The Matriostic Circus

Through the crowds of people, a little girl is seen, her bright crimson eyes gleaming happily as she passes out flyers. The flyers seem to say, "The Matriostic Circus, A place of wonder and deformity. Stop by and see." As the little girl passes out the last flyer, she runs through the crowd towards the woods that circle the town, running down the path deeper and deeper. As she nears a clearing, a circus tent can be seen, its faded blues and reds standing out in the dark greens and blacks of the forest.
A crumpled, aged flyer was resting on the lap of a young girl sitting in front of a broken vanity. The girl brushed her hair slowly, staring down at the lonely paper. She remembered when the kids at her school were tossing this flyer around, laughing about how it was the freaks gathering place. This was in her senior year. Because of a certain incident, she never got to finish her school term with those people. But in this profession, school definitely was farther down the list of requirements to apply.

Placing the brush down on a nearby table, Natalia folded the flyer neatly, rose from her rickety chair and slid it into her back pocket for momentary safe keeping. It was a nostalgic feeling, and it was a symbol of what saved her and for that reason she kept it safe.

Wonder when the next group of people will be here, she thought. Turning around, she pushed past the curtains that closed her own space off from the rest of the circus and peered around. In the distance by the entrance, she saw a young girl running towards them.

Closing her curtains again slowly, Natalia shut her eyes and felt the heightened, rising emotions from the bustling crowd not too far away. A group of intense emotion like that normally made Natalia feel sick if she didn't have her way of blocking it out, but they were far enough away at the moment for her to handle.

Soon...very soon.
On the outer edges of the large crowd, there was a tattered flyer on the ground. Taking the advantage to swipe it, Hanz quickly collected the paper and read over it in record time. This could finally be his chance to escape this ditch called lonliness. Though, would he even be accepted into the circus? Might as well try. He walked down the trail, his ruined shoes clacking with every step. He finally caught sight of the collaged tent. It was so bright, so happy, how can a feeling like this even exsist in the world?

Hanz gripped the flyer tightly and walked to the back of the tent, breaking away from the crowd, pondering at the entrance. He looked almost like a lost boy trying to find his way back home, though bigger of course. Who was the boss around here? "Uh?...Hello?"
A lady wearing what appeared to be a Ringmaster's outfit, also having unusual black swallowtail butterfly wings, appeared behind the man. "Hello there." She said, her voice sounding like a sweet, poisonous dream that should never be heard. Her strikingly white hair was put up into a tight bun, though her long bangs covering her palest of pale blue eyes.
Natalia heard a voice coming from outside while brushing her hair and stopped mid-comb. She swiftly moved to her curtains and pushed one slightly to the side, letting the light from the outer world in. She watched the man with a look of curiosity on her face. Slowly she pushed past the curtains until she was visible. "New here, huh?" She sounded a bit jaded, the amount of emotion from the crowd though ways away, still managed to drain her. She squinted slightly and managed to block it out.
Hanz whipped around to face the Ringmaster, his bright blue eyes were wide in surprise, when did she get there!? She was so quiet! Before he even had to time to greet the Master, another girl came out into the back stage. He was making such a big commotion... No matter he should pressue what he came here to do. "Hello, my name Is Hanz. Im here to join your cirucs, If of course that is alright!" He talked with confidence as hif he didnt give a care in the world what they thought about him, and his stare gave that impression as well.
"Oh! Of course its alright if you join!" She said enthusiastically. "Though you should sit out for this show and watch what we do." Suddenly a little girl burst into the room. "Should I let them in and get seated?" The girl asked. "Please do so, Morina." Ringmaster Aikinoshira said, then turning to the others. "Stage time everyone!"
He gave a understanding nod to his new boss and hurried back to the front entrance. There he entered and took his seat amoung the crowd to enjoy and take mental notes about the show. He was carful to sit far away from others, if one of them touched him that wouldnt be the most pleasent experiance for him to have a interuption during the entertainment session. So he sad alone and in the first row, anxiously waiting for the preformers to show themselves.
Natalia nodded and then let her glance sweep over to the man, a smile gracing her features. She raced to get ready in her tent, then basically bolted out and headed onto the back of the stage. When they said for everyone to get on the stage, they weren't kidding at all because there was little time once everyone started joining in. She was wearing a dark teal dress with sparkles and idly swished the frills of the dress back and forth as she waited in anticipation. She could hear the crowd nearing and continued to block out the rising and rushing emotion in the audience. Feeling a migrane coming on, she sighed but sucked it up and continued to wait.
Morina quickly climbed up into the rafters, taking her place on the stage rafters. Aikinoshira entered the ring, her swallowtail butterfly wings gone and replaced with cat ears a tail to go with it. "Welcome one and all to the Matriostic Circus, a place of mystery, deformity, and entertainment!" She said, her voice echoing around the loud tent, hushing the people in the stands to silence. "For those who have not been here before, I am Ringmaster Aikinoshira, partial shape shifter and many other things. I do hope you all enjoy the show."
He blended into the shadows like ice would melt into water. Gray stared at the ringmaster from the far back, in the corner. Hiding his face in the ear-muffles and light brown parka, he seemed to isolate himself far beyond anyone else. The circus once bustling, came to a silence as she called a halt to the words. He looked at the shape shifter and glanced at a lady in a fine frilly dress, then onto a dark-haired man. He left his solid gaze on him, as he thought, Maybe he could be an army spy. The blunette's cold stare was put to a stop as he faced the leader again as he dawned on the idea of the army actually opening up the portal between Ice and Fire without his knowing. Gray shook his head, and muttered, "Impossible, as the leader said, I'm safe here."
The ring masters opening words strached at Hanz's mind, 'deformity...' he would fit in just fine here then. His eyes drifted from the preformers and landed on his hands, he was a freak after all, but was that such a bad thing? To be different, it is a gift and if people can accept that then that is their loss. He shook the thought away and returned to the Ring master and her followers, carefully observing to see what he would hopfully be part of soon and what he would have to do.
([MENTION=3576]Broken Blacklist[/MENTION] By dark-haired man I was referring to Hanz, perhaps you could make him look back so they would interact?))
(Oh haha! I thought you were just poiting out a random dude xD Yeah okay)

Hanz suddenly felt a pair fo eyes peircing him, he turned his head backwards, seeing a man's head turned his way, though unfourtunatley Hanz could not make out his face at all through his ear-muffs. "Hm?" His eyes narrowed at the man. What does that guy want? He thought, staring right back at the man now, not even paying attention to the circus preformance now.
He felt the presence of a glance. Gray cocked his head slightly and saw the 'spy' staring at him. The ice elemental instantly turned away letting the ear muffs block his icy traits. The blunette was not scared, therefore not panicking when the person could have seen his face. Gray, puzzled, dwindled, 'Did he see me? He can't be a guard right? It's impossible. We all know it.' He was talking to himself once again as his trace of thoughts were interjected. The stare of the black-haired man was shooting right through the melancholy heart of the somber elemental. He pulled up his parka hood to block his face from the man, hoping he would look away.
((Sorry I'm late!))

Alice sat backstage straight faced and stared at her feet. She was barefoot, and wearing short shorts and a cape that only covered her breasts. But what was she to do? She wanted to stay here, she loved it here, and to do that, she had o make the crowd happy, she had to make them pay money. Looking around, she saw no one but herself, she felt lonely. She closed her eyes and listened to Aikinoshira, the ringmaster. She had grown to love her, she liked to think of her as her older sister. She couldn't wait till the show was over.
Natalia's eyes scanned the crowd above with careful interest. She realized with a small tilt of her head that this was the largest amount of gathered attention that their circus had seen yet. She did not allow her anxiety to overpower her however. Just treat this like it's any other's no different.

Temporarily she moved her eyes down to her feet. Realizing she had done this, she shifted her footing and stared up into the rapidly filling seats above. Her eyes met with the man she briefly acquainted herself with earlier and noticed he was staring at something to her right. Following the dark-haired man's gaze led her to the blunette concealing himself in the corner.

Natalia was at the circus for almost two years now, and the man in the corner was a more recent addition to the family. She didn't know much at all about him, only that his name was Gray and the vibes she got from him made her feel almost ill sometimes. That most certainly threw a wrench in her developing some form of a get-to-know basis with him, but she did feel guilt over it despite the negativity she read from him.

Allowing her gaze to pass over him and back to the crowd, she waited idly for the ringmaster to continue speaking.
Hanz exhaled before returning his gaze to the circus, this man couldnt possable be looking for him could he? No, he was out of the orphanage with a rejoicing goodbye, no one was looking for him in the least bit. His bright blue eyes were fixed on the two girls who he met backstage, he wanted to see how they did infront of a crowd. Though even though his gaze was perched upon the two females, he could help but look at the blunette with his mind, That man...Is rather suspicious...
The elemental knew that there was another set of eyes casted upon him and he glanced at the stare as it looked away. He didn't exactly know this woman, and did not ever plan on making terms with her at all. He temporarily shifted his dark eyes to the stage as he lost interest and stood up from leaning against the somber corner. He streched out his arms as he glanced at the blue-eyed man and looked away.

Not at all focusing on the speech Gray ignored the ringmaster. He walked quietly to an open window and put his hands behind his slender body and took note of the weather. Gray saw blossoming flowers. He hated anything beautiful, it was unexplainable why. He clenched his fists and almost inaudibly muttered, "Kill flowers" There was a ear-piercing sound as ice lifted from the ground and wrapped around the blooming plant and shriveled it almost instantly as the words were commanded. From behind his back, he gestured his right hand downwards and the ice from outside melted back into the ground.

The lecture was very uninteresting and did not appeal to the odious blunette. His focus was put upon the people listening to the speech as he memorized every single face, choosing carefully who he would not like to meet and whom he would like to watch for a bit. His mahogany eyes landed on Natalia's head and the illustrious feeling of insecurity was bestowed on

her. He changed his mind completely. Gray flicked his right hand's wrist upward as a sharp needle formed on the ground and he crouched to retrieve it. He pricked his finger and a bit of red liquid bestowed his hand and he gently placed the blood on his left wrist and traced a couple words that looked like it said, "Meet the girl and 'spy'."
Hanz's eyes shifted back to where the hidden man use to be, though it seemed he had left. He felt uneasy with what that man was thinking, what he wanted. All of a sudden he felt trapped in tent, like the walls were closing on him, of course he was only imagining this. Whenever Hanz becomes stressed he somewhat freaks out, thought very slightly and he doesnt show it often. Though, in a new enviorment like this, he needed at least to get some fresh air, and thats what he did. The air was cool, not to hot and not to cold, just the way Hanz liked it. The wind and fresh, clean air relaxed him.

Willow circled stealthily around the edge of the circle, watching and waiting. She spotted two people staring at each other. Making use of the shadows, she whirled around the edge of the tent, pale blond hair flying. Even if someone had been watching, which they hadn't, they would have not noticed her...
Alice pulled back the curtains, and saw Natalia. Scooting up to her, she sat next to the girl's feet. She wasn't as familiar with this girl, but she wanted to be near people. She shrunk down as much as she could, hoping not to be noticed. She looked out in the crowd, slowly falling asleep out of boredom. Laying on her stomach, she closed her eyes, different parts of her skin slowly changing color and designs.
At Aikinoshira's words, Morina leapt dow from the rafters, ribbons of fire, lightning, and ice trailing behind her. As she landed, the ground shook and ice encased her. After much applause, the ice melted, revealing a girl that was no longer little and about the same age as Aikinoshira, with flowing white hair, striking yellow eyes, and a dress the color of fire. She bowed gracefully and walked back towards the dressing rooms until it was her turn again. "Lets give a round of applause for our ""Flawless Angel" Morinashi!" Crowed the Ringmaster.
You see, Gray was not at all interested in the freak-show [nonetheless, he was a freak himself,] and casually walked away slowly to the rooms that they stayed in. He had picked out a room in the far, far end where there was almost no light shining there. He kicked open his door as he flicked on the light, illuminating a room that was not decorated at all. All there was were some simple furnishings like a couch in the corner and a coffee table in the center compiled with newspapers and other items. There was a desk near a covered window and a bathroom door right next to the desk. The desk had a small cellphone on it, that did not look anything out of the ordinary. The room had a dull wallpaper and little color to it. To put it simply, the colors that filled the tedious room were an ugly green and blue. The blunette did not exactly care for the decor and procceded on shutting the door and walking to the desk. He grabbed a newspaper that was new and sat at the desk, and read it looking for any signs of the 'supernatural' or 'mystifying'. He looked at the 'aliens' page and saw nothing but frauds of UFOs. Gray was not scared of these things, because they weren't as scary as being caught by soilders of war.
Hanz gave a quiet yawn as he streched his shoulders and returned to the tent, feeling more safe now that the faceless man had gone. He could finally enjoy the magnificent show or colors and mystery. Being simply mesmerized by the "Flawless Angel's" preformance he clapped along with the crowd, which didnt normally happen, but he thought she deserved it.

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