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Fantasy The mermaid


New Member
below is an extract from my book I would like to roleplay how the characters meet. Interested ? Pm me or post queries her

She sat there in the towns main square, dirty, smelly and unseen by most, the homeless women, much older than she looked was, sitting under the empty shops doorway watching the media buzz, moving a whisp off dirty blonde hair, from her eye. Frowning at him, on the big screen, the multi-millionaire, the man they have been calling the saviour of the ocean.

The well dressed Man stood at the podium a camera turns toward him and he nodded before starting to read his speech from the auto cue

“After banning single use plastic from my business, I am now moving forward with the next stage of my, our, Harbour towns clean ocean initiative.”

She watched her stomach turning on the words she knew deep down that this man was not what the others called him. She felt an all to familiar pain in her toes, ergh! Not now she thought moments before blacking out

She woke up in a familiar place, and moments later a familiar face looking at her like a stern mother “Eddie” said the mother like women “ you got dehydrated again” she stared at the women, and then looked down at herself she felt relieved. She looked at her a signed

“sorry, I got caught in the moment”

“Eddie, you were” she made a tiny gap in her fingers “ that close to popping your tail in public” she sat on the end of the girls bed “ your moving in and no arguing, I have been hiding you for years but recently you have got sloppy”

“SLOPPY!” Signed eddie “ HE is not the oceans saviour and I am meant to watch him”

“Eddie you’re a landlocked mermaid, you can’t talk or be away from water for more than a few hours, how can you stop him, oh and even if you do stop him your pod will not take you back, you said it your self nothing you can do will allow you back in your pod"

“ gee thanks for the vote of confidence, Sandi” she said as she poked out her tongue “besides” she signed “ I am not alone, am I?, I have you and well I owe it to my pod to do all I can”

“And what is a trainee nurse meant to do to help you”

“I am not sure and I’m not moving in, how can I”

“This is my flat, it has two bedrooms”

“And a Shower, and human friends popping in all the time”

“ why are you scared of them?”

“ I do not do humans they don’t get me well apart from you”

“NO,” she ruffled her friends hair “ why are you scared of show”

“When my tail pops i am over 10 ft tall, a shower is tiny then”

“Your tail doesn't pop when you get wet not any more” Sandi reminded her “ your podless"

“Ouch right in the heart” said Eddie as she sat up and faked heart pain “what was his announcement anyway?”

Sandi took her phone out of her pocket and poked at it a little. A video off the pristine well dressed suited man standing outside the old town hall which had two massive video screens erected either side.

“After banning single use plastic from my business, I am now moving forward with the next stage of my, our, Harbour towns clean ocean initiative.” at this point he looked up at the camera and smiled. This sent a shiver down Eddies Spine, “I have brought this entire city block, for the future, for our future”

Eddie stopped the video, “ I can't take much more of that Blowfish, or seahorse manure”

Sandi laughed a little “ it’s BULL, Not seahorse, but your starting to sound human”

Eddie clearly took offence at what was said “ do not even joke about that” before pressing play

The video showed computer generated images of a modern new building no more than one new building then his obnoticus voice returned

“ This is the new Harbour Town Campus of the Global Oceanic Research Foundation, A Multi Million Pound new Joint Venture ”

Eddie Shook sher whole body shook violently, just before she signed the word

“GORF” to her friend “No No Them”

" What is it Eddie?" Asked a confused Sandi

Eddie who was getting up ready to leave packing her few things into a bag " they know, they found and killed members of my pod"

Sandi looked at her and gulped " no way?"

Eddie bit her lip and nodded at Sandi before she touched Sandi's shoulder they were transported back and under the ocean. They are both seeing things through the eyes of Eddie the beautiful orange tail momentarily confused Sandi then she realised what was happening they were both seeing Eddie's memory.

A small sub swims past them, they circle around them clearly with the letters GORF it almost like they are playing. Spptch a harpoon is fire hitting a purple tail. Spptch this time a green tail. Eddie let go the memories stopped.

Eddie stared at her friend her eyes wide like an ocean, somehow showing centuries, of knowledge that were somehow vacant earlier. Eddie stood there for what felt like an age before she feels on the floor and started to cry.

Sandi looked at Eddie and hugged for what felt like an age. She looked at Eddie

"I thought that you had no magic left?"

Eddie shrugged

"Up until today I thought I had no magic maybe it is a sign"

Sandi thought for a moment,

"I can't ever hope to understand magic we both know that. We both know your gonna try to stop this now, and to be clear we are going to do our best"

Eddie shock her head " I would never ask you to do this, it you know that"

Sandi smiled " I never would expect you to do this alone, whatever this I am totally here for you, and unpack cos you aren't moving out"

Eddie looked at her, and paused for a moment or two before smiling

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