dirty clothing in a basket. Quote takes the trash on the floor into a Glade trashbag, before walking to the front door. She walks down the red carpeted hallway, and down three flights of steps. When Quote makes it to the front door Kodak is already there waiting chewing on his left leg. When Quote opens the front door, Kodak runs off down the small yard and into the street. As quoke puts the bag of trash into the dumpster, two cars going opposing directions both swerve to miss Kodak, and smash into eachother. Kodak then shits in the road as Quote picks up the newspaper, and walks away with it. Quote walks over to the payphone and calls EMS, as one of the drivers of one car is dead from not wearing a seatbelt.

Quote 'There has been an acident, please send a wagon. I don't know what happened. I didn't see shit, but there is alot of shit to see in the road.'

Quote hangs up the pay phone to see Kodak waiting for someone to open the door. As soon as Quote opens the front doors, Kodak dashes inside to find a spot to hide in.

Planet: Earth
Location: Osaka, West Apartments
Characters: Quote, Kodak, two drivers
by: megatron2024
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intelligence New
The Necromancer

Once again Quote fell into the life of intelligence. Intelligence was working with the best types of scummy bags of meat the human race had to offer, working for organizations so dark they may kill you after successfully operating with them on their little projects. She didn't like following up on things intelligent couldn't confirmed on the ground. Quote wondered why she was needed when there was many Japanese-Americans walking around Osaka all the time. Quote sits down her seeded chicken in a plastic box with her black plastic chop sticks inside on the small wooden oak table. She gets up off the end of her water bed with heavy green sheets with large white pillows. She takes a drink of her Coke in a aluminium can as she walks towards the door. Slide under the door is a rather large envelop that is orange. Quote stands there for ten minutes just looking at it, before picking it up. As she picks up the evelop she hears scratches on the outside of the white metal door with a blue knob. Quote opens the door while still looking at the envelop, waits a minute for Kodak to enter, and closes the door while never looking away. Kodak spots the seeded chicken in the box and knocks it out onto the green carpeted floor. Kodak eats the other half of the box within three minutes.Quote opens the envelop and inside is a thirty four page report on Ziamiaweno Knives. She collects a lighter, sets the paperwork in the sink along with the envelop, and sets them on fire with the red torch lighter. She stands there watching the papers burn, and nothing is left but ashes. Quote turns to Kodak to see he ate everything in the box, and was now drinking water out of the bowl on the floor.

Quote "I guess sice you ate mine, I will eat your mother [deleted]"

She grabs another box out of the refrigerator, and with wooden chop sticks starts eating the seeded chicken inside. While Quote eats, Kodak jumps up on the bed, runs onto the pillow, and lays there looking at Quote until falling asleep. Finished eating, and drinking her coke, she goes to the refrigerator, and gets out another can of Coke. She gets out a plastic white tupper wear bowl, pours out the Coke into the bowl, and then sets the bowl next to the water bowl on the floor. Quote picks Kodak up, and sits him on the floor. Kodak spots the Coke, walks over, and drinks all the Coke in the bowl on the floor.

Planet: Earth
Location: Japan, Osaka, West Apartments
Characters: Quote and Kodak
by: megatron2024
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dead white girl New
The Necromancer

Quote walks down the sidewalk, and sits on a blue metal bench. She sits in front of the medical examiners office. Quote sits reading a book about racoons. She wear a green shirt, blue jeans, and black steal toed leather boots. Half way through the book the medical examiner comes out of the building, and walks up the sidewalk. Once the female examiner, a Japanese woman in her thirties, is a good distace away from the building, Quote goes into the building. She makes her way through as series of small white tiled hallway until she finds the room with dead bodies in the wall. Quote takes a picture with her camera, and goes to the vault wall. Quote ones a vault, and slides out the silver tray pan. She brings back the heavy-duty thick white sheet to find a sixteen year old red headed female American. The girl hasn't been worked on and there is no Y-opening to show anyone has gone inside the body. Quote places her right hand over the girls face, and a beam of green light shoots down on the girls face for a minute. Quote lowers her hand once the green light vanished.

Quickly she goes to the next vault to see it empty. Quote goes to the last vault, and slides out the silver tray pan. She takes back the heavy-duty thick white sheet to see the dead man who died in a car accident Kodak caused.

Quote "Dead by racoon."

Quote takes two pictures, one from the mans left side, and one looking straight down of his face from above. She puts back the sheet, and slides the man back into the vault. As Quote closes his vault the white American girl comes alive and sets up. Quote ties the sheet around the girls body, making it like a toga-dress. Quote picks the girl up, and holds her over her shoulder as Quote runs out of the building. Quote puts the girl on the bench as the girl is starting to grown more coherence. Quote walks away to the big large blue metal trashcan. Using a blue stick of chalk she puts three circles on the side of the trashcan. Quote places the camera inside a Ziplock bag and tosses it in the trashcan. Quote goes back to the bench, and picks up the girl who was laying down. Quote is able to take the girl by the hand and quickly walks her up the sidewalk. Quote notices the girl is not fully with it, unable to talk, and appearing to be having drugs still in her system as they continue walking north holding hands on the sidewalk.

Planet: Earth
Location: Osaka Medical Examiners Office
Characters: Quote, Medical Examiner, Z. Knives, American white girl.
by: Megatron2024
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