[The Mythical Land] Roleplay


Lady, running down to the riptide
(Don't post until I start the roleplay please. Thanks in advance)
Annika was trekking through the woods. There was a small town of humanoids a mile or so ahead of her, and she was trying to get there before the sky darkened too much. With a long skirt it was a little difficult.

The thin elf hiked up her skirt and quickened her pace. Her kitten was following her, but would pause or race ahead at certain points. Annika didn't mind, as long as her little friend wasn't in sight for too long.

It was nearing dusk, in possibly less than an hour. Annika would glance over her shoulder every now again, looking for Ester Lee, or for predators that could cause a threat toward her. She probably looked like a fair appetizer to anyone big, and a fun toy to anyone who wanted to play cat and mouse before killing her.

She took a deep breath and then stepped onto a tiny, slightly worn path where animals had probably walked on a couple times.
Justin was just traveling unaware of where he is there. But he was following the elf he saw not that far off but he was staying stealthy and wondering where this person was going.
Annika had no idea she was being followed, but kept on with her somewhat quick pace anyway. She just wanted to get somewhere safe, or close... Maybe she would stay in the outskirts of the forest or in a tree until it got darker, then she would head into town.

She normally slept during the day, when she could see where she was, and the fierce nocturnal creatures weren't out. She hid, of course as well, just to be extra safe.

The elf suddenly stopped in a tiny clearing. Ester Lee soon trotted up to her ankle and purred a greeting. "Hey there, Ess," Annika said softly, looking down with a small smile at the kitten. This was the only living being she could smile to, or even talk to, probably just because the kitten stuck around and couldn't judge Annika really.

The elf crouched down, petting the white and light orange kitten, making the feline to erupt into purring. Anni smiled again.
Maya walked through the forest and follow a path. She had been alone for the past year and never joined the pack of wolves which she was suppose to. She left them all behind after she had turned. She got lost from her camp sight after looking for food. Her taste buds were really different as a wolf. She couldn't find anywhere that was interesting or that had food. She stopped by a tree and looked around.
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He sighed as he saw a elf and a kitten and he sighed this could be a good thing he was also an elf so maybe he could sneak himself in to see if she would trust him.
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Suddenly she felt watched and very slowly stood up, turning around to face the direction she felt the eyes coming from. She thought she saw a figure in the trees...

Ester Lee meowed, seemingly disappointed and somewhat curious as to why Annika had stopped petting her and turned around.
Li was in bear form, sparring with an actual male bear for the territory. She wasn't that far from where the others were, so the angry roars of battle between two large grizzly's echoed clearly through the forest.

She raked her long claws down the side of her opponent, roaring, and standing n her hind lgs to assert her dominance.

'Male bears can be so infuriating sometimes...' Li thought to herself as the male bear lunged at her, not wanting to give up, but the male bear simply fell over, exauhsted.

Li transformed into her human shape, and huffed in annoyance. "Took you long enough!" She said, poking the large bear in the side to make sure he was unconscious.
Rix stretched and yawned cat-style and shook his little dragon head. He noticed someone new petting a furmeow, (thats what he thought of it as) and he dragonpurred. He flew over to the elf and the cat, landing lightly on top of Ester Lee's head. He chirped and looked at Annika, innocent and cute.
Maya came out of some trees and looked at the two people. She started to back off not saying a word to any of them but she stayed.

"Um... Hi. Are you going on the same path?"
Annika stared at the tiny dragon, and instantly tried shooing it away from her pet. She tried to do this without hurting or even touching the blue creature, but wanted it away from Easter immediately. Suddenly she heard a voice and a roar not too far off, and widened her eyes in fear. Quickly she picked up Ester Lee, hoping the blue creature was gone by now. Then the timid ekf began to back away from everything. Part of her still wanted to find out who was watching her, and then she thought she was just being parinoid. But had she been? Annika shook her head slightly at the thoughts, and took another few steps back, closer to the town and the dense forest.
Rix squaked indignantly when ester lee was picked up, falling off and landing on his back. He chirped and whined as his wing snapped under him, breaking his fall and him breaking it. He whined loudly and sqeaked in pain. When Rix heard the roar and he tried to get on his paws, but his wing got in his way, and he fell back on his back.
Li turned her head to where she smelled the elf, cat, and dragon.

"Strange combination of creatures.." She muttered, walking towards them, going to see what the deal was. When she got to them, she frowned at the tiny blue dragon on the ground, noticing his wing was broken. She lifted the little guy up ever so gently into her arms, and sent an awful glare at Annika, thinking she'd harmed it.

"What is WRONG with you?? You broke his wing! " Li growled at the elf. Li had encountered elves before, but most of them thought that they were some type of royalty to be worhsippedd. The only thing they were better than were humans, physically.

She looked down at the blue baby, and stroked his head. "I'll fix your wing up, little one." She stated calmly, almost soothingly.
Rix whimpered as Li picked him up, then purred like a cat when she stroked his head. He leaned into the contact, feeling happy and calm. When he heard Li say she was going to fix his wing, he chirped and licked Li's hand.
Annika stared at Li, not answering. The stroked Ester Lee's head gently, glancing down at the little feline a moment before looking back up at Li and the tiny dragon, she didn't make eye contact however.
Li smiled gently at the little dragon. She was protective over the creatures of the forest, mostly because it seemed like no one else cared for it much anymore. Her dark eyes landed upon Annika, enjoying the fact that the girl didn't meet her eyes, meaning that she was either too afraid to, or just disrespecting her.

"This is my forest now, Elf. Respect those who reside in it, please." She said in her demanding tone.
"I didn't hurt it," Annika finally said, her voice showing how timid she was. Ester Lee meowed, staring at the dragon and Li.
A soft wind carried over from the north, bringing with it the smell of creatures. Rinne raised her face into the air and sniffed a few times, pausing for a moment between each sniff to think about what exactly it was that she was smelling. Two elves, a wolf, dragon, and some bears.. One of them heavily injured or dead, by the smell of all that blood surrounding them. Amazing what you could figure out with a good nose. After living in the forest for many years like she has, you get to know the specifics about everything that inhabits this place by heart. Sound, appearance, smell, you name it. All mystical beings had a distinct characteristic about them. Elves, for instance, normally smelled like herbs and flowers. Wolves just smell like dirt, blood, and wet dog. Or whatever else it was they rolled around in during the day.

Rinne lifted herself from the fallen tree she'd been resting on. She reached towards the sky in a long stretch and yawned, sighing afterwards. What confused her most is why all these scents were coming in from the same place. Whatever the reason, she definitely wanted to have a look. There was nothing left for her to do here. So, she gathered the few things she'd been carrying in a hand-crafted sack and started moving quickly towards her new destination.
"Well then, I'm off, before the ones spying on us start to annoy me worse than you and your cat are already." Li muttered, as she headed to her new cave while still cradling little Rix in her hands ever so gently. She may have come across as a cold-hearted creature, but from the way she held Rix with gentleness that could rival a mother's it was easy to tell she was a big softie inside.

Li stepped into her cave, she'd already decorated it and put her belongings into it. She pulled out a few things ater laying the ilttle baby dragon onto a soft pillow. As gently as she could possibly be, Li took Rix's wing, and broke it back into place, then she put a yellow paste onto the broken area, and wrapped it up to keep it in place.

"There you go, little man. You stay with me for about a week, that paste will work it's magic and your wing will be as good as new." She said, a warm smile that seemed a bit out of place crawled across her face.
Rix crooned and nuzzled into the pillow. He chirped a little in pain when she wrapped his wing up, but he wasn't mad, just surprised. He chirped questioningly. Why was she beng so nice to him? He wasn't distrustful, only curious and happy that this bear-human was being very kind. He puffed a little bit of blue flame into the air, watching the turquoise smoke rise and swirl. He liked being small, but sometimes it had it's disadvantages. He chirped out his name. "rrrrix." He puffed another plume of smoke. "rrrix!"
Annika's timid eyes suddenly turned harder, and she glared at Li as she left, not saying a word. Once the dragon and his new companion were out of sight, she remembered Li had said something about a spy...Who was that? She looked away from where Li and Ri had dissapeared and looked in the direction she had been looking originally, in the spy's direction actually.
Smirking a bit, Li put out a bowl of food for Rix.

"Rix, huh? Is that your name? It's what I'll be calling you while you're in my care." She told the dragon.

Li had a soft spot for children, and absoutely hated seeing them injured or abandoned, and she especially hated when they were killed. She'd seen it happen a few times, and the memories of certain traumatic things were scarred into her brain.

Her new cave was a bit small, the cieling only rose up 5 feet above Li's head. Li frowned at stalactites hanging in her way from the cieling, so she grabbed a few things and began breaking them off gently.

"It's hard being tall, Rix. But it's nice to be able to always see over people's heads when you're trying to see something. There are perks to being tall, as well as downsides. For instance, it's insanely hard to find a guy taller than 5'10 for some reason, unless they're an elf, or a giant.." She told him, attempting to entertain herself and the baby.
rix made the dragon equivalent of a giggle. He stood and padded over to the cave wall, proceeding to scurry to the roof like a gecko. He took one of the smaller stalactites in his tiny jaws and yanked at it until it came loose. He scurried back down the wall and padded over to Li. He dropped the rock at Li's feet, and sat down.
Li picked up the small stalactite, and smiled wide. She rubbed Rix's head and said, "Thanks, Rix, that was a big help. The smaller ones always grow into bigger ones. It's good to take care of the problem early."

She kissed the little dragon's head. "You're pretty damn cute, little guy. I don't know what kind of mother would abandon you." She said.

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