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Realistic or Modern The Love of Her Life

Lo-fi Guy

Trying to live
The popular and prettiest girl in the school (you) is having a problem... Every boy wants to date her and do aaanything to win her heart which, gives her a lot of power, and with it the girls are bullying her because she made them lose their boyfriends. Day after day after day, the boys always gossip and say how she loves them soooo much and that she is dating them, but, she hasn’t dated a single person in her life, let alone a first kiss, but when a new student comes in (me) that she shows around, she falls in love with his enthusiasm and ecstatic personality, that every time they are even by each other, she just wants to kiss his little adorable cheeks! Yet when there is one good person, everyone, for some reason, begins to hate them, and my guess is, is that the boys notice that she is falling in love with this boy, so they beat him up, over and over, because if they can’t have her, no one can, yet she sees it just in time to help him, as she saw him crying while the boy was being beat up, she sees more of a reason to be with him. So, she makes it her sole purpose to protect him and date him, no matter the cost, she will do it!

My character (Format it like this please!)
Kayden Usana

Nickname: Kay
Age: 15
Height: 4’ 11” (Shortie)
Race: White
Looks: Light blue hair with blue eyes
Personality: Cheerful, kind, and cute
Appearance (not my photo!):


Description:Kayden Usana is a kind and generous soul, he wishing he could help everyone in the world, and he may not get attention for his kindness, but he doesn’t mind, because to him, no matter what he knows that someone else will give him attention when he helps them, yet it never comes... He has a small group of friends and has a job at the local coffee shop! With how proud he’s made his parents, he’s recently moved to a new town and into his own apartment, living with his cat Pina for the first few days, yet little did he know, that it would be worse for him there.
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