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Realistic or Modern The Long War CS

Rusty of Shackleford

Ten Thousand Club
Hello! This is the CS for the alternate history RP in which nobody could figure out how to make the atomic bomb and Germany walled itself in to fend off the Allies on WWII.


Age: (18 or older if in military, at least 12 if civilian.)


Loyalty: (Have it make sense. A Jew wouldn't have loyalty to Germany, and a Russian wouldn't like Germany either.)

Theater: (Again, have it make sense. A German wouldn't be in Japan.)


Rank: (If in military)

Designation: (Rifleman, submachine gunner, sniper, medic, etc.)

Division: (Real or made up.)

Primary Weapon: (If any.)

Sidearm: (If any.)


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Name:James Woodard

Age: 22


Loyalty: America

Theater: European

Occupation: United States Paratrooper

Rank: 1st Lieutenant

Designation: Rifleman

Division: 101st Airborne, Easy Company

Primary Weapon: M1A1 Carbine

Sidearm: M1911 Colt .45

Personality: James tries to be optimistic, though the war has left it's MaBacksto. He's lost a lot of friends, so he's a bit slow to trust, but he's reliable and cares for his fellow soldiers. He has developed a hatred of Germany and it's allies, causing him to find sick enjoyment in fighting them.

Backstory: Born on a small farm in the Deep South, two of James' brothers landed on D-Day, one on Omaha and the other as a paratrooper. Both died in the first assault on the Unzerbrechliche Mauer. He was then drafted and trained as a paratrooper himself, making his mother depressed, and she eventually died of heartbreak.

Stands at 6'2" weighing 185 lbs, with a resting face nobody wants to get involved with.

Konstantin Aleksov









150th Rifle Division


Primary Weapon:
SKS Rifle

Nagant M1895 (Pistol)
NR-40 (Soviet Combat Knife)

A strong and capable leader, who is more than willing to throw himself into the fray. A bear of Russia, he exhibits the same brooding demeanour and occasional but thunderous laughter. Surprisingly, humour isn't lost on him. A hard and heavy drinker, who has more issues than Russian propaganda leaflets, the Sergeant worked his way up through the ranks and remained as he was amongst the men; having the biggest impact upon the young comrades who either enrolled or were forcefully conscripted to the fight for freedom. Alas, Konstantin is a die-hard communist, and anything said otherwise about it will end in a furious argument. One may say he's stupid for being as obedient and perfect to the Russian ideology as he is, others remark it as some sort of faith. Faith that every man, woman, and child will receive peace, bread, and land. His dream of a utopia, the future of his country that he will help build with his own hands - it fuels him through his fighting. For there is little to fight for every day that passes.

As much as he seems stern and sincere, Konstantin's ruthless streak is known to go haywire on the occasion, with a temper akin to an avalanche. In a burst of uncontrolled violence - nobody knows what may happen. His strong rules and iron fist in laying them down have set the men somewhat apart. No touching women unless paid for, no harm towards children nor victims of the Nazi regime. Especially since witnessing first hand the horrors of the camps and the murder of his fellow brothers in arms within POW settlements - well, he has nothing more left that resembles compassion for anyone who wears that badge. Yet, even he realises citizens aren't to blame.

A sad tale to tell, unfortunately. Aleksov isn't Russian by birth, nor is his real name. He was born in Ukraine around 1921 after the initial revolution and under the leadership of Lenin. His mother and father were only peasant farmers, and for a while, his childhood was the happiest it could've been. Then came Stalin. As much as Stalin was to blame for what would wreak havoc on the lives of millions of Ukrainians, Konstantin would never know. Nobody would. He believed this fatherly figure, with the drooping moustache was their saviour. As did everyone. The propaganda ran deep, and from the youngest of ages, he was an indoctrinated communist, learning young from his parents, Sunday school, and thus primary education. However, 1932 came around. Konstantin was eleven years old. To some, this year means nothing. To Ukraine, it was the hidden famine. The starvation nobody saw. Holodomor.

Stalin and his followers were determined to teach Ukraine’s farmers “a lesson they would not forget” for resisting collectivization, which meant giving up their own land to work on government-controlled farms. Moreover, the famine was meant to deal “a crushing blow” to any aspirations for independence from the Soviet Union by the Ukrainians, 80 percent of whom worked the land. For Konstantin, this meant the death of his parents and siblings - who passed away. His mother collapsed on the street one day, amongst the others who had suddenly dropped dead, and his father died in the fields trying to steal corn. Shot in the head by a watchman on patrol. In the end, he and his two sisters were taken into an orphanage. Many of whom were overflowing and unable to cater to the large influx of infants.

They were eventually split up, Aleksov never saw them again. His youngest sister died of Scarlet Fever, the oldest died of malnutrition. It was violent, brutal, many older children fighting tooth and claw, stealing the youngest's food for themselves. Beating one another to death.

Aleksov took it upon himself and ran, at the age of fourteen in the aftermath of it all only to be met with a Red Army camp on the border. They offered him a place in their ranks, as first a mascot and messenger till getting his own uniform and stripes. From private to sergeant. The beginning of the war was a blow, Stalingrad was bloody, but they chased the bastards all the way back to Berlin.

The 105th rifle division could practically see the Reichstag. Alas, the Russians were pushed back, out of the city. Driven by bad weather and lack of supplies. Even now, the Russian's winter coats are worn and old, their rifles rattle and rust. Faces become more drawn as the rations become smaller every time home sends them aid. The only thing Aleksov gets excited about now is knitted socks and alcohol.

Speaks good English, although has a hard time spelling correctly in it. His German is rusty and somewhat below mediocre.
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Stands at 6'2" weighing 185 lbs, with a resting face nobody wants to get involved with.

Konstantin Aleksov









150th Rifle Division


Primary Weapon:
SKS Rifle

Nagant M1895 (Pistol)
NR-40 (Soviet Combat Knife)


Even though you haven't finished him yet, I'll go ahead and accept him, comrade.
Name: Rycherd Kautz

Age: 32

Ethnicity: Arian

Loyalty: Rycherd bears loyalty to the German State and People, though not necessarily the German leadership. He fights for the survival of his people, and the preservation of their ways of life and ideals against foes who Rycherd sees as hypocritical murders. He holds the lives of his men very highly, and will go to great lengths to ensure their safety, even in these times of war.

Theater: European Theater

Occupation: Soldier

Rank: Colonel
Designation: Rifleman, Officer

Division: 92nd Schwarzwald Regiment (92nd Black Forest Regiment)

Primary Weapon: Gewehr 88
Sidearm: Luger

Personality: Rycherd is a reserved individual. He rarely goes out of his way to be social with other soldiers or officers, preferring to remain on his own if given the choice. He is cold and calculating when it comes to battle, and will go to great lengths to minimize friendly casualties, even if that means excessive losses amongst enemy forces that could be avoided. Rycherd actually prefers not to kill, and is very accommodating to enemy prisoners. These two different sides of him often confuse new soldiers in his regiment, though they quickly learn that he is a man of peace, fighting to bring an end to war.

Backstory: Rycherd was born near the famous Black Forest in the German homeland, raised in a small village there along with the rest of his family. When the war began, Rycherd was hesitant to enlist in the military, as he did not believe violence was the way to solve the worlds problems. His parents stood by his decision, but that changed when the Soviets attacked. A surprise attacked launched by the Soviets through Northern Germany was repulsed at heavy cost by the German forces, but not before Rycherd's home village was destroyed. He had to watch as his siblings were killed by the Soviet soldiers, and worse things done to his sisters and mother. He survived by fighting back, and escaping from the village with a small group of other youths. They attempted to fight back using stolen weapons, but were tracked down and nearly killed, until the timely arrival of German reinforcements drove them back.

Rycherd joined the military less than a week later, and would be sent East to join with German forces fighting to push back the Soviets. He would distinguish himself early on in these battles, proving to be a prominent young candidate for officer training. The commanding officer of his regiment gave Rycherd a field promotion, as recent casualties left the chain of command weakened. Rycherd showed he had a keen grasp of military tactics. He aided his commanding officer in planning a military maneuver that led to the German forces surrounding a Soviet force nearly four times their own size, and annihilate them to a man. When the regiment was sent back to the heartland, Rycherd was officially promoted to Major, and sent back to the front lines.

He would continue to serve valiantly for many years, receiving numerous awards and promotions. He has recently been promoted to the rank of Colonel, one of the youngest officers in the army to achieve this rank, and given command of a newly formed Regiment, drawn from recruits near his old home. He has spent several weeks training this new Regiment, and has recently received his first deployment orders for the 92nd.
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Name: Dmitri Markov

Age: 24


Loyalty: Russia, but not it's leaders.

Theater: European

Occupation:Russian Soldier

Rank: Corporal

Designation: Marksman

Division: 150th Rifle Division

Primary Weapon: Scoped Mosin Nagant

Sidearm: Nagant M1895

Personality: He is a very calm and cynical person, believing only in the glory of Russia. He is actually quite fair with his enemies, giving them swift death and letting some prisoners go, if only because it brings no glory to Russia to slaughter prisoners.

Backstory:Born in a small Russian village, Dimitri was raised to put Russia above all else. He trained his marksmanship skills by hunting with only a few bullets, as he had no other way to get food. When the war broke out, he was too young, but his brother fought and died at Stalingrad. He was conscripted when he was of age, and has fought ever since.
Name: Rycherd Kautz

Age: 32

Ethnicity: Arian

Loyalty: Rycherd bears loyalty to the German State and People, though not necessarily the German leadership. He fights for the survival of his people, and the preservation of their ways of life and ideals against foes who Rycherd sees as hypocritical murders. He holds the lives of his men very highly, and will go to great lengths to ensure their safety, even in these times of war.

Theater: European Theater

Occupation: Soldier

Rank: Colonel
Designation: Rifleman, Officer

Division: 92nd Schwarzwald Regiment (92nd Black Forest Regiment)

Primary Weapon: Gewehr 88
Sidearm: Luger

Personality: Rycherd is a reserved individual. He rarely goes out of his way to be social with other soldiers or officers, preferring to remain on his own if given the choice. He is cold and calculating when it comes to battle, and will go to great lengths to minimize friendly casualties, even if that means excessive losses amongst enemy forces that could be avoided. Rycherd actually prefers not to kill, and is very accommodating to enemy prisoners. These two different sides of him often confuse new soldiers in his regiment, though they quickly learn that he is a man of peace, fighting to bring an end to war.

Backstory: Rycherd was born near the famous Black Forest in the German homeland, raised in a small village there along with the rest of his family. When the war began, Rycherd was hesitant to enlist in the military, as he did not believe violence was the way to solve the worlds problems. His parents stood by his decision, but that changed when the Soviets attacked. A surprise attacked launched by the Soviets through Northern Germany was repulsed at heavy cost by the German forces, but not before Rycherd's home village was destroyed. He had to watch as his siblings were killed by the Soviet soldiers, and worse things done to his sisters and mother. He survived by fighting back, and escaping from the village with a small group of other youths. They attempted to fight back using stolen weapons, but were tracked down and nearly killed, until the timely arrival of German reinforcements drove them back.

Rycherd joined the military less than a week later, and would be sent East to join with German forces fighting to push back the Soviets. He would distinguish himself early on in these battles, proving to be a prominent young candidate for officer training. The commanding officer of his regiment gave Rycherd a field promotion, as recent casualties left the chain of command weakened. Rycherd showed he had a keen grasp of military tactics. He aided his commanding officer in planning a military maneuver that led to the German forces surrounding a Soviet force nearly four times their own size, and annihilate them to a man. When the regiment was sent back to the heartland, Rycherd was officially promoted to Major, and sent back to the front lines.

He would continue to serve valiantly for many years, receiving numerous awards and promotions. He has recently been promoted to the rank of Colonel, one of the youngest officers in the army to achieve this rank, and given command of a newly formed Regiment, drawn from recruits near his old home. he has spent several weeks training this new Regiment, and has recently received his first deployment orders for the 92nd.
Accepted! I like his backstory.


Luftwaffe Kampfgruppe 129 - Dossier #120741
General Information

General Information


Name: Hans Weber

Age: 53 (born December 7th, 1900)

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Loyalty: Unquestionable loyalty to Germany and her people.

Theater: European Theatre - Defense of Germany

Occupation: German Luftwaffe Operator

Rank: Oberfeldwebel (Technical Sergeant)

Designation: Machinegun Specialist

Division: Luftwaffe - Kampfgeschwader 200 (KG 200)

Personality / Background

Overall Background Summary:

Hans is a grizzled, and experience veteran of the Great War. He is adaptable to most combat situations, utilizing any resources and manpower available. He is a zealous German patriot that will do whatever is necessary to keep the enemy from his homeland. The downside to his adaptability is his lack of leniency and relaxation. Hans is always on-guard, thus prompting his stressful, and serious manners around his comrades. In the worst case, many would view him plagued with paranoia.

Hans is a zealous, and efficient soldier of the Reich. Hailing from a small town of Edelweiss in southern Germany as a farmboy, Hans is an earnest and honest person. A veteran of the Great War and a victim of the Great Depression, Hans donned experience and struggles of the working class. He has a sweetheart back home whose Russian origins he kept secret from his acquaintances. Towards his fiancee's countrymen, he felt neither sympathy nor apathy. Separated by the distance and war, he still writes her letters every chance he gets, albeit in secret. Reenlisting in the Wehrmacht in 1939, Hans fought in various countries in Europe before being transferred to the Luftwaffe special operations group, the KG-200 in 1945, during the desperate defense of Germany. Most of his mission details were kept confidential, but his silent expressions says it all. As the war dragged on, Hans' zeal replaced his optimism, choosing efficiency over hope or faith - especially with women being introduced to the front lines.

Weapons / Equipment

Personnel's Weapons

Primary Weapon: MG-15 (dismounted from aircraft)
Cartridge: 7.92 x 57mm Mauser
+ Fast rate of fire (1,000 - 1,050 RPM)
+ Double-drum magazines (75-rounds capacity)
- Lack of ammo-conservation
- Heavy and slow to deploy when operated alone
- Slow reload


Sidearm: Pickaxe (utility & melee)
Cartridge: N/A
+ Effective in close-quarter encounters
+ Able to be used to scale mountainous terrains
- Ineffective in open-combat
- Lack of fire rate

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Luftwaffe Kampfgruppe 129 - Dossier #120741
General Information

General Information


Name: Hans Weber

Age: 53 (born December 7th, 1900)

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Loyalty: Unquestionable loyalty to Germany and her people.

Theater: European Theatre - Defense of Germany

Occupation: German Luftwaffe Operator

Rank: Oberfeldwebel (Technical Sergeant)

Designation: Machinegun Specialist

Division: Luftwaffe - Kampfgeschwader 200 (KG 200)

Personality / Background

Overall Background Summary:

Hans is a grizzled, and experience veteran of the Great War. He is adaptable to most combat situations, utilizing any resources and manpower available. He is a zealous German patriot that will do whatever is necessary to keep the enemy from his homeland. The downside to his adaptability is his lack of leniency and relaxation. Hans is always on-guard, thus prompting his stressful, and serious manners around his comrades. In the worst case, many would view him plagued with paranoia.

Hans is a zealous, and efficient soldier of the Reich. Hailing from a small town of Edelweiss in southern Germany as a farmboy, Hans is an earnest and honest person. A veteran of the Great War and a victim of the Great Depression, Hans donned experience and struggles of the working class. He has a sweetheart back home whose Russian origins he kept secret from his acquaintances. Towards his fiancee's countrymen, he felt neither sympathy nor apathy. Separated by the distance and war, he still writes her letters every chance he gets, albeit in secret. Reenlisting in the Wehrmacht in 1939, Hans fought in various countries in Europe before being transferred to the Luftwaffe special operations group, the KG-200 in 1945, during the desperate defense of Germany. Most of his mission details were kept confidential, but his silent expressions says it all. As the war dragged on, Hans' zeal replaced his optimism, choosing efficiency over hope or faith - especially with women being introduced to the front lines.

Weapons / Equipment

Personnel's Weapons

Primary Weapon: MG-15 (dismounted from aircraft)
Cartridge: 7.92 x 57mm Mauser
+ Fast rate of fire (1,000 - 1,050 RPM)
+ Double-drum magazines (75-rounds capacity)
- Lack of ammo-conservation
- Heavy and slow to deploy when operated alone
- Slow reload


Sidearm: Pickaxe (utility & melee)
Cartridge: N/A
+ Effective in close-quarter encounters
+ Able to be used to scale mountainous terrains
- Ineffective in open-combat
- Lack of fire rate


Stands at 5'3", weighing 116 lbs. Although mind what you say about pretty faces being useless.

Margaret "Maggie" Coleman



The United Kingdom, Allied powers and the wounded.
"With loyalty will I aid the physician in his work, and as a missioner of health, I will dedicate myself to devoted service for human welfare." - 1935 Nightingale Pledge



Front Line Nurse



Queen Alexandra’s Royal Army Nursing Corps (QARANC)

Primary Weapon:

Fairbairn–Sykes Combat Knife (British Issued)

Maggie is a tough young woman who is so out of her depth, she's practically at the bottom of the ocean. Level-headed, calm, and collected it's hard to get an outburst from her but easy to garner disappointment. After the amount of blood, guts, and disappearing body parts, there's no phasing this nurse who'll wade into the battlefield to deliver first aid to the soldiers out there. There's no doubt she embraces her feminity, even amongst ranks of men which are practically minefields of testosterone and sexual tension. Her identity as a wartime woman is as important to her, as the stripes of a sergeant. She's not your average housewife, and nor does she plan to be, until the German forces are successfully crushed.

Resilient and quick-thinking, her cunning wits have helped her escape more than one situation. That and using her pretty face to advantage - after all, women may be joining the real fight, but the factories need running and children raising with social expectations as well as now - political. It's less female than one may think, and to defend yourself in groups made of ninety percent men; it teaches you to think fast. Nevertheless, Margaret is kind. Her motherly demeanour is appreciated by many of the younger soldiers, and the ones who call for invisible mothers and wives. A woman's touch can't be fabricated. And neither can that sense of safety in the perfumes they wear. More often than not, her kindness can be a weakness. Giving away her rations to men who need them, and the refugees who tag behind the regiments. But also, helping anyone who may be hurt - whether that be Nazi, Civilian, or allies - something that can easily be turned on her.

Born into a typical, middle-class British family, Maggie was born in the peacetime of 1927. Her youth was pleasant and catered for, living in the suburbs of London. Nevertheless, at the age of 12 the war began. She was raised through the Blitz, lost her home, and lost her father and brothers to the fighting overseas. A little girl with dreams of prince charming and a future of grandeur was all thrown to a halt. After all, there were no men left at home. Just children, whom as soon as they were old enough - were dragged out by marshals and set off to a fight they never owned. Against her mother's wishes, watching everything collapse in flames around her, Margaret joined the Royal Army Nursing Corps at 18, working hard to be chosen for the frontlines.

After the D-Day assault, she was sent to France helping with a field hospital. Until that hospital collapsed, and the Nursing Corps had to split with the patients to various other surviving medical units. Her journey in France was hard, letters barely making it back home to her mother before 1950 where the Germans began to stabilise their hold on Berlin and build the wall. Occasional leftover divisions roaming the countryside in survival against the allies.

Caught up in moving place to place, she became an addition to an infantry battalion of 300 men (Americans), on the outside of Germany where they were cornered and massacred or imprisoned as POWs. As a nurse, a female at that, her unassuming identity and airhead act managed to aid her in an escape. Wandering the countryside alone till adopted by the Red Army (an adventure of escaping abandoned SS units, and acquiring her combat knife due to mandatory protection for her own survival). Currently, she resides with the Soviets - trying to get messages back to British lines on her currrent location for fear of her mother.

Fluent in French, barely conversational in German, and mediocre in Russian.
[Currently resides with 105th Rifle Division]

Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford (Thought we lacked sum badass women)
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Luftwaffe Kampfgruppe 129 - Dossier #151822
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General Information

Josef Keller


South German, Caucasian.

Full fledged loyalty to the German state and people.


Luftwaffe Pilot

(First Lieutenant)

Co-Pilot, Navigator, Officer

Luftwaffe - Kampfgeschwader 200 (KG 200)

Josef has a calm and easy going aura. He revolves around the life principal to be the befriender not the befriended, establishing many relationships with his fellow officers and crewmen. No matter the task being assigned Josef will do the best of his ability to get the task done, no matter the consequences. His achievements back up his work harder, not smarter principle however due to the long, drawn out war his working principles slowly adjust to the new reality.

Josef Keller was born and raised in the small town of Edelweiss in southern Germany. His family were mere farmers but lived well off the land. His father serving as an infantryman during the Great War on the western front. Growing up with an older brother and younger sister, Josef always had a friend to play with. He got along with his siblings very well. A decade after the Great War, Josef was out working the fields with his brother and sister as they heard the loud sound of an unknown machine. They heard it coming from the sky, all of them looking up towards the sound, finding an airplane! Josef was truly amazed at the kind of skill the pilot must have to be able to man the aircraft. Forever amazed news spread like wild fire as a new leader of Germany began to rally the people. The year being 1938, Josef and his elder brother enlisted into the Wehrmacht. Both finishing their training as they both shipped off to the eastern border near Poland, participating in the Invasion of Poland and France. After serving a year in the Wehrmacht, Josef requested a transfer to the Luftwaffe. The request being granted as Josef had established many relationships with his superiors.

Upon arriving at flight school, Josef began the excel and show his quick learning with aircraft. His dream of piloting the majestic aircraft began to become true. After graduating flight school and receiving a promotion to officer cadet, Josef was assigned to an air wing stationed in western Germany. Participating in the Battle of Britain and later transferred to Afrika. This is where Josef showed his skills in aerial warfare. Reciveving many wins and eventually awarded the Iron Cross 2nd Class. Spending most of his years in Afrika before pulling out with the entire division, and reassigned to a special air group.

Primary Weapon:

Walther PP
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Stands at 5'3", weighing 116 lbs. Although mind what you say about pretty faces being useless.

Margaret "Maggie" Coleman



The United Kingdom, Allied powers and the wounded.
"With loyalty will I aid the physician in his work, and as a missioner of health, I will dedicate myself to devoted service for human welfare." - 1935 Nightingale Pledge



Front Line Nurse



Queen Alexandra’s Royal Army Nursing Corps (QARANC)

Primary Weapon:

Fairbairn–Sykes Combat Knife (British Issued)

Maggie is a tough young woman who is so out of her depth, she's practically at the bottom of the ocean. Level-headed, calm, and collected it's hard to get an outburst from her but easy to garner disappointment. After the amount of blood, guts, and disappearing body parts, there's no phasing this nurse who'll wade into the battlefield to deliver first aid to the soldiers out there. There's no doubt she embraces her feminity, even amongst ranks of men which are practically minefields of testosterone and sexual tension. Her identity as a wartime woman is as important to her, as the stripes of a sergeant. She's not your average housewife, and nor does she plan to be, until the German forces are successfully crushed.

Resilient and quick-thinking, her cunning wits have helped her escape more than one situation. That and using her pretty face to advantage - after all, women may be joining the real fight, but the factories need running and children raising with social expectations as well as now - political. It's less female than one may think, and to defend yourself in groups made of ninety percent men; it teaches you to think fast. Nevertheless, Margaret is kind. Her motherly demeanour is appreciated by many of the younger soldiers, and the ones who call for invisible mothers and wives. A woman's touch can't be fabricated. And neither can that sense of safety in the perfumes they wear. More often than not, her kindness can be a weakness. Giving away her rations to men who need them, and the refugees who tag behind the regiments. But also, helping anyone who may be hurt - whether that be Nazi, Civilian, or allies - something that can easily be turned on her.

Born into a typical, middle-class British family, Maggie was born in the peacetime of 1927. Her youth was pleasant and catered for, living in the suburbs of London. Nevertheless, at the age of 12 the war began. She was raised through the Blitz, lost her home, and lost her father and brothers to the fighting overseas. A little girl with dreams of prince charming and a future of grandeur was all thrown to a halt. After all, there were no men left at home. Just children, whom as soon as they were old enough - were dragged out by marshals and set off to a fight they never owned. Against her mother's wishes, watching everything collapse in flames around her, Margaret joined the Royal Army Nursing Corps at 18, working hard to be chosen for the frontlines.

After the D-Day assault, she was sent to France helping with a field hospital. Until that hospital collapsed, and the Nursing Corps had to split with the patients to various other surviving medical units. Her journey in France was hard, letters barely making it back home to her mother before 1950 where the Germans began to stabilise their hold on Berlin and build the wall. Occasional leftover divisions roaming the countryside in survival against the allies.

Caught up in moving place to place, she became an addition to an infantry battalion of 300 men (Americans), on the outside of Germany where they were cornered and massacred or imprisoned as POWs. As a nurse, a female at that, her unassuming identity and airhead act managed to aid her in an escape. Wandering the countryside alone till adopted by the Red Army (an adventure of escaping abandoned SS units, and acquiring her combat knife due to mandatory protection for her own survival). Currently, she resides with the Soviets - trying to get messages back to British lines on her currrent location for fear of her mother.

Fluent in French, barely conversational in German, and mediocre in Russian.
[Currently resides with 105th Rifle Division]

Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford (Thought we lacked sum badass women)
Accepted! We do need some women here.


Luftwaffe Kampfgruppe 129 - Dossier #120741
no slide no slide
General Information

Josef Keller


South German, Caucasian.

Full fledged loyalty to the German state and people.


Luftwaffe Pilot

(First Lieutenant)

Co-Pilot, Navigator, Officer

Luftwaffe - Kampfgeschwader 200 (KG 200)

Josef has a calm and easy going aura. He revolves around the life principal to be the befriender not the befriended, establishing many relationships with his fellow officers and crewmen. No matter the task being assigned Josef will do the best of his ability to get the task done, no matter the consequences. His achievements back up his work harder, not smarter principle however due to the long, drawn out war his working principles slowly adjust to the new reality.

Josef Keller was born and raised in the small town of Edelweiss in southern Germany. His family were mere farmers but lived well off the land. His father serving as an infantryman during the Great War on the western front. Growing up with an older brother and younger sister, Josef always had a friend to play with. He got along with his siblings very well. A decade after the Great War, Josef was out working the fields with his brother and sister as they heard the loud sound of an unknown machine. They heard it coming from the sky, all of them looking up towards the sound, finding an airplane! Josef was truly amazed at the kind of skill the pilot must have to be able to man the aircraft. Forever amazed news spread like wild fire as a new leader of Germany began to rally the people. The year being 1938, Josef and his elder brother enlisted into the Wehrmacht. Both finishing their training as they both shipped off to the eastern border near Poland, participating in the Invasion of Poland and France. After serving a year in the Wehrmacht, Josef requested a transfer to the Luftwaffe. The request being granted as Josef had established many relationships with his superiors.

Upon arriving at flight school, Josef began the excel and show his quick learning with aircraft. His dream of piloting the majestic aircraft began to become true. After graduating flight school and receiving a promotion to officer cadet, Josef was assigned to an air wing stationed in western Germany. Participating in the Battle of Britain and later transferred to Afrika. This is where Josef showed his skills in aerial warfare. Reciveving many wins and eventually awarded the Iron Cross 2nd Class. Spending most of his years in Afrika before pulling out with the entire division, and reassigned to a special air group.

Primary Weapon:

Walther PP

WIP (almost done but wanna just have this up to eventually finish)

Name: Kvetoslav Vergunov

Age: 35

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Loyalty: USSR


(MVD and MGB kept NKVD uniforms until 1955 also no good pics to use so don't kill me over the bad pic)

Theater: Europe

Occupation: MVD Internal Troops/Formerly NKVD Internal Troops

Rank: Senior Lieutenant

Designation: Rifleman

Division: MVD Internal Troops/Formerly NKVD Internal Troops

Primary Weapon:



Makarov Pistol


Kvetoslav is a very cold, calculating, ruthless and intelligent cynical figure. Due to before the war and part of his work in secret policing as apart of the NKVD, he is very analytical and can read people and figure out lies, as well as his surroundings, and is known to be quite manipulative considering his training, a keen eyed and eared figure. Kvetoslav also shows no remorse to anyone as he like many other NKVD officers and now MVD officers did for executing civilians, soldiers, and even other Soviet infantry for disobeying orders, or retreating, or being a prisoner or for being German or an enemy of the Soviets. Under this though is a man who is sick of the war who just wants to put an end to the Germans in the war, and truly feels bad for having to kill fellow Soviets for a good many reasons and the actions he had committed before, no longer the communist idealist or as much of one. He only truly remains to finally defeat the Germans and to secure a good future for his family whom he hasn't seen in a very long time.


Born in 1918, in what was Petrograd now Leningrad, Kvetoslav
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WIP (almost done but wanna just have this up to eventually finish)

Name: Kvetoslav Vergunov

Age: 35

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Loyalty: USSR


(MVD and MGB kept NKVD uniforms until 1955)

Theater: Europe

Occupation: MVD Internal Troops/Formerly NKVD Internal Troops

Rank: Senior Lieutenant

Designation: Rifleman

Division: MVD Internal Troops/Formerly NKVD Internal Troops

Primary Weapon:



Makarov Pistol


Kvetoslav is a very cold, calculating, ruthless and intelligent cynical figure. Due to before the war and part of his work in secret policing as apart of the NKVD, he is very analytical and can read people and figure out lies, as well as his surroundings, and is known to be quite manipulative considering his training, a keen eyed and eared figure. Kvetoslav also shows no remorse to anyone as he like many other NKVD officers and now MVD officers did for executing civilians, soldiers, and even other Soviet infantry for disobeying orders, or retreating, or being a prisoner or for being German or an enemy of the Soviets. Under this though is a man who is sick of the war who just wants to put an end to the Germans in the war, and truly feels bad for having to kill fellow Soviets for a good many reasons and the actions he had committed before, no longer the communist idealist or as much of one. He only truly remains to finally defeat the Germans and to secure a good future for his family whom he hasn't seen in a very long time.


Born in 1918,
Accepted in advance!
Name: Vikram Rauniyar

Age: 31

Ethnicity: Nepali

Loyalty: UK, member of the Royal Gurkha Rifles


Stands at a whopping 5'3" and weighs 135 lbs.

Theater: Europe

Occupation: Royal Gurkha Rifles

Rank: Havildar (Colonial Troop Equivalent of Sergeant)

Designation: Rifleman, but also operates as a sniper, as Gurkha's are trained to be marksmen without scopes.

Division: 2nd King Edward's Own Gurkha Rifles

Primary Weapon:

Lee-Enfield No. 4 Rifle

Kukri Knife (NEVER CONSIDERED a Gurkha's secondary weapon, they will use this as often as their rifle if they have too.)


Webley Revolver


The type of man that totally goes into a battle with a smile on his face compared to other men who would be fearing for his life, like many other Gurkha's all the while chopping apart the enemy to pieces with his Kukri, he lives for the thrill of a battle. He is quite perceptive, and is intelligent, being able to determine what battles are worth fighting before hand, and exposing weaknesses to be exploited, usually also quietly scouting what is needed to be taken care of beforehand, however no matter the odds much like other Gurkha's Vikram will raise heaven and hell itself to accomplish a task, no matter the cost, as according to the Gurkha's doctrine of basically "do or die" and rather die than surrender or retreat, which could lead to a pointless lass stand or sacrifice. On the battlefield Vikram like any other Gurkha is pretty much an angel of death, mercilessly killing any enemy in the path of his objective, unless they were lucky enough to quickly surrender before they were the next victim unless his orders were to take no prisoners. This is why experienced German's tend to flee in terror with the Gurkha's fearsome and intimidating reputation.

However outside of combat, Vikram is a more quiet and reserved individual, who has a bit of a sarcastic sense of humor, but is overall one of the most warm people you will ever meet. Having a great sense of camaraderie with all of his allies and squad members, and showing off quite a friendly persona that is in stark contrast to himself on the battlefield. However like pretty much every other human engaged in the conflict, he is a bit war weary. And hopes that his participation in the war will achieve a better life for his family.


Vikram grew up and was born in the Gorkha region of Nepal. Named after the Gurkha's, which traditionally came from the region. Vikram had grown up in a family that were all Gurkha's, due in part since there were not many options for people since it was so poor. Vikram decided that he was going to follow his families path by joining the Gurkha's, as a result like his family and many others in his village he was trained in the use of his kukri starting at the age of 4 to be responsible and eventually learn to use it effectively. He also had prepared by traversing the mountainous terrain of the Himalaya's, and was known to have had trained for a while. As a job he actually worked as an assistant to a kukri blacksmith, which allowed Vikram to have a knowledge on the creation, and maintaining of one. Then once he was 17, he signed up to tryout to be a Gurkha and after a rigorous tryout process which has made him an excellent marksman, an expert in navigating tough terrain, quick on his feet, physically strong for his size, and absolutely deadly with his kukri. Vikram was accepted just as WWII began in 1939. He has fought with great distinction helping to carry on the Gurkha's feared, and deadly reputation cutting down multiple soldiers in the field of battle, and picking off many more on the North African front, and in the invasion of Italy, eventually with the war dragging on the British send his the 2nd into Western Germany as such hardy troops would be needed to take out Germany once and for all.
Name: Vikram Rauniyar

Age: 31

Ethnicity: Nepali

Loyalty: UK, member of the Royal Gurkha Rifles


Stands at a whopping 5'3" and weighs 135 lbs.

Theater: Europe

Occupation: Royal Gurkha Rifles

Rank: Havildar (Colonial Troop Equivalent of Sergeant)

Designation: Rifleman, but also operates as a sniper, as Gurkha's are trained to be marksmen without scopes.

Division: 2nd King Edward's Own Gurkha Rifles

Primary Weapon:

Lee-Enfield No. 4 Rifle

Kukri Knife (NEVER CONSIDERED a Gurkha's secondary weapon, they will use this as often as their rifle if they have too.)


Webley Revolver


The type of man that totally goes into a battle with a smile on his face compared to other men who would be fearing for his life, like many other Gurkha's all the while chopping apart the enemy to pieces with his Kukri, he lives for the thrill of a battle. He is quite perceptive, and is intelligent, being able to determine what battles are worth fighting before hand, and exposing weaknesses to be exploited, usually also quietly scouting what is needed to be taken care of beforehand, however no matter the odds much like other Gurkha's Vikram will raise heaven and hell itself to accomplish a task, no matter the cost, as according to the Gurkha's doctrine of basically "do or die" and rather die than surrender or retreat, which could lead to a pointless lass stand or sacrifice. On the battlefield Vikram like any other Gurkha is pretty much an angel of death, mercilessly killing any enemy in the path of his objective, unless they were lucky enough to quickly surrender before they were the next victim unless his orders were to take no prisoners. This is why experienced German's tend to flee in terror with the Gurkha's fearsome and intimidating reputation.

However outside of combat, Vikram is a more quiet and reserved individual, who has a bit of a sarcastic sense of humor, but is overall one of the most warm people you will ever meet. Having a great sense of camaraderie with all of his allies and squad members, and showing off quite a friendly persona that is in stark contrast to himself on the battlefield. However like pretty much every other human engaged in the conflict, he is a bit war weary. And hopes that his participation in the war will achieve a better life for his family.


Vikram grew up and was born in the Gorkha region of Nepal. Named after the Gurkha's, which traditionally came from the region. Vikram had grown up in a family that were all Gurkha's, due in part since there were not many options for people since it was so poor. Vikram decided that he was going to follow his families path by joining the Gurkha's, as a result like his family and many others in his village he was trained in the use of his kukri starting at the age of 4 to be responsible and eventually learn to use it effectively. He also had prepared by traversing the mountainous terrain of the Himalaya's, and was known to have had trained for a while. As a job he actually worked as an assistant to a kukri blacksmith, which allowed Vikram to have a knowledge on the creation, and maintaining of one. Then once he was 17, he signed up to tryout to be a Gurkha and after a rigorous tryout process which has made him an excellent marksman, an expert in navigating tough terrain, quick on his feet, physically strong for his size, and absolutely deadly with his kukri. Vikram was accepted just as WWII began in 1939. He has fought with great distinction helping to carry on the Gurkha's feared, and deadly reputation cutting down multiple soldiers in the field of battle, and picking off many more on the North African front, and in the invasion of Italy, eventually with the war dragging on the British send his the 2nd into Western Germany as such hardy troops would be needed to take out Germany once and for all.
Accepted! I'm sorry again for taking so long!

Name: Henrick Elmo Hans

Age: 30

Ethnicity: Dutch.

Apperence: Typical blonde hair, blue-eyes. Stands at 6’3, and weighs about 190lbs in pure muscle.Always wears his speckled grey wool trench coat, shirt varies from a dress shirt & tie, to sweaters. Pants are usually slacks, Oxfords if in the mainland and combat boots if in a field situation. Bowie Knife sheathed on a calf holster, and Mauser in a breast holster under his coat.

Loyalty: The Netherlands first & formost. Then the U.K

Theater: Pacific/ European

Occupation: Netherlands Marine Corps (Currently working with the Royal Marines)

Rank: Kolonel (English Equivalent of Colonel)

Designation: Combat Intelligence

Division: 10th Reconnaissance, Surveillance and Target Acquisition Squadron(10 RSTA Sqn)

Primary Weapon: Mauser 42

Sidearm: Bowie Knife (hidden in boot)

Personality: Henrick is charismatic, always keeping a conversation going. His love for his job and to hopefully rid his islands, and the motherland of The Netherlands free of Axis Powers flows through him. But though he is a usually upbeat guy, darker thoughts lerk at times. Training days were brutal, and the thought of his family dead because of Japs can anger, and even bring him to a all time low.

Backstory: Henrick was born and grew up on the island of Saint Martin, being the oldest of 3. Living on the beach to a former solider, and his mother a seamstress on the island. At age 18 he left his family behind to join the Marines, and gruesomely trained for 8 months. Followed by 18 months of even more physically and mentally demanding officer training. Some tasks still scar him to this day, although he usually buries it deep inside himself. After becoming a low officer, Henrick dove into his specialization, which he chose as intelligence. Studying the different languages worldwide, as well as required politics for a operative. Once fully trained, he was shipped to London, to help aid in the war effort. Currently he has began to itch for more field work, than writing reports for Churchill.

Extra: Speakes fluent German, English, Dutch, and Russian. Can barely get by in Japanese.
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Name: Henrick Elmo Hans

Age: 30

Ethnicity: Dutch

Loyalty: The Netherlands first & formost. Then the U.K

Theater: Pacific/ European

Occupation: Netherlands Marine Corps (Currently working with the Royal Marines)

Rank: Kolonel (English Equivalent of Colonel)

Designation: Combat Intelligence

Division: 10th Reconnaissance, Surveillance and Target Acquisition Squadron(10 RSTA Sqn)

Primary Weapon: Mauser 42

Sidearm: Bowie Knife (hidden in boot)

Personality: Henrick is charismatic, always keeping a conversation going. His love for his job and to hopefully rid his islands, and the motherland of The Netherlands free of Axis Powers flows through him. But though he is a usually upbeat guy, darker thoughts lerk at times. Training days were brutal, and the thought of his family dead because of Japs can anger, and even bring him to a all time low.

Backstory: Henrick was born and grew up on the island of Saint Martin, being the oldest of 3. Living on the beach to a former solider, and his mother a seamstress on the island. At age 18 he left his family behind to join the Marines, and gruesomely trained for 8 months. Followed by 18 months of even more physically and mentally demanding officer training. Some tasks still scar him to this day, although he usually buries it deep inside himself. After becoming a low officer, Henrick dove into his specialization, which he chose as intelligence. Studying the different languages worldwide, as well as required politics for a operative. Once fully trained, he was shipped to London, to help aid in the war effort. Currently he has began to itch for more field work, than writing reports for Churchill.
Name: Henry Danvers

Age: 19

Ethnicity: White

Loyalty: Great Britain

Theater: European

Occupation: Royal Airman

Rank: Private

Designation: Bow Gunner

Division: No. IX Bomber Squadron

Primary Weapon: Sten, is missing it though

Sidearm: Webley .38

Personality: Amid the sorrow and death of the war, Henry is a shining beacon of optimism and good will. He's a kind-hearted and loveable young man, always looking at the bright side of life. Even his capture has diminished his attitude.

Backstory: Born in London, Henry lost his brothers during the missed strikes by Germany, joining the RAF when he was eighteen. On a bombing run, his plane was shot down, crashing and being the only survivor. After being captured, he was put on a transport to East Germany for questioning.

Luftwaffe Kampfgruppe 129 - Dossier #120915
General Information

General Information


Name: Dieter Muller

Age: 17 (born December 9th, 1936)

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Loyalty: Unquestionable loyalty to Germany and her people.

Theater: European Theatre - Defense of Germany (stuck in Arabia at the moment)

Occupation: German Luftwaffe Militia

Rank: Flieger (Private - Airman 2nd Class)

Designation: Rifleman

Division: Luftwaffe - Kampfgeschwader 200 (KG 200)

Personality / Background

Overall Background Summary:

An optimistic and naive farmboy, drafted for the desperate defense of the Reich. He is, like most of his age, an eager youth - ready to prove his worth for the Fatherland. Having no experience with combat, however, he can prove quite static in dire situations. Enthusiastic and scared at the same time, perilous scenarios can quickly change this lad's outlook very quickly. Dieter looks up to his sergeant - Hans Weber, as his fatherly figure.

Born and raised as an orphan in a small town of Edelweiss, Dieter hail from the same district as Hans Weber, his sergeant. Everyday after school, he would loiter Weber's house, raising questions of war and related subject - to which the veteran would usually just ignore him. Even in the whitened landscape of wintry seasons, the child kept his persistence and stood at awe outside the man's humble dwelling. Eventually, the two grew on each other's ignorance and gave in. Ever since then, Dieter would spend his Erntedankfest and Christmas over at Han's house. When the latter was transferred to the Luftwaffe's KG-200 in 1947, Dieter was all the more motivated to join the armed forces. At the age of 15, he had trained hard and volunteered for the Volkssturm, one of the youngest candidate to be put in the armed militia group of Germany. Although reluctant, the German officials deemed it necessary for the depleting manpower of the Reich. After 2 years of duty in the rear, Dieter was fortunate to be transferred to the KG-200 group as a reservist. Hans, who was now in charge of the Totlich Mama's new volunteers, had personally oversaw their regular and advanced training.

Weapons / Equipment

Personnel's Weapons


Primary Weapon: SMLE Mark III (stolen from hostile patrols)
Cartridge: 7.7× 56mmR (.303 British)
+ Bayonet attachment
+ "Mad Minute" (rapid fire via bolt-action)
+ Ammo salvation (easily replenished from fallen enemies)
- Foreign sight design (not easy to handle for the Germans)
- Slow reload (10-rounds capacity)


Sidearm: Mauser C96
Cartridge: 9 x 19mm Parabellum
+ Effective in close-quarter encounters
+ Moderate ammunition (10-rounds capacity)
- Ineffective in open-combat
- Slow fire-rate

New character for our Arabian story arc :)
Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford

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