[The Lost Shards Return] A feast to Luna (Meeting with the Lunar guest)


One Thousand Club
Year 2935, 16th of The Ewer within Cereluan Lute

The chefs take the up coming meal as a challenge to show some of the interesting talents they acquired on their voyage. The officer's mess is converted to the Lunar's feast as to allow them freedom to talk alone. It was done more in the style of the South tonight, low tables with heavily spiced meats and vegetables. After everyone is ushered in the dragon blood leave the room. You know that they are readily at hand if anything is needed.

Chaos of the Moon seems nervous. As if wondering when the trap is to be sprung as she warily watches the various dragon blooded about. She relaxes a bit when they leave still a bit shocked at the amount of people you have under your banner. “I am a bit shocked at this Airship. I did not think anything like this survived the ages.†As she sits relaxed enjoying the meal that is different then what is her usual fare.

This is for any of the Lunars who wished to talk to the Lunar. She requested that it was only the lunars as there are things she can only tell them.
Lothian smiled at her, "It has not been so many ages to the sensors of this ship, but I'm sure all the battles have added their years here and there. Let me introduce you to the other lunars onboard."

"As I mentioned previously this is our guest Chaos of the Moon. She hails from a tribe not far off under the leadership of the lunar Dancer of the Waves."

Lothian proceeds to introduce the others in attendance, leaving it open ended so you guys can pipe in as desired.
Night Without Moon

Hati smiled with sincerity. This neonate was small in power and presence, but as a link to the modern Lunar society she was critical. Key figures were always to be treated with kindness. How else could she have known to match her clothing with the southern feast than by having a constant rapport with whomever was the head and second in command of the galley? If the girl was uncomfortable around the dragonblooded it must be made so that feeling didn’t halo out to the other members of the ship. The best scenario, of course, was to make her trust in the entire structure of the ship.

“It is a pleasure to meet you, Chaos of the Moon. I hope that your time here so far has been genial.â€
Lieh Tzu

She curtsies, raising her robes ever-so-slightly. "We are surprised we survived as well. I am Lieh Tzu, and you must be Chaos of the Moon."

Lieh had been curious about the fate of the Silver Pact, against her better judgment. And really, she ought to be preparing to tackle this curious device. But, again, she decided to follow her gut and pursue her interest. Although, the girl really must relax; pernicious, is misplaced paranoia. You need only look at Paxton to see this!

"You are among friends, comrade."
Chaos takes a drink of the wine that was given out. “Thank you for the kind welcome and yes my time so far has been pleasant. I am not sure what exactly you mean by your sensors telling another story but still this ship is impressive. May I ask for some tales of it's glories? I imagine it has many tales to tell.†A grin at them. “Though I am more curious for how your caste marks are stable without the tattoos. Let alone how you have avoided chimerism.â€
Night Without Moon

Would she seem a bit rude now? Or simply too important? Ah well.

“There are many glories that echo through this ship indeed, to go over them would take a great deal of time.†Hati smiled at the lady, “However, just as you’re interested in why our caste marks are stable, I am interested in why you think they shouldn’t be. We three are old enough that it’s expected for our nature to have settled enough for our caste marks to remain stationary.â€

Chimerism was another dangerous thing, but one topic at a time was best. They had plenty of time to pour over all the issues.
If Lothian wanted to introduce them himself' date=' she wouldn’t step on his toes. She did hope for a full official Exalted name introduction. Telling a person to use her nickname to appear approachable only worked if there was an august name to put to the side.[/quote']
You guys were both formally introduced, I just didn't write it all out because I wanted to leave you each room to add to your introduction. see the ooc note in the first post
“The reason why I wonder about your caste marks is that a time ago our caste marks started to shift with the moon again. That would have been troubling enough but one of the elders became what we call Chimera. Creatures constantly changing and shifting, so infused with Wyld energy that their very self is lost.†She'd take a long pull. “My mentor fought one once, it was a fight he barely escaped from.â€

A sigh. “But back to the subject. When we found out about the Chimerism a solution was found. The inscribing of moonsilver tattoo's to reinforce our castes and to protect us from out side shifting. The exact details I'm not allowed to go into until your fully accepted by the elders.â€
Lothian looked up sharply, "So it isn't just new exalts... Was the cause determined? If by coming into your world we pose a risk to it..."
“The cause nearly as can be figured was the length we spent in the wyld. It corrupted our shards and made them more shifting then the normally are. The specifics are within our histories and there haven't really been any experiments. Creation is not the kindest to our kind now.â€
Lieh Tzu

Shards corrupted, leylines destroyed. They had returned to a changed world, what many might call a fallen world. Autochthon's seeds of divine glory had certainly not lived up to specification. Exalts without castemarks? "Hrm. I had scarcely believed such a thing possible." In any case... "And Chimerism is the fate of the unstable. How many have been lost to this madness?"
“I am not sure on the number. Far to many in my opinion, then again even one would be to many. The thing about Chimera's that make them so scary is they have more powers then just those gifted by luna. One thing I was told, that all are told. If you ever kill a chimera burn it, burn every bit of it even it's blood. The most powerful of them can reform from but a simple drop of blood.†She shakes herself at that. “It's the reason why we retrieve those newly exalted as much as we can. We have the means to prevent it from happening.â€
"Mmmm... the fate of the chimera is indeed a concerning development." Lieh crosses her legs, lightly reaching down to scratch Jiro behind the ears. "Retrieval is a problem. I take it these casteless can become unstable anywhere? Or only in the Wyld?"
“Anywhere. Whatever happened it changed the shards. We can predict where they appear and send a team to get them. Well anywhere but the blessed Isle. If need be we can send some elders if they are deep in Dragon blooded territory.â€

Taking a drink of her wine she then gathers up some food. An amused voice sounds, not one of the dinner guests. “It is good to see that my children have returned live and sane.†The voice comes from handsome man dressed in silver and white robes. Their quality resplendent and shining with an unearthly power. The caste marks flare as recognition sets in. “I hope that I'm not intruding.â€
Lieh Tzu

Lieh stood, briefly curtseying. Even proud Jiro bowed his head to divinity -- he's arrogant, not stupid. With an ironic smile, Lieh poured a cup of tea for Luna. "Ah, what an unexpected surprise, Lady Luna -- although I see it is Lord, today."
Night Without Moon

Hati’s eyes widened ever so slightly before she quickly found her feet and bowed low to their god(dess), the bright whimsical moon. “You honor us all with your time.â€

Perhaps she, the one who Exalted all of the silver could explain the breaking of the caste and the transformation of chimeras? Hati was pleased to know that her beloved method of wiping the fallen from the living realm was an effective weapon, but it was not enough to cover the sour feeling in her stomach. Lunars spent time and ages in the Wyld before they left! If it was just the presence of the shifting zones, why hadn’t her brother or any of his compatriots suffered while holding the line of Creation?
A smile at the assembled lunars. “I will not be here long, I just came to ask a question and for a favor. The question is did you find Gaia and is she well, the favor is to speak up when the Elders decide it is to risky and volunteer to lead the team to get her.â€
Lieh Tzu

"We did find Gaia, your divinity. She has secured a new world, out there; she seems well." Lieh sips her tea as Jiro cowers. "And what precisely, do you wish for us to say?"
Night Without Moon

It was foolish to believe she could understand the mind of one of the great divinities, worse that the one present was the closest to a diety of the Wyld as ever could be. Hati made no pretenses to knowing the mind of her Exalter, but there were clearly some tasks that made more sense than others. The request for knowledge, clear, but to ask them to go find Gaia once more and bring her back? The time it'd taken them, the entire ship, to find the goddess was immense, more than the ship had even realized. Time meant nothing to the immortal, Hati realized, but those receiving the request did not have an unending lifespan. Also, was the request just to her Exalted, or were they expected to drag the entirety of the Enterprise back into the Wyld?
A sigh of relief. “I am glad for her." An amused look. "I am sorry I didn't make it clear this isn't about getting Gaia. The task is for the Lunars. I would not be bothered or even ashamed if you do not do it. I can see it being considered a needless risk for ones in your position. I simply wish to give him the chance to grow and do not wish for him to be twisted.â€

She takes a drink of wine. "The Lunar elders will have to let one of their own die as it is to risky at this time to retrieve this newly exalted. They will tell you the details but you are honestly the best hope for him."

Sorry, I didn't make it clear that she was talking about another.
Night Without Moon

Hati glanced at Chaos of the Moon and back to Luna, “If I understand the situation Lunars find themselves in now, many have been twisted into chimera. This individual must be quite something to have you speaking on his behalf.â€
Lothian was somewhat less taken back now that Luna had clarified herself. "What makes this one so hard to get? I would like to think that we would of course go to help this new Lunar."
A sigh. “It's actually more I can't risk him falling into the wrong hands. His previous incarnation attempted something, until the shard can stabilize it now leaves him particularly vulnerable. I can not tell you all that is involved, there are rules I must follow.â€

Turning to Lothian. “The reason for the difficulies is that he will either be in Nexus or Thorns when he exalts. The first is not to bad but there will be those after him. The second, well Thorns is now in the hands of a Death Lord.â€
If we are to undertake this mission we must learn the way to stabilize castes, Chaos." With a look to Luna, Lothian asks a question he has much feared the answer to, "Is it true, have whole castes been lost to this.. Wyld infection?"

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