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Dice The Long March - Organizations

general ostruppen

General Ostruppen
The Americans




Soldier, America is the land of the free and home of to the braves. Thats where you come in, Germany has brought this war to far and to long that we have upped our game to push them back. We haven't forgotten what the Japs did but we'll get payback. However we got to punch a hole into the Nazi war-machine in Africa, otherwise this war may soon come to our own homeland. I don't like the idea of some fucking crazy Nazis landing in New York, but that might become a reality. I know that most of you have fought long and hard for this war to end. Well for those of you who have been hand picked, you have been given the honors. You soldiers have been chosen to be our Idols, our hope, our heroes. You have the most experience and the most combat count then any other soldiers that have survived. The President and other allied Leaders funding this program are hoping that you succeed along with the Brits. So I want you to go out there, lead our soldiers, and get us into FUCKING EUROPE HOORAH! By joining the allies, Tankers will be a chance to repair there tank for one more Hit point if there using a medium tank/light. American soldiers are given a "Freedom fighters bonus" When fighting in captured territorys (+2 in attack and defense), however once they enter Germany that bonus will fade away.Paratroopers are given a +2 defense when fighting with a small-large group of other paratroopers (this also applys to marines as well if you yourself are a marine soldier.

The German Nazis



The Fuhrer has chosen you friend, in joining the Uber Mensch project. You have been hand picked to assure that Germany succeeds in the war and getting our troops back home in one piece. The Fuhrer, thanks to him have given us access to Superior weapons and vehicles that will assure us victory in the war. Thanks to Rommel in his Afrika campaign we have been assured that the Americans and British will not be able to counterattack, but I want to be sure about that. The Commies are still holding and Leningrad is sure to surrender soon, we have also secured our borders and hopefully our divisions will be ready by next Autumn. I assure you friend that we will win this war for Germany. If your a tanker you will be given a +1 in in both offense and defence, if your a ace you get +2 for both. All soldiers will be given a overconfident/bravery trait, giving soldiers a +2 in attack but -2 in defense. Foreigners are unlikely to help or assist you when you speak to them, If you roll to communicate with foreigners outside of your ethnicity then you get a -5 in roll.

The Japanese



Sons and Daughters of Japan, you have been called upon by the "Great Emperor" to take upon the most honorable and most important mission to the Imperial Empire. Our people have suffered for to long and is now time to look upon warriors like you to guide us to victory. Your mission is to help our soldiers in the front lines and defeat our foes and bring glory. We have been able to conquer several country's over the years and recovered some back from the Americans. The Nazis have betrayed our ally Italy, the allies we thought were the Devils but a Friend who kills one of his own ally is the TRUE DEVIL! We have established a foothold into the russian territory but were are facing a temporary block.But do not fear, for we are true warriors and we fight for the people of Japan.By joining the Mighty Empire, all soldiers fighting in jungle/tropical areas will receive a +2 bonus in attack and defense. Soldiers also receive a +5 attack when commencing a Banzai charge but -3 for defense. Japanese fighter pilots receive a +2 in attack and defense..

The British



Alright chaps I'm going straight to the point. The world is at stake, and the war seems bleak for us against the Jerry's. But I don't believe in giving up is an option. Churchill has hand picked you good people to do the greatest honor for People, Crown, and Country. You will be remembered as not just heroes, but legends, so let us go forward into victory.And as you all know I'm a soldier like you, My business is fighting. Fighting the Germans! And of course anyone willing to pitch in like the yanks.But enough talk, Its time to saddle up and bring the hurt to Germany. So good luck and good HUNTING! By joining her Royal Majesty's special unit, Pilots will gain a +3 in attack and one hit point of any plane they have. Soldiers of any sort will have knowledge of using any propelled guns like AA's, AT guns, ect. Unlike those cocky Germans and Yanks we know how to keep our heads cooled, Soldiers have a +4 defense when trying to dodge any death coming there way..

The Soviet Union



The motherland is known for holding there land to the last soldier. They rely on mere numbers to overcome the enemy, experience, and there tanks. But sooner or later the Germans will overcome that and we must act quickly COMRADES! We have lost too much to the FASCIST PIGS and we have are running out of options. Leningrad is still encircled and will most likely surrender in less than a month, Moscow has also been captured and we are trying to recapture it, however the enemy has secured there lines and we are losing to many troops and tanks. We have also been given info that the German will be setting there sights down in the Caucasus and Stalingrad. Our air force has been unable to fight against the Luftwaffe and can barely lend a hand in our operations. You chosen elite soldiers are our only hope of breaking through the enemy lines and reclaiming the motherland. Soldiers are given +1 in attacking and defending in urban/winter areas. Snipers will be given a +3 in attacking but -3 when defending. Soviet tankers will have the ability to ram into enemy tanks with theirs to deal 2 hit point damages, your tank must be a light or medium tank and be on its last hit point life in order to ram.
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