The Lounge (ooc discussions) [Scion: Time Of Judgement]


Two Thousand Club
Hey hey hey. The game is now in the preparation phase. What does that mean ?

This is when GM and players discuss their characters more in detail about possible modifications and detail crafting. It's also a chance for players to create previous links between their characters.
Okay, two questions:

1. How long would we have been in Paris?

2. Would we all have been told to meet up beforehand and arrive together or sort of trickled in one at a time?
Well, how long you've been in Paris depends on character. If you live there, then you've been there for a while. If you don't, then you would have recently recieved messages from your respective divine parents (through proxy) to go to Paris and meet up in some (not yet) determined place where you would all meet.

It is possible for you to know some of each other through previous missions or just mundane means.

Also, I'd like to discuss with each of you way of fleshing out your characters in this world. Notably, giving more background to friends, relatives and such to the players. Gives me angles for plot and all that.
Well, John has his grandma on his mother's side. Who is probably the only reason he isn't a criminal right now. (John was pretty much supposed to be the 'bandit' of Shango's trinity.) She's about 80 now, with plenty of fight left in her.

John's mother, Cathryn, has been in and out of rehab (for alcohol) since John was 6. She hasn't been a constant figure in his life, and she usually wants money when she visits him.

His former partner on the job, Brian Jamenson, was pretty much his best friend. A little bit older than John, Brian was actually less mature, often clowning around on duty. They'd often go to the bar near by John's appartment before going their seperate ways after work.
Will think then send you a PM with some friends etc for Fi back in Boston. She was probably given a "get your butt over there" by her divine mother dearest.
Belen could easily be in Paris to shoot a movie or even just on holiday; he's earning regularly enough that he can afford to take trips now and again, so Iris ordering him to go there shouldn't present much trouble.

As for friends and family, Belen's only close human family is his father, a middle-aged 2nd generation Greek-American factory worker. He's very fond of his father, though he doesn't get to spend time with him much these days. He's currently working on buying his father a house in a decent neighbourhood out in the suburbs, though he's having a little trouble convincing the older man to accept his son's charity. Their relationship was strained when Belen started stuntwork, but now that he's becoming successful things have warmed up considerably (since it appears he wasn't wasting his life after all). Friends-wise, Belen has few friends from his street days. A couple of the guys he used to trace with are still in touch, and he tries to help them out with work when he can; recommending them for stunt work in movies, that sort of thing. He's too new on the scene in the movie-making business to have any close friends, though he has an excellent relationship with his agent. He's something of a serial womaniser, too, so no romantic attachments right now.
Mei: Yup

Midboss: the link to tvtropes in the setting information seems to be down. From what I remember of Paris large parts of it are mostly gourmet restaurants and expensive boutiques. Am I remembering right?
And arrogant, arrogant people.

Not the French. The French are lovely. Specifically Parisians. Or so anyone who's been to Paris has told me, including other French people.

Of course, stereotyping is bad.
I have had some horror stories about Parisians, but you'll hear the same about EVERY big city. The jerks in big cities tend to be more in-your-face about it, while the jerks outside of big cities are usually more subtle. But the ratio of jerks to non-jerks is about the same.
Well, I've been to Paris a few times. It's more than the jerks/non jerks thing.

France has always has centralised power and it tends to show. As a comedian put it, to a Parisian, when you leave the peripheric, you step in another country. There is quite a division between Parisians and the rest of the country. People also tend to be wary among Parisian drivers (car immatriculation shows which department you come from) as they tend to be even more aggressive drivers than the already remarquable rest.

The town itself. Well it does have a lot of museums, historical sites, big shops... but that's just part of the town, mainly the town centre. Like other metropolis, it has a business district (although not quite at the centre) and large residential areas. Heck, last time I went there (to visit some friends), I went a whole week without seeing a monument/museum...
There are bad district, they just aren't inner. In France, it's the surburbs you want to avoid although none of them ever get quite as bad as the Bronx.
Just a heads up: My network has been down for the last several days, so I may be slow putting things up while I catch up and prepare for/adjust to school starting Thursday.

Sorry for the delay in getting to this, had a busy weekend. Hopefully I'll have Roland's sheet complete by this evening. As for background...eep, I'm working on that too.
Okay, in addition to his followers/friends (who will each be getting a brief individual write up in his character thread) Tristan has a deep respect for 'honest' cops -- or really authority figures of any kind. He admires anyone who has principles that they stick to when the world seems to mock them -- even if said principles are laughably dated and delusional. As a result, he nearly always helps those kinds of people who ask for his aid (or even who just seem like they might benefit from it).

As for knowing other PCs, he's lived in/around Paris most of his life, so he'd likely only know natives, but given his past (grew up poor, reached maturity middle class, and now practicing law and playing politics to break into the higher class), he might easily know anyone from any walk of life.
Hmm. I'm a bit stuck on Relic creation. :( Any suggestions for what would work for a bodyguard son of Baldur? I'm kinking some kind of "epic bulletproof vest" kind of thing :P but help would be greatly appreciated. :)
Well, can't wait to see more of the sheets up.

What's the male-female ratio?
Hmm. I'm a bit stuck on Relic creation. :( Any suggestions for what would work for a bodyguard son of Baldur? I'm kinking some kind of "epic bulletproof vest" kind of thing :P but help would be greatly appreciated. :)
How about some sunglasses with some ability to help spot threats ? Considering many bodyguards/goons wear sunglasses.

Annoncing that I'll start the game this weekend (or earlier if everyone has finaly posted their characters by then.). I don't want this game to die before it even started.

Also annoncing a houserule of mine: Epic stats only give one automatic success per dot rather than have them exponantialy rise. That way, pcs can afford to have different specialisations without there being a really too big difference between someone average at something and someone specialised in it. Note that npcs and ennemies are subject to that limitation too.
ok, my posting might be a bit spotty at first because dell is collecting my laptop for a switch, but I'll try to get on other places at least once a day until my new one gets here.
Midboss said:
Hmm. I'm a bit stuck on Relic creation. :( Any suggestions for what would work for a bodyguard son of Baldur? I'm kinking some kind of "epic bulletproof vest" kind of thing :P but help would be greatly appreciated. :)
How about some sunglasses with some ability to help spot threats ? Considering many bodyguards/goons wear sunglasses.

Annoncing that I'll start the game this weekend (or earlier if everyone has finaly posted their characters by then.). I don't want this game to die before it even started.
Oooh, that's awesome, thanks. I'll try to break the writer's blockade I have on this and get the sheet complete tomorrow morning, finally. :)

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