Other The Morning Star of Ark City (Roleplay Plot/Setting)


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◇ Setting ◇

▪︎ - In the year of 2094, humanity finds themselves at the verge of extinction due to the lack of resources and power, however, after finding out about a mysterious energy source located in EUA Arizona, a enormous city was built around it to gather said energy and distribute it to the rest of the world, this city soon came to be the biggest on Earth and received the name of Ark City, though it's inhabitants know it for a more improper name, more specifically the "Hellscape Veil", as the city grew, so did the crime inside it, soon enough, Ark City came to be the main center of all evil and misfortune that exists, all mafias and criminal organizations around the world no matter which country they're from, have settled base in here, as the city became the connection of all these organizations to the rest of the world.

▪︎ - Rumors says that the city is haunted and holds a curse as old as the world itself, those who die in this damned place soon enough turn into Umbras, shadowy figures who are capable of possessing other humans and feed on the negative feelings of theirs hosts, slowly turning their victim into a mindless monster who wishes nothing but to kill everything in it's path, to deal with those troublesome entities along with everyday crime of the urban environment, LIVE, the corporation responsible for the city has secretly employed individuals called "Binders" in the police force, these individuals whose powers originate from orb-shaped devices created by the company called Nexus can create ethereal red chains from the palm of their hands which can have unique special magical properties attached to them that vary from Binder to Binder, the chains are invisible to anyone who isn't a Binder or an Umbra and seem to get stronger the more resolve a person has to accomplish a certain goal, the chains can also kill the Binder by being overused since they seem to be created using their own life force as feedstock.

▪︎ - But of course, the power of the Nexus soon came to fall on the hands of the city's criminals, the devices stolen from LIVE being sold by a huge amount of money in the underoworld, capable of turning anyone who merely touches it into a Binder, to the point where almost every single big criminal organization in Ark City owns one as a symbol of power and influence, and in a city dominated by widespread corruption, many of the common folk end up turning to crime and mercenary work in order to grow quickly in life, becoming "Heretics" by the law who almost acts like a cult praying to a unknown entity they call "Venus" which claims to be a symbol of love while also calling the citizens as "Sheep".

◇ Notes ◇

▪︎ - I made this post so that I can link it on my roleplay request masterpost, however, I'm not completely against someone using this plot on a roleplay of their own either, all that I ask is that if you do use this plot or a modified version of it, please do give me credit for it, as that way more people can know about my work, thank you.

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