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Fantasy The Masquerade


Spooky Scary Skeleton


In a dark town, far away from the normal world, every 2nd of November the residents celebrate an event.

"The Great Masquerade"

As the name say, every citizen wear a mask and have fun with the others, guessing their costume and mask. Also with various attraction.

While everyone is distracted in the main square, in the streets some people begin to disappear.

Every son, daughter, relative.

Panic and Fear begin to spread over the whole town.

Its like...that someone launched a curse.

Situation gets terrible, everyone is desperate.

Many died from removing the mask from their face.

Some people died by speaking unconsciously.

If you say the name of another person, you'll die both.

If you say your own name, you'll die as well.

No one can cry.

No one can scream.

"Mom, its
The Phantom Rider's fault, isn't it?" a boy is crying.

"What are you saying, that thing doesn't exists!" she say.

Like everyone.


Again, thanks to anyone for joining!

Yes, I'll never stop thanking you uvu

Anyway! You all knew the rules of rping right? Good, because I think its useless write and re-write them over and over until you puke your guts...

Yes uwu

Just one-two rules that need to be mentioned.

As I said, the important things in this rp are

The plot explain clearly that you
can't speak real names, so obviously we will call each other with the names of the masks!

So, your mask (IF it will be an invented one)
MUST have a different name from the others.

(I know I know, I'm doing "Capitain Obvious" here, just scroll down until I speak more....well..that thing uwu)


As promised, I'll write a list of italian masks (not all of them, If you want a mask you can search on internet anyway
xD )

Remember that you can choose a different pattern and form!

Oh yes! You can pick a mask and maybe create a character with its personality owo

Your choice uwu

Lets Start!

Zanni (or Zani)

Zanni comes from the countryside. He is known to be a “dispossessed immigrant worker”.Throughout time, the Zanni grew to be a popular figure who was first seen in commedia as early as the fourteenth century.The English word zany derives from this persona.The actors who play Zanni must be clever and equally talented,A Zanni is known to take and briefly keep items that belong to someone else. Some items that the Zanni would keep would be bags, letters, valuables, or food.



The Harlequin is characterized by his chequered costume. His role is that of a light-hearted, nimble and astute servant, often acting to thwart the plans of his master, and pursuing his own love interest, Colombina, with wit and resourcefulness, often competing with the sterner and melancholic Pierrot. He later develops into a prototype of the romantic hero. Harlequin inherits his physical agility and his trickster qualities, as well as his name, from a mischievous "devil" character in medieval passion plays.



He's a masterful liar, and can make up a spur-of-the moment lie for any situation. He is an inveterate schemer, and he is good at what he does. If his plans failed, it was almost always out of luck on behalf of the other characters. When he's a servant, he will either serve his master devotedly or look for every opportunity to ruin and take advantage of him as he happens to see fit—whatever will gain the greatest advantage for himself and himself alone. He is fond of money, but spends it rapidly, and tends to be especially fond of the drink.


Scaramuccia (or Scaramouche)

•Scaramouche entertains the audience by his "grimaces and affected language". He is "sly, adroit, supple, and conceited".Coviello disguises his master as a Turk and pretends to speak Turkish. Both Scaramouche and Coviello can be clever or stupid—as the actor sees fit to portray him



She is Harlequin's mistress,a comic servant playing the tricky slave type and wife of Pierrot.She was often the only functional intellect on the stage and may be a flirtatious and impudent character, indeed a soubrette but without losing her judgment.


Pulcinella (or Punchinello)

Always dressed in white with a black mask (hence conciliating the opposites of life and death), he stands out thanks to his peculiar voice, whose sharp and vibrant qualities produced with a tool called a swazzle contribute to the intense tempo of the show. Pulcinella often carries around macaroni and a wooden spoon. According to Pierre-Louis Duchartre, his traditional temperament is to be mean, vicious, and crafty and his main mode of defense is to pretend to be too stupid to know what's going on. In some versions Pulcinella has a brother Cucurucu.


Il Capitano (or The Captain)

He is often an hench man who can maintain his claims only by benefit of the fact that none of the locals know him.Il Capitano often talks at length about made up conquests of both the militaristic and carnal nature in attempts to impress others, but often only ends up impressing himself. He gets easily carried away in his tales and doesn't realise when those around him don't buy his act. He would be the first to run away from any and all battles and he has trouble enough talking to and being around men. He is also extremely opportunistic and greedy.


Balanzone (or "The Doctor")

The Doctor is a vocal, angry, disruptive who doesn't listen to anyone else from any of the fields that he claims to know about, which are many (medicine, law, etc.).

He is often extremely rich, generally with "old" money, though the needs of the scenario might have things otherwise. He is extremely pompous, and loves the sound of his own voice, spouting ersatz Latin and Greek.
He is typically depicted as an elderly man who only knows nonsense. He makes many cruel jokes about the opposite sex and believes that he knows everything about everything. He is an obese man that enjoys the bottle and eating to excess. His mask is unique in that it is the only mask in commedia dell'arte to cover only the forehead and nose. It is sometimes black, or else flesh-toned with a red nose.

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