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  • Prelude
    Long ago, the land of Perditerra bustled with much people and civilization. Though the island was divided into five parts, many finding home in the 4 biomes that split up the island (The desert, forest, tundra, and mountain), everyone was connected to the island's center: the City of Everdale. It was a place to behold, with 4 giant statues facing to their respective biome, guarding the floating city. The city was a marvel in both worlds: scientific and magic. Magic cores were as common as coal and inventions of ingenuity were rampant.

    However that same land now stands as a testament to the ravages of the event known as: the Corruption. The City of Eldervale, with its four colossal statues, now watches over a land in turmoil. The statues, once symbols of peace and unity, now appear to mourn the devastation of their lands.

    In the desert, runes surfaced, acting as gateways to allow the spirits to reclaim the world of the living. A deep seated grudge in their hearts, an army of bones has nestled itself throughout the arid province.

    The tundra, transformed into an icy graveyard, is now a place of grievance. The howling winds carry the laments of fallen heroes, and the melting ice uncovers inventions of a forgotten era. Metal monsters hiding in the depths of the snow.

    The forest grew clouded with a mysterious darkness, shrouded figures lay in it's midst. Those who enter the treacherous terrain do not return.

    The mountains bleed fire and ash, as if the very heart of the island has been wounded. The eruptions are not natural phenomena but are caused by a giant creature stirring within, its awakening linked to the Corruption spreading across the land.
    And at the center, the City of Eldervale, now trapped by the Corruption’s Bloom, a giant flower that not only keeps hostage of the city but has spread it's roots throughout the island.

    The inhabitants’ fate remains a mystery, but scattered throughout the land are cryptic messages and clues left behind, suggesting that some may have foreseen the coming doom and sought refuge in the hidden sanctuaries, places protected from the Corruption’s reach.

    As the land awaits a savior, the Corruption grows, its influence seeping into the surrounding seas, threatening to spread beyond Perditerra and into the world beyond. You few heroes, who have decided to take this quest, must keep wary. Not just of the mysteries of corruption, but those who have taken to themselves to accept the inevitability...and join hands with it.
    You are an hero. Whether you have been on the island for months now or had just gotten off the boat, you have taken it upon yourself to save the inhabitants and stop evil...or to obtain the hefty sum of 1,000 gold. Who knows?

    Regardless, whether you be a mercenary, adventurer, hill billy, or an empire's knight; you all start off at the same spot: base camp. A village set up in the waters just out of reach of the island, it is free of corruption and home to any who come to challenge the corruption. It provides lodging, a place to gather into groups for conquest, and most importantly: a bar (The Maiden's Mead).

    MOST IMPORTANTLY, the island is not meant to be challenged by a single soul. At the Maiden's Mead, seek companions (at least a band of three) to aid your journey. (Or a certain author might be quite displeased with u >:c ).
    Story *

The Lost City
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code by Nano
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Our lips must always be sealed...

'Silk and Shae' - Silhouette and Shader - "The Huntress and The Shadow"


Glare, 'That Spitting Elf,' Silly

She/Her | 281yrs | 5'1" | 130lbs | Black Hair | Yellow Eyes | Grey-Blue Skin
Armeti (Under Hillside Elf) | Asexual (Closet Lesbian) | Muscular, Athletic Build
Island Native | Warrior Caste (Apex Hunter) | Shadow Magic

This is The Huntress...



Despite the diminutive yet voluptuous stature, she still maintains a powerful presence and intensity. Her glaring yellow eyes will glow and shift through the phases of the moon depending on her mood/intensity level. Elongated ears turn and twitch, complimenting her enhanced senses. Her black hair is styled with long bangs and cropped in the back. 3 braids with trinkets and totems denote her caste and magical prowess. Her dark and ashen skin is scarred across her body and she proudly displays each as a battle crest. She wears boots, leggings, full length gloves, epauldrons and bodice that are plated with shiny and ornate black armour wrapped up in a black, tinged-blue hooded cloak. As soon as she puts on her hood, her Billowing Shadow cloak forms. Whispering black into life, evaporating the fabric of her cloak, only her hood remains when the shadow cloak fully extends. The mystical black fabric wafts away in an unseen, rhythmic wind.
  • 'LongBow of The Huntress'
  • Quiver of Arrows
  • Twin ShortBlades
  • Spear
  • 4 Daggers




+ Confident, Driven, Detail Oriented
+ Perceptive, Patient, Strategist
+ Resourceful, Quick Reactor, and Resilient
+ Daring, Brave, Steel-Nerved

- Too Serious, Selfish Goals, Acts Entitled
- Poor socializer, Glares (Serious RBF), Demanding of Allies(underlings)
- Culture shock, Misunderstandings, Overprotective of Shader
- Spits a lot, Solo actor, Very Strange sense of Humour


+ | Expert Survivalist - her senses are exceptional, dead-eyed archer, exceptional flora and fauna knowledge, can live off the land and she can even track prey in the dark.
+ | Athletic and acrobatic - in excepitional shape and peak fitness levrels. She is a Warrior and Rider and can do tricks and shoot from Shader's back.
+ | Animal Whisperer - has a natural affinity towards animals and seems to 'speak' empathically with them via recognizing their 'ways.'.
+ | Crescent her Spirit Guide - The Whispering advises with insights and calms with wise words at opportune times. The spirit has a dry sense of humour and keeps her spirits up.


- | The Lights! - with all that skulking in the dark, bright lights directly in her eyes or turned on all of a sudden is blinding and disorienting to Silhouette.
- | Temptation- sensory is super enhanced, meaning sweets or other scrumptuous food will bribe her. Also has a weakness for smoking the whacky-tabacky too.
- | Culture shock - she is basically a wild native to the lands and doesn't understand the outsider's ways nor their language. Shader has to translate.
- | Shader feeds - if Shader has not re-covered overnight in the cloak he will 'feed' from her Shadow energy, negatively affecting her magic.

○ | Being the runt of the litter yet still valued, she would see what she could get away with as a child; attitude still plays in her mind today
○ | Spitting just became a bad habit that actually started off to just annoy her sisters.
○ | Strange sense of humour started after earning her Spirit Guide, Crescent. Only she may see and hear it speak. The Whispering spirit is actually is quite sarcastic and has a bunch of one-liners that tickle her just right. Still gladly chats with Crescent frequently.
○ | Despite what she has been taught to be bigoted towards outsiders, she and her sisters are very curious about them and so they have compiled a checklist of things to find out about them.
○ | Time as a concept is different for her so certain things outsiders find of urgency, she does not understand why the rush.
○ | Will turn a blind eye to Shader invading personal spaces of outsiders cuz she is just as curious about what he wants to know.
○ | Actually enjoys the music of outsiders and when no one is looking she will perform a dance to it.
○ | Major reason she left her peoples is that during her Apex ritual, she actually made it through to the other side of the hill and took on a secret lover from the surface. She knows she is forbidden to do such things and she'd be naive to believe the surfacer is stil alive, however, she still hopes deep down inside she may find love out here since she may never find it in her homelands.

~Magical Abilities:

Powers: Shadow Magic

○ | Billowing Shadow Cloak' - the focal item of her Shadow Magic. It is also extra dimensional space whereby she may store her equipment. Silk may actually use the space to sleep in overnight, however, Shader will be free to roam around without supervision.
○ |
Shadow Shift -gives Silhouette the powers to meld into darkness, 'teleport' across places of darkness/shadow and see in the dark. **Must be wearing the cloak to use this power.
○ | 'Longbow of the Huntress' - powerful bow that gives her enhanced senses and eagle eyed vision. Also she may actually shoot Shadow Arrows; bolts of flickering silvery blue that sap strength of the target. Powered by the Shadow Cloak.
○ | 'Shader' - Once the billowing mass of blackness is removed, it will reform into Shader, an Immense, powerful black great cat that she may ride as a mount and speak to other animals through him despite language barriers. She may also speak with him and see through his eyes as well. He is loyal and affectionate with her and will do as asked, however he is often struck by curiosity. If injured he may only heal proper in the extra dimensional space in her cloak. Feeds from the Billowing Shadow Cloak's energy.


○ | 'Silhouette' is a rough translation of her real name. Due to cultural restrictions, Outsiders are forbidden to ever use her real one. Shader has introduced her as 'Silk' to the Outsiders.
○ | Mother is the bloodborn sister to the Matriarch, and so Sil and her 2 sisters were born into the Warrior Caste. One of her brothers was culled, the other was deemed worthy.
○ | Grew up as the runt of the litter literally since her sisters and brother grew to well over 6ft tall. She herself staved off culling due to her sheer tenacity but more so, her magical potential. She was then trained into the specialized Hunter subsect of Warriors.
○ | Physically she was dominated by the other warriors and lost esteem, however, over the decades, she was re-trained to fight with different techniques and was able to keep up and actually better larger foes with weapon fighting.
○ | Close combat was something she constantly needed to train, however, Archery and Acrobatics were like breathing to her. She was 2nd to none in this arena... although she went easy on her mother during competitions.
○ | Her Soul Charged rites and rituals directed her to the Way of Shadow, which was quite fitting. Sil found the magic attuned to her soul rather easily and Crescent, her Spirit Guide immediately came to her. With its guidance, she excelled weilding Shadow magic.
○ | At age110 she decided to take her 'Apex Hunter' rite. Her mentors told her she was not ready, but she refuted them and went for it anyway. Deep into the caverns she found herself and into the heart of a Shadow Daemon she was thrust.
○ | Unarmed and naked, she was pushed to the brink of shattering her Soul but within she found her Weapon. It was not a bow as she thought it should be. No, here in the heart of darkness did she realize, the way to defeat her Daemon was to not fight alone. There was a reason she attuned to her magic and drew a spirit guide instantly. Her guide came to her side when asked. Here she was bestowed a 'Soul Charged Companion.' And side by side, they defeated her daemon.
○ | Silk was rewarded with a Billowing Shadow whereby with the help of her mentors, was refashioned into a cloak and powered her longbow. Not only that but she earned the name of her lifelong shadow companion, Shader, the Mystical Great Cat.
○ | Despite her new found status as Apex Hunter, other members of her peoples felt very uncomfortable with Silk and her relationship with her companion. The way she treated the Great Cat was not like that of Master and Minion, but one of mutual admiration and very unfamiliar and contemptuous behaviours of affection.
○ | Time and again, she had proved herself as Apex; her people never once were in danger of starving and she and her scouts were elite in detecting invaders before they had chance to attack her peoples. But the day the Corruption befell their lands, Matriarch was too eager to volunteer the Apex Hunter to aid the Outsiders

○ | And as a proud and loyal Armeti, Silk ventured forward without question, seeking out the travellers from off their loftly lands

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Name: Nisha Rei (current alias)

Gender: Consistently female-presenting

Age: Old enough to know better

Species: Unknown (but most definitely NOT an orc)

Due to various circumstances, the being now known as Nisha Rei appears to have taken to the life of a common wanderer, having come to the place known as Eldervale on the island of Perditerra not entirely of her own will, becoming entangled in the rapidly-developing current affairs.

But no more than a year ago, she had a very different identity: Yorag Gruthar, the chieftain and head priestess of the Waxing Moon clan, one of the largest and most influential orcish clans on the mainland. Several years ago, their previous chieftain was assassinated by an unknown party and left no clear line of succession, and so the different sects of the clan seemed ready to nominate their own champions for the customary ritual combat tournament to determine the new chieftain.

Until Yorag stepped in. Using calculated illusions, she was able to replicate portents that seemed to signify her as the next chosen of Vargush, the chief orc deity worshiped by all clans. Becoming accepted as their new ruler, Yorag seemed content with curbing the Waxing Moon's expansionist tendencies using Vargush's supposed portents as justification, instead living a luxurious life with the first and best of their harvests and smaller-scale raids, sharing them first with her most devoted followers.

This scheme seemed like it could go on for a good while, but nothing lasts forever.

One day, a wizened shaman received what appeared to be a true message from Vargush, expressing wrath at the fact that a great clan had allowed themselves to be taken in by an impostor and a blasphemer. But even the great gods seemed not to intercede firsthand in the world, and Vargush instead imparted his true gift onto a faithful young follower of the shaman, that she might challenge Yorag in a duel to determine the true right of succession.

By orcish law, the duel between two people claiming the right of Vargush and calling the other a blasphemer would be...to the death.

The night before the challenge was to be openly made, one of Yorag's followers came to her and gave her warning, that she might prepare.

And Yorag responded by...slipping out of the Waxing Moon's holdings during the night, before anyone could notice, changing her appearance, and abandoning her scheme.

In order to avoid pursuit, she got on the first ship off the mainland. Which alas, brought her towards Perditerra.

Perhaps she had escaped from the frying pan, straight into the fire...

Notable abilities:
  • Advanced shapeshifting: While maintaining an overall humanoid body shape, Nisha can change various details about herself like height (to a variation of around 3 feet from her apparent base in either direction), density, color, and fine features, allowing her to impersonate several species, and vary her appearance within that species. This ability is physiological, unlike her other abilities, and takes a few minutes to stick, but is persistent and cannot be dispelled involuntarily once set.
  • Illusion magic: Nisha can project her mana to influence the senses of those who can also perceive her. Adding sensations is generally easier than hiding them for any length of time.
  • Siren song: By singing, Nisha can selectively render living beings who can hear her gradually more docile and pliable to her.
  • Talented singer and dancer: Independently of her supernatural powers, Nisha tends to make those who see her perform want to continue watching.
  • Powerful physique: Despite generally portraying herself in an unassuming frame, Nisha's physical strength, speed, and durability are well above human or elven average, which also aided her in the impersonation of a worthy orc chieftain.

Getting the best first
Being praised by others

Physical labor
Getting messy
Alcoholic drinks

(current appearance)
basic info
Aria Nightshade
    Aria Nightshade
    November 21
    Chaotic Neutral
    "I am Aria Nightshade, the lone heir to the Blade of Willow and daughter of the Forsworn. Omnia quae moveo ad mortem veniunt."
    144 lbs
    Aria Nightshade has long, flowing white hair matched with red eyes. She is often adorned with a cloak that flows over her armor.
    "Fear not the blade, but the shadow that wields it."
    Aria is always on guard. Having being separated from her Liege after a assassination while passing the city of Filman, Aria is full of suspicion and caution. Despite her reserved and calculative nature, she absolutely abhors injustice and picking on the weak. But above all, Aria is cunning and a plotter.
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