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Fandom the mighty nein [searching/will write anything]

d o e.

― hyperventilating under candy skies ;;
i'm going to keep this thread as short as possible but i promise i put so much more effort into my actual rps!
my name is doe, i live in the EST time zone, and i'm looking solely for a critical role rp. namely, campaign 2, although i'm happy to double and play anyone from any campaign for you! that includes LoVM.

if CR doesn't strike your fancy, i have a bit of a proposal
if you play as Fjord for me, I will literally learn any fandom for you. yes, i genuinely mean i will read/watch/play any piece of media and learn your favorite character inside and out; i only ask that you put equal effort into learning for me!
(i may be desperate)
i'm going to keep this thread as short as possible but i promise i put so much more effort into my actual rps!
my name is doe, i live in the EST time zone, and i'm looking solely for a critical role rp. namely, campaign 2, although i'm happy to double and play anyone from any campaign for you! that includes LoVM.

if CR doesn't strike your fancy, i have a bit of a proposal
if you play as Fjord for me, I will literally learn any fandom for you. yes, i genuinely mean i will read/watch/play any piece of media and learn your favorite character inside and out; i only ask that you put equal effort into learning for me!
(i may be desperate)

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