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Fantasy The Lord's Tournament [CS] [OPEN]


Four Thousand Club
Name :

Age :

Race : Nothing crazy outlandish. I will be limiting the amount of races other than human

Appearance : Please include in spoiler

Personality : Honestly, I suck at writing personalities. You can chose to show it in character or type it out here. If you choose to type it, please make it 1+ para.

History : Again, you can choose to put it here or include fragments in character. If you type it here please make it 2+ para.

Combat : Include combat experience, strengths in combat, weaknesses in combat, preferred weapons.

Other : I don't know, theme song if you want.

Sorry for the wait. Feel free to pretty it up with BBCode.

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Name: Leo Gereon

Age: 27

Race: Human


Personality: "Honestly, I suck at writing personalities." Same, I'll just develop my character as we go.
History: Feelin' lazy, so I'll include it later :)

Combat: Leo is a master at hand to hand combat and very skilled with two weapon fighting. He trained under Lord Cedric of Woodstock since the age of 10 until he was 20. After that he had a brief love affair with Lord Cedric's wife after which he fled to join the military.


This isn't his theme song, just a cool song that I like to listen to.

"The sins of our fathers"

Name: Elias Walker

download (30).jpg

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Race: Lycanthrope

Personality: Elias used to be very talkative, playful, and mischievous. Now rarely talks and when he does talk about his past it is usually a lie. He is caring a protective of his friends and will put his life on the line to keep them safe. For the most part he is calm and respectful. He has built a tolerance to upsetting emotions over the years but still is susceptible to it. When upset and in wolf form, he is more hostile, attacking anything he deems a threat, this could include friends. When in his wolf form, he is still susceptible to reasoning from friends that he can recognize.

History: Elias' past is dark. He rarely gives truth about it. He was born into a middle class family of farmers and hunters. He was the oldest of 4 children so he had to often set an example. Usually the said example was in a joking, non-serious manner unless his father told him to be serious. Elias was very close to his father due to how much time they would spend together, whether it be working, hunting, or just relaxing.

One day, his father didn't return from hunting. 17 year old Elias was worried and wanted to go look but by the time they realized something was wrong, it was too late and dark. What happened to his father they don't know. But what really happened was that while he was hunting he had accidentally struck a witch's pet with an arrow. The witch reacted by placing a curse of Lycanthropy on Elias' father and every first born son of the Walker family, this meant Elias. His father told the family that he had gotten lost. They bought it, until the next full moon.

When the next full moon came, Elias transformed as well as his father. A fight ensued between them and Elias had come out victor. With his father dead, the only ones left in the house were his mother and siblings. He had cornered them in the living room the was painted with the blood from their fight. He ended up killing his mother a siblings, leaving them in a mangled mess. He had awoken on the floor of the bloodied living room. He had three deep claw marks on his face he did not have an explanation for, until he looked at the scene. He saw what looked like large paw prints in blood on the floor and then he looked at his father. His fathers throat looked as if something had bit it off. Then it hit him, the bloody mess, the mangled corpses, the paw prints, Elias was a werewolf. He was disgusted with himself for what he was. He tried looking for an explanation for it, but he couldn't think of one.

A search party came three days later looking for the family. All they found was the bloody mess of a house, decomposing corpses, and Elias. They accused him of killing them. He kept saying it wasn't him. When the party tried to take him Elias transformed again. It must have been out of anger. Leaving both a search party and his family dead, he ran to the woods for a couple years so things would calm down. He lived off of hunting and the occasional animal he would maul during a transformation. He had come out once he thought things had calmed. Not many people remembered what had happened or who the Walker family was, so that was a helpful thing. He rarely talks because he fears he may say something that will remind people about what happened.

Lycanthrope: Every full moon and when under heavy stress or emotional stress, Elias will transform into a large wolf and will become much more hostile and aggressive. When in this form he will attack and kill anything he sees as a threat, this could include friends. Though this isn't a common occurrence, it's happened before. When after a friend, they can try to tell him who they are, that they are friendly. He will usually if not always stop attacking them after he recognizes them.

Extreme reaction when upset (well duh)
Blind in right eye


Other: In his human form, he stands at 6 foot flat. In wolf form, his shoulder height is 4'4"
He is unable to see out of his right eye due to injury he sustained during the death of his family.
He also loves any kind of meat. He also doesn't like when people find the truth of what he is.

Yeah, I took this from a previous rp I did.​
Name : Soran Dancer

Age : 20

Race : Elemental

Appearance :

Personality : His personality is exactly opposite from his fire element. He is cold and caculating, always one step ahead of the enemy. A strategic think, he would rather have been born in scholar or generals family. He is rather cool to who ever he deems unworthy and uneducated, which is a very high number of people. He is very self aggradizing. What is best for himself is what is best for everyone.

History : Born in a family of elementals Soran grew up in a harsh environment. They lived near the arctic nigh freezing, using their elemental powers to keep them warm, or balance out the cold, for ice users. This gave reason for all sort of training exercise. Everything was militaristic. However, Soran grew to love reading and his father encouraged that hobby, talking about how every camp needed a smart one.

As he grew older, he was skilled in combat and leading, and was designated to be the next clan leader. However, naturally every man must prove himself, so he set himself about travelling in the lower countries for years gathering experience.
Combat : He is rather skilled with his fire element. It is his primary weapon, however, he does carry a spear and long sword for combat. He is skilled with the spear and decent with the sword.

Other :
Name : Soran Dancer

Age : 20

Race : Elemental

Appearance :
Personality : His personality is exactly opposite from his fire element. He is cold and caculating, always one step ahead of the enemy. A strategic think, he would rather have been born in scholar or generals family. He is rather cool to who ever he deems unworthy and uneducated, which is a very high number of people. He is very self aggradizing. What is best for himself is what is best for everyone.

History : Born in a family of elementals Soran grew up in a harsh environment. They lived near the arctic nigh freezing, using their elemental powers to keep them warm, or balance out the cold, for ice users. This gave reason for all sort of training exercise. Everything was militaristic. However, Soran grew to love reading and his father encouraged that hobby, talking about how every camp needed a smart one.

As he grew older, he was skilled in combat and leading, and was designated to be the next clan leader. However, naturally every man must prove himself, so he set himself about travelling in the lower countries for years gathering experience.
Combat : He is rather skilled with his fire element. It is his primary weapon, however, he does carry a spear and long sword for combat. He is skilled with the spear and decent with the sword.

Other :

Good. Just keep in mind that characters will have no weapons at the beginning.

Beast of Bone
Personals Name: Azmon Adofo
Age: 38
Race: Drow

The beast of bone is a relentless fighter, once he sets his sights on an enemy there is nothing in this world that will take his attention off of them. In a large skirmish, he will single out a target, typically starting with what he perceives as the strongest. Anything else in the vicinity will be ignored, should they punch him, slash him, or even stab him, his attention on his initial target will not be wavered. He fights with no regard for his own life-- the beast of bones will charge head first in to a mountain of enemies without flinching. Any melee weapon is good enough for Azmon, sword, mace, or axe. As long as it is capable of maiming his enemies he does not discriminate. In a large battle, he will typically pick up weapons from his fallen foes if he deems it necessary. If his target is in heavier armor, he would prefer a mace or morning star. Similarly, a lighter target will be dealt with swiftly via a blade or axe.
As a drow, he sports heightened healing abilities as well as night vision. He is however, very susceptible to bright lights. Even in simple daylight, his vision will diminish significantly.
Azmon was sold by his parents as a slave to a group of mercenaries when he was merely a child. He had never picked up a sword in his life, yet he was to be placed on the front of the battle line for an ongoing struggle. The mercenaries were to clear a heavily fortified castle that was taken over by a rival group. Atop of the high castle walls were an assortment of archers, ready to reign down arrows the instant they step within range of their territory. With a sword and shield that he could barely lift he was to accompany several others when they stormed the front gates of the castle. Azmon had no choice but to charge forward, should he even appear as if he was going in any other direction but forward, he would likely find an arrow in the back of his head. The young boy charged forward with puffy, leaking eyes. He thought he would soon meet a very painful demise.

He stood by the side of many others, similar to himself as they were slain. Arrows protruded from their bodies like the spines of a hedgehog. When he made it to the gates, he was able to squirm his tiny body through one of its holes, making it to the other side. There were several guards awaiting his arrival with sword in tow. He let go of his weapons knowing they would only slow him down. He slid between the legs of one of the knights and made his way to the gates release, with a mighty heave, it opened and his allies flooded in. He had never even seen an animal die prior to this day, where he saw countless men and women cut down. The battle had changed the young boy permanently.

Azmon is now referred to as the beast of bone. Whenever he finds an enemy he deems worthy, he dives his ceremonial dagger to their torso and takes their right clavicle as his prize...


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