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Fantasy ~The Lords of the Magistone: Rules~


Sad Shroom


  • First and foremost, this is a casual-detailed level RP. I consider RPing a co-operative story-writing experience, and as such I expect you to approach this RP with creativity and dedication. Though I understand that we all make the odd typo, if your writing is consistently grammatically questionable then it will be hard to accept you. Personally, I'm not much of a fan of post length limits, but I'm going to insist on at least two paragraphs per post. Obviously, if you're having a quick-fire conversation with another character then this won't necessarily apply and I won't mind if you're doing less, but even in these circumstances you should never be writing anything less than a solid paragraph. And in descriptive sequences, I expect detail and creativity. However, I would always prefer quality>quantity, and don't really want to be trawling through massive posts in the early stages.
  • Please, please, PLEASE keep me updated at all times! Real life is an important too and I understand if you need a break or that you'll be busy for a week, but you have to tell me. It's only respectful after all.
  • Usual RPing rules apply; no bunnying, Godmodding, etc. And all site rules apply too, obviously :P
  • Handle combat scenes according to the general tone of the RP. Most battles should be a struggle, and hence gore is allowed, as long as you're not making people spew up last week's dinner every time you put hands to keyboard. Similarly, though I will not be directly injuring your characters without permission, there will be multiple dangerous situations where it's highly unlikely you'll escape unscathed. Don't be afraid of pain; light mages can always patch us up, provided we get any (though not enough to ruin the grisly feel ;) )
  • Romance is allowed and encouraged, but please be sensible with it. I'm going to be objecting to any unreasonable 'love at first sight' stuff as it's often just silly and idealistic; this is for both of our sakes as relationship-related character RP is always so more enriching when the romantic conflict is interesting. Similarly, fade to black if it all gets a little saucy.
  • As per standard RP procedure, write in third person and past tense.
  • Keep all OOC to the relevant thread, and ask questions there too, please! Treat all folks OOC with respect and please, discuss and plan things!
  • I want a post from you at least every three days. This keeps things flowing at a steady pace. It is our goal to have a fun, creative and active experience, and we can't do that if we're waiting for you to post :P
  • Most importantly of all, do not join this RP if you do not think you can commit and match my posting expectations. It is extremely aggravating, not to mention disheartening and rude, when people join RPs just to drop them within a week. RP creators such as myself put an incredible amount of effort into creating these RPs and it's ridiculously rude for people to drop them without a word of warning. Therefore, if anybody does this to me this time, I will take action and I will stop them from joining my future RPs, no matter who they are. You have been warned!
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