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The Maze Runner (now CLOSED)


Green Bean
Okay, so, I've read the first two Maze Runner books, and I've completely fallen in love with it. Okay, maybe a wee bit more than love (*cough* obsession), and I've been craving a Maze Runner roleplay. I don't want to use the original characters; I think it'd be fun to make up our own characters and just play out the Maze Runner from the beginning, but maybe instead of following the book, we can make our own plot. :3 But basically, I just want to play life inside the Glade and with the other Gladers, and see what happens! That being said, I would like some literate people (I'm only going to have two people with myself to keep it small, as I've had bad experiences with large groups) that have decent spelling and grammar, can post a minimum of a good, thick paragraph or two (walls of text is welcomed, too c:), and is on a few times a day. Once the two people have claimed their spot, this will be closed, and we can then begin discussing the plot, the characters, and anything else that needs to be discussed. In the mean time, here's a few of my favorite gifs of Newt and Thomas! :D Enjoy. c:

Please post on this thread if you'd like a spot reserved. This is a one time offer. Once the two spots are taken, this will be closed.
Forever. (Okay, maybe not forever, but you get my point.)









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May I join? xD  
Not sure if this is closed, but I LOVE these books, and I totally need a good roleplay right now...one that wont lollygag within a couple days. @-@
Hi! I've just finished all three books :D I'm also quite um *coughs* obsessed with them. This is my new, sub-account so I haven't really roleplayed yet with this one, but let me find you a sample post from my main account.

Hi there!
:D Thank you for joining the Dark Side. :3 But yes, there is one spot left, and you have claimed it! I will be starting a new conversation with the both of you to begin discussing our plans. :D

@xKrystal Hi there! I am sorry to say you are too late. D: All the spots have been taken, but I am willing to let the others decide if we can make an exception of allowing you in the roleplay. If not, I'll offer to do a 1x1 with you. :D
Not sure, but, well, here's mine:

Jishin.. I wonder if he's alright. He should be safely in the janitor's shed by now. He should be fine. He hasto be. I wonder if he-

"Hellooo? Earth to Yui-chaaaan.." Rika waved a hand in front of Yui's face.

"Huh?" Yui blinked and looked around, "Oh! Gomen, gomen. Did you say something?" Rika rolled her eyes good-naturedly and her other friends laughed.

"The rain's starting to stop," Rika informed her. Yui listened. It was true. The sound of the storm wasn't deafening anymore.

"Oh yeah," Yui mumbled under her breath, her thoughts quickly elsewhere. Were the students allowed to go home now? Was school out? It wasn't 3:00 yet, but due to the storm.. they would probably let the students go home early, right? Would she be able to see Jishin? He should still be in the Janitor's shed, right? Or did he go somewhere? He probably needed to clean up the school, huh.. she shouldn't bother him, should she.. maybe she could help him?

"Yui you're doing it again!" Rika whined exasperatedly. "What are you thinking about??"

"Hmm..? Oh!" Yui gave her a sheepish look. "Hontoni gomen ne. Oh, uh, it's nothing important." Rika just shook her head in reply.

The principal stepped up onto the small stage at one end of the gym. He tapped the mic and cleared his throat to get the students' attention. Once the chatter died down, he said, "Because of the storm, some parts of the building are, ah, damaged, and currently not safe for the students to occupy. So because of this, we will dismiss everyone early." There were a few shouts of approvals from the students, and the chatter started to ensue again. The principal, who looked extremely tired, sighed, and suddenly said in a loud voice, "I am not finished talking!" The chatter died down in an instant. "Thank you. And due to the current unstable weather, there will be no school tomorrow, and also the day after. School will start again next week, on Monday. That is all. Thank you."

"Yes! Long weekend!" Rika exclaimed happily as the others high-fived. Yui just gave them a small smile.

She chewed on her lip. She was also happy, of course- who wouldn't be happy because of a break from school? -but she worried about the weather. If another storm like the one that just passed happened again… It certainly wouldn't be a good thing.
And you wouldn't be able to see Jishin! Yui shook her head, clearing that last thought away.

A lot of students were already beginning to exit the gym, and Yui stood up herself, pulling Rika up with her. "We should probably head home now.. the storm might start up again," she told Rika and the others. They nodded in agreement.

Jishin.. maybe I could stop by the janitor's shed before I leave.. just very quickly, just to see if he's alright.

That was taken from one of my 1x1s so it's quite lengthy, but I can tone it down a bit.

Here's my sample

Liam couldn't tell exactly what he was feeling at the moment. There had been too many emotions swirling around inside him, and the moment Davin had walked in that door, he had shut them out. It was easier to feel nothing, to be empty, then to have to feel and sort through all the angst. So he had, and it was exactly the same persona he had when he was on the hunt - blunt, impassive, and completely unreachable. The feeling of caring about absolutely nothing and no one was a pleasure he usually didn't let himself enjoy, he'd resist, knowing what he was capable of while he was in the mood.

Unless he was pushed into it.

He just walked, not really knowing where he wanted to go, or what he wanted to know. He found himself at a busy intersection, stopping as he noticed the large group or people waiting to cross the street. He snorted, walking through them, and out into the street, not even flinching as a car swerved, nearly hitting him. He was done waiting, and hiding, from himself and everyone else. Another car passed him, the wind from it blowing his hair in all directions. He had made it to the little island line between the four lanes, and he stood on it, contemplating if he should continue into oncoming traffic or just watch the shocked faces of the people who had seen him cross the street.

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