• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern the mystery club (applications)


hi everyone and welcome to the applications thread for the mystery club!


This roleplay is not first come first serve, it's application based. so multiple people may apply for the same role and i'll be choosing which OC fits the role best. So don't worry if you see someone applying for a role you would like to apply for as well


If I pick your OC for the role, you will recieve a DM from me telling you that your OC has been chosen, as well as a link to the discord server for the mystery club! I will also tag you here on the application thread under 'THE GROUP' category.


Not at all! You're welcome to use a code for your form but it is not required at all. Just please make sure you have everything that is in the form that will be listed down below.

June 10th


Lead Investigator (TAKEN) - Otto Fischer - played by fairyfawn fairyfawn

Assistant (TAKEN) - Nikhil Anderson - played by nyxievous nyxievous

Researcher (TAKEN) - Edard Richter - played by Coyote Coyote

Interviewer (TAKEN) - Nathaniel Bishop - played by Henley Henley

Skeptic (TAKEN) - Gwyneth Bennet - played by ukiiyo ukiiyo

Bait (TAKEN) - Maisie Byrne and Malachi Brite- played by SavannahSmiles SavannahSmiles rakshasa rakshasa

Nerd (TAKEN) - Jackson Flores-Bellrose - played by Harrowhark Harrowhark

Journalist (TAKEN) - Sacha Crowley - played by lethemosyne lethemosyne


Character Image Here (realistic FC)
Full Name
Age (20-24)
Appearance Description
Role in group
Are they good at their role?
Body Modifications/Scars
History/Backstory : this is optional!
Personality : traits or paragraphs welcome
Do they believe in ghosts and the supernatural?
Headcanons/Fun Facts: at least 6 please!
preferred name(s)
what kind of mysteries would you like to see? : suggest potential mysteries here!
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the investigator

billie eilish

FULL NAME: otto theodore fischer
D.O.B: April 14th
AGE: 21 years old
GENDER: transgender male
PRONOUNS: he/otter
ORIENTATION: polyamorous homoromantic homosexual
ROLE: the lead investigator

APPEARANCE: Otto is short, standing at 5'1" in height. He has short, fluffy hair that varies in color due to the fact that Otto will often dye his hair different colors. Otto's hair is long enough to put it up into a short ponytail. His eyes are a warm brown.
FACECLAIM: kaiisyourhomie

Otto is... spontaneous. Sometimes you will find him up on his toes because he hates sitting still for long periods of time and he wants to do something, or other times you will see him being calm and quiet. He's pretty easy to get along if you can handle the fact that he's pretty enthusiastic and hyper. He loves making other people smile and laugh, so you'll see him doing something goofy or comical to get a laugh out of others, he's a pretty funny guy. Otto is also pretty forgetful, an example being that he'll forget what he was talking about earlier.

Otto is also messy and disorganized, the type to stuff papers into a bag and go rummaging for them later. Otter also doesn't like being told what to do, and more than likely otter is going to brush it off and do what he wants to. Otto is prone to reckless and impulsive behavior, doing things out of sheer impulse and not thinking about what otter is doing is possibly a rash decision. He wants to help out, he wants to help others and he doesn't want to be standing idly by when he could be helping somebody out.

Otto is easy to scare, every little noise will make otter jump in fright.


impulsive, creative, loyal, moody, gullible, helpful


chronic insomnia, ADHD, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, hypochondriasis

HISTORY: yeahhhh I’m not doing this lol you can't make me

Otto has a septum piercing, ear piercings, and a lip piercing. Otto also has a stick and poke tattoo on his right ankle of a cat.

iced coffee, cats, sweaters, fireplaces, aromatherapy, rain, cold weather, blankets, books, strawberries

bugs, crowds, hot weather, being disturbed, summer, sour things, cheese, mud

cardiophobia -- fear of something being wrong with the heart
thalassophobia -- fear of deep bodies of water
arachnophobia -- fear of arachnids
thanatophobia -- fear of dying

Well, Otto is... kind of good at his role. He's a scaredy cat and will jump at the smallest of sounds, thinking it's some monster out to get him.

Otto sure does! In fact, otter will tell the other members of the group about otters paranormal experiences.

- remember courage the cowardly dog? that's him. that's otto.
- what a scaredy cat lmao
- a bundle of chaos
- Norse Pagan
- soft fluffy hair 101
- sweaters and hoodies are his friends
- will bite
- clumsy, tripping over nothing
- butter fingers
- leg bouncing go brrrrr
- easily distracted
- what do you mean otter needs to organize otters belongings?
- forgets that otter forgets things


otto fischer.

designed by bad ending. & coded by xayah.ღ

preferred name(s) - juniper, juju/juni, pastel
pronouns - he/purr/fox, other neopronouns welcome
triggers - just treat things with respect and all is good with me!
what kind of mysteries would you like to see? - honestly, i have a whole bunch of mysteries prepared for this!
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  • 04
    full name
    You may call me Edard Richter
    I am 46
    date of birth
    I was born November 5th, 1975
    the researcher
    role in group:
    I would call myself a Researcher but I cook, budget, and well, handle much of the chores.

    Are they good at their role?
    I take pride in my work. I am rarely wrong and my information can be counted on quite reliably. Do not underestimate a man with nothing to lose.
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Full Name: Emi Smith
Nickname(s): n/a
Age (20-24): 23
Gender: demi-girl
Pronouns: She/They
Sexuality: asexual lesbian
Appearance Description: Emi is around 5 feet tall and has brown hair and brown eyes. They are Japanese. They can always be found wearing a pride pin.
Role in group: The assistant or journalist
Are they good at their role: Yes, but like most people it will depend on the day. Some days she is great at her role and can do it so perfectly, but other days can be a bit rougher. They might get lost in thought and accidentally forget something in the car or forget to set something up.
Body Modifications/Scars: Nope
History/Backstory :

Emi grew up in a fairly wealthy household, so she isn't very familiar with roughing it out. But ever since going to college, she was forced to start working part-time to earn money. Well, she fucking loved it. She started to learn that she could get whatever she wanted with her money and didn't need to get permission. Emi was always adventurous and curious so she joined this on a whim and decided to move to take classes completely online.

Personality :

Emi is fairly bold and creative. She is a curious soul who loves to go on adventures and learn new things. She tends to be a bit naive. She loves to learn and help others as well. She sometimes does get a bit too focused on one task and hates the thought of germs.

Likes: Bubble team, reading, writing, and spicy foods
Dislikes: Asparagus, people screaming for no reason
Fears: Drowning, getting sick, chocking, not being able to breath
Do they believe in ghosts and the supernatural: Yes
Headcanons/Fun Facts: at least 6 please!
  1. Is a creative writing major who focuses on creative non-fiction. She loves to write about her adventures.
  2. Needs to have bubble tea once a week
  3. Parents still send a monthly allowance
  4. If someone annoys her she just tunes them out and then realizes she ignored them the entire time
  5. Cannot swim for the life of her
  6. Always carries very nice smelling hand sanitizers and lotions


Hi! You can call me Stinky! My pronouns are she/they! I don't think I have any triggers at the moment! When it comes to Emi, I am still thinking about her and her character's story. I will have a backstory figured out by the time we start to roleplay though.

what kind of mysteries would you like to see: I really like spinning tropes on their heads. I don't want to see that all these mysteries are bad. I want to see one where it was a misunderstanding or maybe it really wasn't a real mystery.

Full Name: Janice “Jay” Jones

Nickname(s): Jay Jay, Triple J, Jones

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/Her

Sexuality: Heterosexual

FaceClaim/VoiceClaim: Natasha Lyonne

Birthday: 05/18/1999

Appearance Description: A short redhead who always seems to be wearing heels and dressed like it’s winter. The color of her lipstick changes as often as the wind.

Role in group: Negotiator( or Nerd)

Are they good at their role?: Depends on the client. She’s very attentive and good at detecting bullshit, though.

Body Modifications/Scars: A cigarette burn a few inches below her wrist on her right arm.

History/Backstory: You may be expecting some deep philosophical reason for Jay Jay joining Mystery Club. There isn’t. Everyone gets a kick outta something. Some people do drugs. Others play sports. Some gamble. And others do things that they couldn’t mention in front of their parents.

Funnily enough, Janice is definitely in the latter group. There’s just something about the process. About solving the puzzle. That feeling of satisfaction that comes from wracking your mind over the indecipherable chaos unfolding before you. There’s nothing like that moment when it all comes together to make a perfect picture.

That’s what it’s all about.

Personality: Janice is dedicated to the cause and loves working with the crew to solve mysteries that come in, but she’s far from a saint. It’s the thrill of cracking the case that she chases… not the wellbeing of their clients. Despite how seriously she takes the job, she often reacts to the sorrows and misfortunes that she hears about with dark humor and misplaced jokes. To her, it’s a game.

It’s just a game that she loves to play.

Likes: Watching people, Horror movies, gaslighting, puzzles, most forms of comedy.

Dislikes: Physical labor, Quiche, violence, people who lack a sense of humor

Fears: That feeling that used to creep through her mind when she lived a more boring and repetitive life. If you ask her what it is that she was feeling, she couldn’t tell you. But she damn sure doesn’t want to feel that way again.

Do they believe in ghosts and the supernatural?: The best word you could use to describe Jay Jay is “agnostic”. Maybe ghosts exist, maybe not? The fun part is finding out the truth for yourself!

Headcanons/Fun Facts:

1)The cigarette burns are self inflicted. Her favorite flavor is strawberry.

2) She dropped out of college because the experience became unbearable for her, but had a 3.8 GPA at the time.

3) May or may not have undiagnosed depression.

4) Will smoke when stressed.

5) Allergic to cats.

preferred name(s): Gwen

Pronouns: She/Her

Triggers: I wouldn’t call it a trigger, per se, but I’ve never been overly fond of amputation.

What kind of mysteries would you like to see?: I’d like for mysteries to, on occasion, lead the Mystery Club to have to make decisions that affect how the situation resolves. Just putting the pieces together is great, but getting to make critical choices always adds a lot to a roleplay.

classified keep out classified keep out classified


Flores-Bellrose, Jackson
The Nerd...












Devon Bostick


Just a dude honestly. Jackson looks fairly unassuming at first, if not always a little high. Seriously, who gave this little guy a blunt? He’s often overlooked due to his height and generic appearance. Not that this is bad, it allows him to slip away when necessary. His face is soft around the edges, which is annoying on the rare occasion he wants to be taken seriously.

Jackson treats most movement leisurely, leaning back in it. His body language remains open and relaxed, hes kinda just going with it.

Sometimes an outfit is just a while shirt and overalls. Sometimes it’s a Hawaiian button up and jeans. It is never “stylish” or even “attractive.” Don’t expect anything fancy. He wears things until they fall apart, especially shoes.











Jackson is carefree as well as careless. His actions tend to take no regard of his life or anyone else's for that matter. Whatever happens happens, nothing is his fault, not really. Even if it was, he wouldn't care. Trouble follows him like a moth to a flame.

Nature, Hammocks, Strawberries, Tea, Gardening, Dirt, Crime ;), Art with “grit” to it

Sweets, Humidity, Sports, Public Restrooms, Aphids, Police, Being told what to do

Dying Alone, Dark Water, Birds

The Nerd. Despite being a complete idiot when it comes to anything else, Jackson knows anything and everything about the paranormal and supernatural. It's the only thing he cares enough about to learn.


growing up

Jackson was born to two botanists in Sacramento. Mixing science and love is cool and all, but a test tube baby for a couple of lesbians in the early 2000’s? They should’ve expected nothing less than what they got. Especially when they couldn’t decide on a sperm donor so they “let the plants pick.” Whatever that means.

So out pops this baby thing, practically eating fresh herbs out the womb. Seriously Dr. Belrose, did you swallow a whole basil plant? Despite being given the option for maternity leave, neither parent took it, instead one took the day and the other the night shift. It was cool having round the clock mommy time, but his moms missed each other a lot.

Jackson was 2 when he first visited the university. Normally research facilities aren’t any place for a child, but look at that face! He’s just a little guy! So they bought him tiny gloves and a 3 sizes too big lab coat (he’ll grow into it), and gave him his own designated cabinet section (which he could be found sitting in and playing brick breaker on his mom’s blackberry thank you very much).

Staying out of the way is fun and all, but he quickly grew too big for cabinet adventures to be comfortable. When he saw the chance to sneak off, he did. Botany was cool, but all these other projects had fancy colors and lights. Surprisingly, there were a lot of people who didn’t bother him. They were too busy to question a preschooler. Woah, did you know they had horses here? Crazy. And the raptor center? Oh boy! Yeah… He was kept on a leash after an incident involving a, now bald, hawk and some lemongrass. Such is the price for exploration.

Once in school, it was easier for his moms to maintain a stable 9-5 and he was once again given more freedom, alone in the house for three whole hours after school. At first he was good and went straight inside from the school bus, but cartoons and frozen tater tots became boring after a couple months. It was time for chaos. He took his donald duck watch, set it 15 minutes early, because he knows he’ll be late every time, and set out on adventure. That worked until the first week of November when his mothers were worried sick upon his return home. How was he supposed to know about daylight savings? Stupid time people!

So, leash again, this time with the neighbors. That was fine, at least they had hot wheels and warm pizza bagels.

Somehow, in eighth grade, Jackson convinced his parents to let him loose again. A terrible decision really. He was already making friends with all the wrong people, and more time with them couldn’t be any good. Did you know you have to be 18 to buy spray paint? Jackson didn’t. Good thing his friends had older siblings! That’s so cool that you can grow a baby more than once in the petri dish!

The outdoors are free, so why would it be illegal to paint it? The walls look better with art on them anyway. The police didn’t think so. Jackson was 12 the first time they took him down to the station. His friends bailed and left him to take the fall. Because of his age, they let him off with a warning, calling his moms to pick him up, but Mr. Hanks didn’t let him off so easily. It took hours of scrubbing to get the brick clean again.

Ma was mortified. “This is the most embarrassed I’ve ever been! You know better!” Whatever. So he just wouldn’t get caught.

That didn’t work out. Several small fines and cleaning sessions later, and the Drs had enough. One day when he was 15, they didn’t bail him out. He sat in juvie a whole week before their guilt ate them up. Their timing couldn't have been worse, Jackson had almost taught the rats how to do a backflip. Real shame. Oh well, they were delivering for Tony now. Hopefully they’d make him proud.

It wasn't long before he dropped out of high school. School was for boring people, and Jackson had never been boring.


Yeah, people who go to school get cool jobs and shit, but you don't need a degree to become a vlogger. Or even podcaster. Yeah, Jax is one of those guys. At least his content isn't just him and a buddy chatting about hating women. No, it's about cryptids and the supernatural. A hobby that all adult men have. Name a cryptid, he can tell you anything about it.

Jackson's real job is working part time at a video game store. That's cool and all, but it's not as fun.

What is fun is his friends! Somehow he's gotten these people to join his shenanigans. teehee


Eats whipped cream directly out of the can

Shameless freak

It’s past quirky at this point

Major green thumb

Zones out half way through anything

Scheming always

Work smarter not harder

Nothing beats daydreaming in a hammock

Always has their hands dirty

Allergic to authority

Secretly a hopeless romantic

All animals are free if you're brave enough

Grabs your face when saying something important

Very touchy in general

coded by xayah.ღ

preferred name(s): Harrow
pronouns: any
triggers: dont think any for this type of content
what kind of mysteries would you like to see? : bigfoot <3
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Kostya Crowley

# the journalist

# gabriel marques

♡coded by uxie♡

basic information.

Full Name
~ Sacha Crowley.
Nickname(s) ~ prefers to be addressed by his surname, Crowley, or Crow.
Age ~ newly 24.
Gender ~ male-adjacent.
Pronouns ~ he/they.
Sexuality ~ bisexual.
Birthday ~ november 27th.


Dispassionate and composed, with a droll-- and sometimes morbid-- sense of humor, Crowley is a walking cliché of the tall, dark, and mysterious artist. He's reserved in demeanor; Even-tempered and unfailingly polite, but aloof, speaking little of himself and minding his friends as one might a gaggle of ducklings, observing their antics with faint, indulgent amusement. He will offer a helping hand or lend an ear where needed whilst steadfastly holding others at arm's length, remaining-- as always-- impenetrable.

But this cool exterior is belied by a myriad of odd habits and eccentricities that Crowley fails- or does not care to- hide. He's a perfectionist, often losing himself in his work for days at a time; Prone to superstition and indulging flights of fancy; Bullishly stubborn in his refusal to admit weakness; And, above all, a masochist, compelled by l'appel du vide to pursue relentlessly the very thing he fears most: The strange and supernatural.

Likes ~ stargazing, horror films, "coffee" (it's all creamer), chess, word puzzles, pressing flowers, travel, antiques and historied places
Dislikes ~ muggy summer weather, loud music, perfume/cologne, dog-eared pages, solitude, being touched
Fears ~ "Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood." (ghosts, ghouls, and other supernatural creatures. the dark. blood. heights. creepy crawlies. statues. storms. dogs. among many other things.)


Unsurprisingly, the details of Crowley's history remain hazy even to their friends, muddled by deflections and vague nonanswers offered in response to questions about their past. Among those precious few certainties are the following: They matriculated early and graduated from college at the age of 20, with a bachelor's in English and a portfolio including a three-and-a half-year tenure on the university's student-run newspaper, a few poems published across various minor anthologies, countless sleepless nights, and absolutely no friends to speak of. The months after were spent holed up in a cramped, shoebox apartment, living off a pittance wage as an editorial assistant for a local publishing company and, in their spare time, co-moderating an online forum centered around experiences with the supernatural- a long-term, and unfortunately all-consuming obsession of theirs.

[insert their history with the club here]

Do they believe in ghosts and the supernatural? ~ they wish they didn't, and secretly hope that the Skeptic will be proven right.
Role in group ~ the Journalist.
Are they good at their role? ~ crowley is diligent in their work, technically skilled and an engaging storyteller, but when it comes to the club website itself, their graphic design choices are.... questionable. maybe leave the coding to someone else.


~ Gabriel Marques, vc tbd
Height ~ 6'2"
Hair ~ dark, wavy, worn long.
Eyes ~ brown.
Build ~ lithe.
Body Modifications/Scars ~ a half-sleeve of roses on his left forearm. pierced ears.
Style ~ eclectic, old-fashioned. dark academia. drowning in layers.

  • prolific thrifter and magpie. owns an impressive collection of mostly useless secondhand trinkets & baubles.
  • believes in astrology, always equipped with a lucky item based on his horoscope for the day.
  • highly superstitious. avoids cracks on the sidewalk, refuses to open an umbrella indoors, etc.
  • his 'tuning you out' and 'listening intently' expressions are exactly the same.
  • easily bribed with sweets.
  • has a twitter that he touches maybe once a month and consists solely of his own amateur photography.
  • enjoys bad puns far too much. will never admit to making them intentionally.
  • cannot be trusted in the kitchen. will burn water if given the chance. usually opts to order takeout, instead. his diet is in shambles.
me, the player!

preferred name(s) ~ Blue
pronouns ~ she/her
triggers ~ none!
what kind of mysteries would you like to see? ~ mmm... A physics-defying haunted mansion with shifting hallways and impossible geometry a la House of Leaves? A cursed photograph (or portrait) that supposedly brings misfortune upon those who possess it? Camping trip to investigate mysterious wandering lights in the deep woods? A 7-11 menaced by a mischievous poltergheist? The fresno nightcrawler??
  • Dead men tell no tales? Why, I find them to be rather chatty.
coded by natasha.
Nathaniel Bishop
The Interviewer
  • i
    full name
    Nathaniel Enver Bishop
    date of birth
    the 18th of November
    cis. male (he/him)
    face-claim / voice-claim
    Jay Lycurgo

coded by natasha.
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The Assistant

full name

Nikhil Anderson












January 19th (Capricorn)


  • hair

    Dark brown, wavy





    piercings/tattoos/body mods



    Nik is fashion-conscious, pulling off both casual and formal attire when the occasion calls for it. He always has perfect posture, with relaxed shoulders and a fluid stride, a practiced grace acquired over years of modeling experience. To an outsider, he appears aloof and calm, maybe even a bit unapproachable. However, talk to him for five minutes and you'll find a lighthearted and playful nature, often surprising people with his silly antics and genuine warmth.

♡coded by uxie♡

preferred name(s): Nyx
pronouns: she/they
triggers: nothing comes to mind tbh
what kind of mysteries would you like to see? :

honestly i'd love to see classic scooby-doo-type shenanigans. or maybe it starts that way and ends up being darker/trippier. but yeah, comedy in the face in horror is a fav genre. also maybe some weird artifacts - like possessed dolls, ancient tomes, etc would be cool to see!

side-note: I applied for the assistant role, but I can also see Nik being the researcher. so whichever role is up for grabs i'm open!
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SKEPTIC / noun.

Full Name — Gwyneth Fern Bennet
Nicknames — Benny
Age — 24 years old
D.O.B — February 13th
Gender — Non-binary
Pronouns — She/they
Sexuality — Homosexual
Role — The Skeptic

Height — 5'11"
Hair — Blonde
Eyes — Dark Brown
Body Mods — Too many tattoos to count, multiple ear piercings, septum piercing, nipple piercings
Scars — There's a star-shaped scar on the back of her head from smacking it on concrete as a child.
Face Claim — Pia Cruz
Physical Ailments — They deal with pretty intense fatigue when going through a low point in their depression. When this happens she tends to sleep a lot and eat comfort foods.

Description — Tall and lean with a smirk on full pink lips, it's not a surprise that she will turn heads when she walks by. Their body is toned from hours of running and swimming, and her hair is always lightened to a soft blonde color, but dark roots peak out, giving it a more edgy appearance. Their style is very sharp and bold, often consisting of statement pieces or bright colors, they always manage to catch your eye as she passes. Dark tattoos can be found on her neck, arms, legs, and torso, wrapping around her body as if they have been there her entire life.

Mental Ailments — ADHD, depression

Vices — Lazy, hotheaded, sarcastic, doubtful

Virtues — Supportive, mom-friend, brave, outgoing

Description — Charismatic and a little intimidating, many people can find it both difficult and easy to approach Benny. They have an air about them that can be inviting or really daunting. In reality, unless you're coming in swinging, Benny really has no issues with people approaching them. They are very outgoing and friendly, a smile or joke often making its way into the conversation and lighting up the atmosphere. Because of her height and appearance, she knows that she can scare people, usually shorter women she's into, so Benny will try and be pretty mellow when in public, often speaking in a calm tone and having subdued mannerisms. But when around those they trust, they can be loud and rambunctious, and quite playful. Their energy is definitely contagious, but it can also escalate if something or someone sets Benny off.

A protective mom-friend type, they do their best to take care of the group and make sure everyone's coming back alive without any bumps or scrapes. She can get a bit worked up if someone is deliberately put into harm's way and doesn't care, as they worry about everyone's well-being, especially the bait's. Because of this, they can often make sarcastic remarks about them getting grey hairs and how she's going to die an early death because of everyone trying to get killed or contract a disease when they jump into a haunted well. Still, they will protect and stand up for those close to her as she finds it to be a great injustice when someone picks on or bullies people just for fun. Getting into an argument isn't generally recommended as they have a bit of a temper and can fly off the handle if pushed far enough.

Likes — Super spicy foods, short and fluffy looking people, horror everything, jazz, drinking, haunted houses, creepy things, spiders, snakes, thrill rides, melon ice cream

Dislikes — Bland food, jokes at others' expense, being bored, sleeping in, hangovers, not eating, being tired, talking about their family, getting into physical fights, platonic kisses, getting sweaty hands

Fears — Deep water at night. Falling from a building with no rope. Watching someone die.

Headcanons — She colors her tattoos when bored. Their first crush was Morticia (rightfully so). They can hold alcohol extremely well that people can't tell when they are drunk. A really good cook she will cook for the club. Lowkey joined the club because their then-girlfriend was obsessed with everything paranormal and expressed interest in the club. Has a hard time saying no to friends or family. Lost contact with their dad after she came out as gay in high school. Is obsessed with everything horror and likes the creepiness of old 'haunted' houses. Extremely good at saving money which surprises a lot of people. Has an addiction to getting tattoos. Really likes soft or fluffy/cute people but has a hard time expressing it. They enjoy physical touch but can get awkward when friends do it too much. She catches feels at the drop of a hat.

Are they good at their role? — She thinks she's pretty damn good at being the club's resident skeptic. While they do not rain on anyone's parade, they definitely raise an eyebrow at some of the 'hard evidence' that the group has discovered. She does tend to do whatever she can to support the group and they feel somewhat responsible to help keep the bait safe. While they don't think they have that much of a role in the group, she does her best in order to pull weight and get things accomplished.

Do they believe in ghosts? — Not exactly. They don't think there are scary ghosts floating around, but she does believe that it's possible for a soul to linger for a bit before moving on to whatever afterlife. Being raised in a somewhat religious household, she does have some conflicting feelings about demons, heaven, and hell, but outside of that, they don't really have a strong belief or hold on to the paranormal that everyone else does. They are a sucker for horror though.

Might do bullet points for now!

preferred name — uki
pronouns — she/her or they/them no preference
triggers — gore
mysteries — i am a sucker for monsters and ghouls, so things like werewolves or banshees would be super interesting to encounter!
'to question or doubt'
coded by ukiiyo (scroll!)

Full Name — Gwyneth Fern Bennet
Nicknames — Benny
Age — 24 years old
D.O.B — February 13th
Gender — Non-binary
Pronouns — She/they
Sexuality — Homosexual
Role — The Skeptic

Height — 5'11"
Hair — Blonde
Eyes — Dark Brown
Body Mods — Too many tattoos to count, multiple ear piercings, septum piercing, nipple piercings
Scars — There's a star-shaped scar on the back of her head from smacking it on concrete as a child.
Face Claim — Pia Cruz
Physical Ailments — They deal with pretty intense fatigue when going through a low point in their depression. When this happens she tends to sleep a lot and eat comfort foods.

Description — Tall and lean with a smirk on full pink lips, it's not a surprise that she will turn heads when she walks by. Their body is toned from hours of running and swimming, and her hair is always lightened to a soft blonde color, but dark roots peak out, giving it a more edgy appearance. Their style is very sharp and bold, often consisting of statement pieces or bright colors, they always manage to catch your eye as she passes. Dark tattoos can be found on her neck, arms, legs, and torso, wrapping around her body as if they have been there her entire life.

Mental Ailments — ADHD, depression

Vices — Lazy, hotheaded, sarcastic, doubtful

Virtues — Supportive, mom-friend, brave, outgoing

Description — Charismatic and a little intimidating, many people can find it both difficult and easy to approach Benny. They have an air about them that can be inviting or really daunting. In reality, unless you're coming in swinging, Benny really has no issues with people approaching them. They are very outgoing and friendly, a smile or joke often making its way into the conversation and lighting up the atmosphere. Because of her height and appearance, she knows that she can scare people, usually shorter women she's into, so Benny will try and be pretty mellow when in public, often speaking in a calm tone and having subdued mannerisms. But when around those they trust, they can be loud and rambunctious, and quite playful. Their energy is definitely contagious, but it can also escalate if something or someone sets Benny off.

A protective mom-friend type, they do their best to take care of the group and make sure everyone's coming back alive without any bumps or scrapes. She can get a bit worked up if someone is deliberately put into harm's way and doesn't care, as they worry about everyone's well-being, especially the bait's. Because of this, they can often make sarcastic remarks about them getting grey hairs and how she's going to die an early death because of everyone trying to get killed or contract a disease when they jump into a haunted well. Still, they will protect and stand up for those close to her as she finds it to be a great injustice when someone picks on or bullies people just for fun. Getting into an argument isn't generally recommended as they have a bit of a temper and can fly off the handle if pushed far enough.

Likes — Super spicy foods, short and fluffy looking people, horror everything, jazz, drinking, haunted houses, creepy things, spiders, snakes, thrill rides, melon ice cream

Dislikes — Bland food, jokes at others' expense, being bored, sleeping in, hangovers, not eating, being tired, talking about their family, getting into physical fights, platonic kisses, getting sweaty hands

Fears — Deep water at night. Falling from a building with no rope. Watching someone die.

Headcanons — She colors her tattoos when bored. Their first crush was Morticia (rightfully so). They can hold alcohol extremely well that people can't tell when they are drunk. A really good cook she will cook for the club. Lowkey joined the club because their then-girlfriend was obsessed with everything paranormal and expressed interest in the club. Has a hard time saying no to friends or family. Lost contact with their dad after she came out as gay in high school. Is obsessed with everything horror and likes the creepiness of old 'haunted' houses. Extremely good at saving money which surprises a lot of people. Has an addiction to getting tattoos. Really likes soft or fluffy/cute people but has a hard time expressing it. They enjoy physical touch but can get awkward when friends do it too much. She catches feels at the drop of a hat.

Are they good at their role? — She thinks she's pretty damn good at being the club's resident skeptic. While they do not rain on anyone's parade, they definitely raise an eyebrow at some of the 'hard evidence' that the group has discovered. She does tend to do whatever she can to support the group and they feel somewhat responsible to help keep the bait safe. While they don't think they have that much of a role in the group, she does her best in order to pull weight and get things accomplished.

Do they believe in ghosts? — Not exactly. They don't think there are scary ghosts floating around, but she does believe that it's possible for a soul to linger for a bit before moving on to whatever afterlife. Being raised in a somewhat religious household, she does have some conflicting feelings about demons, heaven, and hell, but outside of that, they don't really have a strong belief or hold on to the paranormal that everyone else does. They are a sucker for horror though.

Might do bullet points for now!

preferred name — uki
pronouns — she/her or they/them no preference
triggers — gore
mysteries — i am a sucker for monsters and ghouls, so things like werewolves or banshees would be super interesting to encounter!
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the bait

sex with a ghost
teddy hyde

NAME: Malachi Brite
NICKNAMES: none yet
D.O.B: september 16th
AGE: 29 years old
GENDER: cis-male
ORIENTATION: straight... probably
ROLE: the bait

APPEARANCE: A tall, lanky man who keeps a neat and tidy appearance, from his small afro of tight dark brown curls to his oxford shoes.
SCARS: A long, but shallow scar spanning the length of his back that he obtained while living in his first apartment.
FACECLAIM: Richard Ayoade

Malachi may be the least intimidating person you’ll ever meet. Always friendly with an ever-present reassuring smile, he seems to be in a constant state of customer-service voice and personality. That is, as nice and helpful as he is, he stays reserved in attitude, talking in a way that never really reveals too much of what he’s feeling inside (though he sometimes spills a bit too much of his beliefs, regardless of the recipient/relationship).

He’s the ideal follower, excellent at following instructions, though he can sometimes be too obedient. This is related to his overly trusting nature- an idealist, he always assumes the best of people and their intentions, leading him to going along with or divulging any information a stranger may want. This may make him seem like a bit of an airhead, but all of his intelligence merely lies elsewhere; he’s book smart rather than street smart.

He’s mild-mannered and not prone to big displays of emotion, at least not publicly. Despite that, the depth of what he feels goes quite deep, and is prone to switching on a dime. However it may look, he’s highly sensitive to his surroundings, able to detect the slightest change in the atmosphere around him.

He can be a bit awkward, not picking up on social cues as easily as environmental changes. He always attempts polite conversation, but tends to be oblivious to how others are feeling and how to act accordingly.

LIKES: Hazelnut, sweets, tweed, cold weather, organization, small cozy rooms, old books.
DISLIKES: Fish, bright lights, modern architecture, not much else. He’s pretty agreeable.

FEARS: Wide open spaces, humiliation, whether or not there’s a hell, being hated.

Malachi grew up in a conservative but caring family in a middle class neighborhood. He had a pleasant, but nondescript upbringing; he was a good enough student, had a tight circle of a few friends he trusted, starting working at 16 and attending college at 18.

There is one aspect of his childhood that stands out, which seems to be his psychic ability to attract paranormal activity. He was raised in a late Victorian period house, where seeing ghostly figures or hearing the occasional wailing woman wasn’t too out of the ordinary, but these phenomena seemed to trail behind him through every abandoned building or shadowy back-street, through the flickering lights or voices on the wind. As he grew up with these incidents, they eventually faded into background static, and he began to ignore anything unnatural occurring around him. He believed in the supernatural- he felt it was obligatory after all he had gone through, but just didn’t see it interesting or noteworthy.

He moved out at 20 into his own apartment and at 22, he graduated college with a major in communications. Unrelated to his major, he began working at an audio and electronics store, and his adult life was off to an uneventful start. That was, until strange events began occurring in his apartment, ones that would change his view on the paranormal forever.

It started with unnatural but mostly innocuous phenomena, like finding lights turned on when they were last off, or cabinet doors opening unexpectedly, slowly escalating until writing appeared in his foggy bathroom mirror and shadowy figures loomed around every corner. In anyone else’s eyes, this would’ve been reason for mounting terror and an eventual swift evacuation of the apartment. For Malachi, who’d been dealing with supposed paranormal phenomena all his life, he saw these incidents differently- in his eyes, not only did the spirit seem benign, it didn’t seem to harbor any negative feelings for him at all. In fact, he saw some of the hauntings as evidence that this ghost had fallen for him from beyond the grave, and soon, he began to fall in turn. After this revelation, the blood that dripped from the walls began to look like love notes and any appearance of the ghost in the mirror behind him set his heart aflutter. One night, he used a ouija board to communicate with her and was able to get her name: Clara. It seemed like a case of star crossed lovers, only kept apart by the veil between worlds.

To his devastation, soon after he identified his love, he was forcibly ejected from his apartment. The building was set to be torn down - persistent gas leaks, probably unrelated - and him and Clara would be separated. To this day he has carried her love with him, mostly in the form of a long scar across his back she inflicted, hoping to one day reunite with her once he meets his end.

BELIEF IN THE SUPERNATURAL: He doesn’t believe in any of the more ‘out there’ stuff, like werewolves or vampires, but believes a restless soul can linger on Earth if it has unfinished business.

ARE THEY GOOD AT THEIR ROLE?: And how, with his incredibly disarming attitude and uncanny ability to attract the unnatural.

- Feels the need to strike up an at least 5 minute conversation with any and all retail workers he meets, whether or not he has anything to talk about.
- Ever since his encounter with Clara, he hasn’t pursued another romantic relationship. Whenever he tries, he’s plagued by night terrors and stomach cramps.
- Paranoid about being murdered or kidnapped since everything else fails to unsettle him. Stays awake at night thinking about how local news stations and true crime podcasts would talk about him after his grisly murder and tries to live his life accordingly.
- So used to nightmares at this point that any other kind of dream is unnatural.
- Unconcerned with anything in the top 40s or in theaters at the moment.
- Very uncoordinated. Walks like something is clinging to his leg and gets tripped up by any and every bump in the road.
- Has that funky thrift store old house smell on all his clothes.


Malachi brite.

designed by bad ending. & coded by xayah.ღ

preferred name: Rakshasa, Nora
Pronouns: she/her, it/its
Triggers: none!
what kind of mysteries would you like to see? : idk, ghosts with unfinished business, pocket dimensions, possibly a government coverup???
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