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Fantasy The Masquerade


Spooky Scary Skeleton
Real Name:





Description or image:

Mask (Name and image):


Lost parents/relatives:






Real Name: Gray Whiteblood

Gender: Female

Age: 22

Birthday: 7th of January

Sexuality: Homosexual

Mask: Pierrot

Personality:A Hothead, sometimes she spent a whole day in silence, thinking of her life. When the opportunity shows up, she can do a joke or two and always cares about the smiles of one person, in fact, she'll do everything to defend someone from crying.

Lost parents/relatives: Her brother in an incident.

Hobby:Watch horror movies and painting.

Skills:Painting and crafting objects with wood.

Other?: Sometime she bite her flesh when she is irritated.

Masks Taken:










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Real Name || Geoffrey Templeton

Height || 6'3"

Gender || Male

Birthday || August 22nd

Age || 21

Personality || This man is sly and cunning. He does most things for the fun of it or for self benefit. Geoffrey does not easily trust others and would most prefer they don't trust him either because he would feel less guilty about possibly betraying them. This doesn't mean he doesn't have a conscious or a heart. Everyday he battles with guilt and self hatred that counter his distrust of others and the person he has become. The way he looks at it is that there is no turning back now. Still, sometimes kindness does show through and if he likes you, he won't hurt you. If he ever promises you something, you can trust his word. That being said, he does not give his word often because of his tendencies to double cross others.

Lost parents/relatives || Geoffrey ran away from home when he was young. To this day, he does not speak to any known relatives

|| Hobbies ||

- Playing and listening to music.

- Gardening

|| Skills ||

- Geoffrey plays a large array of musical instruments and is best with the harp and piano.

- Geoffrey makes excellent dishes and his cooking is almost of the best. He does not cook often though.

|| Other ||

- Geoffrey has a chronic case of Insomnia.

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Real Name || Leonardo Corbeau

Height || 180 cm

Gender || Male

Birthday || July 23rd

Age || 20

Personality || Leonardo/Crow is, in simple terms, hopeless. He and his sister left their countryside hometown in search of fortune. No matter what he did, he failed. Due to this, he has a lack of interest and effort in everything. His weak point is young girls, because they remind him of his sister. Although he does try to be nice to people, it doesn't always work out.

Lost parents/relatives || His sister, Caroline.

Hobbies || His habit of smoking began seven years ago, when he first came to the city.

Skills || Despite his general uselessness, he is actually very good at violin and piano. He's also very good with children.



Real Name:Clair O'Reilly


Age: 21

Birthday: August 16th

Mask Name:The

Personality: Clair is pretty care free for the most part and she couldn't care less about what people think of her. Clair always trys to be polite and mannerly at all times, She gets tired easily and can be fond dozing off at times. Clair has a strong irish accent despite spending most of her life in Italy , she hates it when people mock her accent and (or) try mimic it.

Lost parents/relatives: Her entire family past away in a fire hen Clair was only seven , So Clair was forced to move in with her Grandmother in Italy.

Hobbes:Clair likes to play music and duel in her spare time.

Skills:Clair can play the Violin , fiddle and piano . Clair is quite skilled in fencing and swordplay

Clair is useless when it comes to children and she is also Anemic.
Real Name: Alexis Thompson

Gender: Female

Description or image:


Mask (Name and image):

Birthday: 13th October

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Alexis can be quite mocking and come across mean because of it. She's often pretending to be someone she's not, and enjoys it. It makes her feel free. Upon hearing a mocking tone, you can be almost certain that it is Alexis. She dislikes being this way but no matter how hard she tries, Alexis will always be mocking and cruel, even though she was a wonderful person before losing the most important person in her life.

Lost parents/relatives: Her mother died in a car accident which Alexis blames herself for.

Hobby: She composes music and plays piano or clarinet in her free time. It helps her forget the world

Skills: Alexis is a talented pianist and clarinetist, as well as a fairly good composer. She's also talented with words and has a way of manipulating them to manipulate others.

Other?: Alexis tries to keep away from others to prevent herself from hurting them.
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:Real Name:

Lilliana Kensley






13th of September








As innocent and sweet as a flower, nobody alive would ever speak bad about Lilliana! She's sweet and pleasant to everyone, rather quiet and shy when needed to be or left alone, and her heart could be mistaken for being made with pure gold. It appears that there is not a bad bone in her entire body, and while that is true, her sweetness isn't exactly genuine... Underneath, she actually despises the 'perfect girl' view she has and would love nothing more than to throw it away, but due to her parents running a very successful company, she cannot do anything but act sweetly and smile. If she tainted the view of the family even in the slightest, she would probably have hell to pay, and so the good girl act has to stay up. However, when this mask is put on, Lilliana will burst out of her shell, and you'll see a completely different side to her... And trust me, she's not going to be the innocent sweetheart she's known to be

:Lost parents/relatives:



?Lilliana adores drawing and painting more than anything in the world, and she's been given huge praise for her pieces of work many a time?

?Reading is a huge part in her life, and she'll read anything from biographies to fairytales?

?To keep her helpful and kind image, Lilliana volunteers at a dog home and actually adores it?



?She can sing, but is just around average with her voice. Although, she is soprano, so she can definitely hit high notes without a problem?

?Putting up a front that is rarely ever seen through?


?Remaining calm in stressful situations?
And I leave for two-three hours and thats what I found! xD

Aaah hope we'll organize good with so much players~

Okay Then! We just have to wait the others and we're all set!

Since I'm a...forgetful person, check the main posts sometimes, I'll add something xD

And yes, I added some things to the form that I totally forgot. Thanks for for reminding me everyone...

(I'm really bad I know...)
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Anthony Von-Leigh



Full Name: Anthony Von-Leigh

Age: 20

Birthday: November 18

Sexuality: Pansexual

Anthony can be described as a cold and stoic young man. He is never one to start a conversation unless he really needs to start one. There are times when he will completely ignore you and act like you don't exists, but it's nothing personal, Anthony is just like that to everybody. He would prefer to be observant and analytic on a corner than to be the one who is being analyzed. Unusual as it seems, if this guy took a liking on you, he will always be there for you. He is very loyal and possessive too. Anthony acts very fancy and classy.

Lost parents/relatives:

His mother, Francia


  • Playing guitar and various instruments
  • Boxing
  • Singing


  • He is good at playing instruments and he also sings but only few people knows about this
  • Good at self-defense
  • Unusual as it seems, he's a great cook


He can be very awkward sometimes

He likes creepy things

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Ohohohoho woa, so much beautiful characters and posts indeed! I have to practice more with the BBcodes of this site *emo corner*...

Anyway! We'll start tomorrow, I have a terrible headache xD
Real Name : Trisha Livingstone

Gender : Female

Age : 18

Date of Birth : October 12th

Height : 5'8"

Mask Name : Rabbit


Appearance :


Personality : Not every girl wants to be the Prom Queen. Certainly not, Trisha. Bad mouth, Bad Attitude, she doesn't suffer fools, or plays by society rules. A trouble maker from the early years, there isn't nothing that she hasn't tried. Cheated, stolen and lied. As well intentioned as her Aunts had been, there was no way they could keep her under control - save for locking her in the attic. Which she would probably enjoy. After all, that is where all the families historical pieces are kept. Steel grey eyes judge all that she sees, and if she doesn't like you, don't expect to be stabbed in the back. She'll just slam that knife into your chest.

Lost Parents : Trisha's mother died giving birth to her. Her father's whereabouts and identity are unknown.

Hobbies : Drawing, with the desire to be a tattoo artist. Going to live concerts, and cruising with a close circle of friends that share her passions.

Skills : Burping the alphabet and piercing ears with a needle.

Real Name:

Ivan Andrej Markiev






30th of Octobre 1978




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/ivan.jpg.206f6f32f47b8447fa35bfd2d300eea9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="82714" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/ivan.jpg.206f6f32f47b8447fa35bfd2d300eea9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/mask.jpg.a3db33a7a1e2fd7ed12bef79caa2b441.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="82715" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/mask.jpg.a3db33a7a1e2fd7ed12bef79caa2b441.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Ivan has an intimidating presence due to his direct, aggressive and dominant behavior. Even though he is not that easy to read. Behind his simple appearance of a russian criminal he hides his smart an sneaky attitude, that is the main cause of his ascension inside the Solntsevskaya Bratva (Moscow Mob, basically). Due to his carreer Ivan experienced lots of cruelty and agony and, of course, practiced some cruel and agonizing methods himself. Furthermore he is most opportunistic and greedy, which caused actions, that made his fellow mafiosi want to kill him. Threatened to death he had no choice but to turn his back on his motherland Russia. Therefore his weakpoint is money. He is literally buyable (and therefore convincable) for everything, if he gets half his payment in advance. All his work-related issues aside, Ivan is a true gentleman when it comes to women. Besides he is the rather talkative type.

Lost realtives:

His parents and brother.


- Back in Russia he used to play Golf regularly

- Practices boxing and regular workout for ten years

- He's collecting guns in an almost fanatic and irrational amount, due to his paranoia of being captured one day


Due to his Job Ivan is skilled in the Use of various kinds of weaponry, is a more or less capable boxer and a rather talented impostor. He even plays piano and likes to consider himself a good cook, even though he isn't...actually he can't cook the slightest and everything he puts into a pot or oven ends up gross.


- Ivan hates violence of each kind against women, but confronted with a man he is quite merciless.

- He has a strong russian accent, but no articulative issues.



  • ivan.jpg
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Real Name: Gideon Dougal Covington

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Birthday: November 24

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Description or image: After an accident with a narrow minded lady walking behind an alert horse and Gideon pushing her out of the way and taking a graze of the deadly kick to his hip and leg, he limps around and usually leans on a cane which is was a gift from the poor madame he saved. (How else would a ragtag stable boy get something so fancy?) He has a tall and solid but lean build, he used to be agile before he became crippled. His skin has darkened to a warm tan from working in the sun when training horses.



Mask (Name and image): Bauta (For the costume, it is just like the full body picture his cane above but his eyes are shaded and hat is like the head view picture)




Personality: Gideon is a generally quiet young man, pertaining the perfect calm aura to settle horses he works with as a stablehand. When he does speak, his voice is loud and almost commanding. He is steady and wary; warned are those who take him as slow, dull, or stupid. He has a warm heart but he isn’t trusting. His unwavering gaze is usually filled with private mirth and a bemused smirk on his lips as he listens to his surroundings. His rugged looks prevent him from joining in the ‘porcelain’ beauty of the town. The masquerade allows him to mingle with the people he rarely talks to, inviting his baritone voice to be heard.

Lost parents/relatives: The illegitimate son of a Lord, he was cast out into an orphanage, not knowing of his parents or siblings. He considers the old stable master that apprenticed him as a father figure.

Hobby: He unconsciously hums to himself a tune that can be manipulated to moods such as sad or happy.

He enjoys whittling and carving small wood figurines in his free time.

Skills: Avid in use of his hidden sword in his cane. He can play the fiddle, though he’s not professionally good (as horses can’t be the best critiques). He can blend in the shadows despite his height and bulk.

Other?: He tends to prefer animals over humans. They seem wiser and they don’t gossip as much.

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