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In the land of Greegor, monsters are a curse and a blessing. One might wonder how so? It's pretty obvious really... monsters are dangerous but hunting them provides opportunity for riches.
Monsters, that's what we call animals and beasts that have grown larger and stronger then what's considered common. Of course Monsters take many different forms, to insinuate that large creatures are the only threat around would be sheer lunacy.

Everyone would be a monster hunter if it was as simple as killing a large beast. But more then often a monster is more terrifying then a giant horned wolf. Like the quest your guild has sent you on... "Eradicate the monsters inside the Dunwel mines."
Simple on paper but ultimately a brutal endeavor.
The metal slimes,
The fire breathing minotaurs,
The invisible Nagas,
The exploding golem... just to name a few.

The guild was given a insane amount of gold to take on this quest, with half of it paid up front the guild master sent every capable hand available to go slay in the mines. You are one of those capable hands. Perhaps more capable then the others, Seeing how twenty seven hunters entered the mines...
And only six remain alive. Escaping to the surface outside the six hunters are met by the eccentric man who issued the quest, joined by fifteen others you have never seen before.
Ten guards, foreign warriors of some sort. Five men preparing a number of campfires and equipment
"rattled perhaps? Scared and tired? I grieve for your fallen guild members... but I stress further the amount of gold I have paid to aquire your lives."
Reginol Harriet. A built man despite his greying hair, a trader who became so rich he could rival noble families. Which is what Lord Harriet did... purchasing land from the king resulting in the Harriet clan owning much of Greegor.
"believe me, I mourn for you all. But your lives as of now are set for one of two possible outcomes. Death being the first. But the second outcome? Well that's what we are hoping for..."
Your equipment and loot is taken, resistance is met with swift and cruel punishment as Reginol starts looking through monster matieral and other goodies taken from the mine. Not only what you found, but what the dead left behind as well.

"You might think my words and actions are those of a mad man, years ago I would view them as such myself. But believe me when I talk.. for I have seen it"
Reginol removed most of his clothes to reveal a large black tattoo that covered his back and reached onto his chest. The tattoo slowly began to glow white, as it did the man's eyes matched the colour.
He was dividing monster parts and more into six piles for the others to prepare.
"evil and powerful monsters are coming. From the great beyond falling to our world from the skies. Born elsewhere the monsters come for us simply to feed and destroy. They will succeed unless... unless I make more like myself. To fight monsters humans need to become monsters..."

The five men including Reginol began some sort of ritual. Cooking and stirring the bits of monster and crystals in six cauldrens. When the mixtures were ready, the six survivors were given a tattoo that Reginol called a Rune-Tatau. A Monsters magic forced in and upon the human body which one can learn to control and use. If you survive the first night anyway.
Medieval fantasy rp for six or seven people. The idea being each person gets a magic tattoo to help them match the monsters of the land and whatever is said to be coming.
After being forced to have a magic in your characters body they would believe Reginol can somewhat see the future because you like him can make magic happen via glowing tattoo. You can choose the tattoo and magic but know whatever it is would come from the wild.

Meaning if you can use telekinesis now then some monster in Dunwel mine that you killed previously had that power and was transferred from the monsters matieral you collected
(could be it's horn, eyes, scales, feet, heart etc)
I can help you make it fit. The main thing when making a cs you have to worry about is choosing some sort of magic power and tattoo design lol

Ask questions or go apeshit below.
If one wants to "secure a spot" then like always in my checks....
Name what magic you want (Or say random and I shall give you one at random)
And mention how you want to look strong infront of the community.
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