The Music Machine


Elite Brain Thinkage
Helpful links for finding inspiration! Leave an [Out of Character Comment] if you have additions you'd like to be made to this list:



Want a Challenge? The average adult reading rate is 250 words per minute, multiply that by your song length (in minutes) and that's about how many words you should write to last the song.

@ayezombie you wrote 1074 words for a 3 minute 55 second song, if someone reads at 274.21 words per minute (only 24 wpm over the national average) they will finish reading your story as soon as the song ends. Did you mean to do that?! If so, thats pretty pro, if not, still pro.
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I didn't! But that's really cool how it lined up. Thanks so much for pointing that out! Definitely a perk to my day.
Also, 8Tracks is a really awesome thing to use for inspiration. Its completely free and has tons and tons of playlists made by users for practically anything you could think of.
ayezombie said:
I didn't! But that's really cool how it lined up. Thanks so much for pointing that out! Definitely a perk to my day.
Ha! That's awesome, I'm definitely gonna see where my posts work out with that math I hope more people try and do that too its pretty awesome! 

ayezombie said:
Also, 8Tracks is a really awesome thing to use for inspiration. Its completely free and has tons and tons of playlists made by users for practically anything you could think of.
added to the list, thanks for the suggestion!
Echoless said:
Ha! That's awesome, I'm definitely gonna see where my posts work out with that math I hope more people try and do that too its pretty awesome! 

added to the list, thanks for the suggestion!
I'm definitely going to try and work out the math for some of my short stories. Maybe I've just written and listened to so much music that it's a subconscious sort of thing!
ayezombie said:
I'm definitely going to try and work out the math for some of my short stories. Maybe I've just written and listened to so much music that it's a subconscious sort of thing!
that freakin blows my mind if thats real lol, like our minds adjust to what we are listening to or something, or the emotion that records on our minds from the song kind of sets the timer for when we read back our stories..psychology gtfo
Right though! And now that I go back and read the lyrics and the story, it lines up alot. I just wrote it to how it sounded and what it made me feel, but I guess part of my brain picked the lyrics up too. Crazy dude.
Pastaa said:
This is such a cool idea! I'm probably going to do this at some point ^-^
Like the RP says feel free to post whenevs, also feel free to spread the word if you know music listeners that would be keen on the idea :)

I told myself i couldnt post in the Music Machine until i replied to all my RPs so i got my homework done i hope to do at lease one post today
Echoless said:
Like the RP says feel free to post whenevs, also feel free to spread the word if you know music listeners that would be keen on the idea :)
I told myself i couldnt post in the Music Machine until i replied to all my RPs so i got my homework done i hope to do at lease one post today
That would be cool to do one each day. I've replied to all of my roleplays (for now at least) so I might do one now. 
Random question: I've wrote a story based on a song. It's sort of lengthy, though (2 and a half pages on word).Could I still post it ^-^
Pastaa said:
That would be cool to do one each day. I've replied to all of my roleplays (for now at least) so I might do one now. 
Random question: I've wrote a story based on a song. It's sort of lengthy, though (2 and a half pages on word).Could I still post it ^-^
I dont see why not, dont forget to link the song in the beginning so people know what to listen to :)
I did a thing on wattpad where I wrote a poem a day. I got sick though, and just kind of fell off. I'm better now but haven't gotten enough spunk up to write again. It would be really cool if we would give each either songs, and we all created different stories off them. It would be a great showcase of talent. Pastaa, I really loved your story by the way!
ayezombie said:
I did a thing on wattpad where I wrote a poem a day. I got sick though, and just kind of fell off. I'm better now but haven't gotten enough spunk up to write again. It would be really cool if we would give each either songs, and we all created different stories off them. It would be a great showcase of talent. Pastaa, I really loved your story by the way!
I thought about making the character page a song suggestion page where everyone gets ONE post and you list the songs you like in a spoiler tag. then people can browse through there for inspiration
ayezombie said:
I did a thing on wattpad where I wrote a poem a day. I got sick though, and just kind of fell off. I'm better now but haven't gotten enough spunk up to write again. It would be really cool if we would give each either songs, and we all created different stories off them. It would be a great showcase of talent. Pastaa, I really loved your story by the way!
I thought about doing the poem thing on Wattpad but ain't nobody got time fo' dat. I have a collection of short stories based on songs (and by collection I mean three stories). So yeah.

And thank you ^-^ I enjoyed your story as well. 

Echoless said:
I thought about making the character page a song suggestion page where everyone gets ONE post and you list the songs you like in a spoiler tag. then people can browse through there for inspiration
I actually really like that idea.
Hey Echoless I got a question what people don't like the songs a person uses or how they wrote about it like a Rebecca Black song?
Echoless said:
I thought about making the character page a song suggestion page where everyone gets ONE post and you list the songs you like in a spoiler tag. then people can browse through there for inspiration
That would be pretty cool actually.
[QUOTE="Ella Swan Cullen]Hey Echoless I got a question what people don't like the songs a person uses or how they wrote about it like a Rebecca Black song?

Standard RpN rules apply, a post is a post. These posts arent linked to any other posts so there will be no complaining of song choice. Think of this RP as an art gallery, nobody wants someone to walk around talkin crap, try to leave positive comments or maybe dont leave one at all.
Echoless said:
Standard RpN rules apply, a post is a post. These posts arent linked to any other posts so there will be no complaining of song choice. Think of this RP as an art gallery, nobody wants someone to walk around talkin crap, try to leave positive comments or maybe dont leave one at all.
Ok thanks um what if the videos are lyrics but they have singing too?
I don't think it matters what the video is. Just have the music so someone can listen to it as they read your story.
[QUOTE="Ella Swan Cullen]Ok thanks um what if the videos are lyrics but they have singing too?

all we need is some music in our ears, picture the person opening your song in another tab then going back and reading your story.
its kind of lame how this site merges posts even when its been a day since you posted last....anyways fyi all watching this thread i dunno if itll give you a notification from my merged post but i added another story/song to the RP
Hey guys just a warning if you get any Notifs it will most likely be me on this cause I am going to post a song soon.

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