- One on One
- Group

Let's get to know each other's characters! Below is a basic list/sheet that you can copy and paste into whatever format you desire. Each field will have a small description after it including some minimum requirements, if applicable. Optional fields will be noted. Please delete the descriptions/requirements after each field to make character sheets a bit cleaner.
**You are not allowed to post until your CS is approved by the GM (

To keep this thread clean, CS's rated with the "Love" reaction are accepted. If not accepted, the poster will be contacted directly via OOC, PM, or Discord.
Current Character Sheets [Updated 10:30 AM, 07/05/2019 (Central Time)]:
Roxii Dae Sicarius |

Lisara Venloc |

James Farway |

Kyros Ularekath |

Atiyama Irady Whytin |

Aran Pendragon |

General Information
Name: [Required. First and last, at least. Middle name not required. May include a unofficial last name rather than one given at birth.]
Titles/Nicknames: [Optional. May include titles and/or nicknames given by friends, acquaintances, your character, etc.]
Age: [Required. Minimum age of 18. May be approximate if unknown.]
Gender: [Required. Not restrained to just "male" and "female".]
Race: [Required. Not restrained to just "human". May include non-Minecraft races (elves, dwarves, etc) or Minecraft mob-hybrids (i.e. ender-human).]
Physical Characteristics
Option 1: If you have an image of what your character looks like, link it and put a short description underneath it. Image does not need to be Minecraft-related (i.e. a Minecraft skin).
Option 2: If you can't find an image of what your character looks like, fill in the fields below.
Build: [Optional. This may refer to character's body type and body shape.]
Height: [Required. For easy access to everyone, please include both imperial and metric units.]
Weight: [Required. For easy access to everyone, please include both imperial and metric units.]
Complexion: [Required. Includes skin tone/color, natural blemishes, etc.]
Eyes: [Required. Include eye color(s), if applicable. May include eye shape, size, etc. May link an image.]
Hair: [Required. Include hair color, length, style, etc. May link an image.]
Tattoos: [Optional. Include any unnatural markings, if applicable.]
Scars: [Optional. Include any healed-over injuries, if applicable.]
Miscellaneous: [Optional. Include any other notable details that don't fit in any of the above categories.]
Mental Characteristics
Personality: [Required. Must include at least 3-5 sentences.]
Strengths: [Required. Must include at least 3 things that make your character valuable.]
Weaknesses: [Required. Must include at least 3 things that hold your character back.]
Likes: [Optional. Include things your character likes.]
Dislikes: [Optional. Include things your character doesn't like.]
History: [Required. Must include at least 2 paragraphs (approximately 3-5 sentences each). If more than 4 paragraphs, please include a tl;dr at the top. If your history should be kept a secret, please PM me directly for approval. Must include information as to how and when your character arrived in Myrefall. Were they born there? Were they traveling and stumbled upon the village? Were they seeking the village specifically for a reason? Let us know why your character stuck around.]
Class System
Class: [Required. State what class your character falls under.]
Profession: [Required. Include what your character does for a living.]
Clothing/Armor: [Required. Include what your character wears. May include only regular clothing or include armor as well. May link an image. This field will be updated through the course of the roleplay, if necessary.]
Equipment: [Required. Include what your character carries around (weapons, tools, food, etc). This field will be updated frequently through the course of the roleplay for easy access to information.]
Magic Type: [Optional. If your character possesses magic, include what type they wield.]
Magic Abilities: [Optional. If your character possesses magic, include what abilities they can perform. Include a description of each ability, such as what it does and any limitations it may have. Limit 5.]
This may seem like a lot, and I'm sorry. ;0; I just wanna make sure we know exactly who we're playing with! If you don't have a character sheet format to use and you'd like one, I've created a simple character sheet below that you can copy and paste from the "code" box (preview is shown first, and the raw code follows after). For questions on how to maneuver and alter the code I've provided, just ask me! I'd be happy to help you out! If you don't wanna deal with it, but you'd like to use it still, just PM me all of your character's info and I'll format it into the CS for you.

General Information
[WIP] -
Physical Characteristics
• [Optional]
• [Optional]
• [Optional] -
Mental Characteristics
• [WIP]Weaknesses
• [WIP]
• [Optional]Dislikes
• [Optional] -
[WIP] -
Class System
• [WIP]
Magic Type
Magic Abilities
• [WIP]
[BORDER=5px groove #777777][BG=White][BORDER=3px groove #777777]
[ACCORDION=50%|bcenter]{slide=[BG=#777777][CENTER][FONT=Arial][COLOR=Black][SIZE=15px]General Information[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][/CENTER][/BG]|open}[div=position: relative; width: calc(100% - 20px);height: 200px; overflow: hidden; background:url('Background Image URL');background-size:cover;padding: 10px][div=width: 100%; padding-right: 30px; height: 100%; overflow-y: scroll; color: gray; font-size: 1.0em; font-align: justify;][BG=White][CENTER][SIZE=4][FONT=Arial][COLOR=Black][B]Name[/B]
{slide=[BG=#777777][CENTER][FONT=Arial][COLOR=Black][SIZE=15px]Physical Characteristics[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][/CENTER][/BG]}[div=position: relative; width: calc(100% - 20px);height: 200px; overflow: hidden; background:url('Background Image URL');background-size:cover;padding: 10px][div=width: 100%; padding-right: 30px; height: 100%; overflow-y: scroll; color: gray; font-size: 1.0em; font-align: justify;][BG=White][CENTER][SIZE=4][FONT=Arial][COLOR=Black][B]Build[/B]
• [Optional]
• [Optional]
• [Optional][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/CENTER][/BG][/div][/div]{/slide}
{slide=[BG=#777777][CENTER][FONT=Arial][COLOR=Black][SIZE=15px]Mental Characteristics[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][/CENTER][/BG]}[div=position: relative; width: calc(100% - 20px);height: 200px; overflow: hidden; background:url('Background Image URL');background-size:cover;padding: 10px][div=width: 100%; padding-right: 30px; height: 100%; overflow-y: scroll; color: gray; font-size: 1.0em; font-align: justify;][BG=White][CENTER][SIZE=4][FONT=Arial][COLOR=Black][B]Personality[/B]
• [WIP][/COLUMN][COLUMN=span4][B]Weaknesses[/B]
• [Optional][/COLUMN][COLUMN=span4][B]Dislikes[/B]
• [Optional][/COLUMN][/ROW][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/CENTER][/BG][/div][/div]{/slide}
{slide=[BG=#777777][CENTER][FONT=Arial][COLOR=Black][SIZE=15px]Background[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][/CENTER][/BG]}[div=position: relative; width: calc(100% - 20px);height: 200px; overflow: hidden; background:url('Background Image URL');background-size:cover;padding: 10px][div=width: 100%; padding-right: 30px; height: 100%; overflow-y: scroll; color: gray; font-size: 1.0em; font-align: justify;][BG=White][CENTER][SIZE=4][FONT=Arial][COLOR=Black][B]History[/B]
{slide=[BG=#777777][CENTER][FONT=Arial][COLOR=Black][SIZE=15px]Class System[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][/CENTER][/BG]}[div=position: relative; width: calc(100% - 20px);height: 200px; overflow: hidden; background:url('Background Image URL');background-size:cover;padding: 10px][div=width: 100%; padding-right: 30px; height: 100%; overflow-y: scroll; color: gray; font-size: 1.0em; font-align: justify;][BG=White][CENTER][SIZE=4][FONT=Arial][COLOR=Black][B]Profession[/B]
• [WIP]
[B]Magic Type[/B]
[B]Magic Abilities[/B]
• [WIP][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER][/BG][/div][/div]{/slide}[/ACCORDION][/BORDER][/BG][/BORDER]
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