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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Futuristic The Mismatched Heroes of The Odyssey (Now Accepting)


watery grave

SPOTS AVAILABLE. Please read overview for all information.

*I am now allowing characters that are not pirates or fleet members to join. Read overview for all information.

Fleet Members

@Miss Ditzy

Weapon Master-


Machine Engineer/Navigator:

Pirate Members


Weapon Master-


Machine Engineer/Navigator-
@Void Elemental

Character Sheet

Appearance(realistic please)





Misc(cybernetic enhancements,medical issues)





Planet Origin

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"The culture may be dead, but I not only like to relive it by my attire but by skinning my enemies alive. Lovely weather we're having, isn't it?"


"You can call me a maniac..either way is fine I suppose."

Name: Azul

Age: 28

Gender: Male

"You call it playing both sides of the team..I call it more options."



Red tattoos all over his body.



He may not be a weapons master but he is quite proficient in all things that harm others.

Lock picking




People who don't know Azul personally only know him by the rumors, which may or may not be partially true. The stories portray him as a crazy killer who roams the galaxies, boarding ships and taking the spoils and leaving the crew skinned in a pile. It's true but Azul likes to say it's not. He wasn't always like this though. He was actually the youngest child to a wealthy family on the Planet Venus, perfectly sane then. His older siblings were already out and about in the galaxy while Azul was taken care of in a too-big nursery, his only companions being his small robotic dog Bogo and his nanny who tended to ignore the child. Azul loved learning about the other planets, and took a special interest in Terra. It was magnificent to him, and in his small child-like brain, he saw potential friends. A whole planet of people he could get to know so he wasn't lonely. It was a desperate, ignorant plea of a child.

Azur grew up to be a very smart young man, and graduated top of his class. Instead of going off to be a politician like his parents wanted, he instead too the first spaceship he could bound for Terra with nothing but a small bag of clothes and a grin. Terra was nothing like he had expected. It was loud and dirty, due to the lower region where people with inadequate amounts of money resided, Azur included. The first couple of hours he had his bag stolen, and soon after that his smile vanished too. The world was cruel, and he had been shielded by it. Azur soon had to depend on

pick pocketing to get by. A ship captain soon took the boy in when Azur tried stealing from him and the captain took pity on the boy and let him be a steward. Azur soon got his chance if discovering the planets. It was a nice life until disaster struck.

Azur was 21 and the captain's right hand man. They had just dropped of some cargo on Pluto and were heading off when they noticed a ship following them. It was a ship made for speed, something the old cargo ship lacked. The other spaceship caught up and soon were boarding them. Azur saw the captain's face whiten when he saw the other captain. It was Darg'Za, the most feared pirate at the time. The captain told the crew to stand down, and the pirates soon wiped out all items of importance and value. Azur though that was all they were going to do until the shot was fired and the captain fell to the ground.

"Personal grudge." Darg'Za had said, then led all the crew mates on his ship and blew the other one up in front of them as they sailed off. Darg'Za made it clear; follow under his command or die. Half the crew refused and were promptly torn apart before everyone's eyes by a robot. The corpses were left there for days to inspire fear in the crew. Azur and the other crew members of the previous ship were treated horribly, but they persevered. However, he oldest one who was the navigator, passed away a short while after leaving only Azur and one other. The deaths were horrifying to Azur, but he never cried. Instead, he watched with somber eyes. With every pillage there were countless murders, the screams haunting him. Azur would wake up sweating and scratching at his face trying to get rid of the screams. That's when finally something snapped. The crew was minding their own business when Azur walked past them and right into the captain's quarters. Darg'Za was never one to lock his doors, and it cost him. The door was closed behind Azur and then all the crew heard were screams. They lasted an hour, silence between each outburst, some louder then another, but then it was still. The crew didn't know what to do or who the screams came from until Azur came out, his eyes hazy and blood over his body like warpaint. He wasn't finished though. He slaughtered the crew, even the ones he was captured with. He killed them while laughing.

He collected himself, looking extremely calm and simply pushed the bodies out of the ship to drift off in space. He did nothing about the blood. He reinvented himself with his fashion, his aspiration coming from old, old Terra history. He hired a crew..then hired some more..and then finally found people he didn't actually want to kill. It was a small group, but they soon became the most known pirates in the solar system.

Then he finally got caught years later. He doesn't like to reveal how though.


So he's a bit eccentric, sure. His emotions are scattered all over the place; one minute he could be gazing lovingly into your eyes and the next minute he'd have a dagger at your throat. He's ruthless and acts like a bird stuck in a too small cage. His movements are graceful, and he's always calculating. He flirts without realizing, and without intention. Let's just say his love life is rather....dismal. No one has ever been able to be a rock in his turbulent storm called his mind.

"All the better to cut you with my dear!"




"The right one is Good, and the left is Bye."

Origin Planet: Venus

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Name: Hasha Tek Nal

Goes by "Tek",pronounced "Tech"

Age(20-30) 22 in human years, 19 in Segar age.

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Misc: n/a

Abilities: highly advanced in mechanics and technology. Incredible intellect



Tek is a small, Meek character. While his technical know how are very advanced, his social skills severely lacking. Often hiding inside his machine, he isn't a fan of physical communication. He only exits the machine for repairs his machine can't reach(very few) Or the machine itself needs repairs.

He is very shy when out of his suit, and very easily startled. He doesn't get angry, and is more likely to cry instead of fight. He acts more like a human child than a soldier

However,when inside He could pass off as an entirely different person.

Upbeat, playful, courageous,and even self sacrificing, the machine gives him hope, and in times like these, that's something people are short of.

He's always loyal, and always friendly. He's a follower, but that doesn't mean he won't make hard decisions. What to eat or thier destination is up to his captain. But if someone's life is in the balance, he will decide for someone who can't. And usually that's for the best.

Even if he's small, weak, or childish, he is one who can be ruthless,calculating, and dangerous. Be his friend, just do it.

Weapon(s): a single plasma rifle,shown in the image, and a machine designed for defence and work.

Each arm of the machine is actually a group of artificial tendrils, spun together to form the shape of an arm and hand.

The chest spreads,giving Tek access, and the machine itself is accompanied by a custom plasma rifle, witch functions more like a heavy duty pistol in the 6 foot machines grasp


The secrets of these devices are only known to Tek,but be warned. He doesn't have to hit to hurt with these weapons.

Planet Origin: Sagar Una, a planet that has been the height of technological advances, fallen to ruin, reached its height, and fallen again. Now the planet is a waste land of deserts and destruction.

However, the mechanics born from there are some of the best, able to scrap together amazing equipment with the most seemingly useless tech.
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Clairvoyance said:

View attachment 298658

Lauren Gorland

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Race: Modified Human

Role: The pirates' doctor.

Written Appearance: Standing at 5'5" and weighing only about 110 pounds, Lauren is a small, lithe ninja of a girl. She has long, wavy brown hair, very lightly tanned skin, and sparkling hazel eyes. Her lips are rather thin, having a dull pink hue, and only slightly arched eyebrows.

For clothes, Lauren usually wears light colored tank tops, shorts and black combat boots, but occasionally she will be caught in jeans or long-sleeved shirts.

Sexuality: Heterosexual, but possibly bicurious.

Miscellaneous: Lauren has cybernetic implants that enhance her stamina, durability, and tissue regeneration. She is slightly stronger than a normal human being, much faster, extremely flexible, and can heal much faster than others. Due to her many implants, however, Lauren is highly susceptible to electricity.

She also carries a duffle bag stuffed full of some of the most high end medical supplies available in the solar system. All stolen, of course, but she's a highly adept medic.

Abilities: Thanks to her looks and implants combined, Lauren makes a top-grade spy and an excellent fighter. She is highly skilled in most forms of hand-to-hand combat, but has little weapon expertise other than with knives.

Biography: TBR

Personality: Lauren is a very opinionated woman. She shares her thoughts, feelings, points out the flaws to others' plans, and is extremely stubborn and assertive. She is a very understanding girl though, considering she's a pirate, and would rather knock someone out and loot them than kill them.

She usually doesn't like to be proven wrong, but isn't close-minded in any way. She likes what she likes, and she respects that other people like different things.

All in all, the brunette is a rather tolerable pirate, and a pleasant person to be around.

Weapon(s): Two twin daggers that she likes to call Remus and Romulus.

Planet of Origin: A small, lonely ore-mining colony of one of Neptune's many moons named Crater Valley.

Looks great! Accepted. If you know anyone who may be interested in this rp please tag them so we can get everyone and start the rp :)

Katya Slavac


Age: 29

Gender: female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Role: pirate weapons master

Misc: portions of her are made of metal those parts are: a portion of her face including her right eye, both arms, part of her pelvis and her left leg. Making her a cyborg human hybrid. At times she wears these nail parts over her metal hands

Abilities: the ability to create and use most weapons. She strong, fast and highly trained.

Bio: n/a (WIP)

Personality: Kat is fairly unorthodox for most women, she often seen as scary with few looking to take her on. she usually laid back and easy going with a rude and sarcastic sence of humour that can often get a few scowls. But her laid back easy going ways are making the fact that she is always on guard and ready to take on whatever comes her way and is picky about who she lets close to her. The young woman is funny despite how little she talks, to Katya actions speak much louder than words do. They can range from a caring or grateful pat on the shoulder to a slap across the cheek. Her senses of morality makes her question everything although she is the most likely to do the hard things and take the dark roads for the benefit of others, but her mortality has no effect on her lack of mercy towards people, if there is a reason. Her anger often comes across and cool and calm with an icy touch, much like the phrase "the calm before the storm".





Planet Origin: Neptune. However her parents were human and originally from Russia giving her accent a slight edge.

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JustCallMeAimee said:

Katya Slavac


Age: 26

Gender: female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Role: pirate weapons master

Misc: portions of her are made of metal those parts are: a portion of her face, both arms, part of her pelvis and her left leg. Making her a cyborg human hybrid. At times she wears these nail parts over her metal hands

Abilities: the ability to create and use most weapons. She strong, fast and highly trained.

Bio: n/a (WIP)

Personality: Kat is fairly unorthodox for most women, she often seen as scary with few looking to take her on. she usually laid back and easy going with a rude and sarcastic sence of humour that can often get a few scowls. But her laid back easy going ways are making the fact that she is always on guard and ready to take on whatever comes her way and is picky about who she lets close to her. The young woman is funny despite how little she talks, to Katya actions speak much louder than words do. They can range from a caring or grateful pat on the shoulder to a slap across the cheek. Her senses of morality makes her question everything although she is the most likely to do the hard things and take the dark roads for the benefit of others, but her mortality has no effect on her lack of mercy towards people, if there is a reason. Her anger often comes across and cool and calm with an icy touch, much like the phrase "the calm before the storm".





Planet Origin: Neptune. However her parents were human.

Accepted. Love her!
Name: Marian Welshman

Nickname: Molly

Age: 29

Species: Cat-humanoid

Gender: Female

Sex: Heterosexual

Descritpion: She has golden fur and a streak of a lighter shade of yellow that goes from her muzle to her stomach. Her eyes are a sky blue and she has blonde hair tied back into a ponytail along with bangs swiped stylishly to the side. She wears a white lab coat, specific uniforms for doctors, a light indigo shirt underneath and dark blue pants but no shoes as she's more comfortable that way. She usually has a stethescope hanging over her shoulders and her clothing allow her tail to swing freely.


  • She is one of the best doctors in the field
  • She knows 60 different languages to help communicate with her patients
  • She is very stealthy and agile due to her feline origins
  • She has great sense of smell, hearing, and eyesight
  • She also has a touch of night vision though it's not much an improvment from human sight, but it doesn't leave her completely blind in pitch blackness
  • She is experienced with combat, though she doesn't commend violence she knows how to use a blaster pistol or how to claw her way through a fight

Bio: Marian was born into the Sisters of Plentitude an organization devoted to helping the sick and injured. She was raised and taught her proffesion in the hospitol just outside New New New New York, on the planet New Earth: a planet colonized by humans a few decades ago as a new home for the civilization after the original Earth grew too crouded and most envoirnments deemed unlivable for some and soon became a popular hub of different species. This hospitol contained cures for nearly every known ailment which shouldn't have been possible. Marian grew to be one of the best doctors in the hospitol but felt that the ministry was hiding something and didn't want to be apart of their conspiracy so she left the Sisters of Plentitude to become a full fledged field doctor.

She had been born closer to the human species more than her fellow feline nuns thus the human similarities.

After a few more years of schooling she became the top of her class, thanks to her medical upbringing and love for reading. She then volunteered for a job. She had served for two years on the Odyssey and has proven good use to them in emergencies or just everday events.

Personality: Her long upbringing in the Sisters of Plentitude had shaped her to be kind and caring, but she had also taught herself to be courageous and serious. Being a doctor means she has to be calm in the toughest of situations and become deadly serious in a matter of seconds. She is willing to stand up and fight for her loved ones and to scratch the eye out of someone who dares to call her kitty.


  • Blaster Pistol
  • Her knowledge of medical pressure points and other know-hows to break a bone or make an incision to the right vein
  • Her claws that she sharpens on a regular basis but keep them usually retracted in her soft paws


Planet of origin: New Earth

Sisters of Plentitude

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BlueBeauty said:
Name: Molly Welshman
Age: 29

Species: Cat-humanoid

Gender: Female

Sex: Heterosexual

Descritpion: She has golden fur and a streak of a lighter shade of yellow that goes from her muzle to her stomach. Her eyes are a sky blue and she has blonde hair tied back into a ponytail along with bangs swiped stylishly to the side. She wears a white lab coat, specific uniforms for doctors, a light indigo shirt underneath and dark blue pants but no shoes as she's more comfortable that way. She usually has a stethescope hanging over her shoulders and her clothing allow her tail to swing freely.


  • She is one of the best doctors in the field
  • She knows 60 different languages to help communicate with her patients
  • She is very stealthy and agile due to her feline origins
  • She has great sense of smell, hearing, and eyesight
  • She also has a touch of night vision though it's not much an improvment from human sight, but it doesn't leave her completely blind in pitch blackness
  • She is experienced with combat, though she doesn't commend violence she knows how to use a blaster pistol or how to claw her way through a fight

Bio: Marian was born into the Sisters of Plentitude an organization devoted to helping the sick and injured. She was raised and taught her proffesion in the hospitol just outside New New New New York, on the planet New Earth: a planet colonized by humans a few decades ago as a new home for the civilization after the original Earth grew too crouded and most envoirnments deemed unlivable for som and soon became a popular hub of different species. This hospitol contained cures for nearly every known ailment which shouldn't have been possible. Marian grew to be one of the best doctors in the hospitol but felt that the ministry was hiding something and didn't want to be apart of her conspiracy so she left the Sisters of Plentitude to become a full fledged field doctor.

She had been born closer to the human species more than her fellow feline nuns thus the human similarities.

After a few more years of schooling she became the top of her class, thanks to her medical upbringing and love for reading. She then volunteered for a job. She had served for two years on the Odyssey and has proven good use to them in emergencies or just everday events.

Personality: Her long upbringing in the Sisters of Plentitude had shaped her to be kind and caring, but she had also taught herself to be courageous and serious. Being a doctor means she has to be calm in the toughest of situations and become deadly serious in a matter of seconds. She is willing to stand up and fight for her loved ones and to scratch the eye out of someone who dares to call her kitty.


  • Blaster Pistol
  • Her knowledge of medical pressure points and other know-hows to break a bone or make an incision to the right vein
  • Her claws that she sharpens on a regular basis but keep them usually retracted in her soft paws


Planet of origin: New Earth

Sisters of Plentitude


  • Liam King
    - Fleet Weapons Master -


    "Lion King? Hahaha, it's Liam King."



    on't let that stoic face fool you. Liam is fond of acting and knows he's got the looks and bearing to fool people into believing he's a harmless scientist, important diplomat, or the captain of the fleet, which he does sometimes for fun, to get into classy parties without contest, or get into government facilities just to eavesdrop.

    He's got a candid attitude, and is the easy-going big brother of the group. He likes doing clean efficient work in the field and jokes every now and then to ease the tension during stressful situations. His enemy is boredom and will prank people just for personal amusement, to their annoyance. He's also got some serious thrill issues, and will do dare-devil stunts or poke dragons in the eye just to see what happens.

    Age: 24

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Heterosexual


    • Liam is allergic to strawberries and is arachnophobic.
    • He's got a biomechanical voice box that allows him to change voices and perform ventriloquism.
    • Likes: Jazz, Bonzai plants, and Oriental blades. Dislikes: Boring people, Being cooped up indoors for a long time, Spicy food.


    • Proficient in sneaky close quarter combat and all standard military weapons (But loves the odachi, shotgun, and sniper rifle)
    • Theatrics. Liam can act and create disguises.
    • Mech Pilot


    • Akira || A suppressed sniper rifle that can mechanically shift into a non-reflective odachi (like a katana, but longer and more curvy).
    • Riot shotgun || Can fire stunning shots instead of lethal ones.
    • Taura handguns || A pair of suppressed pistols that can fire tranquilizer darts.
    • Neosteel Knife || A sturdy non-reflective combat knife.

    Planet Origin:

    • Mars

    Bio: WIP

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Zer0 said:

  • Liam King
    - Fleet Weapons Master -


    "Lion King? Hahaha, it's Liam King."



    on't let that stoic face fool you. Liam is fond of acting and knows he's got the looks and bearing to fool people into believing he's a harmless scientist, important diplomat, or the captain of the fleet, which he does sometimes for fun, to get into classy parties without contest, or get into government facilities just to eavesdrop.

    He's got a candid attitude, and is the easy-going big brother of the group. He likes doing clean efficient work in the field and jokes every now and then to ease the tension during stressful situations. His enemy is boredom and will prank people just for personal amusement, to their annoyance. He's also got some serious thrill issues, and will do dare-devil stunts or poke dragons in the eye just to see what happens.

    Age: 24

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Heterosexual


    • Liam is allergic to strawberries and is arachnophobic.
    • He's got a biomechanical voice box that allows him to change voices and perform ventriloquism.
    • Likes: Jazz, Bonzai plants, and Oriental blades. Dislikes: Boring people, Being cooped up indoors for a long time, Spicy food.


    • Proficient in sneaky close quarter combat and all standard military weapons (But loves the odachi, shotgun, and sniper rifle)
    • Theatrics. Liam can act and create disguises.
    • Mech Pilot


    • Akira || A suppressed sniper rifle that can mechanically shift into a non-reflective odachi (like a katana, but longer and more curvy).
    • Riot shotgun || Can fire stunning shots instead of lethal ones.
    • Taura handguns || A pair of suppressed pistols that can fire tranquilizer darts.
    • Neosteel Knife || A sturdy non-reflective combat knife.

    Planet Origin:

    • Mars

    Bio: WIP







Halkrath Bhu'ja(Shadow spirit)


Gender: Male

Sexuality: straight


Physical abilities

Yautja are highly resilient to physical damage, capable of recovering from multiple gunshot wounds with minimal or even no medical attention[8][7] and surviving radiation doses which would be fatal to humans.[7] They are also highly resilient to most bacteria and viruses.[9] They are incredibly strong, easily capable of outmatching a conditioned adult human male in unarmed combat[8] and able to land blows that can shatter solid concrete. They are capable of tearing a human's head and spine from the body with little effort,[10] while some larger specimens have even been seen to tear a human body in half using only their bare hands.[11] This strength evidently extends to their lower bodies as well, as Predators have been seen to jump up to three times their own height, and are capable of falling up to ten times their height and landing safely on their feet. They are skilled climbers, and in fact appear to prefer moving at height through trees[8] or across rooftops[7] in pursuit of prey, typically jumping from one vantage point to the next. Though capable of surviving exposure in Antarctic temperatures for an extended period of time,[4] it seems as though Predators have a preference for hot equatorial climates.[8][7]

Their blood is luminescent phosphor green in color, and has the capacity to partially neutralize the acidity of Xenomorph blood.[12] It has also been known to bestow significant life-giving properties on humans, capable of extending a person's lifespan well beyond what would normally be possible.[11] It is thought Yautja may be cold-blooded, hence their documented affinity for hot, humid conditions.[13]

A Yautja's natural vision.


Predators' vision operates mainly in the infrared portion of the electromagnetic spectrum; they can easily detect heat differentials in their surroundings, but are unable to easily distinguish among objects of the same relative temperature.[8] A Predator's helmet or Bio-Mask greatly increases its ability to see in a variety of spectrums, ranging from the low infrared to the high ultraviolet, and also filters ambient heat from the area, allowing them to distinguish prey with greater clarity and detail.[8] While they are seemingly capable of breathing Earth's atmosphere, they have been known to use some form of breathing apparatus in the event of losing their Bio-Mask.[7] Their dietary habits are not clearly established, although the City Hunter that stalked Los Angeles was known to visit a slaughterhouse in the city every two days to feed on the meat stored there,[7] suggesting a carnivorous or perhaps omnivorous diet.

While the maximum or typical lifespan of a Predator is not known, it is accepted as being well in excess of human lifespans, and it has been implied that Predator Elders can live for hundreds to thousands of years.


Halkrath bhu'ja was born into the universe 356 years ago to the Halkrath clan. This is all that he has let the Terran government know about him. Tbr


He is very prideful and takes no bull from anyone. He conducts everything with his code of honor. He will protects those he has entered the contract with. He is a highly intelligent hunter, and is a quick study. It is hard to earn his favor, more so his trust.


Combi stick


The combi stick resembles a telescopic spear. It can pierce many materials such as body armor and steel. There are two variants; a large, bronze coloured version, and a sleeker, silver version with protruding blades. Both this and the shuriken are made of materials that are resistant to the acidic traits of xenomorph blood.

The original combi stick was designed by Mark McCreery. The combi stick prop used in Predator 2 was apparently stolen after production finished.

Gauntlet plasma boltEdit

First seen in the Predator 2 film, the plasma gauntlet plasma bolt fires a small plasma bolt from the Predator's left wrist gauntlet, which seems to be only moderately effective, but still causes a reasonable amount of damage as the protagonist of Predator 2 had to hastily remove his body armor, as it was glowing red.

Power GloveEdit

A strength enhancing gauntlet which releases some form of kinetic energy with explosive force on impact. Used as a means of demolishing objects such as concrete from all directions, it provides quick access to the path wanted. It was first seen in Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem when the Wolf Predator used the Power Glove to escape from the sewers and reach the surface.

The power glove was originally drawn by production designer Farzad Varahramyan to encompass the Predator's whole arm, and have a retractable shield.

Laser netsEdit

The laser net is a flat triangular-shaped device that, when deployed, automatically secures itself against a solid surface. When activated by remote, the device will produce multiple laser beams stretching across a spatial void until they make contact with an adjacent surface. The lasers do not damage or cut into the adjacent surfaces they touch, but do cut and slice through organic material. When two or more laser nets are placed across from each other on parallel surfaces and activated, a laser "grid" results, disallowing all but the smallest creatures to pass through. A Predator places these devices, to stop foes from escaping as seen in the tunnels of Aliens Vs Predator: Requiem.



Two versions of the netgun appear. The first is seen in Predator 2, where it is a gun-like weapon that fires a man-sized net at its target, who is violently thrown and trapped against the nearest surface. The net then begins to constrict itself and cut apart the trapped individual inside.

A second version of the netgun was seen in the movie Alien vs. Predator, where it is seen to be a smaller version mounted on the Predator's wrist gauntlet and can load three nets in the three barrels alongside each other. Though resistant against edged weapons, it is not resistant to a xenomorph's acidic blood or Predator weapons.

In the video game Aliens versus Predator 2, the net only traps the victim to maintain the balance of game play. The opponents captured in nets are allowed to cut their way out with melee weapons.

Plasma casterEdit

The plasma caster is a shoulder-mounted energy weapon. A triangular laser rangefinder is used to assist aiming the shot. The laser sight can be part of the Predator's helmet, although some casters have their own laser sights without need of a helmet. In both set-ups the plasma caster moves with the Predator's field of vision. It fires a bright blue or gold plasma pulse in a straight line. The pulse can be controlled to fire with more powerful charges ranging from minor stunning/wounding blasts or powerful enough to sunder the atmospheric plating of interstellar aircraft. The plasma caster and respective tracking servos are some of the most vulnerable articles of equipment carried by the Predator, being easily damaged. The plasma caster can also be used as a hand held weapon.

As a game play element in the Aliens versus Predator video games, when used in conjunction with the correct vision mode, the plasma caster automatically targets an enemy and the shot is normally a guaranteed hit, (especially against human targets) provided that said enemy does not take cover in such situations, although fast xenomorphs may escape.

The original Predator plasma caster was designed by Steve Wang and was redesigned by Farzad Varahramyan for subsequent appearances.

Self-destruct deviceEdit

Each Predator carries a self-destruct device mounted on their wrist computer. Once activated this device begins a relatively short countdown. Red LEDs of Predator numerals on the Predator's gauntlet serve as a warning that the bomb is about to explode. The detonation of the bomb results in a small nuclear-like explosion which destroys an area equivalent to 300 city blocks. The device is usually used as a means of retaining honor, much like Japanese seppuku, allowing the hunter to commit suicide when he has been mortally wounded or inescapably trapped, in order to preserve his honor and remove any evidence of his existence. A similar device is found on Predator starships.


The chakram (smart disc) is an extremely sharp circular weapon that is thrown like a discus and returns to the user like a boomerang. This weapon is extremely powerful, shown to easily cut through flesh and bone. It also has a hand grip for use as a slashing melee weapon as well.

Inspired from the Sudarshana Chakra, this disc has a comfortable grip at its center. It is stated in the video game Aliens versus Predator: Extinction that the disc is mentally controlled by the Predator; Predators who train their mental capacity are able to do this. The discs may also be upgraded to have a rotating laser covering the edge. Also in the Aliens versus Predator first-person shooter games, the smart disc had a homing device when used in conjunction with an appropriate vision mode, and could be retracted at will. The smart disc was designed by Mark McCreery.



The shuriken behaves much like the smart disc; however, it is constructed with retractable blades, and can also be used as a melee weapon. It is immune to a xenomorph's acid blood. The blades are strong enough to break a xenomorph Queen's head armor, though it cannot seem to actually cut it. The weapon is also seen at the end of Alien vs Predator to return to its user either like a boomerang effect or implemented technology.

The blades extend and retract by a Predator holding it at his finger-tips and flicking his arm.



A highly potent, corrosive blue chemical which dissolves organic material, including xenomorph carcasses. This substance is used to eliminate evidence of a Predator's presence, such as corpses, and can also be used as a weapon. The substance reacts violently with water. A small amount of the solvent can vaporize large quantities of water and any other material in it. When mixed with raw materials it can break them down into a paste which can be used by Predators to cauterize wounds, as seen in Predator 2.

Spear gunEdit


A spear gun which fires small bifurcated metal darts at high velocity. This weapon was briefly seen in Predator 2 and is available in the Aliens versus Predator video games as well as in Predator: Concrete Jungle. Although the rifle itself is barely visible in Predator 2, the spear gun is designed in a shape of a rifle in the Aliens Versus Predator games, but it is more pistol-like in Concrete Jungle. It also appeared in one of the Predator comic books.


A segmented hand held bull whip capable of cutting targets in half, after it wraps around them and is pulled taut. It is said to be made of a Xenomorph's tail, which might explain its resistance to acid.

Concept art by Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem production designer Farzad Varahramyan shows that one original concept for the whip had it sporting an amputated alien stinger on its tip.

Wrist bladesEdit


Wrist blades are a common melee weapon for most Predators. The blades range from 12 to 18 inches (460 mm) long and retract from a wristband. They are forged from an unknown alloy which is almost unbreakable, but not totally immune to xenomorph blood. Some wrist blades can be reversed so that the sharper end can be used more effectively in an outward swing. The blades can be fired from the housing/slide in case of emergency, or reversed to execute a back-handed slash, or have them spread apart to make attacks with larger (more spread-out) wounds or to dissuade prey from moving by trapping their head between the blades. These blades are serrated to cause maximum damage when stabbing and/or pulling the blades free, and occasionally double-edged, removing the need for the reversing blades. In Aliens vs. Predator, the blades were depicted as being much longer in size than previous versions. In Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem, Wolf's wrist blades were treated to resist the effects of Xenomorph acid.

In the computer game Aliens versus Predator 2, a scientist's medical report of a Predator indicates that the wrist blades wristband was grafted to the Predator's arm and removing it caused a pulmonary arrest. The researcher speculates that the cardiac arrest may be an anti-tampering mechanism and comments, "What kind of society would rather have its warriors die than be disarmed?"

The wrist blades are nearly indestructible compared to earth based metal blades. There are some Yautja who have wrist blades mounted on both gauntlets. One Yautja who has dual wrist blades is Dark from the 2010 game Aliens Vs. Predator, both of which were treated to resist Xenomorph blood.



Scimitars or "Arm Blades" are similar to wrist blades, but are much longer than most wrist blades. First seen in Alien vs. Predator, only the Predator nicknamed Chopper has these arm blades. The arm blades are extended by the Predator flicking his arm backward and tensing his hand.

Planet Origin:

Yautja Prime
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[8][/URL][7] and surviving radiation doses which would be fatal to humans.[7] They are also highly resilient to most bacteria and viruses.[9] They are incredibly strong, easily capable of outmatching a conditioned adult human male in unarmed combat[8] and able to land blows that can shatter solid concrete. They are capable of tearing a human's head and spine from the body with little effort,[10] while some larger specimens have even been seen to tear a human body in half using only their bare hands.[11] This strength evidently extends to their lower bodies as well, as Predators have been seen to jump up to three times their own height, and are capable of falling up to ten times their height and landing safely on their feet. They are skilled climbers, and in fact appear to prefer moving at height through trees[8] or across rooftops[7] in pursuit of prey, typically jumping from one vantage point to the next. Though capable of surviving exposure in Antarctic temperatures for an extended period of time,[4] it seems as though Predators have a preference for hot equatorial climates.[8][7]

Their blood is luminescent phosphor green in color, and has the capacity to partially neutralize the acidity of Xenomorph blood.[12] It has also been known to bestow significant life-giving properties on humans, capable of extending a person's lifespan well beyond what would normally be possible.[11] It is thought Yautja may be cold-blooded, hence their documented affinity for hot, humid conditions.[13]

A Yautja's natural vision.


Predators' vision operates mainly in the infrared portion of the electromagnetic spectrum; they can easily detect heat differentials in their surroundings, but are unable to easily distinguish among objects of the same relative temperature.[8] A Predator's helmet or Bio-Mask greatly increases its ability to see in a variety of spectrums, ranging from the low infrared to the high ultraviolet, and also filters ambient heat from the area, allowing them to distinguish prey with greater clarity and detail.[8] While they are seemingly capable of breathing Earth's atmosphere, they have been known to use some form of breathing apparatus in the event of losing their Bio-Mask.[7] Their dietary habits are not clearly established, although the City Hunter that stalked Los Angeles was known to visit a slaughterhouse in the city every two days to feed on the meat stored there,[7] suggesting a carnivorous or perhaps omnivorous diet.

While the maximum or typical lifespan of a Predator is not known, it is accepted as being well in excess of human lifespans, and it has been implied that Predator Elders can live for hundreds to thousands of years.


Halkrath bhu'ja was born into the universe 356 years ago to the Halkrath clan. This is all that he has let the Terran government know about him. Tbr


He is very prideful and takes no bull from anyone. He conducts everything with his code of honor. He will protects those he has entered the contract with. He is a highly intelligent hunter, and is a quick study. It is hard to earn his favor, more so his trust.


Combi stick


The combi stick resembles a telescopic spear. It can pierce many materials such as body armor and steel. There are two variants; a large, bronze coloured version, and a sleeker, silver version with protruding blades. Both this and the shuriken are made of materials that are resistant to the acidic traits of xenomorph blood.

The original combi stick was designed by Mark McCreery. The combi stick prop used in Predator 2 was apparently stolen after production finished.

Gauntlet plasma boltEdit

First seen in the Predator 2 film, the plasma gauntlet plasma bolt fires a small plasma bolt from the Predator's left wrist gauntlet, which seems to be only moderately effective, but still causes a reasonable amount of damage as the protagonist of Predator 2 had to hastily remove his body armor, as it was glowing red.

Power GloveEdit

A strength enhancing gauntlet which releases some form of kinetic energy with explosive force on impact. Used as a means of demolishing objects such as concrete from all directions, it provides quick access to the path wanted. It was first seen in Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem when the Wolf Predator used the Power Glove to escape from the sewers and reach the surface.

The power glove was originally drawn by production designer Farzad Varahramyan to encompass the Predator's whole arm, and have a retractable shield.

Laser netsEdit

The laser net is a flat triangular-shaped device that, when deployed, automatically secures itself against a solid surface. When activated by remote, the device will produce multiple laser beams stretching across a spatial void until they make contact with an adjacent surface. The lasers do not damage or cut into the adjacent surfaces they touch, but do cut and slice through organic material. When two or more laser nets are placed across from each other on parallel surfaces and activated, a laser "grid" results, disallowing all but the smallest creatures to pass through. A Predator places these devices, to stop foes from escaping as seen in the tunnels of Aliens Vs Predator: Requiem.



Two versions of the netgun appear. The first is seen in Predator 2, where it is a gun-like weapon that fires a man-sized net at its target, who is violently thrown and trapped against the nearest surface. The net then begins to constrict itself and cut apart the trapped individual inside.

A second version of the netgun was seen in the movie Alien vs. Predator, where it is seen to be a smaller version mounted on the Predator's wrist gauntlet and can load three nets in the three barrels alongside each other. Though resistant against edged weapons, it is not resistant to a xenomorph's acidic blood or Predator weapons.

In the video game Aliens versus Predator 2, the net only traps the victim to maintain the balance of game play. The opponents captured in nets are allowed to cut their way out with melee weapons.

Plasma casterEdit

The plasma caster is a shoulder-mounted energy weapon. A triangular laser rangefinder is used to assist aiming the shot. The laser sight can be part of the Predator's helmet, although some casters have their own laser sights without need of a helmet. In both set-ups the plasma caster moves with the Predator's field of vision. It fires a bright blue or gold plasma pulse in a straight line. The pulse can be controlled to fire with more powerful charges ranging from minor stunning/wounding blasts or powerful enough to sunder the atmospheric plating of interstellar aircraft. The plasma caster and respective tracking servos are some of the most vulnerable articles of equipment carried by the Predator, being easily damaged. The plasma caster can also be used as a hand held weapon.

As a game play element in the Aliens versus Predator video games, when used in conjunction with the correct vision mode, the plasma caster automatically targets an enemy and the shot is normally a guaranteed hit, (especially against human targets) provided that said enemy does not take cover in such situations, although fast xenomorphs may escape.

The original Predator plasma caster was designed by Steve Wang and was redesigned by Farzad Varahramyan for subsequent appearances.

Self-destruct deviceEdit

Each Predator carries a self-destruct device mounted on their wrist computer. Once activated this device begins a relatively short countdown. Red LEDs of Predator numerals on the Predator's gauntlet serve as a warning that the bomb is about to explode. The detonation of the bomb results in a small nuclear-like explosion which destroys an area equivalent to 300 city blocks. The device is usually used as a means of retaining honor, much like Japanese seppuku, allowing the hunter to commit suicide when he has been mortally wounded or inescapably trapped, in order to preserve his honor and remove any evidence of his existence. A similar device is found on Predator starships.


The chakram (smart disc) is an extremely sharp circular weapon that is thrown like a discus and returns to the user like a boomerang. This weapon is extremely powerful, shown to easily cut through flesh and bone. It also has a hand grip for use as a slashing melee weapon as well.

Inspired from the Sudarshana Chakra, this disc has a comfortable grip at its center. It is stated in the video game Aliens versus Predator: Extinction that the disc is mentally controlled by the Predator; Predators who train their mental capacity are able to do this. The discs may also be upgraded to have a rotating laser covering the edge. Also in the Aliens versus Predator first-person shooter games, the smart disc had a homing device when used in conjunction with an appropriate vision mode, and could be retracted at will. The smart disc was designed by Mark McCreery.



The shuriken behaves much like the smart disc; however, it is constructed with retractable blades, and can also be used as a melee weapon. It is immune to a xenomorph's acid blood. The blades are strong enough to break a xenomorph Queen's head armor, though it cannot seem to actually cut it. The weapon is also seen at the end of Alien vs Predator to return to its user either like a boomerang effect or implemented technology.

The blades extend and retract by a Predator holding it at his finger-tips and flicking his arm.



A highly potent, corrosive blue chemical which dissolves organic material, including xenomorph carcasses. This substance is used to eliminate evidence of a Predator's presence, such as corpses, and can also be used as a weapon. The substance reacts violently with water. A small amount of the solvent can vaporize large quantities of water and any other material in it. When mixed with raw materials it can break them down into a paste which can be used by Predators to cauterize wounds, as seen in Predator 2.

Spear gunEdit


A spear gun which fires small bifurcated metal darts at high velocity. This weapon was briefly seen in Predator 2 and is available in the Aliens versus Predator video games as well as in Predator: Concrete Jungle. Although the rifle itself is barely visible in Predator 2, the spear gun is designed in a shape of a rifle in the Aliens Versus Predator games, but it is more pistol-like in Concrete Jungle. It also appeared in one of the Predator comic books.


A segmented hand held bull whip capable of cutting targets in half, after it wraps around them and is pulled taut. It is said to be made of a Xenomorph's tail, which might explain its resistance to acid.

Concept art by Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem production designer Farzad Varahramyan shows that one original concept for the whip had it sporting an amputated alien stinger on its tip.

Wrist bladesEdit


Wrist blades are a common melee weapon for most Predators. The blades range from 12 to 18 inches (460 mm) long and retract from a wristband. They are forged from an unknown alloy which is almost unbreakable, but not totally immune to xenomorph blood. Some wrist blades can be reversed so that the sharper end can be used more effectively in an outward swing. The blades can be fired from the housing/slide in case of emergency, or reversed to execute a back-handed slash, or have them spread apart to make attacks with larger (more spread-out) wounds or to dissuade prey from moving by trapping their head between the blades. These blades are serrated to cause maximum damage when stabbing and/or pulling the blades free, and occasionally double-edged, removing the need for the reversing blades. In Aliens vs. Predator, the blades were depicted as being much longer in size than previous versions. In Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem, Wolf's wrist blades were treated to resist the effects of Xenomorph acid.

In the computer game Aliens versus Predator 2, a scientist's medical report of a Predator indicates that the wrist blades wristband was grafted to the Predator's arm and removing it caused a pulmonary arrest. The researcher speculates that the cardiac arrest may be an anti-tampering mechanism and comments, "What kind of society would rather have its warriors die than be disarmed?"

The wrist blades are nearly indestructible compared to earth based metal blades. There are some Yautja who have wrist blades mounted on both gauntlets. One Yautja who has dual wrist blades is Dark from the 2010 game Aliens Vs. Predator, both of which were treated to resist Xenomorph blood.



Scimitars or "Arm Blades" are similar to wrist blades, but are much longer than most wrist blades. First seen in Alien vs. Predator, only the Predator nicknamed Chopper has these arm blades. The arm blades are extended by the Predator flicking his arm backward and tensing his hand.

Planet Origin:

Yautja Prime
Oh I forgot to say you're accepted
~Jackson Antony~

Name: Jackson Antony

Age(20-30): 22


Role: Pirate Machine Engineer/Navigator

Sexuality: Bisexual

Misc: Can be a bit slow at times, speaks his mind (sometimes accidentally)

Abilities: Jackson has a natural talent with all electronics, from ship repairs, to working with computers, to creating/repairing devices, and robotics. He is also good at hot wiring, picking locks, and making repairs on tech weapons.

Bio: Jackson was born outside a small town at a Scrap/repair shop called Scraps n' Paps. Him and his elder sister Becky were trained by their father to scrap ships and cars, make repairs to them, and completely create new ones. Jackson caught onto it very fast, creating his first robot friend at the age of eight, and has been upgrading her ever since, he named her Amelia after his deceased mother.

Personality: Jackson is a free spirited, fun loving guy, with a good intentions. He is reckless at times, and gets into trouble, but, he generally follows his orders, and tries to listen to his friend's advice. He can be a bit of a prankster, but has a genuine care for his friends and allies. He isn't much for physical confrontations, but also isn't one to back away from a fight, when needed, especially to protect someone he cares for.



Planet Origin: Mars


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[QUOTE="Void Elemental]~Jackson Antony~

Name: Jackson Antony

Age(20-30): 22


Role: Pirate Machine Engineer/Navigator

Sexuality: Bisexual

Misc: Can be a bit slow at times, speaks his mind (sometimes accidentally)

Abilities: Jackson has a natural talent with all electronics, from ship repairs, to working with computers, to creating/repairing devices, and robotics. He is also good at hot wiring, picking locks, and making repairs on tech weapons.

Bio: Jackson was born outside a small town at a Scrap/repair shop called Scraps n' Paps. Him and his elder sister Becky were trained by their father to scrap ships and cars, make repairs to them, and completely create new ones. Jackson caught onto it very fast, creating his first robot friend at the age of eight, and has been upgrading her ever since, he named her Amelia after his deceased mother.

Personality: Jackson is a free spirited, fun loving guy, with a good intentions. He is reckless at times, and gets into trouble, but, he generally follows his orders, and tries to listen to his friend's advice. He can be a bit of a prankster, but has a genuine care for his friends and allies. He isn't much for physical confrontations, but also isn't one to back away from a fight, when needed, especially to protect someone he cares for.



Planet Origin: Mars



Hi, is the role list up to date? Are they all filled? It looks like there is a quote from someone who had taken the pirate doctor's role but I don't see the original.

If it or some other role is free then I would be interested.
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Ironrot said:
Hi, is the role list up to date? Are they all filled? It looks like there is a quote from someone who had taken the pirate doctor's role but I don't see the original.
If it or some other role is free then I would be interested.
The spot is available since the original person left


Name: Capt. Bryn Rooker

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual


- Cyborg prosthetic legs start from about the knees down, she keeps hidden by pants and shoes




- Her cybernetics give her enhanced speed and phenomenal jump height

- Bryn is a skilled gunslinger, able to fire a full round of her revolvers and reload them in less than 4 seconds. Her aim is also just as remarkable.

- Very skilled in close quarters combat and acrobatic feats


From her very beginning Bryn’s life was never easy. Born into a poor family living the slums of Chicago in Terra, Bryn was one of a pair of twins, the other being her brother born a few minutes before. The area her family lived in was under the control of an extremely dangerous gang well known for threatening those living in it for almost everything they had in return for “protection”. When she was only 9, Bryn’s father was forced to flee in order to escape the debt he owed the gang. He wasn’t able to go far however, and was murdered in front of his children.

Two years later Bryn’s mother died of illness, leaving Bryn and her brother orphaned and broke. They were forced to work for the area gang for a few years, doing all sorts of illegal tasks and odd jobs just to make a living. That was when Bryn learned to fire her first gun. When they were 16, the twins were apprehended by police officials. Instead of serving any jail time, it was deemed more beneficial that the two were sent to the military academy and train to serve in the Imperial Fleet. There, they both excelled and graduated with honors before being sent out into the fields when they were 20. They were always stationed together and were always the closest pair in their company.

A few years later, Bryn and her brother were stationed on a fairly large Imperial cargo ship sent out to deliver basic supplies. All was well until the spacecraft was boarded and invaded by space pirates. The crew tried to fight them off, but these invaders were different. They were strong, specialized, and ruthless. One by one the Imperial Fleet soldiers fell as explosions continued to blast around them. It was a sight Bryn would never be able to forget. She even had to witness her brother take a bullet between his eyes. Her captain, bloodied and wounded, ordered her to leave the vessel, giving her a flash drive and instructing her to protect it with her life. Hesitantly obeying, Bryn equipped a spacesuit used to make repairs outside of the ship and jumped out the garbage bay, just in time as a large explosion blasted dangerously close to her. She remained conscious, but she could no longer feel her legs, and drifted away alone with the ships debris for a least a day until she was found by another Imperial ship.

Bryn was the only reported survivor left from the catastrophe. But she requested that any details about her and the tragedy be kept classified. Both of Bryn’s legs were blasted off from the explosion, but she was given prosthetic engineered by the military. And she was alive, though she hardly felt like it. For the next couple of years Bryn was given both physical and mental therapy. Her PTSD eventually settled down, though she know it would never fully heal. The government and military honored her and gave her the option of retiring, but Bryn turned it down to everyone's surprise. She was given the title of Captain in return, and has since then been famous for her service. To this day she chooses to keep many things about herself secret to almost everyone, like her early history and the fact that she even has prosthetics, but rumors about her still tend to float around among new recruits serving under her.

Personality: To many, it seems as if the only emotions Bryn ever shows are aggression and annoyance. Technically that can be considered true: She can seem to be quick to anger and does not have much patience towards others. This hard exterior however, is just used to protect a more introverted nature. When you are finally able to create some sort of close relationship with her, you see a more shy and even vulnerable side of her, showing she is not always the strong and stone cold commander everyone makes her out to be. Stress especially can take quite the toll on her, though she is very prideful and never shows it. She is also very selfless, especially to those she is close to, and will not hesitate to throw herself into danger in order to protect others.



- A set of custom dual blaster revolvers


Planet Origin: Terra
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Gender: Female

Age: 24

Sexuality: Bisexual

Role: Doctor, Pirate Crew

Misc: Noma, this Noma, is a member of a young Hive mind. Noma is made up for 4 entities, spread across a few planets.\

Noma has only told its captain (@Coal), and Jackson (@Void Elemental) he stumbled in on Noma assimilating of a raid.

Homeworld: Mercury

Abilities: Noma can create a mental link with other organisms. The link is permanent until death a allows the free flow of information between each member of Noma. Over time, the organism with reach a mean mental state, having pulled Noma toward the state of the new and absorbing the new individual into the whole.

Personality: Noma is patent and slow and rarely stressed. Knowing that you have 3 potential backups will do that.

It dislikes violence, but understands the need for it. Better someone else than Noma suffer the pain.

Noma is curious, a trait picked from the doctor. this mixes somewhat badly with a lack of empathy. Every now and then its worth reminding Noma that you would prefer it stop investigating your innards and get on with the surgery.


When a hive mind becomes suitably large the question stops being one of resources and starts becoming one of efficiency. Weak minds with poor traits spread like infections, dragging the healthy toward their own fetted state of mind. The prevent this, bad nodes are pruned. Cut away.

Noma marks its existance birth by the moment that it was first pruned. It has memory of before this period. A drug addict was added to the network nearby the node that was Noma. Noma doesn't recall what information was needed. that knowledge was stored elsewhere. But Noma passed it along and with it contracted the weak mind's addiction and so Noma was cut away. The loneliness was crushing. Then the responcibility. Making constant decisions all by yourself was exhausting.

Noma struck out at those around it. Taking minds blatantly and obviously. The colony where Noma was left tried to exterminate it. They burnt the bodies. Pain moved through the network in waves, giving away anywhere that Noma was hiding in plain sight. So Noma attacked, took the warriors, the fighters. The colony tore itself to shreds. All that was left in the end was Noma. This Noma.

Noma was tired of fighting. It's single mind was scarred by the pain. So Noma adopted a new strategy. It took a doctor to keep itself well. Just one. It had learnt to be subtle. Noma's face was wanted for its role in the murder of a colony. Noone knew what Noma was but they knew its face. So Noma took a job off the grid, on a pirate ship. Doctor's were in high demand.


Noma is not fan of guns. They are noisy and invite attention and with attension comes bullets and fire. It prefers to engineer chemical weapons; Flash bombs, toxic gases and poisonous fluids. An incredably sharp scalpel blade if it can get close enough and it keeps an alarming number of similar blades on this form.

Of course, sometimes you need a gun so Noma keeps a compact, snub nosed pistol on her person.


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