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Multiple Settings The Mixing Pot


Frozen in Suburbia
The Mixing Pot
In which a writer hunts for her muse, ideas are born, and a partner search begins.

Introduction Self-introductions aren't my forte so this section will be short, sweet, and to the point. I'm a 21 year-old university student trying to get back into the game by finding and exercising my muse. My major is in the realm of political science, and while I have a writing minor, I've found my creative outlets - and the desire to locate or otherwise engage in any - lacking. I've roleplayed on and off for the last seven years, and while I wouldn't call myself a master, I feel proficient enough to make this thread. If you're on the hunt for sarcastic quips, a partner who loves lore/setting crafting, and someone who isn't afraid to challenge and be challenged in turn, I may be ideal for you. If not, I wish you the best of luck; I'll be here if you change your mind.

Looking For - Active and creative minds seeking engaging roleplays. I yearn to co-write a story, not narrate my own. Thus, while I understand that new ideas aren't always the most forthcoming, I crave a partner who can bring concepts to the table.

- A little bit of action, a little bit of romance, and just about anything in between. I'm far from picky when it comes to genres; if you're craving something and like one of my ideas, let me know.

- Responses of more than one line. I have what I like to call "Shiny Object Syndrome" and find myself easily distracted; if you want a timely response, I'll need something to work with.

- Decent grammar. Please.

What You Can Expect - OOC conversations per your allowance.

- A partner who enjoys pre-planning RPs and envisioning plot twists.

- Replies, at minimum, once or twice a week. My class load is light this semester, but I'm often busy with extracurricular activities. Usually my response rate is dictated by my schedule, current interest in the RP at hand, and the length of my response. There will, however, be times when I can post several replies a day.

- Replies tailored to fit your length. I can write anywhere from a paragraph to well over 1,000 words per reply, but aim to match the reply length of my partners if only to create some consistency.

- A partner capable and willing to play male, female, canon, and OC characters. Doubling is also fine.

- Someone with a preference for MxF pairings but a willingness to work with MxM ones as well. I am unpracticed with FxF couples, but can be convinced to dabble with them. A given plot usually dictates my preference where this is concerned.

And now for the main event:
Note: I lack any major cravings at the moment. I really, really just want to write.
Ao no Exorcist
Kuroko no Basuke
My Hero Academia
Ouran High School Host Club
Samurai Deeper Kyo (Manga)
Soul Eater
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.
Yu Yu Hakusho
Harry Potter
Lord of the Rings
Pirates of the Caribean
Sherlock (Movies)
The Avengers (MCU)
The Hobbit
Avatar the Last Airbender
Sherlock (BBC)
Original Pairings
Cowboy(girl) x Cowboy(girl)
Demon x Human
Demon x Summoner
Doctor x Soldier
Idol x Anti-fan
Idol x Idol
Idol x Manager
Knight x (Enemy) Knight
Knight x Prince(ss)
Knight x Wizard
Rival x Rival
Pirate x Pirate
Pirate x Naval Officer
Student x Student
Samurai/Ninja x Samurai/Ninja
Thug x Non-Thug
Vampire x Human
Vampire x Vampire Slayer
Wizard x Wizard
Werewolf x Human
Werewolf x Hunter
Werewolf x Werewolf
Yokai x Shrine Keeper
Yokai x Yokai
Original Plots All plots are subject to romance though not necessarily created for, or dependent upon, it. More will be added in time.

The Boarding House (Supernatural | Modern | Slice-of-Life)
The terms "eclectic" and "eccentric" barely scratch the surface of Muse A's housemates. The dragons next door are hoarders, the banshee upstairs insists on doing vocal practices at ungodly hours of the morning, and it was best not to even think about the landlord. When new housemate, Muse B, moves in, its only a matter of time before all hell breaks loose.
A Different Kind of Fairy-tale (Fantasy | Adventure)
Everyone knows the classic stories: princess is locked away in a tower, dragon guards princess, prince defeats dragon and gets the girl. But this is no classic tale, for Muse A is no damsel in distress and her idiot prince has gone and gotten himself stuck in a tree somewhere. Which is too bad, really, because he'll be there for a while. Muse A, after all, has taken matters into her own hands. This princess is going to protect her dragon. (Depending on the direction this plot takes - which I have many ideas for - Muse B can be the dragon itself or any one in a variety of possible characters. Heck, Muse A could choose to go awol without the dragon altogether.)
The Hunt (Supernatural | Fantasy | Adventure)
The Hunt had been born the way of most rites: through bloodshed and pain, through the loss of lives and the formation of bitter memories destined to never die. Decades ago, when war ravaged the land and terror festered in the hearts of men, survival had been the goal. Now, however, there is but one word on the collective mind: domination. Mankind against the supernatural, young adults vying for recognition; in this game of life and death only one thing is certain: even hunters can become the hunted. (This plot was originally intended for a personal story or group RP, but I have decided to open it up for a potential 1x1 take. More information available for those who show interest.)
Emersion Studios (SciFi | Fantasy | Slice-of-Life)
Developed in 2062 by Emersion Studios, Magikk has revolutionized the world of digital gaming. The brain child of Yasutake Kiyonori, Magikk brought childhood fantasies to life - all through the use of advanced holograms and revolutionized gaming systems. For the world's most popular game there is no digital simulation: each player is their own character, fitted with a personalized processor that reacts to their DNA sequence. The quest to become the greatest mage is on, and more than personal pride is on the line. Do you have what it takes? (Another tentative group RP plot that I've opened to 1x1 development. More information available to those with interest.)
Hey! I like A LOT of what you’re offering and soon as you mentioned Ouran I was hooked lol but um I’d love to do something with that or if that’s not something you’re interested in I also found the demon/vampire/werewolf x human prompts pretty interesting. Let me know if you’d like to do something.

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