Other The most frustrating fandoms to be a part of?


The Horror queen from your day dreams

I was thinking about it, and fandoms can be AWESOME. You can talk with people who share your awkward feelings about story events, characters, "ships", etc. Oh and there's Tumblr of course. They can also be crazy frustrating though, for a number of reasons. Some fall victim to "bandwagon fans", it's super annoying when everyone loves a character you hate, if it's a super popular series/book/etc. sometimes you get burnt out seeing and hearing about it absolutely everywhere, so on and so forth. So my question to you is: what is the most frustrating fandom you've ever been a part of and why? My main problem is I usually fall in love with really obscure weird little series or games that no one ever seems to watch or cherish the way that I do. Even worse, I have a knack for getting into things once the craze has passed so I'm left freaking out about stuff by myself and everyone else is over it. For example, I'm going crazy about Final Fantasy Type 0 HD (and side-story series) lately and that train left the station like last year and it suckssss. The Evil Within is something else I was super obsessed with for awhile that I still feel didn't get even a fraction of the recognition it deserved. *Sigh*

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