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Previously StriderClaus
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Ok so I am....really bad at writing interest posts. Promise I'm better at actually roleplaying. But I've had this idea bouncing around my head for a few days of a roleplay based on Jurassic Park Yhe Lost World (the book, not the movie) where it'll be us starting as an expedition and then it turns into a horror/mystery dealio.

Requirements: I'm not picky, just don't be a minor? I'm 24 and it kinda makes me uncomfy to roleplay with a child.

Literacy: So I'm not really a stickler, my grammer isn't perfect by any means and I'm not writing novels every message. If you give enough to bounce off of I'm satisfied, but the longer the better.

OOC: Always fun to talk outside of the roleplay to discuss the plot, headcanons, pairings, etc. Also just to get to know each other, make friends and all that jazz

The Plot: OK so if you've only seen the movie and not read the books, lemme summerize. A group goes to the island to study this "Lost World" where dinosaurs have survived all this time only to find out that is not the case and that they're man made dinos and discover all sorts of dark secrets. I'm planning for it to start like a...not slice of life but idk what else to call it. But we'll be observing dinos and stuff and then plot plot plot, secrets secrets secrets, things go wrong, SURVIVAL HORROR.

But that's all I have at the moment. Feel free to message me and bounce ideas cause I'd love to get this going :) looking forward to hearing from you
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I edited my original post cause it was not very descriptive and I'm trynna be better at interest checks

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