U-Incorporated 2nd Class Type Unit
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c88a88f64_Ederyon2.jpg.2a5a0e2a41333baa5d6a2234d3503db1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="112816" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c88a88f64_Ederyon2.jpg.2a5a0e2a41333baa5d6a2234d3503db1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
In the world of Ederyon many realms exist. From floating mountains to massive labyrinths these Realms can range beautiful to soul crushingly disgusting. But despite the conditions of some, many of these realms are occupied by a plethora of various creatures who strive in their different environments.
And also residing within these different realms are civilizations, civilizations of various origins and mindsets. Some of these nations were forged from peace, some forged from strife. No matter their origin, one thing remains clear...
...only time will tell where they move from here.
I made the original some time ago... and though there were many interested and invested parties it slowed to a standstill.
Now that I've returned from my break I am willing to give this another go, but only if I see that there are actual people interested.
So what say you?
Dearest viewers.
In the world of Ederyon many realms exist. From floating mountains to massive labyrinths these Realms can range beautiful to soul crushingly disgusting. But despite the conditions of some, many of these realms are occupied by a plethora of various creatures who strive in their different environments.
And also residing within these different realms are civilizations, civilizations of various origins and mindsets. Some of these nations were forged from peace, some forged from strife. No matter their origin, one thing remains clear...
...only time will tell where they move from here.
I made the original some time ago... and though there were many interested and invested parties it slowed to a standstill.
Now that I've returned from my break I am willing to give this another go, but only if I see that there are actual people interested.
So what say you?
Dearest viewers.