[The Lost Shards Return] Site your Stockpile (Setting up base camp)


One Thousand Club
Year 2935, 17th of The Ewer within Cereluan Lute

The bridge has it's normal level of ordered chaos as the ship lifts after finishing loading the work crews and marines.

The Bosun's voice booms out. “Making heading North by Northwest. Ship is running at cruising speed and the sensors appear clear Lord Captain. Flight wings report ready and lead us by half a mile. They report negative contact and are looking for a site for us to land at.â€

This is for those who are going to the base camp to set up.

After dropping off her gifts of the Sorcery Capturing Cords to Paxton, Ailera makes her way to the observation deck to get her first look a the landing site the Captian chooses. She has already ordered several earth and fire elementals to the hangar to aid in clearing out enough room for their campsite.
Cross was overseeing the search was a good landing spot. He kept regular contact with the pilots and mentally updated his mental map as things came in.

They needed the probably rather hard combination of:

- Had a good landing place

- Had some fresh water, and preferably also food

- Didn't have any witnesses to rat them off to the exalted hunters.

Around this region, this would be hard.

"Oh well. We'll need a plan once we land. Probably set up some small ground headquarters and recon the place for fresh water. That's going to get important soon. I'm also concerned about crew morale. Considering the events and the state of the world, they probably aren't on top of the world right now. We need to think of some way to help in that regard."
Your scouts fly wide and search the areas around the ships path. You find numerous islands most of them inhabited. One of the pilots reports seeing an idol to Sol Invictus on one said island but it again was heavily populated. In time one of them reports back that they found what looks to have been a former volcano. Decent sized and covered in jungle. They can see a small waterfall coming from inland. Moments later they report doing a low sweep, there is no wreckage around the island and a nasty reef surrounding it. This likely is not visited by merchants or even pirates.

The pilots avoided any heavy human population. They are likely a bit blaise about threats on the ground.
All the while, through use of his Charms he kept the ship observed as a peaceful, diplomatic ship so as to keep the populace from being alarmed as they got the "Warm-fuzzy vibe". "Follow the waters, avoid being seen much where possible, and find somewhere near the Borderlands."

He also directed the counselors to prepare the crew, through song, various messages and more, with morale-raising and starting anew. This would be very hard for all of them, but they still needed to adjust and get themselves prepared. In the meantime he sang a little seafaring ditty aloud as he was want to do whenever he sailed. "Oh Creation's seas so blue and vast as far as my eye can see you. And though I wander from shore to shore to your briny waters I always return to... Singing yar harr, yar harr, my sailor's blood run bluuuuuee."

Yes, I just made that up on the spot. I imagine it with an almost Irish brogue when sung.
Lothian pulled up his Atlas of the Unconquered General and started scanning the island as though it were a battlefield to determine weak points that would need attending to should they choose it.

He smiled as Nightwish sang. One thing for certain, having an established base in one fixed position was going to be a big change for everyone.

Taking a moment to enjoy her second set of steps on Creation's soil, Ailera takes a deep breath and wonders why the air smells so funny to her. Ah. I've been in the ship for so long that my nose hardly remembers what natural air smells like. She shakes her head and laughs at herself for being so foolish. Time to get to work.

Ailera sets her supernatural workforce to their jobs of preparing the site, helping the mortal crewmembers, making a secure lab to study the demon-machine, set up defenses, and camoflage the ship from casual observers while leaving it able to quickly launch and use its defensive weapons. No need to get the Captain upset that his vessel might be put in danger, but being on the ground will make the ship more vulnerable but it is a necessary evil. The ship must be repaired to face the threats that the future holds for them.
The mighty ship hovers over the ground as the troopers deploy. A quick check makes sure the area is secure as the ship settles down. With a slow progression the sheath is retracted into the hull. Gleaming gold shining within the sun.

Underneath and around the soldiers quickly get set up ready to act. Even as they act the engineers are even then moving to return to their work on the hull. Large teams head off into the island. Comm chatter on the bridge chatters as the squad leaders report back regularly. Occasional reports of contact with native animals comes out. But to date there is not any major threats.

Even as that happens the elementals start shifting earth to allow magma to come up. Then using the molten rocks the fire and earth elementals shape it into walls and bunkers. The engineers take out the constructs in the hold to assist as well.

After a time. “My lords we just found the entrance to some sort of sunken structure. No idea what exactly it is. Do you wish us to investigate or wait for back up?â€

Tapping her com, she repiles, "Wait for me. I want to look at this personally. Secure the area." On her way over to the site, she reviews the progress that has been made, and wonders what hidden treasures the buried structure hold.
Oron strides out of the rear cargo bay exit, in full armour, with two warstriders and a small squad of men behind him. 'Repair team Alpha, form up and begin repairs. Hull integrity is first priority, then getting those damn power cables replaced. Karynth, gather the head engineers from the repair teams Bravo, Charlie and Delta and then report back to me. Warstriders will spread around helping with all the heavy loads. I want at least 90 percent hull integrity by the end of today. Dont let me down.'

As the team broke off to begin thier tasks, orn turned around, lowered himself to his knees and rested forhead on the ground. A small flash of yellow essence and he rose, with a very content look on his face.

Once he had dealt with the head engineers and left his daughter in charge of team Alpha, he headed towards the where this sunken structure was reported to be. 'My lady Ailera, please allow me to join you. How fares the elementals on our new home?'

Activating earth anima power from personal 2m

Activating Terrestrial craft reinforcement on the team leaders for maximum benifit so they get my repair and first age tech specialities (tell me how much dice i need to give them)

Activating Fivefold resonance sense (3comm + 1 surcharge) from personal7 sux
Lothian looks up from his scans and emplacement orders, "I will join you," Lothian offers Ailera an arm for the walk. As soon as they exit the ship he takes up a more defensive posture.

I would like to have VMT up pretty much all the time, but am not sure what version of the rules regarding scene longs we are using here...

With a pleasant smile, she takes the offered arm in hers as they head to the newly discovered entrance. There are few problems in the world that don't seem less intimidating when she is with her Lunar bond-mate.

Ailera looks over by the scouts to see what they have found. "Good work spotting this. Your dedication is to be comended. Now, lets take a look at this and see what Fate has presented to us on this day." Always believing that it is best to be ready for any trouble, she holds out her hand and summons her Glaive with a flourish. Hmmm. Has this structure been built with the intention of being below ground level, or did it succumb to the years and sink into the earth and get buried? Each option is possible with as long as we've been gone from Creation.

With a moment of concentration, she uses her Dragonfly's Ranging Eye to get a birds eye view of the area to see if there is any secrets hiding from ground level.

Still maintaining the effects of my spells of Unbreakable Bones of Stone and Virtuous Guardian of Flame from earlier.
The engineers eagerly get to work even as you make your way to the structure found.

The jungles have swallowed up much of what once was a structure. It appears to have been a bunker of some sort. You can make out where the turrets would have been and see the depression that could only of been a essence vent detonation. You can see worn green jade woven into what where once walls and columns. A manse perhaps, dedicated to earth. At the center of the ruins is what was likely once an entrance to the lower levels. Depending on the design the control center would have been below.

As you enter you see that the jungle has infested more and more. Something about the art that you can make out seems …. off. You can't quite place it. It is pitch black down below and smells musty. There is likely animals lurking within, and if this is a wrecked manse then they will likely have been mutated.

If you want to spend time looking at the art give me a lore/int roll. Specialties in history of either the west or early exalts apply. Taco you detect traces of jade all around, nothing large enough to truly be noted. Fean, you can't keep that up until your sure a battle is gonna happen.
Lothian scans the immediate area for threats and then turns his attention to the walls and decor. After a few moments he places a hand on the wall and sends tendrils of essence to reveal the layout of the structure to him.

Int + Lore = 10 dice

10d10.hits(7) → [7,4,10,3,4,3,5,8,2,3] = (3)

4 hits

Eye and Fingertip Wisdom, 3m personal

Personal: 21/24

Peripheral: 44/65 + 0/10
Cross personaly went to oversee the creation of a security perimetre around the ship. The term sitting duck came to his mind as he watched the repairs being made. Unless this island had some hidden cache of magical materials, repairs weren't going to be complete.

"Alright men. I want the place cleared up around the ship for 100 metres. Patrols are to be done in teams of at least three and you are to reguraly report. Who knows what lives here."

He got the news about the found sunken structure. Huray, some other mysterious place from which sun knows what horror could pop out of.

"All teams be on guard. We don't know what lives there or if they are any other entrances. All recon teams are to keep an eye on these and I want a security perimetre around the found entrance."

He pondered about what to do next when Ailera made one for him.

"Okay but be careful. Our last visit in ruins ended in heavy casualties and I don't want any more of that. Anything out of the norm and I want you all to bail out and we'll form a proper armed responce."
Lothian gets a surge of images. The place is ruined, much of it collapsed and shattered. There appears to be a path to a large room that could be the manse heart to get there take the first left you can and then the second right. The other ways lead to a series of rooms that could be bed chambers, and the three chambers that are uniform in size. There are more chambers but they are currently blocked off it seems.

Even as you study it your eyes widen slightly. This art comes from pre primordial war. This was likely one of the early manses. Reading it more carefully it tells a story of a circle of solars. Worried about the war not going as planned they built redoubts hidden from fate and detection. Hmm, the locations are faded. As is the next part. It comes back to a ways after the war, telling now about how they would occasionally come back and update the geomancy to make it more efficient. More faded tellings. It gets to the second deliberative era at this point. Oh, this is interesting. It seems that they were on their second incarnation and decided as a circle to make caretakers for the manses. Bio-Genesised for optimal performance in each of the circles chosen fields as well as beauty and then conditioned to follow certain philosophies.

Finishing the section up you can come to the conclusion that this was the Twilight's island. He was a loremaster and believed in unlocking sorcererous potential. The very end of the story was that the plague has killed most of the citizens and they have fended off the latest fae incursion. The Gaurdian has been set on automatic after the army hits. They will destroy the redoubt before letting the fae take it. They were confident the gaurdian would prevent any other fae from taking their lord's lands.

The guard force acknowledges as they start making the field requested. A few reply back with messages of slight rubble but no other structures so far.
Nightwish wandered through the ship checking on last minute details, mainly focusing on keeping the morale up and the crew working in one direction. These were scattered time and thoughts would be just as scattered.

He exited the ship and looked around, marveling, even after all of these years, the wonders of being Exalted and what could be accomplished when they set their wills toward it. "That's it everyone. By tonight you could be sleeping with the stars above you and the sound of the waves lapping at the shore."

Walking slowly though the building, Ailera opens up her senses with her Sorcerer's Sight to trace the flows of Essence thoughout the area. Many manses from the First Age had protection to them, to keep the unwanted away from the place. No need to walk into a surprise if she can avoid it.
From what you can make out there was once many traps. That was when it was truly a manse still. You see where once a trigger would of opened a pair of essence vents to incinerate a foe. Another point where gravity would of reversed sending the intruders into spikes in the ceiling. This place appears to be long dead, the fae likely had something to do with that.

Turning the corner your see four golems slightly larger then man sized. The design is intresting. A bronze lattice turned green from age holding chunks of iron fitted perfectly within. The iron appears rusted and some pieces falling off. One of them has vines growing throughout it. You notice that the fourth one seems to have an intact power matrix. If it was fitted with a hearthstone you think you could activate it.
An old earth aspected manse, located close to the new base camp. Oron could barely contain himself. But f this was a first age manse and its now inactive, the dragon line it rested on might have moved.

Performing Dragon line compass ritual (oadenols pg 137)

3 Sux :(
You appear to be standing on the intersection of at least three lines. One going North/South, one East/West, and the last Northwest/Southeast.

The location is a demanse, it used to be a manse but it was destroyed sometime in the past.
"I think I can get us to the hearth room, assuming this place follows a sane design. It seems one of the earliest Twilights built this place. We should be careful. These walls speak of a plague and a guardian whose duty it was to destroy the manse should the fae encroach. We can hope they are long gone now, but watch yourselves just in case."

She nods. "Lead on. I'll cover you. Be warned; it looks like that there is at least one of these golems in working order. With power, it could be reactivated. Other devices should have also survived the ages also."
The trip to the hearth room or more where it would normally be is fairly quick. Once there you see the shattered remains of what was once the manse. You might be able to rebuild it while still keeping the current elements as they are. Looking around the room you notice that there was a moral on the wall. One to tell of the glory of this twilights' circle. You recognize them, they were heroes of the great war. One of the first to be exalted they were also some of the first to die. The Night caste Shadow before the Red Dawn fell crippling a Lintha fleet he was the first one to fall.

The twilight mural seems more damaged then most. Brushing some of the dirt off where the Zenith would stand you have to frown for a moment. It shows him kneeling with an army of mortals behind him to honor the sun. What makes you wonder is in the background is a series of cliffs that seem to form the shape of arms raised to the heavens. You remember an island that you passed. It had the same general shape of the pass. It might just be hope but that could be the same island.

Looking back at the ruins of the twilights' you notice the cove that looks like a human head with a coral reef that could be a beard. Very similar to a cove on the very island you stand upon.

It has been some time since she was last able to raise a manse in the controled reality of Creation, but time has done little to dim her knowledge of how the task is to be accomplished. This will help to provide much needed power for our future campaigns once it is up and running once more. Turning to look at the murals, she takes note of the island and how familiar it looks. Ah? What is this, now? More hidden treasures? Ailera thumbs her comlink to life. "According to the murals in the hearthroom, we may have more to uncover on the island just to the north. Have a skiff prepared to fly over with a class B loadout. Lothian, care to join me once more?"

What power level is this demense at, and how long for our techs to get the manse up and running again? Any other rooms?

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