• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕄𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕣 𝕠𝕟 ℙ𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕔𝕠𝕥𝕥 𝕃𝕒𝕟𝕖-ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕊𝕙𝕖𝕖𝕥

Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

  • The Manor on Prescott Lane

coded by weldherwings.
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avice lauriel beaumont

What is your name?
"My name is Avice Lauriel Beaumont...pleasure is all mine mon Cher~"
Do you have any nicknames or aliases?
"I usually go by avi and my father calls me beaubear...don't ever call me the later"
How old are you? We would prefer people between 20 and 25.
"In human years I am twenty-three years old and in vampire years...I'm just old that's all you need to know"
When is your birthday?
"Its December seventeenth"
Where were you born?
"I was born in Strasbourg, France..."
What is your preferred gender?
"I prefer to be called a female, make sure to use the appropriate pronouns around me"
What is your sexual orientation?
"I've been around for many years to know that it doesn't matter who you love...as long as you love them for who they are..."
What supernatural role are you?
"Hmmm let's see...I can't die, the last time I had actual food was centuries ago...and I can only drink blood...so you tell me..."
What is the one power you have?
"On top of reading minds, I can hypnotize people into doing my bidding...fun isn't ?"
Do you have a job? If so what and where is it?

What color is your character's hair and what style is it in?
"Dark...dark...dark brown...and long...next"
What is your height?
"I am five foot five inches...but at least I'm not a midget"
What is your weight?
"Kind of rude to ask a woman that but if you insist I am one hundred and thirty-five pounds"
What is your eye color?
"They're originally gold but so people aren't suspicious they're brown"
What is your skin tone?
"Hmmm...in modern terms Fenty 498?"
What build do you have?
"I'm more on the ectomorphic side of the body spectrum...still pretty rude to ask"
Do you have body modifications?
"Tattoos and piercings in places that do not concern you"
What is your ethnicity?
"African and French..."
What are your most striking features?
"Hmmm...my lips, my eyes...eyebrows...basically my whole face hun"
What physical attributes do you dislike about yourself?
"I cannot stand my nose it's annoying one minute its a bunny nose the next it's a pig nose"
Avice Beamont
positive traits

What are your top five virtues?
"My top five? Hmmm...I would have to say compassionate...I have a heart when my humanity is on that is. I am helpful in whatever way I can because I feel like I need to make up for it when my humanity is turned off. I can be nurturing and have somewhat of a mothering mode. If anyone needs advice on relationships or basically anything I am always happy to help, just don't ask for the same advice a second time. I'm more of like the mother hen around the house and since we all like a clean house I organize the cleaning chart and when we all do a whole-house cleaning. Being born in the 1800s has its perks I guess...I've lived through some events in world history and have a keen memory of everything that has taken place so I have a broad knowledge of a lot of things. I hate it when people have no idea what they are talking about in history and I just enjoy correcting people when they're wrong. I can be very sympathetic as well, I have feelings just like everyone else. I don't see anything wrong with being a sympathetic vampire it makes me feel more like a human. It takes a lot to upset me so I like to say that my temperance is great. I do have pet peeves like everyone else but unless it is something that’s really going to tick me off I don't get upset very easily."
negative traits
What are your five top vices?
"My top five vices? Ummm...addiction...I have an addiction problem and it's blood. Just like a newborn the smell of blood can cause me to go insane and have a hunt for it. I have a fridge of blood packs that I secretly purchase from the local blood bank thanks to a friend who works there. I tried drinking animal blood at a young age but, I can only consume human blood. I feel terrible after doing so but it's the only way I can survive. On nights where my craving is too strong for me to control I will go on a blood-drinking rampage. I have doubts all the time, I doubt I won't be accepted for who I am and will be deemed as a monster. I fear I will have to run away again if any other human found out who I was. Although nothing of the sort has happened, I don't want the military coming after me or my family. Yeah, I am an immortal being that has gone through many centuries of life but I have the same doubts that normal people have, will I get asked out? Will I get that promotion at work? Just because I am a vampire doesn't mean I don't have a conscience or heart. I am very impatient, I don't have time to stop and smell the roses. When I become impatient I tap my foot or roughly tap my hand on a counter or table. When I am really in a hurry she will use her vampire speed to get herself somewhere in half the time, but I make sure to do it discreetly. When I am impatient I'm snarky and brutal which I later apologize for because I really don't mean it. Merciless. While in my vampire state the taste of blood is too powerful for me I lose my humanity. I will not care for the person's life while I'm taking their blood from their system, I won't care about the look of fear in their eyes or their screams ringing through my ears. Once my humanity is back I immediately regret what I've done. I feel sick to my stomach and lock myself in my room for exactly three days, I feel like no one would truly understand what I am and I tend to keep my emotions to myself during those three days. I will self-indulge in blood when my energy levels are low I will go out of my way to get it. Originally I have blood bags stored in an individual fridge for when I need them but when I really have a craving for blood I would rather suck the blood from a human neck than a plastic bag from a building full of sick people.

likes & dislikes

What are your five quirks?
"I scratch my head a lot when thinking and lick my fangs when I'm hungry. I really love listening to indie, alternative rock, and trap music it's just something about the beats in the songs that make me want to get up and dance. I also mumble to myself."
What are three of your most annoying roommate habit(s)?
"There will be times I leave blood bags all over the house, I clean them up eventually and I always promise I won't do it again yet that promise is always broken. Sometimes I come home really late with blood on my mouth and clothes, and if there are any drops of blood on the floor or smearings of blood on the walls in the middle of the night you can hear me scrubbing the walls and floors while berating myself about what I did. I also discard other people's food that is in the fridge if I think it is spoiled and have gotten yelled at many times because of it."
Do you have any roommate pet peeves?
"Do not under any circumstances leave my room and not close the door. It is just plain rude. I would advise people not to sneak up on me, I may have heightened senses but if I'm in the zone coming up behind and scaring me will result in a slap to the face. I appreciate loud noises for they hurt my very sensitive ears. I despise clutter and unorganized areas, be a doll, and clean up after yourself it is not a difficult task to complete."
What are the three things that excite you?
"Gardening! I absolutely adore gardening yet I understand there are certain plants that can be deadly to me, I still plant them anyway. I love talking to the plants and the flowers and rarely go shopping for certain fruits and vegetables when I can produce them myself in my own backyard. I love having a green thumb and I enjoy buying the discounted plants that are already dead or currently about to die since I try to revive them. Overcast Days are my favorite. I love overcast days when it looks like it is about to rain but it doesn't, on those days the clouds have covered the sun and I feel like a kid at a candy store. Thrift Shopping. I love going to the local thrift shop and finding such amazing clothes for such cheap prices. In the words of Macklemore, I'm gonna pop some tags. I love the incents that I light in the manor it brings such a calming and relaxing aura into the house, I also feel like it wards off bad energy and leaves them at the door.
What are your usual haunts? Beyond the House, where can someone usually find you? (Locations will be added later).

headcanons & trivia
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas tempus ullamcorper urna, non lacinia libero dictum in. Nulla in laoreet turpis, quis luctus arcu. Mauris arcu nisi, tempus ut purus et, tempus facilisis nibh. Maecenas tincidunt neque vel cursus luctus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Cras aliquam sit amet erat et consectetur. Aliquam elementum lacus a justo tincidunt commodo. Nulla auctor nulla velit, eget tempus mauris efficitur eget. Vivamus mi nisl, tempus sed posuere id, venenatis in enim. Etiam ut sagittis orci. Nulla molestie imperdiet ipsum, non scelerisque ex auctor nec. Vestibulum id ex congue est iaculis fringilla in quis libero. Etiam quis ligula nisl. Integer a imperdiet ante. Nulla nec augue est. Proin elit metus, vehicula ut nibh a, commodo varius quam. In sed erat tincidunt, tempor massa eu, iaculis enim. Sed tellus leo, interdum in nisl ac, luctus lacinia massa. Curabitur purus mi, lobortis non finibus ut, gravida nec purus.
about ari
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas tempus ullamcorper urna, non lacinia libero dictum in. Nulla in laoreet turpis, quis luctus arcu. Mauris arcu nisi, tempus ut purus et, tempus facilisis nibh. Maecenas tincidunt neque vel cursus luctus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Cras aliquam sit amet erat et consectetur. Aliquam elementum lacus a justo tincidunt commodo. Nulla auctor nulla velit, eget tempus mauris efficitur eget. Vivamus mi nisl, tempus sed posuere id, venenatis in enim. Etiam ut sagittis orci. Nulla molestie imperdiet ipsum, non scelerisque ex auctor nec. Vestibulum id ex congue est iaculis fringilla in quis libero. Etiam quis ligula nisl. Integer a imperdiet ante. Nulla nec augue est. Proin elit metus, vehicula ut nibh a, commodo varius quam. In sed erat tincidunt, tempor massa eu, iaculis enim. Sed tellus leo, interdum in nisl ac, luctus lacinia massa. Curabitur purus mi, lobortis non finibus ut, gravida nec purus.
code by fudgecakez
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  • Shapeshifter

    "Am I running away?
    Or moving forward?"


    Peach Tree Rascals


    "Valentina Cuervo. Nice meeting ya"


    "Vale, or Val. Yes, I know, I'm very original. Shower me with praise."

    age + brithday + nationality + gender

    How old are you? We would prefer people between 20 and 25: 21 “Legal drinking age, babey! Well, not that that ever stopped me before”
    When is your birthday?: “February twenty-two”
    Where were you born?: “Medellín, Colombia.But I didn’t spend much there, call me a nomad”
    What is your preferred gender?: “I go by she/her pronouns. But I've always seen myself as gender-neutral with the, you know, changing my entire self at will. I just identify with whatever pronouns fit who I am at the moment"

    sexuality + role + powers+ jobb

    What is your sexual orientation?: “Eh, I’m down with anyone. As long as they’re hot”
    What supernatural role are you?: “Okay, let’s get this out of the way. Yes, I can shapeshift. No, I’m not shapeshifting into your fourth grade science teacher. Naughty, naughty”
    What is the one power you have?: “Well, let’s see, apart from being able to change every single part of myself, transform into any person and copy whatever abilities they might have. Only problem is, I also get their drawbacks. Along with the fact that, if I personally haven't trained with said abilities, I will have no control over them. Fun!”
    Do you have a job? If so what and where is it?: “Let’s just call me a... freelancer

♡design by natasha., coded by uxie♡

What is your name?:
“Valentina Cuervo. Trust me, it’s not as bad as my original one”
Do you have any nicknames or aliases?: “Vale. Yes, yes, I know. I’m very original”
How old are you? We would prefer people between 20 and 25: 21 “Legal drinking age, babey! Well, not that that ever stopped me before”
When is your birthday?: “February twenty-two”
Where were you born?: “Medellín, Colombia.But I didn’t spend much there, call me a nomad”
What is your preferred gender?: “I’m a woman, though you knew that already”
What is your sexual orientation?: “Eh, I’m down with anyone. As long as they’re hot”
What supernatural role are you?: “Okay, let’s get this out of the way. Yes, I can shapeshift. No, I’m not shapeshifting into your fourth grade science teacher. Naughty, naughty”
What is the one power you have?: “Well, let’s see, apart from being able to transform into any person and copy whatever abilities they might have. Only problem is, I also get their drawbacks. Fun!”
Do you have a job? If so what and where is it?: “Let’s just call me a... freelancer”

What color is your character's hair and what style is it in?: “My hair’s black, incredibly long and with an enviable texture. Hey, it took me a long time to perfect, I get to be vain about it”
What is your height?: “5’9. I would be 8 ft if it didn’t freak everyone out. It’s fun being tall!”
What is your weight?: “Didn’t your mom teach you it’s rude to ask a lady’s weight? I’m 129 lbs, by the way.”
What is your eye color?: “Brown. So boring, thinking about changing it”
What is your skin tone?: “Light brown”
What build do you have?: “Slim. Again, rude to ask a lady her body shape”
Do you have body modifications?: “I’ll sometimes give myself tattoos when I feel like it, usually in my thighs and arms”
What is your ethnicity?: ” Latina/Hispanic”
What are your most striking features?: “I mean, have you seen me? Everything. But if I had to choose one, probably my hair and lips”
What physical attributes do you dislike about yourself?: “ Nothing. Kind of hard to hate your physical appearance when you can change it at will to fix imperfections in less than a second… my chest could be bigger”

What are your five top vices?: Commitment issues, irresponsible, careless, resentful, dishonest
“Well, let’s see. I don’t commit to anything and can't stick to a relationship or task if it takes too much out of my life. I’m irresponsible. I don’t think before I act. I hold grudges against anyone and everyone for the smallest things. And I’m a constant liar”
What are your five top virtues?: Creative, funny, cunning, charismatic, intuitive
“Ooh, well, give me some time to think. Everyone says I’m funny, and I can always laugh at my own jokes. I’m good with people and comfortable with strangers. I’m good with art and like thinking outside the box… I wouldn’t call myself book smart but I’ve definitely got street smarts. I mean, I’ve been cheating and lying to people all my life, it would be weird for me not to have some cunning. And I’m good at reading situations and acting out on them. I don’t make the smartest actions but still, appropriate for the moment.”
What are your five quirks?: “Oh god, don’t make me say it. Now people will think I’m weird. Well, sometimes (and I mean SOMETIMES, this isn’t an all-time thing, so shut up about it) I snort when I laugh. I’m a bit too into social media, I have this horrible habit of biting my nails when I’m bored, I play a lot with my hair which leads to tangles and my voice raises to dog-whistle levels when I’m mad.”
What are three of your most annoying roommate habit(s)?: “Okay, look. So maybe, just maybe, I may borrow other people’s food. But you can’t blame me for fulfilling a human need. Besides, it’s your fault for leaving cookies out in the open. I’m also what some stuck-ups might call “messy”, but just because I forget to take wet towels back to the bathroom and don’t like doing dishes.”
Do you have any roommate pet peeves?: “I don’t mind most people. But if there’s one thing I absolutely HATE and will never forgive is people who barge in without knocking and think they can touch my things. No. You can’t. I need my privacy.”

What are the three things that excite you?:I love roller coasters, music (specifically rock music, I would start a band if it weren’t that much work), and concerts. In other words, anything that’s fast and loud is good in my book.”
What are your usual haunts? Beyond the House, where can someone usually find you?: “Don’t know. I’m usually not in one place for long. I like going to dive bars, so that would be a good place to look for me”

Background: Valentina, then using a different name, was born as the single child of Antonia and Santiago Polania in an impoverished neighborhood in Medellín, Colombia. Her mother, a housemaid, and her father, an aspiring businessman with the worst track record in investments the world has ever seen, had always struggled to put food on the table. Especially after their child was born following an accidental pregnancy. Adoption was considered, many times, but her mother couldn't bring herself to give her only child away. So they lived on, barely making ends meet, but they survived. It became increasingly clear to the young girl, even as a toddler, that her father didn't like her much. At least not as much as her devoted mother did. He constantly berated her for the smallest things, blamed her for things out of her control (especially when it came to things involving his new and hated job as a garbage man. If they'd never had a child, he wouldn't have had to get a job, he reasoned), and always made excuses to avoid spending any time with her. The girl didn't know how to deal with this hatred from her own father. At that age, few kids would. But she yearned for his affection and acceptance. So, one day after listening to her parent's fighting about their money problems, she decided to take matters into her own hands.

Her school was poor and underfunded, but everyone knew the principal was rolling in dough, and her office was a clear example. She barely went to class that day, instead hiding close to the office, waiting for the perfect moment to sneak in. Once inside, she stole everything she could find. A watch, jewelry, wallet, even a couple desk decorations she thought looked fun. All now hers. Satisfied with what she'd done, she left school early and ran home as fast as her little legs would allow her. When her father arrived, she greeted him with the biggest hug she'd ever given and shown him what she'd taken, boasting proudly that their problems were all taken care of and there was no need to worry about money any more. Before her father could answer -- and with the worst timing possible -- there was a knock at the door. It was the principal himself, along with a couple police officers, talking about how the cameras had caught her leaving the office and that they knew what she'd done. And as if that weren't enough, because of her status as a minor, chances were that the biggest punishment would go to her parents, rather than the child. Furious and practically exhaling smoke through his nose and ears, Santiago turned to berate his daughter. Who, by now, was hiding in her closet.

She'd wanted nothing more than to run away, to escape from the horrible punishment that was sure to follow her actions. And with her eyes tightly closed and her hands trying in vain to hold the closet's broken door shut, she concentrated as hard as she could in her objective of finding a way out of the situation. If only her mother were there with them, rather than at work. She would've known what to do. When her father opened the door, he was, to much of his surprise, met with the spitting image of his wife the way he'd seen her that morning. Rather than with his young daughter.

Valentina never understood why she'd shapeshifted then and there, only that it'd happened. But the transformation was short-lived, as she quickly lost control of her transformation and returned to her normal self. Santiago, of course, couldn't understand what had happened either. However, ever the shrewd, resourceful man he was, he saw this as an opportunity. A special ability that his daughter clearly possessed and could be used for his own gain - though only if he didn't hand her in. So, acting quickly, he grabbed her hand and lead her to the back window. Climbing out after her and running into the night, leaving everything behind on a sheer glimmer of hope that her powers presented. Her mother was never informed, of course. The girl was later told that her mother had abandoned them out of fear of her powers; which she'd believed, at least at first.

She was well aware of the importance of her powers. Following her father's plan, it was the only thing that would be able to keep them out of poverty and the reason he'd sacrificed so much to "keep her safe". So, she worked tirelessly to control them. Using her accidental transformation (focusing on a goal and thinking of a person to transform into them) and then moving on to new tricks like changing her eye color, height and hair from black to bright pink -- she'd gotten a specially harsh punishment for that last , her powers weren't a joke and weren't to be used as a toy. The plan, despite it being a more elaborated version of what she'd done to steal things from her principal's office, was one her father took full credit of. Scope out rich people's homes, wait until they left, transform into them, be let into the home by whoever was still inside and steal whatever looked valuable while in there. Walk out, sell it, profit. It was easy enough, so much so that they started getting greedy. As Valentina got older, they'd gone from stealing houses, to businesses, to small banks. And it wasn't just theft. Exorcion, blackmail, even manipulation in business deals - the opportunities were endless when one could shapeshift into anyone else.

Despite their confidence, her father remained ever so cautious. They'd amounted quite a fortune, and were more likely to be monitored. Especially considering that all their wealth seemingly came from thin air despite him not having a job. Because of this, he forced them to move around quite often. Never allowing his daughter to settle down for more than a couple of months, heavily impacting her education and social life. This isn't to say she didn't have a social life. Quite the contrary, from all the talking she did while using her powers and the confidence she gained from being able to change her appearance into the most attractive person one could ever see, she was quite good with people and had exceptional social skills. She made friends wherever she went, countless of them. But keeping a lasting relationship with them was completely off the table, and letting people get to know her, the real her, was nothing but a security risk and a waste of time. Besides, as her father said, she already had him, and there was no bond more important than family. What an incredible lie that was.

When she was fourteen, she'd already traveled all around Latin America, so her father set his eyes North of America and moved them to the United States. Learning English was their biggest priority, but they were able to hire the most overpriced and effective tutor, so she was able to catch on quite quickly. Their schemes continued as usual, but by now the now-teenage girl was less willing to go through with it than she was as a child. In typical fourteen year old fashion, she started rebelling against him. Much to his dismay. But he was smart, and understood completely that gone were the days when insults and punishments would be effective. So, he began tugging at her heartstrings. Using his knowledge of her to manipulate her emotions to keep her around and complacent.

"Think of everything I've done for you."
"Don't you care about your old man?"
"Would you have rathered I turn you over to the police after the first time?"
"You're just like your mother."

Lying skills be damned, she was never able to trick her father. He could tell his words hurt her, and the guilt he set upon her was enough to make sure she kept going with their plans. But, now at least, she had more freedom. By fifteen, enough freedom to go out by herself and explore the world on her own. Which eventually led her and some new acquaintances to a concert. To say she'd had fun would be an understatement. She hadn't just liked the music and performance, she'd loved it. The moment staying so vividly in her head that she still felt like she was back in the stadium days after it ended. Something about the fame, glory, music and status high enough that artists could get away with anything called to her. Invaded her until she confessed to her father that music was her calling, and she wanted to dedicate the rest of their life to the stage.

He didn't take it kindly.

She'd never seen him as angry as that night. Despite still having ongoing projects in that city, he immediately moved them across the country and forced her to change her appearance, again. Claiming that the "friends" she'd made there had corrupted her away from her true purpose. From then, things continued as normal. But the strain in their relationship was palpable and irreparable, growing stronger every day. Until finally, at seventeen, she'd had enough. Enough of the pushy and uncaring father, enough of changing so much she barely recognized her own identity, it was too much. When she told her father that she was leaving, and for good, he exploded and tried his best to stop her. Claiming she wouldn't be able to survive without him and wouldn't know what to do after a lifetime of avoiding consequences, but she didn't care. She packed her things and left, changing herself to avoid being recognized and moving once more.

Life as a "normal" person was hard, more than she ever could've imagined. With no resumé and the most basic homeschooling, there were little places that would take her. Her complete inability to act in a long-term relationship ruptured the friendships she managed to make. The sheer thought of not being able to change her appearance at will whenever a new facial feature she didn't have began being considered attractive gave her a lack of confidence she'd never had to deal with before. What made it worse was a terrible breakup that left her so incredibly shaken that she wondered if everything her father had said was true. She didn't know how to live like a normal person. Why should she? She wasn't normal, and she was never going to be. People who could turn into dogs at will weren't normal, and would never be. Without moving from the city, she began reverting back to her old ways. Changing herself at will, running away at any sign of trouble, and not paying any mind to her problems. After all, if consequences ever arose all she had to do was shapeshift and start anew. A mindset that followed her when she began living in the manor, a place she chose to live in simply because of her utter lack of true human contact.

Are you open about being a Supernatural?: “To very, very few people and business associates. If everyone I know found out, they could start doubting my credibility and start suspecting I’m transforming into others to get info on them and it’s just so annoying. Some things are simply better kept a secret, you know?”

How do you regard your "unique" condition?: “I love my powers. They’re so unbelievably useful and have gotten me out of so much trouble you don’t even know. Only drawback is, for the few who do know about my condition, it’s hard to see if they truly like me for who I am (as if I even know who I am, that’s funny) or if they just want me for what I can do. Hard to trust people with that holding you back, you know?”
How long have you known about your condition?: “Since I was a little girl. I want to say… around eight years old?


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Human #1 WIP
It's still a work in progress

  • name
    Naomi Arohi Paul.


    23 years old.




    - What is your name?
    “Naomi Arohi Paul. I know, not very Indian but it’s tradition in a sense. I mean my dad’s first name is my last name and-oh, I’m rambling. Sorry about that.”

    - Do you have any nicknames or aliases?
    “Arohi. At least, that’s what my family and friends call me. I’m Naomi or Ms.Paul at work though.”

    - How old are you?
    “Twenty Three.”

    - When is your birthday?
    “August 30th.”

    - Where were you born?
    “Morristown, New Jersey. I know it's not super cool, but, I mean, it’s kind of expected. New Jersey is where all Indian immigrants go first when they get to America. No, I’m serious. There are towns that are mostly Indian and literally smell like India. It’s weird but kinda cool.”

    - What is your preferred gender?

    - What is your sexual orientation?
    “I prefer men. So, yeah, I'm pretty much straight.”

    - What supernatural role are you?
    Human #1

    - What is the one power you have?
    “I think I’m pretty good at getting good deals and bargaining for lower prices. I mean, it’s an inherited talent. What can I say? But it only works in markets. I don't think you can really barter for a lower price in a grocery store.”

    - Do you have a job? If so what and where is it?
    “I’m a high school physics teacher in San Fran. I know there’s a lot of stigma around the class, but I like to think that my students have fun in my physics class.”

Naomi Paul

code by low fidelity.

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Ernest Attwell
Independent Writer
December 5th (Sagittarius)
What is your name?
Do you have any nicknames or aliases?
"Ernie was tossed around for a bit, but I've only ever really liked using my full name."
How old are you?
"I'm twenty-five."
When is your birthday?
"December fifth."
Where were you born?
"Grand Marias, Minnesota."
What is your preferred gender?
What is your sexual orientation?
"I haven't really given it much thought. Relationships, of any sort, are a bit hard to come by... Not much of a romantic, I suppose."
What supernatural role are you?
"These questions just get harder and harder, huh? Ha ha... Um, I'm invisible. The Invisible Man."
What is the one power you have?
"I can.... Hm... I can cook real good! Really good, I mean. Best way to pass the time sometimes."
Do you have a job? If so what and where is it?
"I work from home as an independent writer... Keeps me busy. The nest egg I built from selling my parents' land can only last so long and since I can't get out much... The job suits me, I think."

What color is your character's hair and what style is it in?
"It was brown... Currently longer than I'd like to admit. You can't see but half the time, I've got strands poking me in the eye. I don't style it. What would be the use?"
What is your height?
What is your weight?
"Uh... Hm. One-fifty, I think?"
What is your eye color?
"I honestly don't remember."
What is your skin tone?
"These questions are a bit redundant, don't you think? It's rather translucent, I guess."
What build do you have?
"A slight frame. I honestly need to eat more... And exercise... Just take care of myself."
Do you have body modifications?
"My whole being is a body modification, pal."
What is your ethnicity?
"German, maybe? My parents didn't really talk much about where they came from."
What are your most striking features?
"I'm just going to pass. Can I do that? I dunno, man... My mom said I had a square jaw and thin lips. I don't think she was being offensive, just pointing them out."
What physical attributes do you dislike about yourself?
"I've got clammy fucking hands. That answer your question?"

What are your five top vices?
"Oofta. All right, well... I'm a bit awkward, I guess. My parents weren't exactly the best role models. My ma taught me better, but my father... I didn't have any friends to learn from. I'm making excuses, but I can't stress enough how fucked over I am when it comes to talking to people. I'd rather just not talk to them... At all! I can't hold a conversation well, I either share too much or too little, and I stumble over my own words like a child. I took after my parents, and I really don't get out much. Leaving my own room's a gamble sometimes. I'm paranoid and cynical and I don't trust fucking anything. You look at me funny or use a different tone with me, and I think the worst. I freak out. Like... I'm pretty sure I've had panic attacks over this. You give me the slightest indication that something's wrong and I'm out. So I guess you could call me flaky. Just not a fun person to hang around... Unfortunately."
What are your five top virtues?
"Ha! Okay... Not near as easy to point out. I'm patient, open-minded... And attentive? Really laid-back, I guess. Or is that contradictory? Ha ha. I'm paranoid, but get this... I also try not to give a fuck about anything. Ha ha! Uhh... My mom said I was creative. I wrote her small stories all the time when I was little. I still write them now, so I still have that, I think. Is that five? I hope so."
What are your five quirks?
"Pajamas... All the time. I swear, it's all I wear, and I guess that isn't too flattering, but it is what you get when you work from home. Um. I'm constantly adjusting my clothes. I don't like showing my condition. Uh. Like, people staring through me... I don't like that, so I do try to cover it up. I said I could cook earlier, but it's a pretty rare occasion. I don't have the energy for it a lot of the time, so I just scrounge. And I'll admit, I do have trouble picking up after myself. I'm just leaving evidence! Ha ha. You can't see me, but you'll know I was there. I often leave the room a lot. Especially when there's a large group. I don't hang around or when I do, I duck out frequently just to catch my breath in the restroom or something."
What are three of your most annoying roommate habit(s)?
"I'm a messy person. I know that ticks a lot of people off, too. I'm not gross, I guess, but I've just got a lot of clutter. I keep it to my room mostly, but will haul it all out on occasion if I'm trying to write and need inspiration from someplace that's not my room. If that makes sense. I like to nest. Just curl up in a ball someplace and grovel for a few days before someone eventually shoos me away. The talking bit probably annoys people sometimes... And I've been a bit more irritative of late... I dunno why."
Do you have any roommate pet peeves?
"Just don't touch my things. Don't touch me. Don't barge in unannounced. That's it."
What are the three things that excite you?
"My work. I really like what I do. Writing, film... I don't read near as much as I'd like to. Cooking for other people is fun, too."
What are your usual haunts? Beyond the House, where can someone usually find you?
"Ha! Next question."

Any significant relationships?

Are you open about being a Supernatural?
"Like, out to the public? No. My father's research was very private. Most of it's lost now, but I'd rather not become someone else's test subject. I just keep it to myself mostly. My roommates know, but that's it."
How do you regard your "unique" condition?
"Not well. Ha ha. It's progressed slowly and I've gotten used to it, but it scares the hell out of me. It doesn't affect others, just me, which I guess I should feel grateful for but... I dunno. I've got some trauma from it. Watching yourself slowly fade to nothing? It's not fun. I sometimes think that the rest of me, the part you can't see but is still there, I think it's going to fade, too, and that just... I don't know how to talk about it."
How long have you known about your condition?
"Since I was thirteen."

Ernest was born to Thomas and Abigail Attwell on their homestead in Grand Marais, Minnesota. Their three story dwelling was expansive, a slow rotting relic which had long since lost its shine. The sprawling fields outside were thick with weeds, the hedges were rarely ever trimmed, and the gate at the front of the estate creaked lonesomely. Their home clung to the last of its dignity and moaned gloomily at its disrepair. Regardless of it all, the Attwell couple thought it a beautiful place to raise a child.

Shut away in their home, they seldom left for anything but essential business. Dr. Attwell's research in the basement kept him away for days at a time, leaving Abigail to raise their son alone in his stead. As their only child, she adored and doted on Ernest every second she could. He was ever at her side as she wandered about the house, completing whatever chores she deemed necessary for the day. She'd the notion that Dr. Attwell had no interest in having any kids, that doing so was only for her. Ernest was her gift and her child.

Ernest grew up very close to his mother and as such had great difficulty adjusting to her loss at age six. There was nothing natural about her passing. It wasn't the asbestos in the walls, the mold growing in some small corners of the house, or the overall hazardous way the third story floors bowed as you walked on them. The danger came from the basement and it came in the form of a man. Abigail was a willing subject to Dr. Attwell's tests and blindly went through with every experiment till she sweated poisons and her organs started failing.

Thereafter, Dr. Attwell cared for Ernest as best he could. He quit his studies and focused on raising a son for three arduous years. He homeschooled him, he cooked them food and put Ernest to bed on time. Dr. Attwell acted the part and became a father till the role no longer fit him and the basement called him back.

Having lost his test subject, Dr. Attwell too quickly chose another, the only other person he knew in the world that couldn't refuse. It started as mere lessons. Dr. Attwell sought after a partner, someone to share his research with. He taught Ernest everything he could, had him abandon his schooling and focus on the work at hand. Though he couldn't understand it all, Ernest genuinely seemed to enjoy it for a time. Working as an assistant for his father became a distraction and a relief from everything his mother had left behind upstairs. The two hypothesized and ran every test under the sun till his father's ambitions outgrew their little experiments.

Wanting to take the next big step, Dr. Attwell convinced Ernest to let him run tests on him. He told him that he was an experienced scientist and that he'd been studying in this area longer than Ernest had been alive. He spun his web and he watched as Ernest walked into it as blissfully unawares as his mother had. At age thirteen, Dr. Attwell made his first big breakthrough with Ernest. After the creation of monocrane and Ernest's thereon ingestion of it, the two watched as Ernest's face slowly faded to nothing.

Ernest was scared. His father was indifferent, unsympathetic. He didn't console Ernest; he lauded his transformation.

Dr. Attwell told him to go back his life upstairs. He banished him from the basement and watched him go about the normalities most kids his age already knew well. Treating him like the lab rats he tended to downstairs, Dr. Attwell staid distant but ever present and observant. Alone for the first real time in his life, Ernest was beside himself, unsure what to do exactly. He fumbled about for years in this not knowing, living his life as his mother had. He worked around the house and took up hobbies; he cooked for himself and ordered more groceries from his father. But as his body slowly started to disappear, his heart went with it. For a time, things grew stagnant. He grew sick and weary.

He'll never admit it aloud, but the best thing that happened to him was that fire. It took the house, his father, his mother's sad ghost, and reduced them to ash. It and the money he got from selling the land was all the start he needed. That and this manor, that is.

Gone without a trace.
© pasta
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  • basic

    the werewolf.

    What is your name?
    ✓ "Aiden Abernathy, and it's all I'll ever be."
    Do you have any nicknames or aliases?
    ✓ "Ma calls me pup, but everyone else calls me Aide-- you know, when the last syllable isn't worth it."
    How old are you?
    ✓ "Twenty-five, and already feeling my bones ache."
    When is your birthday?
    ✓ "Uhh... September 7th, but don't ask why I hesitated."
    Where were you born?
    ✓ "Massena, right at the border of Canada and New York."
    What is your preferred gender?
    ✓ "Male, for sure."
    What is your sexual orientation?
    ✓ "I'll be real, I'm not super big on preference. Mostly dated girls, but... I dunno, I like someone to be a real partner for me, you know?"
    What supernatural role are you?
    ✓ "Been a werewolf all my life."
    What is the one power you have?
    ✓ "I've always been one in tune with animals, more than my siblings. I can speak to them, in a way. Sounds like gibberish and clicking to you probably, but perfect English to me. Helps with infestations."
    Do you have a job? If so what and where is it?

coded by weldherwings.

What is your name?
✓ "Aiden Abernathy, and it's all I'll ever be."
Do you have any nicknames or aliases?
✓ "Ma calls me pup, but everyone else calls me Aide-- you know, when the last syllable isn't worth it."
How old are you?
✓ "Twenty-five, and already feeling my bones ache."
When is your birthday?
✓ "Uhh... September 7th, but don't ask why I hesitated."
Where were you born?
✓ "Massena, right at the border of Canada and New York."
What is your preferred gender?
✓ "Male, for sure."
What is your sexual orientation?
✓ "I'll be real, I'm not super big on preference. Mostly dated girls, but... I dunno, I like someone to be a real partner for me, you know? "
What supernatural role are you?
✓ "Been a werewolf all my life."
What is the one power you have?
✓ "I've always been one in tune with animals, more than my siblings. I can speak to them, in a way. Sounds like gibberish and clicking to you probably, but perfect English to me. Helps with infestations."
Do you have a job? If so what and where is it?

Aiden is very conventionally attractive, but that's not to say that he always uses it to his advantage (in that he never usually focuses on it, nor is he known to purposefully dress UP for things). Although usually clean, the man isn't afraid of getting dirty with work. His hair is usually cropped short, and is a highlighted milk chocolate brown. Thanks to the summer rays, there is an occasional streak of a lighter, almost golden brown to his hair. In the winter and fall it darkens quite a bit, while his complexion lightens slightly. He's an outdoorsy guy, and thus during the summer he looks like the picture of a sports model. His blue eyes are bright, and usually alight with some sort of excitement or genuine kindness. It's hard to find him ever frowning, but when he does, it's almost like a disappointed father. His lips dip down, crease and sometimes his nose scrunches up to REALLY show he's upset. There is still a touch of youth to his face, despite appearing to be several years older than he already is (which may have to do with Lycan genetics, it's a complicated matter). He's only grown out his beard once, and while it was gratifying to his masculine identity, he felt like he looked too much like his father, and shaved it immediately. Usually he keeps a solid scruff, give or take a bit of neck stubble.

The Lycan stands at a whopping six foot five, and is aware of certain advantages that his height has: reaching the top shelf, cleaning the gutters, and tripping over little things that are just out of his eye sight. He's fit, with a natural advantage of having a supernatural immunity and disposition. Not unbearably large, but Aiden likes to maintain his abs and butt (which he prides himself on having, and won't shy away from shaking it in the face of a close friend). Very much the All-American sports-boy, Aiden dresses only passably well. He went through his phases of complete and utter incompetency in fashion, but his sisters and his ex made sure to whip the guy into shape. Now he wears plain tees usually, occasionally with a jean button up as a light jacket, or one of those thin flannels that aren't quite flannels. Aiden's body temperature is usually quite high, and thus he dresses casually above anything layered or bulky. Jeans are his go-to, no doubt with a few rips and holes from wear and tear.

One of his most defining features might be his smell. He adores woodsy scents, and usually will put on something sandalwood or something oak. There's always the tinge of cigarette smoke as well, though he tries to hide it for posterity sake. He sucks on mints to hide the scent of it on his breath. After a full moon though, he just smells like a wet dog until he can find a shower.
What are your five top vices?
✓ "Hate to say it, but I'm a control freak. Clean freak too, if you ask my roommates. I don't mean to seem neurotic and fussy, but I can be. I like to make sure people are okay, and hell, I'll even sacrifice something for the sake of their safety. Hate to say it, but I can be a bit vindictive too. When I'm a little more wolfy, it can be a bit mean and short-tempered. Not my fault, but we're warm-blooded AND hot-tempered."
What are your five top virtues?
✓ "Okay, good stuff about me; I can do that. I'm brave, that's for sure. I always looked after my siblings, and got them out of a lot of trouble over the years. I care a lot about people, maybe too much, and I'm not afraid to be affectionate. I'm pretty damn smart too, not to toot my horn, and handy as well. Resourceful, even, and I'll DIY the hell out of random shit around the place."
What are your five quirks?
✓ "Cigarettes are my go to when I'm feeling particularly anxious, and I tend to tap the box a lot before I head out. I'm one of those worry-worts that cleans a shit ton when they're thinking about stressful things. I keep my hands busy most of the time as well, maybe 'cause I've got so much energy built up in me. I'm also well known for pacing on the phone, and I often go for runs when I'm feeling anxious and don't want to annoy anyone around me."
What are three of your most annoying roommate habit(s)?
✓ "Prolly all the cleaning, and making sure everyone else pulls their weight in chores. Also, don't sue me, but I sometimes leave the toilet seat up. Only the girls complain though, and what would they prefer? I piss outside? Oh, and sometimes I DO leave the doors and windows open even in the winter. I run warm way too often."
Do you have any roommate pet peeves?
✓ "It's real simple for me: clean up after yourself, don't break shit, and be friendly. Is it that hard? Lot of us in this place, we gotta keep a tight ship otherwise we're no better than animals. And even they know how to tidy up and make friends."
What are the three things that excite you?
✓ "Don't make fun of me, but I love playing ball. I was playing football and water polo in high school and college, and it's a good excuse to chase a ball and bat it around. I go nuts for tennis balls, and I hate to admit that. I love listening to old school rock music, really loud, and that gets me GOING! Last of all, I get excited over making plans to go out with friends. Camping, hiking, drive around town-- I love drives-- all of that is just great."
What are your usual haunts? Beyond the House, where can someone usually find you? (Locations will be added later).

Any significant relationships?
✓ "My family is everything. There's my mom, Shanna, my three younger brothers, Dylan, Nick and Tyler, and then my two younger sisters, Mikaylah and Courtney. My dad, Arthur, passed a couple years ago. For everyone else... there's my roommates of course, my childhood friend Tiago who I moved to San Fran with originally, a group of work friends that I frequent the bars with, and my ex: Hannah, that I still hang around with. We're just friends, of course. I'm, uh, kinda focusin' on myself, I guess you could say."
Are you open about being a Supernatural?
✓ "I mean, to other supernaturals sure. But, ya know, Ma taught us to keep it secret. Lot of stigma against lycan, werewolves, and whatnot. Besides, easy to judge a guy based on what he does on a full moon versus any other day of the week."
How do you regard your "unique" condition?
✓ "Great benefits for sports. Ok, listen, I hate to cheat like that, but... it's true! Otherwise, sometimes it's more of a hindrance than a help. I hate to say it, but I'd much rather be a regular guy. I know it's what holds my family together but...I dunno."
How long have you known about your condition?
✓ "Known about it since I was thirteen or so, and learned all about it real quick. Lycans have to adapt quickly, and the whole process is so messy anyway."

Aiden is the oldest of the Abernathy kids, and was perhaps the very thing that prevented his parents from splitting in the first place. Shanna was a lively, party-girl from Buffalo and Arthur was a reserved, bookworm of a man. How they even got together no one really knew, and no one really predicted they'd start dating in the first place. But Shanna was in love with the illusive Arthur. To her benefit, they both came from fairly well-known packs within the Lycan community in New York. Shanna's pack was more laidback, whereas Arthur was a traditionalist. The Abernathy pack is one of the eldest in New England, dating all the way back to the arrival of the Mayflower. Shanna's family encouraged the two to get together, and Arthur did find himself smitten with the girl... but it just wasn't working. They broke up many times, got back together, and then broke up again. The saving grace for the two was the birth of Aiden, which cemented whatever fragile relationship the two had. They married when Aiden was six months old, and the family flourished from there.

However, whatever fragility they had wasn't fixed by the birth of their children. It was almost an excuse, maybe. Aiden witnessed more than enough fights, and heard the yelling, to make sense of it from a young age. Occasionally he heard the slaps and the screams, but they were quickly muffled-- but guilt plagued the boy. He wanted to save his mother, and grew to loathe his father. Arthur, although a self proclaimed pacifist, was an awful drunk. Clearly dealing with his own issues, he drank himself to sleep almost every night. Shanna had to keep face when the family or the pack members came for lunch and parties. Aiden had no issue subbing in to help his mom, or to take care of his many siblings.

They lasted fifteen years as a married couple. Happily separating, but remaining civil for the kids, Aiden was happy to get his mother away from his father. Arthur had proved himself to be quite the shitty person, according to Aiden, and to this day he refuses to think of his father kindly.

School was a solid experience for Aiden. It was an escape from the busy life at home, that's for sure, and he thrived with all the attention and friends he made at school. From day one he was a sports kid, and from day two he proved himself to be less of an academic than his father would have liked. Shanna supported her son regardless, but Arthur had pushed for something better from Aiden. Their relationship contributed a bit to the tension that they had together, but for his mother's sake Aiden never fought with his father.

Another thing that brought the family together was their genealogy. The Lycan blood was strong in the werewolves, and Aiden never felt unsure or confused as to what was happening to him. His first transformation happened during puberty, and his mother was by his side the whole way to explain what was changing in him-- in more ways than one. He joined a 'boy scouts' club, which was really just a camp that the pack made for all their younger kids to learn about their werewolf sides. He made a few friends from there, and although he was well aware of everything, there was a disconnect. While he had these special abilities, and wasn't human, he had to keep it all a secret. To that as well, he had to pretend like it never existed, enough that he began to hope that it would just go away. He kept these reservations to himself, but the insecurity bloomed in him, creating a bit of anxiety in the boy.

After his parents separated, it wasn't too soon after that Arthur ended up passing. Aiden doesn't like to talk about it too much, and as much as he hated his father, he was convinced that it wasn't an accidental death. But he never pressed on it, maybe afraid of what would result, and simply consoled his mother through the grieving process.

Late high school was when Aiden found his niche. He'd joined a shop class and found that wood working was his calling. He loved to work with wood, steel, and all the lot. He created a lot of furniture just from the class alone. His teacher told him he could make a job out of it, and Aiden was interested in that idea. Alongside that, his football career was taking off as well. He was a star player, no thanks to certain advantages, and by his senior year he was pressed by a couple colleges on the coast to attend, with pretty amazing scholarships. Things were going great, and Aiden was torn between the two but encouraged by his mother to do what he wanted. Yet, seeing her being the sole provider for a gaggle of young pups, and trying to maintain her own happiness... it wasn't an easy choice for Aiden.

He remained in Massena after high school, seeking an apprenticeship in Norfolk for work. Aside from that, he stayed as close to home as he can. It pained him to not pursue sports, but at least he enjoyed what he was doing. But it was still small-town living for Aiden, and the constant reminder that he was anything but human.

In Norfolk Aiden met Tiago, who was also working at the shop. The two hit it off and Tiago mentioned that he was thinking of moving across the country, wanting to get out of their small towns. Aiden was interested in the idea, but once again felt guilty at the prospect of leaving his mother. Enough back and forth between the two finally got Aiden out of the shell he'd created for himself. His two younger brothers also expressed interest in leaving, and with the four of them, they finally made their way to San Francisco. Tiago and Aiden worked together for a time, opening a small business of hand-made crafts and furniture. Evidently that was the perfect type of business for San Francisco, and there was a minor success for the guys. It was great for Aiden, as living with Tiago and his brothers gave the man a sense of humanity. He felt normal, as normal could be, and it was around that time that he met Hannah.

She was beautiful, and vivacious, and not the type of girl you'd find in Massena. She was a blues singer at a local bar by night, and worked her days as an intern at a law firm. They met when Aiden and Tiago were out for the night, shooting the shit and celebrating the opening of their store. They hit it off immediately, a rush of insatiable lust and romance blossoming between the two of them. Suffice to say, Aiden was smitten for her; but Hannah was like a passing star. She was bright, and beautiful when she was in his eyes but just as quickly her feelings faded for him. He wasn't sure if she just got bored, or maybe he wasn't the typical 'bad-boy' she went for, but she never stopped caring about him. He was thankful for that at least, but it crippled his esteem for a while. He's still got... some sort of feelings for her, but knows that it could never go anywhere. She was all of that and he was... not human. The idea loomed on him once they broke up that he'd have to probably find another lycan for his partner, whenever the time came. That prospect made Aiden feel even lonelier, and he's been a bit more reserved romantically since then. A few flings here and there, but nothing permanent.

Tiago got himself a girlfriend at some point, and Aiden's brothers had interested in moving to Los Angeles. Aiden now without house and home, was looking for roommates for some time before he stumbled upon a rather perfect scenario. That was three years ago.
i'll probably still tweak this as time goes on
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    how's $150 for 4 hours?

♡design by erosful, coded by uxie♡

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  • "Pool bum of the highest degree"

    Coda Milan.

    23 years old.





    What is your name?
    Coda Milan.

    Do you have any nicknames or aliases?
    I have absolutely no nicknames that I'm not telling you about- I mean have. Smooth right? You totally believe that and don't think it's total bull. Anyway, no need to dwell on this question it's so 12 seconds ago. Next please?

    How old are you? We would prefer people between 20 and 25.
    I just turned 23 on Sunday.

    When is your birthday?
    November 22. Happy late birthday to me.

    Where were you born?
    I was born in Hawaii.

    What is your preferred gender?
    Male. That's how you answer that question right?

    What is your sexual orientation?
    Girls are hot... Guys are also hot, though. So, like, I guess I'm bi, then. Never thought about it that hard so, I don't know. I'll go with bi, final answer.

    What supernatural role are you?
    I'm a Siren.

    What is the one power you have?
    I can move water. But like it's heavy so only as much as I can lift. But wouldn't that be sick if I could lift the entire ocean out of the water? Oh, also I can talk to sealife. Well, talking might be saying a bit much. It's more of a mutual communication kinda thing goin' on. Though maybe that's less of a power and more of a useless skill? Hm, anyway.

    Do you have a job? If so what and where is it?
    I work at the library at my school. Boring job but I get paid so I can't complain too much. Plus it's pretty chill and I find ways to entertain myself. The other day I folded the pages of Moby Dick into a fish. And nobody reads it anyway so it's fine, right?

The Siren

code by low fidelity.
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more info? cute

    name — Aavar Kumar.

    title— The Grimreaper.

    gender — Cis male [he/him].

    nicknames — "No nicknames, no"

    age — 25.

    birthday — Nov 19th [scorpio].

    sexuality — Pansexual

    birthplace — Kanpur, India but raised in Oxford, England (think Tom Hiddleston for the accent)

    power — Besides taking the souls of the dead, not inclined to say what happens to them afterwards. He can see the dead, and trust me, he wishes he didn't. It's more annoying than anything. Especially since he works in a hospital, and plans to be a cardiologist. It was either that or be a surgeon and he didn't want to have to deal with chatty spirits if a surgery went awry. He also has the absurdly annoying ability to read minds of humans, only humans, he's tried to read Avice's mind and it's a no go. And received some bone chilling glares when admitting it.

    job— "I'm doing my residency at a main hospital near here, for cardiology"

    height — 5'11'' [180cm].

    weight — 163 lbs [74 kg]

    eye color — Brown

    skin tone — Brown with earthy undertones

    build — Muscular, but he works on it

    body modifications — No, he prefers not to

    ethnicity — Desi, Indian-English [South Asian]

    striking features — Expressive eyes, full lips, surprisingly not as full of himself as you'd expect

    what physical attributes do you dislike about yourself? — "I'm tall enough, especially for a Desi guy, but I always wanted to be taller." Aavar shrugs, "I guess it would help fit the annoyingly inaccurate depiction of what I'm supposed to look like" In referring to the caricature of the grim reaper. "But I don't mind not being pale".


coded by solarsaphia.
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human #4

  • if you find god

♡design by dreamglow, coded by uxie♡
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sydney lemons. ❞
"Lately, I am always thinking sad thoughts. I sit in the rain and think of you. Isn't it crazy? Aren't we crazy?"​
❝ cursory information. ❞

full name— Sydney Alexander Lemons.
nickname(s)— Syd, Sydsie(reserved for those very close to him).
gender— male.
age— 24.
sexuality— questioning.
d.o.b.— January 1st.
role— Human 2.

❝ background. ❞

His real parents were a pair of junkies.

That is and always will be the only thing Sydney knows about them. He was adopted at birth and taken care of by a woman who was as kind and amicable as she was stern. She was a lawyer, a prosecutor who always upheld the laws of things. He had a second mother too, but she fell sick around the time he was nine and passed on when he was eleven. Together, the Lemons' taught him to be kind but fair, to fight for what's right in his heart of hearts, and to love someone like they were going to die.

Syd was 16 when Dara Lemons, his mother, was named DEA of a city called Haven Falls. It was an extremely old city with different stories that linked together tightly. Sydney was on both the Speech and Wrestling teams. He graduated and opted to take a year off. It was then that he met Tina. She had long, beautiful hair that seemed to be dipped in ink. And her eyes were like warm honey and cinnamon in the light. He loved her deeply but she was like the wind. And, in the end, no one can chain down the wind.

They had nothing in common. She couldn't cook and he was a terrible driver. But they made it work for a while. He met her friends and really took a liking to Coda. They became good friends. But, then, school really kicked in and Tina became less and less of a priority. They fought more and more about the smallest things. Finally, Syd faced the fact that he was in love with her but she was in love with the fact that he was chasing her. They ended things, badly, and he drove himself away from Prescott Lane for a while. But, something drew him back after all this time. He could feel something, like fate, dragging him back even though he had plans to finally move on and go to NYC as he wanted. But, as long as he had his very best friend and some beer, he'd be alright.

❝ relationships. ❞

mother— info.
father— info.
sister— info.
brother— info.
daughter— info.

❝ abilities. ❞

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed interdum malesuada tempus. Nunc egestas ultricies nisi, vel mattis neque rutrum et. Sed id varius nulla. Vestibulum faucibus arcu ac risus dictum tincidunt nec cursus magna. Etiam eleifend nec nunc at hendrerit. Aenean dignissim, velit id maximus lacinia, ligula metus venenatis velit, ac elementum dolor ligula ut nisi. Aliquam ac sollicitudin sapien, in ullamcorper leo. Duis in mauris et massa aliquet blandit et non arcu. Curabitur nec est consequat, bibendum nunc quis, ornare diam. Duis rhoncus nibh ac odio vulputate, in imperdiet lorem aliquam. Mauris lobortis, leo sed fermentum condimentum, ipsum diam accumsan magna, nec porta justo ligula in leo. Etiam in ultrices ante.

❝ psyche. ❞

vices— info.
virtues— info.
fatal flaw— info.
happiest memory— info.
a secret— info.

❝ visage. ❞

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed interdum malesuada tempus. Nunc egestas ultricies nisi, vel mattis neque rutrum et. Sed id varius nulla. Vestibulum faucibus arcu ac risus dictum tincidunt nec cursus magna. Etiam eleifend nec nunc at hendrerit. Aenean dignissim, velit id maximus lacinia, ligula metus venenatis velit, ac elementum dolor ligula ut nisi. Aliquam ac sollicitudin sapien, in ullamcorper leo. Duis in mauris et massa aliquet blandit et non arcu. Curabitur nec est consequat, bibendum nunc quis, ornare diam. Duis rhoncus nibh ac odio vulputate, in imperdiet lorem aliquam. Mauris lobortis, leo sed fermentum condimentum, ipsum diam accumsan magna, nec porta justo ligula in leo. Etiam in ultrices ante.

&&— ❝ the role. ❞
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